The Jerk Guy || (VIXX Hongbin)

By crescentrose_

52.7K 1.9K 454

What will happen when Clarissa knows that her cousin is an idol? Will her life change? Will she change? or Wi... More

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1.9K 76 15
By crescentrose_

Clarissa/Saeun POV

"Saeun-a, actually we're criminals."

I widen my eyes when I heard what he said and dropped my spoon.

"Yes, tomorrow we're practicing how to kill people faster than a bullet."

So they're crim- What? How can someone kill people faster than a bullet?

I put on my confused face until Ken started to laugh. The others who had hold their laugh also started to laugh except of course Hongbin. I started to laugh with them until they stopped laughing and stared at me in.

"You should've seen your face just now. It's disgusting." Hongbin said. I looked at him and hang my head low. "I'm sure Hongbin was just kidding. Hahaha. You looked cute just now." Ken smiled until he realized what he said and started to blush.

"We're idols." Said Leo. I stared at him and looked down to hold my laughter. "Please don't joke around again. It's getting old!" And then I laugh, but when nobody joined my I stop laughing. "That's serious?" I gulped down and they nodded "I'm sorry." N looked at me and smiled "That's okay."

After dinner, I went to my room and started to think about everything that had happen today until I fell asleep.

Hyuk POV

After dinner, we went to our new room to chat. We brought so many snack, soda, and soju. "Why there's soju here? Aren't we suppose to wake up early tomorrow for practice??" I asked. "There will be no practice for tomorrow. They cancel it." N said. I rolled my eyes and just let them to drink and tried to sleep but I couldn't.

"Why are they so noisy!" I shouted as I hit my teddy bear called Leo. "I'm sorry Leooo." I said as I rub the place I hit him gently. I sighed and started to try to sleep while hugging Leo and eventually fallen asleep.


I opened my eyes and saw someone's back infront of me. I woke up and saw that I was hugging Leo when I was sleep. "Oh God, my head." I said as I touched my head.

I went out of the room and went to get some water. I took 6 cups with me and went back to the room to wake the others up.

"Everyone!! Wake up!!" I shouted and saw Leo, Hyuk, and Ken started to move. But, of course Ravi didn't move an inch and Leo started to sleep again.

"Ravi-ya, wake up." He groaned. "Leo-ya, wake up." I said as I whined and pushed him lightly. He sighed and went away from me. I pouted and realized "Hey, where is Hongbin??" Everyone started to search for him. "I don't know, maybe he went to the garden to get some fresh air."

I sighed and said "Get yourself up, let's go out and do something. I'm bored here. "Ravi's eyes shoot open "What about Hongbin??" He asked. "Just leave him here, maybe he's going to catch some sleep after walking." I said.

We ate our breakfast and went outside together.

Hongbin POV

I was in my deep sleep until I smell something strange, the smell.. it's not like the smell that wakes me up in the past 3 years living with boys.. today, it's almost like.. my sister's room?

I opened my eyes and looked around. Everything in this room were covered in pink color. I shoot up and saw Saeun sleeping in her bed. I walked towards her slowly and...

Disgusting, she drooled in her sleep.

I shook my head then walked towards the door and turn the knob, but it couldn't be open so I tried it again and gave pushed the door lightly until I heard some noise came from behind me.

I looked back and saw that Saeun started to move. I widen my eyes and suddenly my whole body became stiff. She squited her eyes towards me and shruged it off, maybe she hasn't realize that I'm here.

She sat on the edge of her bed and suddenly stopped and turned her head towards me in the speed of lighting then widen her eyes. She held her breath for a second, after that she went back to her bed and covered herself in blanket. Until I could only saw her eyes.


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