Baby Blue Eyes (Zayn Malik Fa...

By emmajeannee

41.6K 924 162

Mikayla Davis is one of the most famous teenagers in the world. You'll see her on almost every movie poster a... More

Baby Blue Eyes
The Neighbor Ryan
Movie Night
Designated Driver
Finding Mikayla
Getting Caught
Big News & Big Agreements
Getting To Know Each Other
Red Carpet
Late Night Talks
Meeting The Boys
Drunk Zayn
Charity Concert
Going For A Ride
The Truth Comes Out
Suck and Blow
Brooklyn's Party
Coming Home
Calling Zayn Out
Back To Normal
Plaid Shirts
Birthday Party
Prom Night

Meeting The Family

1.6K 37 5
By emmajeannee

Before you start reading! I wanted to let you know that I decided to put up my Harry Styles fanfic Begin Again! I honestly couldn't wait. So I hope you guys check it out and let me know what you think!

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! We're getting closer and closer to my favorite chapter. I'm excited for it. So remember to vote and/or comment! I appreciate them all! Also I threw in my favorite Zayn gif on the side. Its great(:

Thanks guys!


Chapter Thirteen

I was rummaging through Zayn's cabinets to find some food to eat. Everything that was in there was either old or didn't seem appetizing. I let out a disappointed sigh and heard grumbling coming from down the hall. I peaked my head around the corner and saw Zayn slowly making his way to the kitchen. I giggled quietly and found him some Advil. He must feel like shit. I set the tablet on the counter along with a water bottle. He walked in while messaging his forehead.

"Morning," I said.

He looked at me and then the two gifts for him on the counter, "This for me?"

I nodded and he took both of them in his hands. He swallowed the pill then took a swig of the water bottle.

"How do you feel? Wasn't it like your first time having alcohol?" He took a seat at the table.

I shrugged, "I'm okay. Just a little head ache nothing bad."

"You can really hold your alcohol," He smiled almost like he's proud of me.

"Yeah obviously you can't. Do you remember anything?"

"Barely." He said.

I laughed, "Well, I'm hungry and you have no food. Want to go out for some brunch?"

"Brunch?" He laughed at the word, "I guess but give me some time."

I giggled, "Course princess."

He got up and went back towards his bedroom. I was stuck in yesterday's clothing before I got ready for clubbing. Hopefully I don't smell too bad. I made myself at home on his sofa and turned the TV on as I waited. He took a little over an hour to get ready but I don't blame him. He had a raging hang over and he still managed to look good the next day.

"Ready?" I piped up when he came in the room.

"Yeah," He groaned and continued to rub his head.

"Food will help ya."

We left his flat and walked around till we found a place to eat. We stumbled upon a little coffee shop and settled for that. We went up to the counter, ordered, and took a seat outside. Zayn took a long sip of his water bottle.

"You're probably gonna have to pee soon," I laughed.

He cracked a smile, "Oh well, I need this water."

Both our buzzers went off and I offered to grab his food as well. I walked inside to grab the two plates careful not to drop them. I walked back out and set his meal in front of him. He was on the phone when I did.

"I don't know if I can...But we just came in and Mikayla-...Alright, see you then. Bye love you too," Zayn set his phone down on the table.

I gave him a questioning look, "My mom," He said.

I nodded and stuck a chip in my mouth, "What'd she want?"

"She wants to meet you. My family wants to meet you."

"What." I said shocked.

He just nodded, "She said we should come by today."

"So I have to meet your parents? But what if I screw up and they hate me. They're gonna hate Mikaya!" I said worried.

"Trust me they aren't going to hate you! They'll like you. You don't know it but you're likeable Mallory." I shot him a look since he said the wrong name and we're in public, "Erm, I mean Mikayla." He corrected.

"Fine, we'll go."

Zayn gave me an encouraging smile, "Don't worry. It'll all be fine."

"That's what you said at the award show," I said back.

Zayn laughed as he replayed the memory of me shoving my award at Zac Efron's nose. But stopped once he saw the look on my face.

His eyes traveled past me. I looked at him confused. I looked over my shoulder and saw two beautiful girls walking down the street. I rolled my eyes while cracking a smile. I looked back him but his eyes were still glued to them. I coughed quietly but it still didn't seem to steal back the his attention.

"Way to be discrete, Zayn," I scoffed.

His eyes snapped to me and he loudly cleared his throat, "Oh, uh, sorry,"

"Hey, I'm not your girlfriend," I said.

Zayn nervously chuckled and shook his head. We sat there for a little longer with multiple moments of silence. We talked for a little bit then it'd become quiet as we ate. And that kept happening.

"I think I should head to the hotel. I need to clean up. I'll get a cab back to your place," I told Zayn when we were done.

He nodded in agreement and we both stood up from the table, "Alright, text me when you're about to leave. I'll see you later." He leaned in and kissed me cheek. I froze at his touch.

"Oh, sorry was that not okay?" He asked when he saw my reaction.

"I-uh- no it's fine. I'll see you later," I muttered out and turned out my heels, walking away from him.


"Don't you want to be able to drive?" I asked Zayn when we slid into the taxi.

"Yeah but I don't have to time to learn." He shrugged.

"Yes you have time! Now that Mikayla isn't hogging all your time. I say you should get your license. Then we can stop wasting money on taxis. Plus driving is fun."

Zayn chuckled, "I'll think about it."

The rest of the car ride was silent. I sneaked little looks at Zayn as he started out at city. I never really realize how good looking Zayn really was. His jaw line was so chiseled and the fact that he had stubble made him look And his eyes. I swear they were prettier than any other pair of eyes I've seen. I could stare at them all day. Oh god, he's Mikayla's boyfriend. Not mine. I need to stop thinking of him like that.

We pulled up to a home and Zayn stepped out. I went open my door but he beat me to it. I quietly thanked him for it. We walked up to the front door and he knocked. We both stood there awkwardly waiting for someone to answer and someone did. A woman opened the door up and a smile spread across her face.

"Zayn!" She shouted and pulled her son into her arms. Zayn chuckled, "Hi mom."

They pulled away and her eyes traveled to me, "And Mikayla I've heard a lot about you." She said while she pulled me into her arms as well.

"Oh, you have?" I smiled sweetly at her.

She nodded her head, "Now come in you two. Come in!"

We walked inside and she led us to the kitchen. She's already got little snacks set out in the table. I found it cute how she came prepared. We sat down at the table and Zayn started shoving chips in his mouth.

"Where's dad? And the girls," He asked with his mouth full.

"Sallow before you talk," She scolded him with a chuckle, "Dad should be home soon. The girls are somewhere upstairs. I haven't told them your coming. I wanted to surprise them."

Zayn smiled, "I'll go sneak up on them later."

His mom laughed, "So tell me about you two. How'd you guys meet?"

My eyes widened as I turned to Zayn. I didn't know their story. I knew nothing about the couple. He was going have to take over this.

"Uh, Mikayla and I met at a concert. She was backstage and after the show we got to meet her. We both took interest in each other I guess." He looked over at me and smiled.

I nervously smiled back, "Yeah, love at first sight," I joked.

His mom luckily giggled at my comment. She began asking me more questions about me. I answered them truthfully although some I had to tell a small lie. I'm not Mikayla and I really don't know her whole life too well. As we were talking, my eyes kept going to Zayn. He was becoming fidgeting. He kept tapping his fingers to the wood and his incessant knee bopping was shaking the table.

"You okay, Zayn?" I asked him worriedly.

"I'm fine I just-you mind if I to see my sisters?" I didn't know he was so antsy to see them.

"Yeah, of course," I waved him off but before he turned the corner I called out to him, "Wait, can I meet them?"

A crooked smile came across his face, "Course."

I followed him up the stairs and he led me to the last bedroom in the hall. He peaked inside and I leaned against him, looking over his shoulder. The older one was lying on her bed with a book in her hands. The younger one had headphones in her ears and dancing with an iPod in her hands. Zayn looked back at me and put a finger to his lips signaling for me to be quiet. I nodded and held in a giggle. Zayn quietly sneaked in. He went up to the younger one and squeezed her waist. She squealed in surprise causing the older one to look up. They're eyes lit up at the sight of their big brother. He took both of them in his arms giving them a hug. The girls were giggling with delight.

"We missed you!" The older one cried.

I stood there in doorway watching the adorable reunion. He knelt down a little bit and still had his arms around the two. He was whispering to them, something I couldn't hear. The two girls giggled. He stood and looked over to me.

"Girls, I want you to meet Mikayla, my girlfriend," Zayn gestured for me to come in.

I walked in and waved to the girls. I went and stood next to Zayn. He told me their names Safaa and Waliyha. The girls became giggly as I smiled at their adorable faces.

"They're fans," Zayn said ratting them out.

I giggled at the two girls, "Oh are you now?" I almost felt bad. I'm not Mikayla. I'm not the girl they dream to be. The girl they dream to be is in rehab. She drinks and had expierence with drugs. I didn't want them looking up to a person like that. I needed to act like the girl I would want my daughter to grow up like.

"I just can't believe my brother is dating you. I always find it hard to believe people think my brother is cute though. Blaggh!" Safaa stuck her tongue out in disgust.

Zayn dramatically gasped, "You don't think I'm cute!" He took the girl in his arms and started blow raspberries on her cheek. The little girl couldn't control her giggles. I smiled at their adorableness. He started talking into her cheek, "I think I'm cute!"

Safaa tried pushing herself away from her brother but he gripped onto her, "I think you're cute too!" Zayn said planting a big kiss on her rosy cheeks.

Safaa giggled, "Okay! Okay! You're cute!" She said wanting to get out of his hold. Zayn laughed and set her down, "Thank you."

Safaa wiped her cheek off from his kisses and rubbed her hands on his shirt.

"Where's Doniya?" He asked the two of them.

"She's at her house. Mom said she couldn't make it," Walihya explained.

"Oh, maybe we'll have to stop by and visit her," Zayn turned to look at me, "Doniya's my older sister."

I nodded my head and my mouth formed an "O" shape saying I understood. We stayed and talked with his younger sisters a little longer. They told me what they wanted the be when they grow up and they told me what kind of pets they wanted. They even told me their plans of stowing away on the bus next time the boys go on tour. Zayn made a phone call to his older sister when they told me this so it was our little secret. He came back in the room telling me his sister was free and wanted us to come over. Nerves started brewing within me. What if his sister was the protective type and shunned away any girl that came close to her little brother? I don't want to ruin any of this for Mikayla. Although she's ruined much of it on her own.

We trotted back down the stairs and I met his dad who had been a work. Then the moment that I've been waiting for finally happened. His mom brought down the scrapbooks.

"Mom!" Zayn groaned when she set all the books down.

She giggled at her son, "What? You were cute! I think she deserves to see them!"

"Yeah, Zayn! Maybe I'll show you mine," I winked and nudged him with my elbow. He chuckled but turned away so I didn't see.

His mom started opening the books and showing me all her favorite pictures. I had to admit Zayn was one adorable baby.

"Oh and this was when he play T-Ball. Oh, he was so bad," She laughed to herself.

"Hey, I was...decent!" Zayn defended himself.

"He never understood which way to run. And he was so small he always had trouble holding the bat," She told me.

I laughed, "So I guess baseball player was out of the question then."

"Definitely," She agreed, "But there was this one time he did get a home run."

Zayn groaned once again, "Not this story!" He put his face in his hands.

I giggled and slung my arm around his back, "Can't be that bad!" I look back at his mom indicating I wanted her to continue.

"So he gets up to bat and he barely hold it of course. So he hits it and the ball just keeps bouncing and the kids can't seem to get it. He's running all the based and people are shouting. He gets back to home plate and he's jumping up and down. He was so excited but he was the only one. He ran the wrong way around all the bases. But everyone felt so bad they counted it as a point. He was upset after it thought because he didn't feel as if he really got the point."

Zayn was still hiding his face in his big hands. I rubbed his back, "Aw Zayn don't worry about it. All kids were terrible at T-Ball," I tried reassuring him.

He lifted his head, "That's the last time you're telling that story mom."

"Okay that's the last time," She put her hands up in surrender.

Zayn looked down at the table and his mom looked at me. "That's not the last time," She whispered so quietly she practically mouthed it. I stifled my laugher.

She showed me more pictures from his childhood and they seemed to get more and more embarrassing as we went on. Zayn eventually closed the books on us and took them back to the basement. I knew how embarrassed he was and giggled as he came back up.

"I thought you were adorable," I grinned at him.

Zayn jokingly stuck his tongue out. His phone buzzed. He pulled it out of his pocket and looked up at me, "Cab is here."

I nodded and stood up. We said goodbye to his parents and shouted a goodbye to his little sisters who were still upstairs. Then we made our way to our cab.

"You should really think about getting your license," I said when we slid into the car.

Zayn softly chuckled, "Once again, I'll think about it."

The cab ride was only around fifteen minutes. Zayn stepped out of the yellow vehicle and rushed over to my side. He opened the door for me allowing me to step out. I quietly thanked him. He guided me through the apartment complex and knocked on the door. It was a couple of short moments before a girl with dark hair answered the door. She pushed some strands of her hair behind her ear as a smile came across her face.

"Zayn! It's so good to see you!" She pulled him to a hug and returned it, "Come in!" She stepped aside so the two of us could get in.

It walked straight into the living room and she gestured for us to sit while she got drinks. I sat down nervously and began tapping my fingers on my knee. Zayn seemed to notice.

"Why are you nervous?" He said quietly not wanting Doniya to hear.

I shrugged, "I'm just worried she won't like me."

"You didn't seem nervous when you met my mom and dad. Why her?" He questioned further.

The tapping of my fingers seemed to increase as he interrogated me, "Cause I know how siblings can be. When Mikayla brought her boyfriends over I judged every little thing about them to see if they were right. I wanted the best for her and I'm sure your sister wants the same."

Zayn didn't respond right away, "What'd you think of me?"

A tiny smile came across my lips. How did I know he would ask that? "Zayn, you know I didn't like you from the start."

"Yeah, why is that?" He sat back on the plush couch.

"For reasons. Reasons I don't want to bring up right now."

His sister came back in the room carrying a tray with three glasses of lemonade. She set it down on the coffee table and sat down on the love seat that was to the right of the couch. She looked at the two of us and just smiled.

Zayn gave his sister an awkward grin, "What?" He asked as she just stared

"You guys are just so cute!" She admitted.

I laughed at her response, "I don't know about that." I said nervously.

Doniya laughed along, "Sorry I'm being weird."

"Don't worry about. You should meet my sister," I said without thinking.

"You have a sister?" She asked, a little taken back by the news.

"Uh, yeah, her name is Mallory. We're twins actually."

"Really? I didn't know that. Where's she?"

"Um, back in California. She's not famous or anything. Nope, just regular ol' Mallory."

Zayn nervously chuckled, "Yeah, she's a sweet girl. I met her when I visited." He patted my hand that rested on knee. The only reason he did it was to stop my tapping of fingers. I didn't even realize I was doing it. I took my hand from underneath his and carefully took the scarf off that laid around my neck. I set it on the coffee table as we continued to talk. Luckily, all went well and it seemed like she liked me. I hope she did at least. She was laughing at my jokes and being nice. We stayed for about an hour till we decided it was time to leave. We said our goodbyes. Zayn decided he wanted to walk back to his flat since it wasn't far. I reluctantly agreed. Halfway through our trip I realized I had forgotten my scarf there at Doniya's flat.

"Shoot, I left my scarf at her place," I told Zayn.

"Oh, don't worry. I'll get it back for you," Zayn responded.

"Don't forget. That's my favorite scarf," I pointed a finger at him.

Zayn chuckled and playfully rolled his eyes, "You can count on me."

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