By unecafeconletras

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"Nothing is ever easy when Evan Buckley is in your life." ** I do not own 9-1-1 or their characters. Stella M... More

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By unecafeconletras

My blood went cold. Ice shot through my veins as she continued to use his first real name so casually as if she knew him the way I did, while telling me Evan is being taken care of instead of telling me where he is.

Amusement filled her eyes. It took every ounce of calmness I had left inside of me not to tear her to pieces.

I could feel Victors gaze on me. Burning as he watched us go back and forth.

"Let. Me. See. His chart. Now." I said through clenched teeth.

Savannah shrugged. I could tell by her smug smirk she has a new game to play with me. I'm in no mood to play along. I'd rather smash her head.

Violence isn't the answer but when it comes to Savannah, it seems to be the only solution.

"You text me to come to the hospital to only piss me off and not even tell me what the hell happened? Why Evan even ended up here? Quit your games and tell me."

"You wanna know so bad. Come see him for yourself"

"I don't think that's a good idea" Victor finally steps in. His hand rests on my shoulder but my eyes don't shift to him. They remain glued on the snake in front of me.

"Why didn't anyone call me when he was brought in?"

Savannah snorts. "Because I'm here. The mother of his child" she placed enough emphasis on that last part to make sure it would hit a nerve. "His sister is here and so are his friends, why would we have to call you?"

Every word sliced through me. Maddie is here? And his friends? Eddie? Why did nobody reach me?

"Stella, it isn't good"  my eyes finally turn towards Victor as he speaks. "The injuries were quite bad, I wasn't sure how he made it but he did. But..." his voice trailed off. His eyes shifted to Savannah.

"But what?" I push. No one in this place has allowed me into his room since I arrived to the hospital. The only people who weren't here were the people I actually needed. Gigi was no where to be found. Neither Amanda nor Mazzey. They would've told e right away what was happening.

Everyone else has been staring at me with such sadness in their eyes as if he had died. Even Tyler seemed uneasy as I walked in, cowering behind the counter.

It felt like seeing a ghost when my eyes landed on him reading over a patients chart all the while whispering something to one of the nurses. He seemed to master the art of not being seen as much as he possibly could when we all worked, avoiding all our hang out spots and keeping conversation minimal if we run into each other. But they all looked at me the same. As if I didn't make it on time. And it was starting to boil my blood.

"Enough with the bullshit I'm growing very impatient. What the hell is going on?" My own voice catches me by surprise but I'm too angry to even care. "Let me see him!" I demand.

"I think you should wait a few days to see if maybe"
"If maybe what?" I cut Victor off.

Something flashed in his eyes but he instantly recovered before I could tell what it was.

"Stop smirking or I swear to god Savannah I will wipe that miserable-"

Victor let out a sigh of relief when I didn't finish that sentence. I didn't get to before someone had called my name.


My head whirled around and met Maddie's stare down the hall. And just behind her through the open door I spot everyone from the fire station along with Athena. The pain behind her eyes made my body go stiff.

I turned and walked toward her before Victor or Savannah could say another word to me.

Maddie threw her arms around me when I stopped in front of her. My eyes drifted to the room behind us and they immediately fell on Evan, who was sitting upright in his bed. It pained me to see all the bruises and cuts on his face. He looked like he was in pain but tried not to show it. This is the now the third time I've seen him this way. I could scream up at the universe for putting me back in this spot.

His attention was on Eddie whose mouth was moving. Eddie was so focused on whatever he was telling Evan. But the look in his best friends eyes, his face... as if...

"Maddie what happened?" I ask her as I pull away. She doesn't meet my gaze. Instead she shakes her head, holding her hand over her chest, glancing over her shoulder.

"They didn't tell you?" She asked, talking about Savannah and Victor. I shake my head.

Savannah had been the one to find me wandering the halls. I expected Evan to be by her side since she said he was here only come to find out that he was here as a patient. When I nearly jumped at her, that's when Victor showed up just as Savannah was refusing to hand over Evan's chart when I asked her to hand it over and then threatened to strangle her with her own stethoscope if she didn't.

"No" I said harsher than I intended to. "I'm sorry, I'm just tired of no one telling me what the hell is going on. I waited and waited hours for him to show up only to find out he's been here. Hurt. And nobody called me."

Maddie took in deep breathes before finally meeting my gaze.

"I'm so sorry. All of it happened too fast and since we all got here it's been..." she bites her lip.

"It's bad, Stel. Savannah was there when it happened. She happened to be there when she saw him run into the middle of the road to get those two kids out of the way when some crazy asshole was speeding and didn't even slow down. He saw the car coming and knew the kids weren't aware of the speeding car heading towards them. The mother was just inside the café and ran outside when she heard the car swerve and took off" she paused. She swallowed hard before continuing.

"He was able to push them out of the way. Savannah was on the other end of the road, right across from SweetCup when she saw Evan running to save them. They ran right to her and she heard the woman scream from across the road. When she looked up and saw him.." she gasped. "She thought he was dead. Lying there in the middle of the street face down..." her lip trembled.

I couldn't breathe. This happened right outside the café.

"What? When did this all happen? I was at the café but.." I fumbled for words.

"It happened around 11:30a.m. He called me as he was on this way, said he wanted to get there early and prepare himself on what he was gonna say when you guys meet up but he never made it. I'm sorry I didn't call you right when we got here. I thought Savannah had. I'm sorry"

"It's not your fault." I try to hide my anger. Not towards her but to myself.

I was so mad and felt embarrassed thinking Evan stood me up. When in reality he was risking his life for someone's kids and nearly lost his own. Right outside the café where I sat waiting for him, unaware of what happened just outside a few hours prior. No one seemed to talk about the accident at the café? She heard nothing of it. She didn't check her phone so she didn't see any news about it. There wasn't any T.V in the shop either. Wouldn't have Yasmín known about the accident what occurred outside her shop? Did she not know it was Evan who was involved? I could feel my cheeks turning as I go over all the millions of questions in my head.

Why does this happen? I almost lost him once.

"What of the mom and kids? And the person driving the car? Where is he?" I asked.

"The mom came by to thank him but he wasn't conscious. They were doing everything they could to make sure he made it out of that surgery room. She thanked me over and over and over again when she found out I was his sister and asked me to please call her when he does wake up. She wants to thank him personally."

"Savannah made the call to the police," she looked behind me to where Savannah stood. "They haven't found the driver yet but they're working on it. Athena is making sure but I don't know what to do, Stel. I hate seeing my brother like this." Maddie blinked the tears away as she tried to stand strong. And it pained me to see her this way.

"I need to see him" I said.
"Wait" Maddie stepped in front of me to keep me from walking past her. But words failed her as she opened her mouth and shut it. I looked at her pale face and her red and puffy eyes. She's been crying nonstop.

"Stella" Victor stood next to Maddie now. "I need you to listen to me" he said, but my attention went to her.

Savannah slithered her way past us and shot me a devious smile before walking into the room. Her whole body language shifted as she walked in and stopped at his bedside, not even paying mind to Eddie who was in the middle of saying something. He just looked at her from behind, brows furrowed but didn't say anything.

I couldn't move. Couldn't breathe. Couldn't think as I saw her reach for his hand and put it on her belly. Everyone just stared at her in silence.

I watched as Athena sighed and rolled her eyes but went blank when she saw me standing a few feet away from the room. None of them had even noticed I was here.

Everything went silent inside of my head. I drowned out the words Victor was saying to me, only hearing a few words.

Head trauma. Severe. Blood. Days. Weeks. Loss.

I felt a warm touch on my elbow. Maddie wiped away her tears but her face was pale.

"I don't know why her." Is all Maddie said to me as I walked away and into the room.

Everyone's head turned towardthe door where I stood, frozen. My feet wouldn't move. Eddie met my gaze. All I could see was pain.

Then Bobby. Howie. Hen. Athena. The same pain behind their eyes as they all looked at me.

Except for Savannah. Quite the actress she was. To walk in and completely change her mask to look devastated, worried as she held his hand. Evan only looked at her as his hand remained on her belly. I couldn't read his face.

Then he looked at me and I swore everything inside of me shattered as I noted the strange look on his face. Not a sliver of recognition there. As if he were looking at a stranger.

"Evan?" My voice trembled. In the corner of my eye I could see Athena lower her head, pinching the bridge of her nose. Her back rose and fell as if she were trying to hold back any tears. Bobby rubbed her back in comfort but it didn't help the pain that flashed across his own face as he did his best to comfort his wife but also trying to keep himself together.

I felt Maddie slip in behind me, grabbing for my hand and squeezing it.

"It's Stella, Evan. She's here" Maddie managed to say through a sob. Hearing the noise that left her mouth broke me.

Evan shook his head slightly. He gave me an apologetic look. Savannah held his hand tighter in her own, looking up at me as if she felt for me. But I could see right through her. See the performance she's putting on for everyone. For him.

"It's okay if you don't remember her baby" Savannah said.

"Excuse me?" I took a step closer to the bed, glaring at her.

"Don't" Eddie said in warning, but not to me. To Savannah. Savannah turned to him as if offended by his warning. "Do you think I'm not worried? That it doesn't hurt me how he doesn't remember any of his friends? Watching all of you here trying to hold it together while he looks at you all like strangers?"

My hands trembled at my side. Evan didn't say a word. He just watched in silence and in utter confusion as we all spoke. As if he didn't know what to say. He couldn't say anything.

"Except for you... somehow" Eddie whispered. His fists were clenched as he continued to give Savannah a look I have never thought he was capable of. Such hatred behind it. Disgust.

"What do you... what do you mean he doesn't remember?" My own voice failed me as it kept coming out quiet and shaky.

"He can't remember anyone when he woke up, not even his own sister. But he remembers Savannah and I partially believe it's because she was there when the accident happened. Her face was the last one he had seen before.." Victor looked at Evan.

"I'm sorry" Evan said to no one in particular. "I'm trying to remember but I can't" he said. "I don't even remember what happened but I do remember her face" he meant Savannah. "And when I woke up here, she was the first face I saw. Besides his" he nodded his head towards Victor who stood at the door with his arms crossed, no expression on his face. It was weird to watch him look at Victor with such calmness and not wanting to punch him in his face.

"They tried to tell me stuff. Memories I suppose. And about you" this time he was talking directly to me. "About us... then she told me how you broke up with me and me and her got closer..." his eyes landed on her belly. "And that we have a baby on the way."

"That's enough."

Everyone looked at Athena. She shook her head. Shook it. "That is enough!" She stood up from her chair and I swore her eyes held such anger when she looked at Savannah, throwing daggers her way.

"Athena, honey, calm down" Bobby stood up, putting a hand on her shoulder but she shook him off, ignoring him.

"I have had enough of this girl poisoning him with lies!"

"It's not lies!" Savannah snapped back. Bad idea.

I couldn't say anything. Nothing. I could only look at Evan as I could hear my own heart breaking inside of my chest. Slowly. Emptiness is all I could see in those beautiful ocean eyes of his. Eyes that no longer recognized me.

"Another lie! That's all that comes out of that mouth of yours girl" her tone seemed to shock everyone. Even Victor.

"Athena" Bobby pleaded.

"We" she pointed a finger to everyone in this room, skipping Savannah and Victor, "are his family. His friends. And this girl right here" her finger was now on me.

I still couldn't move. Still couldn't breathe.

"She is the girl he is madly in love with and she him. They have been through hell and trust me I have witnessed it. They went through HELL" the rise in her voice caused me to jump. Everyone else stayed silent. In shock. "Just to be together only for you to waltz your way in and destroy it with your games and lies!"

"How dare you talk to me like that! I'm literally carrying his child and you are yelling at me and it's stressing me out and likely my baby. If anything happens to our baby..." her voice went quiet. She deserves an Oscar.

Athena snorted. "Oh please. We all know that baby isn't his. It's that little boy standing outside behind that counter. Don't think I don't know people who talk"

"You're crazy" Savannah said.

"Coming from you" Eddie says.
"Relax" Howie murmured to Eddie.
"This is all a mess. You've made this into a mess" Hen says to Savannah who simply ignored her as if she wasn't there.

"Why are you doing this?" The words come out of my mouth before I have time to process that I was the one to talk. I didn't recognize my voice. It sounded...shattered. Exactly how I felt as I walked up to his bedside and his eyes were empty, no hint of any emotion as he looked up at me.

"Evan it's me... Stella." I reached for his hand and to my surprise he didn't pull away. His callused hand somehow felt soft. He looked towards to Savannah who had her eyes glued on me. Despite her mask she had on, her eyes failed to hide her amusement.

"Look at me" I placed my hand on his cheek and begged him. "Evan, look at me."

My favorite color stared up at me. The usual spark and warmth that swam in those ocean eyes were gone.

"It's me." My voice cracked.

My world has shattered within minutes since I arrived here. And I was doing everything in my power to hold it together and not break down in front of everyone. Maddie was sobbing behind Victor, not being able to bring her eyes to her brother. I can't imagine her pain. Her own brother forgot her. He forgot us all.

Except for the snake.

"I-I can't remember you. I don't. I'm sorry."

I shake my head. "I was waiting for you. At SweetCup. Our little spot. I waited and waited to tell you how sorry I am. How I've missed you and wanted to fix everything, that I will stay by your side no matter what. Support you. Because I love you, Evan. And you love me..." I put a hand over the spot where his heart is. We kept looking at each other, as if no one else was in the room. Except only one of us could remember everything that happened between us.

"Your soul. Your heart. They know who I am."

My eyes flicker to Savannah's hand that grips around his other hand.

"I think he needs a break." She says cooly.

"Back off"
"No you need to back off and let hi-"
"Why are you acting like you care about him? When have you ever cared about him!??" I snap.

"That's enough, maybe we should all step out and let Buck have time for himself." Victor motions for everyone to exit the room. But no one moved. His eyes look over to Maddie who was still standing behind him. "You're more than welcome to stay if you want. I know everyone in this room is his family but in technical terms, you are family by blood."

Maddie shakes her head. Howie moves across the room to her, taking her into his arms. Her body shakes as he whispers comforting words into her ear, only for them to hear.

"I think I need to be alone. To be able to just think." Evan says but it doesn't sound like him. It doesn't sound like the Evan I know.

Because he's gone.

"I can't do this" I whisper to myself. I let go of his hand, feeling empty when I no longer felt the warmth of his skin and my own turning cold.

"Stella" Victor moves to grab my elbow but I push past him and past Maddie, leaving everyone behind to watch me leave knowing I was on the verge of having a mental breakdown.

I can't do this. I can't. Those emotionless eyes flash before me. It felt as if a fisted hand was squeezing my heart and twisting it, readying to yank it out of my chest.

My legs feel weak, wobbly as if I can't take another step. I'm not sure I can make it out of the hospital without collapsing.

I can't do this.

The walls seem to be closing in on me, the hospital shrinking and threatening to suffocate me to my own death. The air became hard to breathe.

I didn't realize someone had catched me as I stumbled to the cold tiled floor. Everything was spinning. My vision became blurry. The tears wouldn't stop as I felt it. Felt my heart break. I let out a sob. I tried to cover my mouth but my arms wouldn't move. They couldn't move.

Victor brought me into his chest, rubbing my arms as I let myself sob and sob until I couldn't anymore. Until I felt every wave of tears drain the life out of me.

"He's gone..." I said quietly.
"He's still in there. We'll help him find his way out." His words were meant to be comforting but it still didn't do anything for the ache I felt in my chest. My head was starting to pound from all the crying.

Victor rested his chin on the top of my head. I could hear the thundering in his chest as I kept my head still on it.

"I promise we, I, will do everything in my power to make sure he makes it back to you guys. To you."

"Why?" I ask. "Why is it she is the one he remembers? She is the last person on this earth who should be remembered by him. I hate her."

"Don't say that. You're not thinking straight and considering the situation I understand but you don't mean that."

But I do. Everything in me hates Savannah. This is the game she had up her sleeve. The lies she has implanted into his head. She is a master of deception with all those masks of hers. And she chose the right one today for him. The mask of someone who is worried about their partner, the father of their child. She played it well as she rushed to his side and placed his hand on her swollen belly. And he fell for it. He is vulnerable and she's taking advantage of it.

Everyone else isn't fooled by her. Especially Athena or Eddie. They clearly expressed how they felt about her today.

"I cant do this Vic... I can't watch him look at me like that. At any of us."

"We're not sure how long he'll be in this state. There's no way of telling just yet if his amnesia is temporary or-"

"What if it's not?" I lift my head up and meet his gaze. "What if it's not?" I repeat. "What if he's really gone? Forever? There's no way I'll be-" I don't dare finish that sentence.

I don't think I'll be able to survive this. Watching the man I love forget me. Not love me back because he can't remember our love. He can't remember me. Us.

"Let's not think like that. For right now, let's take it day by day. Step by step. And I'll be there for you every step of the way on his recovery."

I want to tell Victor I appreciate him trying to be there for me. But this emptiness inside of me...

He's gone. My Evan doesn't remember our love. I try to tell myself that his soul and heart does. His heart will never forget me nor his soul but his mind has betrayed him and has been poisoned with Savannah's venom, making it impossible for him to remember me.

I shudder in fear at such thoughts. At what could happen if he doesn't regain his memory. What that could mean for our future.

How now there is a possibility that there is no future. That I would've lost my soulmate.

And she would win.

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