Finding Her Parents: HP Fanfic

By Mimi219

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Audri Poole knew she was adopted from a young age, which, of course, made her want to find her biological par... More

Part 1
Chapter 1: Parents and Diagon Alley
Chapter 2: The Hogwarts Express
Chapter 3: Hogwarts
Chapter 4: First Day
Chapter 5: Harry Potter
Chapter 6: Homesickness
Chapter 7: The Portrait of Severus Snape
Chapter 8: Going Home
Chapter 9: Happy Christmas
Chapter 10: Early Birds
Chapter 11: Blibbering Humdingers
Fun Quiz!
Chapter 12: Gwendolyn Cynthia Faye
Chapter 13: Ted's Grandmum
Chapter 14: Hogwarts Fun
Chapter 15: Good Parenting
Chapter 16: Getting Back at Daelon Baulder
Chapter 17: Audrita's Birthday
Chapter 18: Love, Finals, and Frienship
Chapter 19: Audri's First Summer as a Longbottom
Part 2: No finished ending
Chapter 2: The Final Train Ride to Hogwarts
Chapter 3: Daaaaaaad!
Chapter 4: Look Who's in Arithmancy and What's Inside Indie's Bag...
Chapter 5: Orphan Bonding Time
Chapter 6: Detention For the Lot of You
Chapter 7: Staying in the Nice, Cozy Library
Chapter 8: Discussing Her Future
Chapter 9: In This Lovely Month of October
Chapter 10: Jerseys, Poppies & Snogging
Chapter 11: Bad Situations Come In Threes
Chapter 12: Until Then....
Chapter 13: Arithmancy Just Got This Much More Interesting
Chapter 14: Halloween Job Faire
Chapter 15: Dinner at Sluggy's

Chapter 1: Head Girl, Audrita Eileen Snape Longbottom

230 11 5
By Mimi219

The letter for her final year came mid-August in the year 2016. Audri Longbottom would be entering her final year at Hogwarts, and she had no idea what she would do with her life afterwards. The list was normal, as she had no specific classes engineered towards any specific job, unlike Teddy Lupin, who wanted to go into law to enforce Werewolf rights. Sometimes Audri wished her best friend was undecided like her, so he could understand better what she was going through. But as usual, Teddy's thick skull only thought to tease her. It got even worse when she was awarded Head Girl for their seventh year. Apparently, Ethan was Head boy. A big achievement for Hufflepuff.

"You're almost as small as the first years! I thought there was a height limit for being Head Girl," Teddy laughed, his eyes golden and hair teal. He was especially happy with Victoire Weasley under his arm as they led a huge gathering of famillies through Diagon Alley. Most of the Weasleys were going to Hogwarts, and were most likely all going to be in Gryffindor. James Potter was, as well as Victoire, and Fred. Surprisingly, Dominique Weasley was a Ravenclaw. That day was thie first school shopping day for Molly Weasley, the image of her father. Audri remembered her first time. When she got her wand, and Peregrine. Peregrine was old now. She didn't hop around as frantically, and her green wasn't so vibrant. But her wand, the Veela cored driftwood was polished as if it were new. It was as beautiful as it was the first day she held it, with the scrolling swirls pattern going up. She like the feel of it in her hands.

"Shut up Teddy," Audri stuck her tongue out and held the door open for Madame Malkin's for everyone.

"You know what? How about we split up? Ronald and I will take the younger ones to buy the books, since ours are still too young, and those who need robes can stay here?" Hermione offered with a small smile.

"She just wants to buy more books," Ron scoffed. Harry laughed with George and Ginny. Hermione's cheeks pinkened a little.

"I say that's great idea. Here, Neville where's our book money?" Luna looked expectantly at her husband. She handed Hermione Audri's list and the coin purse set with a little more than needed. "Perhaps you can find Madame Tilbault's newest on Gringott's! I heard she's found a conspiracy about the goblins who guard the lowest vaults."

"Perhaps," Hermione gave her a perplexed look and accepted money and lists from the other families. "Whoever is not going to Hogwarts, line up over here."

"Line up? We're not going into war, Hermione. Blimey," Ron scratched the back of his balding head.

"I'll go with you," George offered. "Roxy's as troublesome as her brother, eh?"

He waggled his eyebrows proudly at his daughter. She smirked, being so tan she couldn't blush. Angelina rolled her eyes. Bill walked towards them as well.

"MIght as well. Fleur knows their sizes better than I do," Bill pecked his wife on the cheek. Whenever he got near her, it seemed his scars faded a little, as well as the wrinkles. He no longer held the long hair; it was responsibly short, but his features resembled that of a handsome man, once.

"Men!" Fleur fluttered her eyebrows and aprroached little old Madame Malkin. "I need two. Gryffeendor and Raveenclaw."

Hermione led the small pow wow out, holding Rosie's hand as she went. This left Harry, Ginny, James, Angeline, Roxanne, Percy, Audrey, Molly, Fleur, Victoire, Dominique, Teddy and Audri. There still was no more room for any other shoppers. She supposed that was a good thing if she wanted to buy proper dress wear.

"Are you getting Audrita anything special for earning Head Girl?" Ginny asked, trying to comb down James' hair.

"Stop it, Mum!" He muttered. Luna giggled.

"Oh yes," Neville nodded. "Right dear?"

"We are getting her everything!" Luna's eyes grew wide. They were as large and opulent as they had been when she was fifteen. She hardly seemed to age compared to Neville. But he aged well. His scruff held little gray and he did not have as many wrinkles as Harry, but Audri supposed his job was fun compared to the stress level Harry had to go through. "It's not every child that gets to be Head Girl!"

"Mum," Audri blushed a little from embarrassment.

"You should be proud," Fleur smiled. "I hope Victoire will be Head Girl! Prefect is good, correct?"

"Yes, Mum," Victoire nodded, but she was hardly paying attention. Teddy was pretending to lick a mannequin head behind Madame Malkin.

"Ted!" Ginny sternly shouted. "You are supposed to be a grown man. Stop it."

"Honestly Teddy, show a little decorum!" Audri stuck her tongue out.

"I believe these measurements are fine?" Madame Malkin gestured towards Victoire, but Fleur didn't like how fitted it was around the bust.

"That's the style, Mum!" Victoire whined.

"No! Not in zis house!" Fleur said. "You will have robes like everybody else!"

After the long fitting, Audri had two new dress robes along with her school robes, and all of her new books acquired by Hermione.

"Do you want a new pet?" Luna asked, ogling a rainbow parrot through a shop window. "Perhaps an owl of your own? Since you're going to graduate soon. I hate receiving mail by those ostentatious creatures."

"What creatures?" Ginny caught up to the front of the group after scolding James for doing something Audri would not like to remember,

"Remember when we received that scroll from Norma by that squaking Hell-Goose?" Luna asked dreamily to Neville.

"Oh dear Godric! Don't remind me! That stupid bird crapped right on my breakfast!" Neville said with a shudder. "Foul creature."

"Oh I remember that one!" Audri giggled. "Then it took one right on my journal!"

"Yes, we had to buy you a new one," Luna sighed. "Do you need any new art supplies?"

"Actually, I do need some more elephant parchment and colored inks," Audri admitted.

"Neville?" But Neville already rounded up another group to go off towards the supply shop for them. Luna smiled. "Sometimes I believe he reads minds. He isn't a Seer, though."

"Seers don't read minds," Hermione said with a perplexed glance. "He may be an Occlumens."

"No," Luna sighed again, holding open the door, while holding back the twins. Their eyes had grown wide with fascination. "Try not to touch anything, Virgil. Jude."

"Of course, Mum!" Virgil said with a mischevious gleam in his eye. Though the colors didn't match, the twins eyes looked the same with a devious glint. Luna had said 'try', therefore they were allowed to touch something if they couldn't resist the temptation. Which they most likely would.

"Great choice of words, Mum. Really," Audri said saracstically.

"All creatures are our friends," Luna said sternly. "Now which one do you want?"

Audri looked around. Percy was talking to Audrey about which would be best for Molly, and Ginny was helping Ted buy more owl treats for his Barn Owl. Audri wanted something beautiful, one that was easily recognizable as her own. Audri spotted one called a Northern Saw-Whet Owl. It was adorable, and unlike normal owls, it's head was framed by feathers making it less rounded.

"This one," Audri pointed at it.

"Good choice, young one," The clerk said behind the counter. He seemed barely older than herself, and his name was Henry. "She's a great flier, a fighter against predators, being so small."

"Lovely," Luna smiled brilliantly. "How much?"

"She's only fifteen Sickles and three Knuts," Henry smiled toothily. Luna handed over the amount readily. Audri and Molly each walked out with a new owl.

"What are you naming yours?" Audri asked the young girl.

"I don't know. He's so small. What are you naming yours?" She seemed so much like Percy, it was funny.

"Well she's different, like Peregrine. I like Ione. It's Greek," Audri confessed, "For violet."

"Sporting name, really lovely! I cannot wait to see how your children will be named!" Teddy pat her back and ran up to Victoire.

"Someone should leash him," Audri sighed and looked at Ione. "I think it's a suitable name."

"Oh and Audri?!" Teddy called. "Ethan's a Head Boy. Maybe I can set you two up for a study date! You can relish over giving me detentions!"

"I'd love to give you a detention! How about one for being an arse!" Audri shouted, making everyone laugh. This would be her best year yet.

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