Perfect - Marianas trench / A...

By DoNotResuscitate

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A story about love, heartbreak, growing up and living life :) This story follows the main charactor of Amber... More

Chapter 1 - Surprises
Chapter 2 - Leaving
Chapter 3 - Just visiting Pt.1
Chapter 4 - Just Visiting Pt.2
Chapter 5 - Back Home For Good.
chapter 6 - Break ups & hook ups? ;)
Chapter 7 - Together at last? ;)
Chapter 8 - Friends... With Benefits?
Chapter 9 - The dating Game
Chapter 10 - Work work work
Chapter 11 - Meeting Alex
Chapter 12 - Quality time
Chapter 13 - What are we?
Chapter 14 - Baltimore
Chapter 15 - My bunk or yours? ;)
Chapter 16 - I love you
Chapter 18 - Halloween hook ups?
Chapter 19 - Thanksgiving
Chapter 20 - What just happened?
Chapter 21 - surprise visit
Chapter 22 - Is this the next step?
Chapter 23 - Oh Alex ;)
chapter 24 - Ex's Ex's Ex's
Chapter 25 - MMVA's
chapter 26 - Im late...
Chapter 27 - Shut up an kiss me
Chapter 28 - Returning home
Packing up history

Chapter 17 - i just want you to be okay...

101 1 2
By DoNotResuscitate

October 5th 2011 -  

(Amberleys P.O.V)

The American leg of tour was ending, after that, we are having a few months break and going back on tour in January for the Canadian leg of tour. Its 5am, the last show is tonight in Baltimore, All Time Low’s hometown. I really should be sleeping right now but I woke up feeling really sick so now I’m in my bunk trying to sleep, we arrived in Baltimore about half hour ago. I was about to fall back asleep with I got a horrible feeling in my stomach and I new I was going to puke. I jumped out of my bunk and ran for the kitchen. I found an old bucket and ran outside, just in time to puke my guts up. Great. This is all I needed at 5am in the morning. I sat down leaning against the tire of the bus with my head between my legs.

(2 hours later)

It was now 7am and I haven’t gone 20 minutes in the last 2 hours without puking. I’m surprised there is still stuff left in my stomach. Well I guess at least it’s the end of tour so I won’t need to take time off work. I was retching again. Oh the joy.

“Amby? Babe what’s the matter?” I looked up to see Alex running over to me

“I feel like shit, I’ve been puking for the last 2 hours” I told him before putting my head back between my knees.

“Oh baby, do you know why?” he asked sitting down next to me.

“No fucking clue” I mumbled

“Baby I’m sorry, would you like some water?” I nodded and Alex got up and headed to his bus to get my some water. He returned not even a minute later resuming his sport next to me. I took small sips of water. I puked a few more times but by 8am I didn’t have anything left so I was just dry retching.

“Sweetie keep drinking water” Alex said rubbing my back.

“You shouldn’t have to see me like this” I mumbled taking another sip of water

“I don’t care how you look, I just want you to be okay” he said before kissing my shoulder. Soon enough all the other band mates had woken up and were starting to make there way out of the bus and running over to me as soon as they saw.

“Amberley what’s the matter?” Matt came running up to me a concerned look on his face

“I’m sick, been puking on morning” I told him and made sure it was just loud enough so the others would hear me.

“You look like shit” Pierre said as he made his way over.

“Thank you” I said sarcastically.

“So do you know what’s wrong?” Jack asked

“No fucking clue, some type of bug obviously” I told him

“Your not pregnant are you?” he asked. I jumped up straight away

“No Jack I’m not fucking pregnant!” I don’t know why I was so angry, I guess since I’d been up since 5am puking might have something to do with it

“Well if your sure, just thought it could be a possibility” he shrugged

“Yes I am fucking sure!” I yelled as I went inside the bus. Why would he think that? Argh. I knew for a fact that I wasn’t pregnant. I sat down on the lounge and pulled my legs up. There was a knock on the door. I didn’t respond. After waiting a little bit it opened and Cassadee walked in.

“Hey Hun are you okay?” she asked sounding concerned as she took a spot next to me.

“Feeling a little better but that’s probably because there isn’t anything left to puke up” I told her honestly. We had become really close friends.

“Look, don’t get mad. But are you sure you not pregnant?” she asked

“Yes I’m sure. I had my monthly two weeks ago and I haven’t slept with Alex since before” I told her

“Okay well that’s good than you can knock that out of the way” she said smiling. I nodded and before getting another retching feeling and running out of the bus. I grabbed my bucket and puked up all the water that I had drank that morning. Alex came rushing over and held me and Cassadee was on the other side.

“Maybe you should go get checked out” Alex suggested sounding really concerned

“No its just some stupid bug it’ll go away” I assured him before putting my bucket down, and heading towards Jack.

“Jack I’m sorry I shouldn’t of yelled at you. I’m just tired” I told him, he smiled and pulled me into a hug

“Its okay, sorry I was just trying to think of suggestions” he said

“I know you were concerned. Thank you” I smiled at him. I headed back into the bus to get changed, as did everyone else. I went back out to the front lounge of our bus looking for my jacket because it was starting to get cold. Alex was waiting for me.

“Hey there! How are you feeling?” he asked pulling me into a hug

“Better. But still like shit” I told him

“Well that’s an improvement! You’re going to need a jumper, its pretty cold out” he told me

“Yeah I know I’m trying to find my jacket” I said looking around

“No need you can wear my jumper” he picked up a jumper that was sitting on the table. It was his Mickey Mouse one.

“That’s your favourite jumper” I told him

“Yeah I know” he said handing it too me. I loved this jumper it was so warm and snug. I pulled it on and felt instantly a little better

“You know there is a high chance you will never get this jumper back?” I told him with a smirk

“That’s a risk I’m willing to take” he smirked right back.

Later at the show I was still feeling horrid. But I had eaten a few crackers, and they hadn’t come back up… yet. I standing backstage when I got these throbbing pain under my stomach. I winced and bent over. Alex came running towards me.

“What’s up? What’s the matter?” he questioned but I couldn’t answer I was in too much pain. I doubled over but Alex managed to catch me and lie me down. Everything around me was spinning and the pain was just getting worse. I couldn’t move.

“Matt!! Call an ambulance something is seriously wrong!” I heard Alex yelling to his manager. I tried to say no but the pain was to severe I couldn’t do anything but close my eyes

“No Aj! Stay with me! Keep your eyes open!” I opened them and stared blankly at Alex. I tried to smile but I just couldn’t. suddenly I was surrounded and there were people running around screaming for help and trying get to me to stay awake but I couldn’t. Soon I was being lifted onto something. But when I was lying down again I couldn’t do it anymore my eyes shut and the world went black.

(Alex’s P.O.V)

Aj was on a stretcher being pulled towards the ambulance. Her eyes closed and I kept yelling for her to try keep them open and stay with me. We got out the doors and there were hundreds of screaming fans.

“We can only take two people with us” the paramedic said

“I-I-I’m her B-b-boyfriend” I stuttered out and he let me climb into the ambulance and resume my spot beside her.

“I’m her brother” Matt jumped in and sat next to me. I was starting to faze out. I couldn’t loose Aj now. No. She will be okay. Its okay.

“We are going to need some details” the paramedic spoke but words weren’t coming from me. I tried but I couldn’t speak, all I could do was hold her hand and pray that she would be okay.

“Her Name is Amberley Jane Webb” Matt spoke and the paramedic started to write. At least he was here and a little more calm than me.

“Born on the 15th of august 1989” he continued. All I could do was focus on Aj. They kept talking. The next thing I knew we were at the hospital and there was a nurse ushering Matt and I to the waiting room. I just wanted to be with Amberley. After about 5 minutes the doctor came over to Matt and I

“We need to take Amberley into emergency surgery, is one of you here Next of kin?” WHAT NEXT OF KIN! She wasn’t going to die. No. no. no. she couldn’t.

“That would be me” Matt signed some paperwork and the doctor told us not to worry. There is a 95% chance that everything will be okay. Now we just had to wait. Soon Josh, Mike, Ian, Jack, Rian, Zack, Pierre and Chuck were here and waiting for us. We were waiting for a good 2 hours before the doctor came back out.

“The surgery went very well and Amberley is expected to make a full recovery” he told us

“What was wrong?” Matt asked

“Well it is very rare that her condition escalated so much and so quickly but her appendix burst, which sent her into automatic shock causing her to pass out. We had to operate to make sure everything else was okay and remove her exploded appendix” he told us

“Can we see her?” I asked him.

“She’s a bit groggy so just two people at first” he said and Matt and I instantly got up and followed the doctor.

(Amberleys P.O.V)

My head was banging, where was I? I slowly opened my eyes. I was in a white room. My lower abdomen was killing me.

“Amby?” I heard Alex’s voice

“Amberley” then I heard Matt’s voice.

“Y-y-y-yeah-h-h” I stuttered out

“Oh thank god you okay” Alex blurted out squeezing my hand

“W-w-what h-h-happened” I asked

“Your appendix burst and you had to have emergency surgery” Matt told me and I felt Alex squeeze my hand again. My eyes were fully open now and I was just taking in my surroundings. White room with beeping machines, Alex was on my right and Matt on my left. Then who I assumed was the doctor walked in

“Amberley how are you feeling?” he asked

“Umm okay, but my heard in banging” I told him

“I can Fix that, are you hungry at all?” he asked

“Not at the moment” I mumbled

“Okay well let me know when you are and ill arrange to have some food sent up” he said

“How long until I can go home?” I ask him

“Probably about 3 days, depending on how you go” he smiled and left the room.

(1 Week Later)

“How are you feeling?” Alex asked as I sat up in bed

“A lot better” I smiled and took some food off him.

“That’s good” he smiled back and came to sit next to me on his bed.

“I guess I should try book a flight back to Vancouver soon” I said while taking a bite of an amazing omelet Alex made.

“You’re not going anywhere until you can walk by yourself” he told me sounding like a parent. I could walk, I just need crutches so I didn’t put to much strain on where my appendix came out.

“Yes dad” I grumbled and took another bite.

“I just want you to be okay Amby, I was really worried abut you” he confessed.

“I know, I know, I’m just used to being independent” I told him, he smiled and put an arm around my neck as I finished eating. When I finished he took the plate back to the kitchen and then joined me on the bed again. I cuddled up to his side.

“So everyone’s gone home now?” I ask him. Matt had insisted he stayed until he knew I was alright same with Josh.

“Yep that flew out this morning” he told me. Finally we have his apartment to ourselves. This gave me an idea. I repositioned myself so I was facing Alex but still lying down. I wrapped one arm around his neck and slowly started to kiss him. He automatically reacted and kissed back. Getting more passionate our tongues started to dance around with each other. I used my free hand to try and pull Alex’s shirt off. But he pulled away.

“Ah ah ah!” he said getting off the bed and heading for the door, he turned around to me giving him a puppy dog face.

“Baby you can to anything strenuous until you get you stiches out, and as much and I want to we cant!” he told me

“But..” I tired to reason

“No” he said sternly and left the room.

(2 days later)

I woke up feeling better than I had in a while. I turned over in bed to see that I was alone. I started to get up when I noticed a note on the bedside table


I’m out having lunch with my parents and sisters, I will be back around 3. There are leftovers in the fridge. I miss you already baby, Ill see you soon.

Love Alex

I looked at the clock and it was already almost midday. So I got up grabbing my crutches from the ground and slowly got dressed in a pear of trackies and Alex’s Mickey Mouse jumper. He was never going to get this back. I made my way to the kitchen. I grabbed the leftover Chinese and heated it up. When I finished I was sitting on the couch watching pointless TV. I decided to Call Jonathan my boss and give him an update.

“Ah Hello Aj, how are you doing?” he asked when he answered the phone

“I’m feeling better, still walking with crutches but I’m getting there” I told him

“Well that’s good to here!” he said sounding cheerful

“Ill probably be coming home soon, I don’t want to take to much time off work” I confessed.

“Nonsense! You will stay in Baltimore until your fully recovered! Have as much time as you need!” he told me sternly.

“okay okay” there wasn’t much point fighting it. He told me to take it easy and hung up. It was now almost 2. Alex would be home soon.

(Alex’s P.O.V)

I woke up at about 10, I was having lunch with my parents today. I haven’t seen them since I got back from tour. I got up and got dressed and when I was about to leave, Aj was still sleeping; she looked too peaceful to wake up so I just left her a note.

When I got to the café where I was meeting my parents they were already there along with my sisters Teegan and Ellie.

“Hey” I greeted them all with hugs

“He’s alive!” Ellie joked and we all laughed.

“But seriously Alex we haven’t seen you in ages!” my mum said.

“Well I have been on tour” I reminded her

“Yes but you’ve been back for a week and a half now” she retorted

“Well I was busy” I told them

“Yeah with his girlfriend” Teegan jumped in

“Yes Alex why have you not told me about this new girl?” my mum questioned

“Didn’t get a chance I guess” I told her

“Well I’m giving you the chance now” she smiled at me sweetly

“Umm okay… What do you want to know?” I asked

“Well what’s her name? How old is she? Where’s she from?” my mother asks too many questions

“Aj, 22 and Vancouver” I told her in order

“Vancouver. That’s a bit far away isn’t it” she questioned

“Yeah well, she was on tour with me. So we haven’t really had to deal with the whole long distance thing yet” I told her

“How long have you been together?” she asked

“Uhh a little over 4 months” I said

“Well than I must meet her. Is she in town at the moment?” uh man. I didn’t want her to meet Aj now.

“Uh yes bu…” I didn’t get a chance to finish before my mum stepped in again

“No! I’m meeting her! This afternoon sound good?” she continued

“Well mum she’s sick at the moment, she just got out of hospital last week” I told her

“Oh my dear, what’s wrong with her?” my mum actually seemed genuinely concerned.

“Her appendix burst and she had to have an emergency operation” Teegan jumped in

“How do you know that?” my mother questioned her

“Because I’ve met her” Teegan told her

“Why did Teegan meet her and I didn’t Alex?” Ellie questioned me

“To be fair Teegan met her when we weren’t actually together” I tried to reason.

“well I’m sure she would love some visitors she’s been held up in your apartment for over a week now” Teegan said. I knew there wasn’t much point in fighting in, because I would loose anyway. I just agreed and we ordered our lunch.

(Amberleys P.O.V)

>>Hey babe, you mind if I bring company over? They want to meet you<< - Alex

>>Yeah that’s fine, who are you bringing?<< Aj

>>Umm just some family<< - Alex

>>Do I need to get changed out of trackies and a jumper?<< - Aj

>>Nah I think you look sexy like that ;)<< Alex

He was so cute. But what family was he bringing.. he was being a bit cryptic on that point. But I’m sure it will be fine. I went back to watching some random show on TV.

“Aj! I’m back!” I heard Alex yell as he walked into the apartment. I got up grabbing my crutches and made my way closer to him.

“Ah! Aj!” Teegan came running towards me and gave me a bear hug.

“Teegs be careful!” Alex cautioned

“I’m fine! A hug wont do any damage” I told him

“Yeah Alex she’s fine!” Teegan taunted him

“She’ll be fine when she’s off crutches and doesn’t have stiches across her belly” Alex retorted. Teegan walked with me back to the lounge room, I could here a few more people making their way into the apartment.

“So are you ready to meet the parentals?” Teegan asked as we sat down

“Oh so that’s who I’m meeting, Alex didn’t tell me who” I told her. She just shook her head.

“Uh Mum, dad this is Aj, Aj these are my parents” Alex said awkwardly as they took seats in the lounge room.

“Hi its great to meet you” I said with a smile

“What don’t I get an introduction Alex?” a girl asked as she sat down on a chair.

“Oh right and this is my other sister Ellie” she smiled at me

“Hi” I said and gave her a small wave.

“So Alex tells us you just got out of hospital” his mum asked

“Well I’ve been out for almost 2 weeks now” I told her

“Ah I see, so you’re from Vancouver” his mum said

“Yes I am” I confirmed

“Who wants a drink?” Alex butted in we all said yes and Alex made his way to the kitchen.

“Is that Alex’s jumper?” his mum asked.. that was random..

“Ah yeah” I said

“Well, he must really care about you. He hasn’t let anyone remotely near that jumper since he got It almost 5 years ago” I smiled well I guess I was special to him. I mean I knew that but for his mum to say that it made me happy.

“So has Alex met your family?” she kept going with her questioning. Alex made his way back into the room. he sat on the floor and put his head against my legs and I started playing with his hair.

“Ah well he met my dad briefly but we had only known each other for like day, and my brother Matt was on tour with us” I told her

“What about you mother?” she asked. I didn’t really about my mother since she left.

“Um she’s not really around” I told her honestly

“Oh I’m sorry” she said sympathetically

“No, its okay, I haven’t spoken to her in 7 years. She walked out on my family” I figured I my as well be honest. Alex knew everything.

“Well dear, do you have plans for the holiday season?” she changed the subject. Thank God.

“I always spend Christmas at my Grandparents but other then that no” I said

“Well that’s great! You can spend Thanksgiving with us and than ill let you have Alex for Christmas” she told me

“Really? You want me to spend thanksgiving with your family?” I was surprised.. I’ve never had a boyfriends family actually want me around. Jaspers parents didn’t show any interest in me whatsoever.

“Well of Course!” she beamed

“Thank you! I’d love to!” I kissed Alex’s forehead and he looked up at me and smiled. We were interrupted then by my phone ringing.

“Hey Joshy!” I smiled into the phone, if that’s even possible..

“Hey beautiful! I miss you” he said

“Awh! I miss you too handsome!” I joked. I gained a questioning look from his Alex’s mother.

“When are you coming home?” he asked

“Ah I don’t know yet, Jonathon gave me as long as I needed off so I guess we will see what happens” I told him

“Okay fine! But I miss you!” I laughed, he was a cutie

“I miss you too! Ill see you soon! Love you babe” I said and hung up the phone.

“How’s Josh taking the separation?” Alex joked

“Slowly dying inside, you know the usual” we both laughed

“Well I think we best be getting going now” Alex’s mother chimed in.

“Okay well it was lovely having you over!” I said and I got up and Alex handed me my crutches. His parents and Ellie left and we made our way back to the lounge room.

“Teegs, wanna hang out tonight? We can invite the band and Cass around?” I offered to Teegan when she came back into sight.

“Love too!” she beamed before switching the TV on.

>>Cass! Come round tonight having a small get together with the guys and Teegs xx<< - Aj

>>Yay! Cant wait see you in about an hour? Xx<< - Cass

>Sounds good! Cant wait to see you girl! << - Aj


>>Jacky!! Come round for a small partay?<< - Aj

>>YES! Ill be over soon!<< - Jack


>>Zack! Come over for a small party?<< - Aj

>>Sounds good! Be round soon<< - Zack


I didn’t bother texting Rian because I knew he was with Cassadee. Soon enough everyone was over and we were all sitting around in the lounge room.

“So who wants to play truth or dare” Jack asked, we all nodded in agreement. We started with a few innocent truths and some random dares, but after a few drinks things got more interesting, it just turned into a game of truths that everyone had to answer.

“Okay! How old you were when you lost your virginity and where was it?” Cassadee asked

“Ah my bedroom, 17” said jack

“My boyfriends bedroom, 17” said Cassadee

“The Lounge room, 18” Teegan said

“My bedroom 17” Rian said

“Same here” said Zack

“Same for me but 16” said Alex

“Okay you guys are no fun!” I said

“Why were was yours?” Cassadee asked

“Backseat of a car! At 16” I admitted and everyone laughed

“When was the last time you had sex?” Jack asked

“This morning” Rian and Cassadee answered in unison and everyone laughed.

“Like 6 months ago” Teegan admitted

“5 for me” Zack said

“Yeah 6 for me” said Jack, then everyone looked at me and Alex

“6 weeks” I said grumpily

“Your kidding!” Cassadee burst out

“I’m seriously not! That idiot there wont touch me until I’m ‘better’” I said

“Ay! I don’t want you too get hurt!” Alex reasoned

“Either way!” I retorted

“Someone’s sexually frustrated!” Jack joked

“Damn fucking right!” I retorted

The night continued like that, soon enough everyone had gone home.

“Wanna head to bed?” Alex said getting off the couch, I smiled and winked at him

“To sleep” he confirmed

“Ill head to bed but I had other things in mind” I winked again

“Amby, you know I want you..” I cut him off

“Than fucking have me!” I whined

“I don’t want you to get hurt” he tried to reason with me. I just sulked and made my way to the bedroom. He ended up getting his way and we fell to sleep in each other’s arms just talking.

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