M. Hatsume X F! Reader: The D...

By idykgxhkxld

44.4K 2.4K 1.8K

So I haven't seen a lot of these and decided to write a Hatsume x fem reader because I love her. Basic love s... More

Chapter 1: The infamous chaos trio
Chapter 2: New Beginnings
Chapter 3: Panic (Sometimes) Causes Great Things
Chapter 4: Our Teacher's Homeless?
Chapter 5: New Revelations
Chapter 6: Alarms are (Always) Annoying
Chapter 7: The First Attack
Chapter 8: Sleepover
Chapter 9: Announcements & Anxiety
Chapter 10: Recklessness is Rewarded, is it not?
Chapter 11: The Devil in Pink
Chapter 12: Acid Rain
Chapter 13: Thunder Clap
Chapter 14: one collective dead brain cell indeed
Chapter 15: As normal as it can get
Chapter 16: TikTok Famous
Chapter 17: A Hero's Two Sides
Chapter 18: The Chess Board's Queen
Chapter 19: Promise to an Idol
Chapter 20: A Day in the Life of a Hero
Chapter 21: fanning the flames
Chapter 22: Bloodthirsty maniacs
Chapter 23: Sugar, Spice and everything nice
Chapter 24: a first time for everything
Chapter 25: Final exams
Chapter 26: Confessions and Decisions
Movie Special
Movie Part 2
Movie part 3
Movie Part 4
Chapter 27: a hopeful beginning
Chapter 28: a second family
Chapter 29: Whirling Chaos
Chapter 30: Profit and Loss
Chapter 31: Hospital Coffee
Chapter 32: Back in business
Chapter 33: the first day back
Chapter 34: Enter Hatsume Mei
Chapter 35: on cloud nine
Chapter 36: the eye of the storm
Chapter 37: the hurricane's true power
Chapter 38: a weird sensation
Chapter 39: true leadership
Chapter 40: the aftermath of the exam
Chapter 41: Second semester, Go!
Chapter 43: Amajiki Tamaki
Chapter 44: Sacrifice
Chapter 45: You got this, Red Riot!
Chapter 46: unwarranted worries
Chapter 47: breaking point
Chapter 48: Go time!
Chapter 49: a sidekick's pledge
Chapter 50: frustration and agitation
Chapter 51: the saviour and the saved
Chapter 52: the future storyteller
Chapter 53: a life cut short
Chapter 54: the school festival
Chapter 55: Freedom
Chapter 56: A taste of happiness
regarding the 50th chapter special
50th Chapter special - the chaos that is class A
Chapter 57: Prepping for the school fest is the funniest part (pt.1)
Chapter 58: a sister's vow
Chapter 59: Prepping for the school fest is the funniest part (pt. 2)
Chapter 60: School Fest, Start!
Chapter 61: Let it Flow! School Festival!
Chapter 62: Withered Love
Chapter 63: Pain and Misfortune
Chapter 64: the sidekick known as Cloud Nine
Chapter 65: Silence isn't always Golden
Chapter 66: Todoroki Enji: the symbol of determination
Chapter 67: the pressure of the press
Chapter 68: the end to a new beginning
Extra - Pride Month Oneshot

Chapter 42: U.A's big three

381 20 10
By idykgxhkxld

The next two days weren't all too interesting. Nothing happened that was really gossip worthy. It kept the class chat quiet and Iida happy.

The third day, however, Midoriya was back in school.


The better class

Daddy Shark
Cue the disaster

Phone charger
Bro shut up
Iida will notice

Spotify premium
You're worried about Iida?
What's he gonna do?
Worry about Aizawa lol

Alien queen
Bestie do be spitting
fax tho

Air conditioner
Jirou are you alright?
I don't think you should be
spitting out a machine

Gay disaster
Todoroki wtf
Educate yourself ffs

Air conditioner
At least I'm smart
enough to not break
my bones 24/7

Gay disaster
Bestie you need
negative IQ for
that, stfu

RG's worst nightmare
Not ya'll forgetting I'm
in the chat

Air conditioner is offline
Gay disaster is offline
Alien queen is offline
Spotify premium is offline
Phone charger is offline
Daddy shark is offline
Gay disaster is offline
RG's worst nightmare is offline


Clearly, a normal day.

Today was supposed to be a special hero lesson, though the hero teaching your class himself was late.

Aizawa prided himself on punctuality. Even if he looked homeless, he'd never been late to class once. This led to some worry amongst the students.

"What's the worst that could happen? He's a strong guy, man fights quirkless most of the time," Kaminari pointed out.

"We don't need a repeat of USJ man," Kirishima murmured, worried.

"I'm 70 seconds late and you're already planning my funeral?" A familiar voice groaned.

"Oh my God, I told you Mirio, they'll kill us!" An elf eared boy whimpered, attempting to hide behind a pretty girl when he walked in.

The reaction made 'Mirio' laugh.

"They're first years worried about their teacher. You've got to have the heart of a lion, not a flea Amajiki," the pretty girl encouraged him.

With that, Amajiki turned around to glare at all of you.

"You sure he's scared of us killing him?" You asked the pretty girl. "He looks like he's planning out our murders."

You all then discovered that he'd been trying to imagine you as potatoes to overcome stage fright. With that, the pretty girl comforted him and took over their introductions.

The girl, Nejire Hado, then began flitting about asking everyone questions related to their quirks.

Naturally, Aizawa was so not impressed by the lack of structure in them.

"Sensei, don't worry about it," knock off Tintin declared. "I still haven't introduced myself and I'm the star today."

You only scoffed at his cockiness and over the top attitude.

"The journey ahead," knockoff Tintin began, waiting for a response.

"Oh wow, the suspense is killing us," you responded sarcastically.

"Alright let's try something else. Aizawa-Sensei, can I take them to gym gamma?" He asked, to which the teacher simply shrugged and nodded.

You all headed to the gym and changed into your sports uniforms, confused but curious as to what you were going to do.

"Fight me," Mirio stated bluntly.

You raised an eyebrow at that, curious about his request. There's a high chance he knew about your quirks already, due to this year's first years being the talk of the sports festival. But you knew nothing about his.

So you waited for someone else to charge in. Both to get a glance of his fighting style, his weak points, and his quirk, the way it worked.

Midoriya was the first to charge in, quirk ablaze.

Suddenly, Mirio's clothes fell off.

"Oh my God," Denki shuddered, closing your eyes.

"Denks, I kept them open to see his fighting style. Move your hands," you grumbled, taking his hands off.

While your upperclassmen was picking up his clothes, sending apologetical looks to many of you, Midoriya took the opportunity to send a kick to his face.

But the kick never landed.

Instead, his foot phased through Mirio's face.

Mina, Sero, Kirishima and Aoyama all attacked as well, though each attack came with the same outcome. It simply phased through him.

"Woah, he disappeared!" Denki pointed out.

"No he hasn't. Stay on guard," you told him, having cracked the code.

He reappeared behind Jirou, clothes flying off again and scaring the living shit out of her.

"He can teleport too?" Kirishima asked.

You ignored his question and stayed heavily on defense, watching Mirio attack.

One long range fighter after another, everyone went down, leaving all the short range fighters standing with you being the last long range fighter.

Which meant you'd go down next.

Your eyes widened in realisation, as you instantly turned around to protect your face and stomach.

"That's some nice reaction time," Mirio commented.

"How long are you going to lead them on about your quirk?" You asked, aiming a kick for his head as a feint, only to back it up with a gust of wind straight to the stomach.

With that, you sent him flying and bought a bit of time for the close range fighters.

"She's scary," you heard Amajiki whimper.

"That's because she's the only one who took him seriously," Hado commented.

"He took out all long range fighters, so I'll try to buy you a bit of time if he goes for me again," you chipped in to the plan Midoriya had.

Both Midoriya and Kirishima thanked you for that, glad you were helping.

Mirio got up almost instantly, sinking below ground and charging towards you.

All of you readied your quirks and got into a fighting stance.

Instead of coming for you, like everyone expected, he went for Midoriya. It was a strange fight to say the least. Mirio's phased finger poked at Midoriya's eye before punching the shocked boy in the stomach.

Anyone who rushed to his aid suffered the same consequence. Before long, everyone was on the ground, clutching their stomachs, leaving you as the last fighter.

You smirked at the challenge, confused as to why he left you for last but going with it nonetheless.

"I've heard a lot about you. Let's see if the rumours are true, shall we?" Mirio officially challenged you.

He didn't wait for a response, but instantly phased underground.

You kept your guard up, both with perfect stance, and with wind currents. The wind covered your entire body almost equally, though you made sure to guard your back more.

While it was naive to believe he'd follow the same pattern again and strike from behind, it was also too foolish to believe he might change his style when he hadn't done that even a single time with the 19 students before.

You shook your head and corrected your stance slightly.

"Ok Y/N, calm down. Just like Mirko," you whispered to yourself.

Just as you predicted, Mirio came from behind. However, this time, his angle was steeper and he launched higher up.

You turned around instantly and looked up to see a kick aimed for your face.

Instantly bringing your arms up to guard your face, you felt the impact as his leg hit your arms.

Using that momentum against him, you pushed your arms away from your face so that he'd be launched away at full speed. The shock would leave him dazed for a second, giving you a window to attack.

Though he saw through your plan and instantly switched his trajectory to kick your torso.

You smirked at his mistake.

The wind that once guarded your entire back and midsection, enveloped him completely.

To make it even harder for him to use his quirk, you changed the currents of the wind to become extremely hot and arid, so that it'd be difficult to breathe as well.

"I'm guessing your quirk blocks your breathing when you shift densities. That means that if it's harder to breathe in your surroundings, it'll be almost impossible when you shift," you raised an eyebrow in question, wanting a reply for your conclusion.

You let him out of the air bubble, to which he coughed a couple times and regained breathing, before answering your question.

"The rumours were right," Mirio grinned at you. "You're right about my quirk as well. It does prevent oxygen flow, I can't feel anything or hear, and I can't see because everything, even the smallest atoms, pass through me. So I made it strong through prediction."

"How'd you learn to use it?" You asked. "Especially when you're underground completely. You can't hear, see, breathe or feel, how do you know your predictions are right?"

"I practiced!" He grinned. "Hero work studies isn't just field work and improving your quirks like internships. Here you'll be required to do actual hero work, like a sidekick so to speak. You improve your weak points in battle, which is why you should choose someone who can help, no matter how unknown they are."

You thought about that advice over and over again as you made your way back to Heights Alliance.

What were your weak points?

Maybe it could be overthinking and overplanning too much for every little possible scenario that may happen.

Or it could be that you relied too heavily on your quirk.

Your hand to hand combat skills were great after sparring with Mirko, so you knew you'd always have a backup. Heavy reliance wouldn't be a problem then.

Relying more on instinct and being able to differentiate the scenarios that called for either instinct or a carefully thought out plan was where you needed to improve.

"Shirakumo-chan, don't overthink it," Kirishima grinned, handing you a water bottle.

It was currently just the two of you in the common room, both dressed in extremely comfortable clothing.

"Call me Y/N," you smiled, taking the bottle from his hand.

"Then you can call me Eijiro," the redhead shrugged. "What're you worried about anyways? You're amazingly powerful and have a great quirk. What hero wouldn't want you?"

"I can't think of a hero that relies more on instinct than on intelligence," you sighed. "Even that reckless bird brain uses his smarts."

"What about smaller heroes?" He asked.

"The only hero I know who uses more recklessness than intelligence, is Fatgum. It's almost equal in proportion, but the instinct is slightly higher," you sighed. "Fuck it, I'll ring him up."

You got up to the charging station to unplug your phone and search up his number, only to see a couple messages from a stranger already.

Your eyes widened as you read them.

"Eijiro-kun, you're not going to believe this," you breathed out, eyes wide.

A/N: extra long chappie, 1750 words. I tried playing around with my writing style a bit, tell me what you think :)

Question of the day: favourite mha scene? Either in canon or in this, idm

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