A Certain Scientific Omnitrix...

Od Misaka_Omnitrix

72.7K 2K 1.6K

It's the 3rd day of the Daihaseisai, and Mikoto and Ben finally have established themselves as a dating coupl... Více

Aliens In Venice
Wait.. I'm having a Brainstorm..
The Ice Ship..
The Highbreed
DNAlien Isolation
The Saint Fist
Loud Route
Zombozo The Clown
Ben V.S. Biago
Peace, Obtained And Unobtained
That's MY Mikoto!!
Fear the Clown
An Unknown Dark Past
The Imaginary Number District
Ultimate Railgun
All of Us Together
The Date Does Not End

The Amakusa.

3.6K 105 99
Od Misaka_Omnitrix

Ben really didn't like weird dreams, at least that's how it used to be.  Usually when he woke up later, when the dream was over, the dream would have become a source of ridicule for his cousin Gwen.. at least that's how it would've been when he and Gwen were 10 and always at each other's throats. For example.. the last time he had a dream about Vilgax (last episode of season 1.) Gwen asked him if he was sure he wasn't just looking into the mirror.

However, ever since Gwen become much more mature, more mature then a lot of people he ever met, and also since Mikoto NEVER made fun of anything he considered serious or important. If it was a silly dream, she still playfully poked fun at him..but of course, Ben figured he'd poke fun too if somebody he knew had a dream about a giant marshmallow eating New York.

Anyways.. the dream had started out silly and unimportant.. Ben was sitting in class, and all his classmates were running around or dancing ballay on the desks. Mikoto was there, sitting next to him, dressed in a Gekota onigiri, while Kuroko was at Ms. Komoe's desk, aiming a sniper in between Ben's eyes. 

Ben was attempting to tell, Kuroko that the sniper wouldn't work, as Ben would just turn into Big Chill, and the sniper would phase right through him.

"A girl's gotta do.. what a girl's gotta do.." said Kuroko. "I won't let you take my Oneesama Ben Tennyson!! And if I have to shoot you to do that!! Then so be it!!"

Ben tried to ask Mikoto to stop Kuroko from doing something stupid, as it was obvious he would turn into Big Chill, and obvious that the bullet would go right through him and hit Aogami Pierce sitting behind him.. who really couldn't afford a blow to the head considering his abysmal grades. But Mikoto just smiled obliviously and said. "Ribbit!!"

Then the dream abruptly changed.. He was sitting in what appeared to be some sort of empty church on one of the wooden pews..

Sitting next to him.. was a man of average height with reddish hair, a red striped suit, and a rather ambitious and prideful gaze.

"Ahh.. Ben Tennyson.." Fiamma muttered, looking a letter in his hand.

It took Ben a minute to notice, that this man couldn't actually see him.. that he was referring to Ben as a subject.. not somebody he was talking to.

"I'm not sure Fiamma.. this seems rather extreme.."

Ben turned to see an elderly man in white robes and a tall bishop's hat walk down the church aisle to meet Fiamma. Ben recognized this man from News broadcasts as the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.

"Naming Touma Kamijou as an enemy of God and the Church would make sense." said the Pope. "But Ben Tennyson has only ever been scarcely involved in our affairs until the Croci Di Pietro incident. And I doubt he is a threat.."

"He's already been named an enemy, and SEEKER has been given orders to destroy him on sight." said Fiamma. "What you must understand sir, is that the Omnitrix is like Imagine Breaker in a way. Imagine Breaker can be wielded against both magic and science.. and so can the Omnitrix... what makes Ben Tennyson so powerful and dangerous, is the mere fact that he has so many different aliens, so many different options to fight one with.. there is almost no power that his enemies possess that the Omnitrix has not an alien to counter against it.... even the Number 1 Accelerator would stand vulnerable against the alien Tennyson refers to as Clockwork.."

"Yes.. a bomb is dangerous wherever it may be held or whatever the ideals of it's maker." said the Pope. "But to judge on danger alone would be unwise. After all Fiamma.. you are dangerous, very very dangerous, yet we do not seek to destroy you or make you an enemy because of it, sincerley because you ARE dangerous. If we make an enemy of this boy, whose to say we're not dooming ourselves...? He is considered a legend in underground alien communities Fiamma.. some might say, his power is sufficient enough to challenge the Right Seat."

"I shall see about that." said Fiamma. "And oh dear pope. I'm afraid to say that the bomb's location.. is at our very doorstep.. it's best if we disarm it..."

Ben couldn't help noticing that the way Fiamma said 'disarm' sounded a whole lot more like 'kill'.


"Ben.. BEN!! WAKE UP!!!"

"RAAAHHH!!!!! Kuroko's trying to snipe me!!!" Ben yelled as he sat up with a start.

Mikoto raised an eyebrow. "So.. you had that dream again.. didn't you?"

Ben looked around, he was surrounded by teens from the Amakusa Remix Style Church.. Touma, Mikoto and Index were sitting next to him, and they appeared to be in some sort of wooden room. For some reason.. the room felt like it was swaying, as if they were in some sort of boat.

The eldest of the Amakusa, a man with wild hair, a t-shirt, and jeans, and a crooked sword at his side, grinned at Ben. "A pleasure to meet ya. The name's Saiji, welcome to our magic submarine!"

"Magic submarine.." Ben echoed. "Yep.. I'm still dreaming. Someone direct me to the Magic Schoolbus.."

"Magic what?" said Touma. "Sounds like a cheesy educational american cartoon."

"It is!" said Ben. "Urrgghh.. hey Mikoto.. what happened? I feel like I was tossed into the sea.."

"You WERE tossed into the sea." said Mikoto. "It took me, Itsuwa, Touma, and Saiji just to fish Terraspin out of the water.. for an alien that acted as the perfect safety raft, that turtle was heavy. Orsola, Lucia, and Angelene were using you as a boat.. they said Terraspin's shell pretty much protected them from most of the magic assault that sank the ship."

"Oh right!!" said Ben. "Er.. how are they!? And how the heck did you get a submarine made of wood!?"

"The Amakusa's got plenty of resources, you can be sure of that. Plus, those three are up top." said Saiji. "Oh.. er.. and by the way Mr. Tennyson.. uh.. I'm kind of a huge fan.. you don't think you could.. umm.. sign something do you?"

"Saiji.." Itsuwa gave Saiji a stern glance.

"Oh right.. not the time!!" said Saiji. "It's just that I've got a rare Swampfire card and... well.."

"Apparently, a company in Academy City started making trading cards based off you.." Mikoto whispered to Ben.

"Sorry, about this.." said Ben. "Some romantic first date this turned out to be huh?"

Mikoto blinked. "Huh? Really? You're worried about that? Really Ben!! As much as I was looking forward to some one and one time with my favorite guy in Venice.. it's not like you can take out a phone book and reschedule fights with Vilgax for a Saturday afternoon. When aliens, magicians, or giant ice ships attack.. they attack at random, and it's not your fault!"

"It's probably my fault.." Touma muttered. "I'm a jinx.. I knew these tickets were too good to be true.."

"Well if any of you want, you're probably all starving." said Saiji. "We've got food up top.. and anyways, it looks like we've got a lot to discuss."

The top of the sub.. had the appearence of a large wooden raft with a cabin, and an outdoor picnic table. On the table, was an assortment of food that Ben guessed was probably consistent with some strict diet that the Amakusa followed.

Itsuwa brought out the drinks, blushing whenever she passed by Touma, who as always, remained oblvious to any female advances around him.

"So it's true.. they're not planning to destroy Venice after all.. if they need Agnese Sanctis to change the target of the Queen of the Adriatic." said Saiji after a brief talk with Lucia and Angelene.

Ben stared at Lucia and Angelene curiously. They seemed to be acting extremely shy around him and Touma for some reason.. and they weren't wearing their magic prison clothing.. they seemed to be wearing some sort of spare clothing provided by the Amakusa.

"What's with them?" Ben asked Mikoto.

Mikoto went pink, which Ben guessed wasn't a good sign. "Wh-when we fished Terraspin out of the water.. Touma tripped.. and his right hand accidentally groped Lucia and Angelene.. of course it negated the magic of the clothing.. but it also destroyed it.. so they were.. er.. nude... then you, as Terraspin of course.. well you must have been having some sort of dream.. you grabbed those two and held them tightly in your flippers like a teddy bear and wouldn't let them go... and Terraspin's strong enough to flip a car 20 feet, so.. yeah.. it was a difficult situation.

Ben's jaw dropped, and his face went red. "Okay.. umm... let's never speak of that again.."

"Agreed." said Mikoto.

"A-anyways.." Lucia continued the conversation from before. "Agnese is the key to targetting system of the Queen... however.. by doing so.. the spell.. well it would leave her completely braindead.."

"That's terrible." said Touma. "Is there anything we can do?"

"Well, it's not like we have much choice." said Saiji. "Either way, the ships are moving to destroy a target.. and people will die if they succeed. And I have some theories about the target."

"My first guess is Academy City." said Ben. "They consider that a city of heretics right?"

"Yeah.. but there are other targets to consider." said Saiji. "They could be headed to Bellwood too."

"Why Bellwood!?" Ben asked with some slight shock. "What's my hometown got to do with anything?"

"Bellwood has a large underground community of Aliens known as Undertown." said Saiji. "Our pope, Kanzaki, has visited the place recently. The Catholic Church has been taking a negative view towards Aliens in general, because many researchers in Academy City are using the discovery of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe as an attempt to disprove the idea of God..."

"Really, aliens don't disprove God at all, it just provides evidence that we weren't the only things he created." said Index. "But, people do fight over sillier things."

"Two possible targets.. Undertown in Bellwood, or Academy City." said Ben. "This isn't good. But it doesn't matter what they're really targetting, the point is we have to stop them.. so.. any ideas?"

"Well we have been considering plan A." said Itsuwa.

"What's plan A?" Mikoto asked.

"Ben turns into Way Big, stomps on everything, and we live happily ever after." said Saiji.

"Yeah..." Ben muttered. "That sounds like the quickest solution.. but wouldn't that mean a lot of people would die?"

"Yes... yes it would." said Saiji. "Which is why we're also looking at Plan B.. a strategic infiltration and rescue of Agnese Sanctis, followed by taking down the main ship, the Queen of The Adriatic herself... however.. if what you're telling me about these DNAliens are true.. there might be more to this then meets the eye.... so.. is there any cure for the infected?"

"Not that we know of." said Mikoto. "Ben's the alien expert here.. and even he's never seen that species before."

"In any case, the DNAliens are innocent humans, whatever they may say or do." said Ben. "We take them down, not out. Agreed?"

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

"Alright.. but all things considered, don't hold back too much." said Ben. "They're fast, strong, and vicious, so be careful. And they have a gross tendency to shoot very sticky goo out of their mouths.."

"Like Stinkfly?" Mikoto said.

"Why do you keep mentioning that?" Ben muttered.

"Well it's true." said Mikoto. "So what's the plan?"

"We'll start with Ben attacking some of the main ships to send them into a distraction." said Saiji. "He's got enough firepower on plenty of his aliens to cause a distraction by himself.. then as that's going on.. we'll all sneak on board the main ship and pretty much take it over.. without the main control ship, the rest of the fleet can't function."

Ben grinned. "Alright.. I think I know the perfect guy to make to melt that ice.."


 "Biago!! Sir!!! BIAGO!!!" one of the assasin nuns of SEEKER raced dashed into the main room of the Queen and knealt before the bishop. "It's a disaster.. many of the main frontal assault area of our ships are being decimated!! It's where are defenses are weakest, and we can't hold off the attack!!"

"Attack!?" said Biago.  "Whose attacking!?"

A holographic magic screen opened up to show a fiery streak flying through the sky, throwing down flaming fireballs down at the ships.. blasting them. The screen froze to show a humanoid alien with a body made of molten rock skin over a second layer of bright flaming skin.. with a flaming head around it's molten face, much like the Marvel character Ghost Rider..

The creature was standing on a large flaming meteor made of pure fire, and riding it like a surfboard.



Species: Pyronite

Planet: Pyros

Power: Heatblast is the absolute flame master of the Ben 10 universe. He can morph and generate flames into any shape or form.. whether its a large wave of fire, a massive powerful beam, or a catchable ball.. Heatblast's power over flames is so varied and creative, that he put's many pyrokinisest espers to shame. His flames allow flight, a limited terraformation ability, and the heat of the flames far surpasses that of Swampfire's. (Though Ultimate Swampfire's flames far exceed that of Heatblast.) He is also immune to other heat based attacks, and can suck up flames and consume them.

Notable Facts: Pyros, is actually a unique planet-like star. Because of the environment.. the Pyronites are very isolated from the rest of the Universe, and have had time to perfect their abilities. The only other known species that survives on this planet so far is the Pyronite's natural predator, the Crabdozer.


"Ben Tennyson!!" Biago growled. "Call in that wretched Highbreed freak!!"

"I'm already here.." said the Highbreed as he walked into view. "Your security.. is lacking..."

"As far as I'm concerned, that alien heretic is one of your lot!" said Biago. "So YOU go deal with it!!"

"Careful what you say.. filth." said the Highbreed. "That boy, isn't my kind.. Highbreed.. are not some kind of anything.. the Highbreed, are the ONLY kind.  Though.. I am rather tiring of that boy's intereference.. fine.. let him come... let him die...

Back outside.. Heatblast streaked through the air, throwing down flaming blasts of incredible firepower down at the ships... even managing to sink a couple of them, as the magic cannons tried in vane to hit him.

"Whoops.." said Heatblast, chuckling in his flaming voice. "Can't keep your eye on the birdie eh? Well here's a consolation prize.."

Heatblast thrust out a flaming hand, and a massive blast of flameds exploded into the top deck of a ship.. blowing it's cannons appart.

"Alright.." Heatblast muttered to himself. "That should be enough of a distraction to keep em busy for now... time to get  moving.."

Heatblast jumped off his flaming trail and changed into Jetray in a flash of green light. The way he figured, Heatblast was really easy to see in the dark.. if he suddenly changed into another alien.. the forces below wouldn't be able to see him for a bit because they were all concentrated on looking for a bright flaming alien candle in the sky.

Jetray flew down into the ocean at supersonic speed, and splashed down under the water.. Jetray swam through the ocean, his underwater adapted eyesight catching sight of the Amakusa sub below the main ship...

Well.. time to cause some major mayhem..

A Certain Scientific Omnitrix Trivia

1. In one of the many possible futures that stem from the timeline of this story, Ben 10,000 and the future Mikoto Misaka have a daughter named Jennifer (Jen 10) and younger son named Kenny (Ken 10.) Jen inherits her mother's electromaster powers at level 4 range, while recieving an Omnitrix of her own. As a result, her electrokinises aliens are much stronger then they normaly are when her younger brother Ken and her father Ben turn into them.

The starting 10 aliens Jen recieves in her Omnitrix on her 10th birthday are:

Buzzshock, Goop, Big Chill, Grey Matter, Snare-oh, Stinkfly, Upgrade, Pesky Dust, Crashhopper, and Four Arms.

Jen is actually regarded with slightly higher trust on her track record then her brother, which is the reason her starting 10 lineup were stronger then Ken when he got his Omnitrix.

2. Mikoto doesn't know it yet.. but Gekota is actually an alien species from the planet Bellus. There, the Ranavians, also known as the Gekos, live in small houses in a world and climate that resembles a children's tv show, with flowers, castles, and small forests. Gekota, was a member of the species who came to Earth with his wife Pyonko, and started a franchise based off himself, using holographic ID masks to disguise his appearence.

Ben will, in the future, unlock an alien named Geko-Ben, which Mikoto will not be able to stop hugging. Geko-Ben is capable of emitting sonic croaks, that will distract, and in the case of more dangerous enemies, knock them out. He is also capable of absorbing water to heal his body and other's bodies of any wounds. Other Abilities are still being determined.

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