Perfidy | Tom Riddle |

By cherrymarked

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"I would challenge death himself if it meant I could spend forever ... More

12:23 A.M


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By cherrymarked

Lyra's decision not to attend the Yule Ball was made the moment she heard about it. This was her first opportunity to gain some direct answers as to why she was here in the first place after several months. Lyra will have countless hours to browse each and every single boy's room as everyone will be busy during the ball and Ravenclaw party afterward.

An uncomfortable sense of terrible guilt grew inside Lyra that she'd be rummaging through Mulciber, Notts, and Tom's things. There was also panic, what if one of the boys came back to their rooms early or what if they forgotten something and needed to grab it. Merlin, she desperately wished to have an invisibility cloak at the moment.

This was her only chance. It must be done.

"Are you sure you've packed everything?" Nott asked, pacing around her room.

"For the love of Merlin, you've asked me twenty times. I've packed everything," Nott pointed his finger up, "Yes, even the dresses you purchased for me earlier for no reason. I however don't understand why I must wear them." she complained neatly folding them in her trunk.

"We've been over this. My parents are strictly traditional and if they see you in trousers, which I admit you look stunning in, they will not maintain the same opinion."

"Wait till they live long enough to see jeans," she lowly muffled to herself, "Niles stop worrying we're only just going to be at your parents for a few days."

"You don't know them Lyra, especially my brother. They have picked apart every detail of my life, and I have no doubts they're going to do the same to you."

Lyra joked, "I've dealt with people trying to kill me. I'm sure I could handle your family." She laughed. "Now I believe you have a ball to prepare for?" she clasped her hands in front of her and kept an extremely pitiful expression on her face, "Please go already."

"I'm a bit hurt you're pushing me away," he huffed pointing his head away from her, "Presumably for him?" Nott crossed his arms, "Is this what we've come to be. Has Riddle come between us?" he spoke in an emotional high-pitched tone.

"I'm spending the first half of our holiday with you and your parents, therefore forgive me if I wanted to spend the last few hours we have with Tom. Especially since he's going to be at the ball for those few hours."

Taking a seat in front of her bed, he mused, "I'm completely interested in seeing what happens. I've never seen you two stay apart for nearly that long." he said, eyes fixed on her.

"Don't be dramatic we do spend time apart. It's not as if we're joined at the hip." she laughed sitting down on her bed.

"Lyra." he said, leaning forward, elbows resting on knees, "he's showering in your bathroom when he could've just used his." Nott pointed to the door of her bathroom.

"Go get ready, Niles," she said standing up, grabbing his collar, and pushing him through the door.

Taking note of what Nott had said, Lyra reflected on how they rarely spend any time apart. If they were apart for a long time, it was either because she was stuck in the infirmary or because they had a fight. She didn't want to be away from him even if it was for a few days, though the idea of spending her holiday at the Lestrange Manor sent a shiver down her back.

Whenever Lyra thought about Tom, she was confused and lost about what the future held for them. Would he be okay being away so long? Or was she just being dramatic? Being close to him all the time had become an unhealthy habit.

It made her realize what a selfish person Tom had made her. Lyra had been deeply touched by someone who made her forget all about her reason for being here. The shameful thing is, she actually enjoyed it.

Lyra startled Tom when she pulled back the shower curtain. "Why are you taking a shower in my dorm?" she asked.

"Bloody hell!" Tom screamed, almost slipping, "Fuck I've got soap in my eye."

Lyra stepped into the shower, fully clothed, and assisted him in washing away the burning sensation in his eye, "Well this is a nice surprise," Tom smiled once his vision was clear, "Also your water pressure seems to be better than mine that's why." his hands naturally slithered to her lower back.

"I did not enter this shower for that," she brushed him off stepping out of the tub only for Tom to grip Lyras hips and strained her back, "Tom Riddle you have a ball to get ready for." his head rested on the crevice of her neck.

"That can wait. I have much more important things to do."

"There will be no doing of any kind." she brushed him away slipping out of the shower. She stood in front of the fogged mirror she held out her palm granting her wand to fly into it. "Fervens Aeris" Lyra cast, a burst of hot air dried her in a matter of seconds.

She stepped out of the bathroom setting with Tom following right behind her. Lyra walked to her cupboard to set out the dress robes Tom had placed inside earlier in the day. When she turned Lyra marked Tom standing in front of her vanity mirror with a towel wrapped round his waist, his hair wet with little droplets escaping to his face. Her mouth gaped open with his dress robes held up as she froze admiring his toned-out body, gazing at the fresh set of scratch marks she had graciously left the day before.

He never healed nor hid the marks Lyra would leave behind during their intimate moments. Since their reconciliation in the potion classroom, courtesy of Mulciber, Lyra also stopped healing and eclipsing the marks Tom would leave behind. Only if there were visible marks round her skin such as her neck, would he then allow her to cover them.

Tom noticed through the mirror how Lyra's eyes were inspecting his exposed upper body and smirked to himself, "Now darling if you keep looking at me like that, you might not be fit to walk tomorrow."

Lyra hid back a smile when she looked at him through the mirror. "I would be cautious with that threat. Remember only yesterday what had happened in the transfiguration classroom."

"I seem to recall someone shaking uncontrollably merely after the third time."

"Mhm," Lyra narrowed her eyes, "And who was begging me like a good boy to-"

"Finish that remark," he leaned on the vanity with both palms facing down, still gazing at her through the mirror. Lyra compressed her lips together to silence herself.

She moved to the edge of her bed, the opposite side to where he stood, and neatly spread out his clothes to change into.

"I figured since we're going to be apart for Christmas tomorrow," said Tom, getting Lyra's attention," That I give your gift now." he reached inside the pocket of his uniform trousers that were folded on her vanity, instantly straining his hand behind his back.

Lyra looked at him with worry, "Tom, I didn't even get you a gift that's not fair." she complained, "I didn't know we were going to exchange gifts for Christmas."

"Stop complaining and close your eyes," Tom said as he walked up to Lyra transferring her in front of the mirror with her back pressing against his chest. Her eyes were fastened as he instructed. Tom held up her gift with hesitation, self-debating if such a gift with a horrible history is worth giving to Lyra. Nonetheless, he clasped her gift round her neck.

Lyra uncovered her eyes and let a faint gasp escape her lips. Her fingers trailed to the necklace Tom clasped round her neck. She observed the small black pendant with a golden snake wrapped round the body, its head resting on top of it with two green-eyed jewels. "Tom this is- it's beautiful," her eyes trailed back to his with worry, "It looks quite expensive."

"It's a family heirloom. It's not much but I assumed-" Lyra turned, grabbing Tom's face, placing multiple kisses on his smiling lips.

"I love it." her eager hands wrapped under his shoulders smiling graciously at him with a glittering light in her eye. "Thank you," she said with sincerity.

The Gaunt family was always proud of their heritage descending from the great wizard Salazar himself. When his first and only child Darius Slytherin bore a son and daughter, Salazar himself handcrafted two unique items as reminders of their powerful lineage. A gold ring with a black stone was made for the grandson, along with a black stone necklace encircled by a golden snake. The items from then on were passed to each firstborn male and female heir going down the bloodline who reached of age.

Tom's mother inherited the necklace as the only female Gaunt born in years, as her oldest brother was passed down the ring. The necklace meant a lot to Tom, even though he despised his mother in every way. He was left with it at the orphanage when his mother abandoned him the day he was born. Tom never comprehended why he held onto the item that constantly reminded him of her, he simply couldn't bring himself to destroy or give it away. He detested it, but the necklace contained a powerful meaning behind it, his family's history laid within it.

"It matches your ring!" Lyra exclaimed, extending his hand, "Though, of course, it's because they're both family heirlooms."

Lowering his head to her chest, Tom tightened his grip round her jaw as he stubbed a long-lasting kiss on her collarbone.

"I have something for you as well," Lyra lightly backed away, "Actually, it's one of your birthday gifts. But now it would be unfair if I didn't give you anything for Christmas." Her excitement filled the room as she reached for the drawer next to her bed and pulled out the elegantly tied silver box with the green ribbon. Lyra secreted it to her back and joyously skipped towards Tom. "Close your eyes."

"Darling you don't have to do that." he protested.

As Lyra boasted with a charming smile, she threatened, "If you don't close them, I promise I'll glue them shut."

He rolled his eyes and sat at the edge of her bed, "Do I have to? And what do you indicate by, one of your birthday gifts?" she arched her brows with a threatening look on her face indicating that he had no choice. A grunt sounded from his throat and his eyes narrowed.

"Now hold your hand up. And yes you have to."

He did what he was told and held up his palm. Tom felt something being placed inside his hand. "Now open them."

He was presented with a silver-wrapped box with a green ribbon. The colours of their house he thought to himself, she truly did know him well. Taking the edge of the ribbon, he pulled and placed it on top of his dress robes, thinking there would be some use for it later. In a swift motion, he tore the wrapping paper and let it fall to the floor.

He opened the black velvet box for it to reveal a sparkling gold pocket watch with an engraving on the outside. Tom slid his fingers under it picking it up and placing the box to his side.

A dragon was smoothly engraved on the clean edges, which puzzled him. Is there a reason for choosing a dragon? After clicking the jewelled crown, the top sprang open to reveal yet another engraving.

Those words naturally brought a smile to Tom's lips. "Always," he whispered admiring the words on the inside, tracing each letter with his finger.

"I know it's cheesy," she answered looking down at him.

"It's perfect," he said, still analyzing his recent gift.

"Click the crown three times. The second part will be revealed." Tom looked up at her with shrewd suspicion, sure she acquired a clever trick up her sleeve. Nonetheless, he clicked the crown three times as she instructed.

A blue-white tint of light shot up between the two. Lyra paid attention to Tom and Tom was puzzled universally admiring it morphing into something. That's when the light acquired a unique shape of a small glowing dragon flying above them. "It's my Patronus." Lyra informed him when Tom looked back to her, "That way if you miss me or want to deliver a message it'll always find me. I think it's perfect, no? Seeing as we're going to be a few days apart."

In itself, creating a Patronus is not easy, but the idea that Lyra could conceal it inside an object and then have it summoned on command was something Tom had never seen before. "You never cease to surprise me with your abilities," his smile only grew wider watching Lyra follow the dragon with her eyes. She correctly is a powerful and extraordinary witch he believed.

"There's one more gift but that one is a surprise. And please no complaining I can assure you it's something you'll love."

"If it's something I'll love as you say." he bought his hand up to his chin, pondering for a moment then stood, "Then it surely must be under your clothes." Tom joked admiring the twinkle in her eyes. He hooked a finger round the neckline of her jumper and pulled it to look inside, admiring her chest with a grin.

"Since when did you become such a comedian?" she hysterically laughed with Tom's face pressed down to her chest. "Ah yes, what a lovely gift darling. I must say I like them," said Tom.

She started laughing so hard that she momentarily forgot how to breathe.

He set the pocket watch down on the bed and comfortably sat back down. His hands comfortably rested round her hips, Tom buried his head in Lyra's abdomen. "I wish you would come," he pleaded.

Lyra gently stroked his perfect curls with one hand and the other placed behind his head, "I wish you didn't have to go."

"Why don't you want to come? I don't want to force you, but I'm curious."

"I'm not in the ball mood with the fancy dresses and heels. Now I believe we've wasted enough time let's get you dressed."

He released a chuckle, "You're usually eager to get me undressed."

Lyra placed her hands on both hips. "My my Tom Riddle how dare you speak to me with such vulgarity?" she joked in a mocking tone. She overheard him laugh and took ahold of his head, placing a kiss on top of it. "Be dressed when I come out."

Lyra scattered away from Tom's tight grip, fleeing to her bathroom quickly.

She stood admiring the beautiful necklace Tom had gifted to her. Her fingers traced the body of the golden snake wrapped round the stone.

She couldn't leave. Not without him.

At that moment Lyra made her final decision to permanently stay in this time period after she successfully killed Voldemort and destroyed the Horcrux.

In the many months since her being here, Lyra has unsuccessfully accomplished nothing. The only information she uncovered is that there was a Horcrux already made with the death of Myrtle. After many nights sleeping on it, she decided it was time to be completely honest with Tom. Meaning on New Year's Day Tom will know that Lyra was from the future, that she was sent back with the goal of preventing an evil sorcerer from taking over the wizarding world. She believed that in many ways Tom would greatly be of help.

Lyra was certain this would be the right choice.

She left the bathroom and her heart almost stopped upon seeing Tom. To mark him in a suit with a fitted vest and those rolled-up dress shirt sleeves made her imagine wild scenarios. Lyra clutched her chest and dramatically looked away. "I think my heart is going to burst," she joked before looking back at him.

"Always with the dramatics with you." He chuckled knowing that he indeed looked ravishing. "If you're done with your theatrics mind helping me put your gift on?" Tom asked holding the watch up by the chain.

He inspected her in awe when she took steps towards him, snatching the watch away. Lyra hooked the end of the chain inside his vest buttonhole and neatly tucked the gold watch in the pocket next to it.

"How can you expect me to wait hours for you to come back when you look like that?" her hands clasped round his lower back in a tight grip.

A hard knock disrupted their private moment. "That must be Alastor," she announced.

He sighed in annoyance, "One day I'm going to lock him in the dungeons."

"Go. They're probably all waiting for you."

"Behave until I come back."

"Honestly Tom do you expect me to blow up the dormitories if you leave me alone for a few hours?" she stepped away crossing her arms.

He simply smiled at her, "I lo-" but he stopped before he could make a terrible mistake, "For eternity?"

"Always." she answered back to him with a faint smile and kissed him.

"Now go before they think we're shagging." she turned him around and forcefully hauled Tom out. She threw his suit jacket to him before she slammed the door shut.

One hour.

She would wait approximately one hour to start snooping round the boys' room.

My god was she bored waiting to do something. Lyra found herself in Tom's room after everyone left for the ball. Which isn't suspicious, because most of her time was often spent time there waiting for Tom, as he would do the same and lounge in her room waiting for her.

Lyra knew how Tom loathed his things being touched. So she was careful without trying to move much around dug into every corner of the room.  The search was quick just like her expectations, for one Tom's room is always neatly organized which made her job much easier. A sense of relief came over her nothing came up.

One last thing needed to be checked, which was the drawer next to his bed. But when Lyra attempted to open it, it wouldn't budge.

Curious. What could be in here that Tom had to lock away?

Maybe it's locked for a reason, she thought.

Maybe she shouldn't pry further.

She accepted defeat and turned her back to the drawer, walking away from it. But surely the mystery alone would kill her.

"Ugh fuck it," she turned taking her wand out of her trousers, and pointed it, "Alohomora." The drawer popped open.

She held her breath while she took tiny steps towards it. Once Lyra was close her eyes were shut and looked away assuming that any second she would see something horrible.

But when she quickly looked inside her nerves went calm.

"All that for a diary?" she said out loud taking it out of the drawer admiring the black leather book with both hands.

Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Lyra wanted to set it back down in its primary place but something wouldn't allow her to. Looking at it kept her hypnotized, unable to tear her eyes away from it.

Suddenly, she was faint. A cold sweat hit her from nowhere, making her feel almost nauseous. Whatever the fuck was in her hands contained a great deal of magic. When the diary slipped from Lyra's hands, she came to when she no longer had a hold of it. A loud thud arose, she found herself completely free of whatever that thing was doing to her.

"All that magic just to hide a stupid diary," she shook her head, bending down and picking it up. Not wanting to touch it any further it was placed back inside the drawer and used magic to lock it once more.

Quickly she left Tom's room, making way for her next target. Malfoy, Rosier and Lestrange's room which were the closest.

Determined she pried apart every drawer, every cupboard, every inch she could possibly think of.

The only thing found was countless bottles of fire whiskey stashed in odd places. And some images that burned her eyes and disgusted her when she thought of what the boys could be doing with them.

For a moment she forgot they were still teenagers. And that no matter what time period, boys will be boys.

In the very last second, just before Lyra was sure to leave, something odd captured her eyes amongst Rosier's things. It was a crumbled-up parchment paper with a drawing of some sort of locket with a serpent embedded on it.

She's seen this before.

Where has she seen this before?

If it was taken would Rosier notice and know someone's been snooping around? But at this point Lyra truly did not care. Folding it neatly and slipping it inside her back pocket she quickly exit their room.

Now comes the moment she's been dreading. Swiftly she went to Mulciber, Nott and Avery's room. Her guilt over having to snoop around was understandable, but she knew it had to be done. After all, they're going to be followers of the Dark Lord's one day.

She prayed to Merlin that the time for that has not come yet. Maybe they all become followers in their final year and she can somehow prevent that from happening.

Those attending the Yule Ball had been gone for over two hours by now. She figured an hour maybe two was all she had left. So Lyra pushed her guilt aside and searched the boy's room the same as before.

There was a sigh of relief that escaped from Lyra's lips that when absolutely nothings as found in Mulciber and Nott's things. But very so frustrated that this was all for nothing.

Avery's was the last one left.

"Lyra?" she jumped turning around to mark Nott standing at the door frame scanning her confused with Mulciber behind him just as confused, "What are you doing?"

"Niles, Alastor," Lyra slammed the nightstand shut, standing in front of it, "I'm-I'm"

"Going through Avery's stuff, it seems?" Mulciber noticed arching a puzzled brow. The boys walked in shutting the door behind them.

"Why are you two back so early?" she asked with worry.

There was no lie to get her out of the new mess created. She and Avery haven't exactly been close for quite some time. What on earth could she possibly say. The fear she had imagined if one of the boys returned felt even more terrifying at this moment.

So she broke down on Avery's bed and told them both everything. Her first year at Hogwarts, becoming a member of the Malfoy family, the war, Harry, everything. Not a detail was left out for them.

Nott stayed still merely blinking at her with his lips parted in shock. Mulciber stayed frozen, his hand covering his mouth, "Say something the both of you."

"Do you know what this means?" Nott asked with his eyes widened. Lyra simply shook her head wiping away the dried tears. Nott gently gripped her shoulders with a smile plastered across his lips, "Lyra it means I can now bet on quidditch teams during the tournaments. I'm going to be even richer than I am now!"

"Niles!" Lyra shoved his arm, "I tell you something as big as this and that's what your focus is remained on? Placing bets?"

"Well, it's better than what I thought you were going to tell me. I thought you were going to say you were pregnant."

"You thought I was going to tell you I was pregnant after you had caught me going through your mate's things?" said Lyra with a faint laugh, "Alastor? Are you alright you haven't said anything or really moved?"

"I think I need to lie down," Mulciber spoke for the first time. Lyra nodded her head and observed him crawl into his bed, fully clothed, and wrap himself in his quilt.

Lyra looked back to Nott with a hint of worry, "Is he going to be alright?"

He groaned and shook his head, "Give him a few hours to process this and he'll be alright."

She felt things getting awkward between them for the first time. As soon as they made eye contact, both of them turned dramatically away from one another. The awkward situation was made worse as Nott hummed.

"Can you show me?" Nott asked her abruptly, "I want to see."

Her eyes widened, her lips parted in surprise, "It's terribly dreadful are you sure?"

"I want to see," he affirmed again.

"That's too many memories to shift through inside my head. By the time you're done, I'll be bedridden." Lyra assured him, "However I can show you a different way." She reached inside her trouser pocket and pulled out a small spherical compact mirror. Something plain and simple, honestly quite ugly as well. A silver-colored object surrounded by rusted edges, with faint cracks glistening everywhere.

"Think of it as a pensieve," she said with the mirror in one hand, "but it isn't one. I think it would be easier to show you than explain."

With her free hand, Lyra opened it to reveal...nothing. Just an ordinary mirror. Nott looked at her sceptically. She grabbed ahold of his hand and placed his pointer finger on the bottom portion of the compact and whispered something so faint he didn't even hear it.

That's when the mirror glowed, and it felt as if he was sucked into an endless hole.

In just a matter of minutes, Nott was able to live through years worth of Lyra's memories. The pain. The suffering. Those deaths Lyra was compelled to witness.

He felt it all.

How Lyra felt each time taking a life.

Running away from strange men in cloaks whilst she was struck with all kinds of nasty curses.

How after all her efforts to save members of The Order they would still die in her hands.

The rage Lyra was seethed with being tortured by that vile-looking creature and a man named Draco Malfoy.

The crumbling feeling she felt when Harry died but hid to everyone.

It was horrible.

When he exits her memories Nott looked at Lyra with such shock. His eyes were glossed, his lip parted in horror, "You-you suffered all of that? Because of-"


How Lyra managed to stay sane with everything she had suffered was an utter shock to Nott.

He clutched her hands holding them close to his chest, "I'm so sorry you had to undergo that."

Immediately after when he pulled out of Lyra's memories Nott was wracked with guilt. There was a symbol embedded in the so-called 'Death Eater' arms which he recognised. The prototype version of one of the designs Riddle worked on for the knighthood.

Tom Riddle was Voldemort.

This meant their plans successfully thrived more than Nott had thought of. But what specifically pierced his heart out was Nott seeing his own future grandson amongst those murders during the Battle Of Hogwarts. His own flesh and blood utilising the killing curse amongst his own peers.

That's when the worst realisation hit Nott. Lyra didn't know Voldemort's identity was her own boyfriend. "You have to kill him in this time?" he asked with caution.

"Oh Merlin you have to kill someone." she heard Mulciber say in horror.

"If I knew who the bastard is he would've been dead by now. A part of me thought it could've been Lestrange. He does possess a vile presence to him no offence to your friend. But nothing could prove that since his family are loyal followers."

"None taken. But I assume you haven't informed Riddle?" Nott was careful with his next choice of words.

"Merlin you have to tell Riddle," Mulciber said with fear in his voice.

Lyra shook her head at Mulciber's comments. "Not yet. I was going to tell him the day after his birthday. I have a surprise arranged for him. This is why I created this object specifically, so I can show Tom everything. Knowing him, he's going to analyze every second of my memories."

"Is that not dangerous?" Nott said eyeing the mirror, "To have such an item just lying in your pocket where anyone can take it."

"I'm not daft. The mirror has a password embedded into it. When someone opens it, it will be nothing more than a compact mirror unless the password is spoken out loud. It's quite silly," she revealed with a faint smile, "The password is the first thing me and Tom ever talked about at Malfoy Manor."

"And these items you need to destroy. Horcruxes?" Nott disregarded her comment.

Lyra's smile dropped, "I know one has already been made with the death of Myrtle."

Small panic struck Nott. How is it possible that Lyra knew Myrtle's death was a murder? "Myrtle was killed by a creature Lyra, not some dark wizard. It was proven by the ministry."

"That's how smart he is Niles!" She swiftly stood facing him, "Neither Hagrid nor his creature were responsible for Myrtle's death. He was capable of getting away with murder and frame an innocent good man. Fuck I don't even know when the next one is going to be made. It could be today or next week or a year from now!"

' Or it's going to be made within a few days ' he thought to himself.

"Wait a minute." Nott stood in front of Lyra waving his arms around, "If you're from 1999 and were sent here to kill this so-called Voldemort. What happens after you succeed?"

"I don't know actually." she informed, "I've made the decision to stay but haven't worked anything out."

"You're going to stay?" he asked in an innocent tone. "Merlin you just can't live without me can you?" he joked. They two joyfully started laughing. Nott always knew how to lighten the mood somehow. She was delighted to have told him everything. But was still worried seeing that Mulciber hadn't moved for the past thirty minutes still trying to process it all.

The door was rapidly flung open, Lyra and Nott drew their attention to see Tom standing there. "I've been looking for you." He said with no hesitation.

His eyes squinted, noticing Lyra had been crying, and looked at Nott widening his eyes in a threatening manner, "We need to talk," he shifted back to Lyra, "In private."

"Right," Lyra smiled at Tom then to Nott, "We'll talk more about this later," she whispered to him, "And," she glanced at Mulciber, "keep an eye on him for me."

"He's in good hands," Nott assured pointing one of his fingers up.

So Tom and Lyra fled the boy's room. Leaving Nott wracked with guilt and fear, Mulciber still in a shocked state which will likely last a few more hours. They returned to Lyra's room, where she instantly threw herself on the bed, lying on it in a starfish position.

"So what did you want to talk about in private?" Lyra mocked his voice at her last words.

Tom took a seat on the chair placed in front of her bed. His face was neutral, he said nor did anything just eyeing Lyra.

"We have to stop," he abruptly spoke.

She sat up to the edge of her bed overlooking him. "Stop?" Lyra inclined her head to the side in confusion.

"We shouldn't lie to ourselves anymore," Tom said, leaning forward as he looked at her, "We have no future together. We should stop before we dig ourselves too deep."

Lyra laughed lightly and smiled at him, then peeled it back quickly when she realised the seriousness in Tom's statement. "You're joking." she scrunched up her brows.

"We-" he hesitated, tightening his jaw, "I let it go too far. My feelings for you have changed."

"You're lying," her voice went frail, "No you said you saw us together in the mirror of Erised, you-you smelled me in your amortentia the same me." She stood with a step taken towards Tom, "We do hold a future together. We promised one another." Lyra cupped the sides of his jaw.

Tom's hands touch hers, and he gently forced them back. As he stood Lyra was on the brink of release. Her tear-stained eyes met his gaze. "I saw only my future, which does not include you," he said as he looked into her.

Lyra shook her head with an expression of hurt and betrayal spread across her heated face. "I don't believe you." she reached out to touch him once more.

He moved away, creating distance between the two. "My desire to achieve the future I want has overpowered the feelings I used to have for you Lenkrov."

Used to have for you.


"I don't believe you. Tell me what happened. Why the fuck are you calling me Lenkrov?"

He stayed silent.

"Tell me what the fuck happened Tom."

He turned his back and took a step away from her, "You liar," Lyra raised her cracked voice with a hint of fury, "If you turn your back on me, on us Riddle that's it. There will be no making up, there will be no relationship to come back to. I won't wait for you." she threatened with her voice now cold and bitter.

Tom had been dreading this moment for so long. He knew she meant every word of her threat, "This was never a relationship merely mild entertainment." He spoke looking to his side and resumed to leave her room.

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