Ertugrul Halime Season 5

By TheSoExtraGirl

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Story of Ertugrul and Halime set in Season 5 with alot of twists, turns and more villains More

All you need to know
12 years later
Dinner Table
Family Time
Taken Away
Reunion with an interruption
Traps and Tricks
The end


136 8 9
By TheSoExtraGirl

Everyone took their seats. Ertugrul on his bey seat, Umuroglu ones on his left side and Kayi ones on his right.

Halime decided to not look at Ertugrul the whole time, but it was important for her to look up being the Bey Hatun, but she couldn't even look straight because it's Beybolat Bey sitting right infront of her. *awkward situation

Ertugrul before starting the chat looked at Halime from the corner of his eyes. She was looking around, she was not able to fix her eyes somewhere. If she looks straight it's Beybolat staring at her, then on his side it's Ilbilge and surely Halime don't want to look at her.

Where should I go my Allah? In which wall should I hit my head? These tents don't even have walls, Ahhh Halime Ahhh.

Halime while thinking accidentally looked at that man sitting on the bey seat who was staring her only Allah knows for how long.

My Allah, please make someone say something so that Ertugrul will just stop looking at me and his mind will be diverted over there.

Ertugrul Bey! Beybolat Bey called.

Thank you Allah, you listened to me really quickly. Ertugrul decided to leave Halime and focus on what Beybolat was going to say.

I got the news from my alp, so I decided to come back, I thought to go to Soğut because that's where I will find you, but then I saw few Mongols. I hide over there. I didn't saw Osman or even Aybars and Alincak do attacked us one time but I didn't had that clear image of him in my mind, at a point they divided in two groups and went on two different ways. It was pretty clear that who was the leader as he had more mongol soldiers on his back so I decided to go after the leader. I thought I will collect some information that might help us in this war. I followed Alincak and sent my alps after the other group. After sometime my alps came back and they told me that they saw Osman. I left Alincak as Osman was more important, when I arrived the place following the footsteps I saw the battle going on already. That's all from my side.

EyVallah Beybolat Bey! You arrived on time and took a brave step.

Halime looked at Ertugrul with a doubt as he never praised Beybolat and never got satisfied by his any step without everyone giving him hundreds and thousands of explanations.

Now Gunduz! Tell me everything from your side. Everything!

That EVERYTHING was weird, Gunduz knew that the EVERYTHING was for Halime.

Baba! You know Mongols raided and everything, Alincak was about to kill me but Ana lied to him and diverted his mind to you and he took Osman and Aybars and left. My condition was not okay, I was injured so for my sake Ana decided to go after them but I rejected and went with ana. We followed the footsteps and and as Ana already said earlier, everything happened like that they didn't took Osman and Aybars to their place and divided. We attacked Subutai and saved both of them. At a point we got a little weak but Beybolat Bey came on time and saved us but Subutai managed to run away. That's all!

Halime gave a hidden smile as Gunduz covered the story well.

Beyim, everything happened but what should be our next step?

We will talk about it later Turgut, first go in your tents and rest a little. We will talk about it later. Beybolat Bey your tribe needs you alot in this time, make sure it's safe. We will make a plan. Please come to Soğut tomorrow.

As you order Ertugrul Bey!

You all can leave!

Halime heard it, everyone can leave, she decided to act as she is also going too, she too stood up and took few steps. A voice came from the back

Instead of Halime Hatun!

Halime heard it, her smartness ended over there. Everyone left, now it's just Ertugrul and Halime. Halime couldn't do anything, so before Ertugrul say it, she decided to turn back to face the thunderstorm... oh sorry Ertugrul!

Ertugrul stood up and took some steps towards Halime. Ertugrul was looking at her with all that anger in his eyes.

So you were going to look at tribe's condition? How's everyone? Is everything fine? Off course you are the vice and you can do whatever you want and you care about everyone alot. Ertugrul asked giving that wild and taunting anger on his face.

Bey..... I......

Ertugrul silently took one step back and directed his hand towards their tent.

Please Halime Hatun! Let's talk about it inside the tent.

Halime moved towards the tent followed by Ertugrul on his back. At first she took very light and small steps but as Ertugrul was behind her she thought to speed up.


Turgut was walking around the tribe. Everyone was scared. There were few people crying too because of their loved ones.

His eyes suddenly went on Nea who was filling a bucket with water. He moved towards her.

What is happening Nea?

Nea looked at Turgut whereas Turgut stepped forward and took the bucket from her.

Nothing Turgut Bey! Sister is looking at injured ones with Savçi and she needed water so I'm just taking it to her.

What a beautiful soul, she is looking at injured and helping as no one is really available for it.

Turgut was drowned in his thoughts when Nea called him twice. At first he didn't heard anything but the second one was quite sharp to take him back to the reality.

Do you need anything from her? Should I call her?

No! No! I will go by my own. You carry on with work, actually you can give me this, I will take it to her.

Alright, if you are going that way then sure.

Hmmm and how are you? I know you must be scared how everything happened and how Mongols killed our people but now the condition is in our hands and you should not be worried about something, you are safe.

I know, Ertugrul Bey would have not left his tribe in those Mongols hands and I have been through this situation in my past, while we were running away, the fear is real but it's okay as long as we have a strong and steadfast Bey on our heads.

May Allah bless you Nea.

You too Turgut Bey!

Turgut went towards the medical tent from a distance he saw Evdokye standing out of the medical tent making a medicine and grinding some herbs. He decided to move towards her.

May it be easy Evdokye!

Thank you Turgut Bey! Thank you!

You are helping alot in everything, taking care of everyone in hard times.

As a part of this tribe, it's my duty Turgut Bey. I'm glad that I'm getting a chance to help people.

Ohh here is the water. I saw Nea doing that and I was coming to see the injured ones so I took it and she told me that you will be here too so I just came here.

Thank you for this, that's all what I can really say.

Hmmm.... actually do you need any help? Like can I do something?

I will do it by my own, don't worry about anything, you should rest, you came back after a very important mission. Take some time to rest.

I'm not used to rest alot but I can actually help you in this.

Okay, as you wish but first you should do the thing you came to do and that was to look at injured ones.

Ohh yes, I totally forgot after looking at you.

Turgut walked towards the tent, he had no idea what he just said.

What did he just said? He forgot everything after looking at me? Maybe that was a slip of tongue. Maybe. Evdokye continued her  work.

Ertugrul and Halime tent

Ertugrul stood facing Halime.

So you went in danger again without my permission? Is this right Halime Hatun?

It's right Bey but.... it was needed. My sons were in Mongols hands.

Ohh Halime, I see! I see! You are really kind but if you would have just sent alps with Gunduz, that could have worked too.

I know Bey, but Gunduz was injured, Hafsa was not strong at that point, Ilbilge and Sirma were our guests I didn't wanted to endanger their lives again, so I saw myself suitable for it.

You sent the alp to me, he brought the news to me, I was aware about everything, I would have came too but no you decided to take the danger on your head because you are the VICE. 

Bey! I saved my children life, being a mother and a Bey hatun too and a vice too. You left them under my responsibility, it was my responsibility to take them back to tribe making sure that they are fine. And yes I sent the alp but didn't got any news back from you. You were aware about the raid not about this thing that they took our children with them, what even I said that they left the tribe. You knew nothing. Subutai was about to kill Aybars when we attacked, maybe he got to know that I lied. If I would have waited for you, that would've been too late, we would have lost our Osman and Aybars too and maybe you too. Everything that happened is gone. I'm fine, Osman is fine, Aybars is fine, you are fine, tribe is fine. Thanks to Allah!

Yes Halime! Everything is fine! Instead of this thing that you have been taking alot of steps without my knowledge, you have been doing a lot of things without my permission and in my absense and why because you are the VICE.

Just like what Ertugrul? What's something that I have done without your knowledge or permission, do you think I'm doing some sort of secret tasks for someone? Tell me and you made me the vice of the tribe, it was your decision and you gave me the authority to take a safe step when needed, you always tell me to believe in myself and my plans. If you are regretting over your decision of making me the vice then you can take this responsibility from me but I did what I felt was suitable at that time and if at that time I wouldn't even be the vice, I would've done the same thing.

You are giving a wrong meaning to what I'm saying Halime. I didn't meant anything like that and I always make a decision after thinking thousand times about it and I never regret about it, I made you the vice and it was my decision and I still stand on it and you took a nice step very intelligently..... and you... saved them and..... you understood their game.

Halime gave a little smile as finally Ertugrul praised her for something but that smile doesn't stayed for too long as Ertugrul was prepared.

And I don't get one thing, how that Beybolat always gets there when you are in danger. I don't know how he gets to know about you being in danger. I'm your husband, why don't I have this special power?

Ahhh Ertugrul! He explained everything, and you were completely satisfied by what he said but you are doubting him again. Well don't know about you but I do get to know when you are in trouble, my heart tells me. Halime tried to be nice bit Ertugrul wasn't in mood.

Halime! I'm not doubting him, I'm just really fed up with these coincidences that he always gets to the place of danger. Your heart always tells you everything but doesn't that tell you that if you will do this your bey will get angry!

Ertugrul! In my opinion even if it's a coincidence, it's good and I'm thankful that this coincidence happened otherwise it would have been really bad. He saved my life, when that Subutai was again about to kill me, he saved us when we got a little weak otherwise it would have been really really bad.

Look! Look! He saved you when Subutai was about to kill you! He was about to kill you! So have you thought what could have happened if Beybolat wouldn't be there to save you.

You would be crying on my funeral instead of getting angry on me like this. Halime hits Ertugrul weakest point.

Halime!! Enough! You always do things that annoy me alot and you know this. You know that I get annoyed when you take a step without my permission, you know I get annoyed when you talk about death like that. You know I care about you but you push me to get angry on you.

What's wrong Ertugrul? What's even the purpose of this argument? I explained everything now you tell me and explain me why are you so angry. Are you angry at me for going and saving my children lives when I had no idea where are you and when you will come back? Or are you angry at Beybolat that he came on time and saved us? I distracted them but when they would have got to know I lied they would have killed my sons on the spot without even thinking about anything for one second. It wasn't easy for me too, to go after them to save my children. My heart beats were uneven, I was scared, I had that constant fear for my children safety, if something would have happened to anyone of you I would have passed out on the spot. I was scared about you too, what if they would've have caught you in their trap. How could I have left my family like that in enemies hands?

Halime had tears, Ertugrul noticed that, she is mother and he knew it's difficult, he was kinda convinced too.

Okay! Okay! I understand. I understand your position but you too should know that I care about you and I love you and that's why I get angry on you and stops you. You too should understand my position being a husband too and a bey too. I don't want to endanger your life because of my enemies. I know, you would have not left your sons in enemies hands but your life too is important. I know that nothing happend with you and you are fine but still if something would have happened what about then? You care about everyone but you should know that their is someone who cares about you instead of Beybolat!

What do you mean by your enemies, we both are husband and wife, your enemies are my enemies, your pain is my pain, everything is equally painful for me as it is for you, everything is OURS, our enemies, our happiness, our pain. Did you stepped back at Kara Toygar time even though it was my enemies? We were not even husband and wife at that time.

Ertugrul looked at Halime's hand and moved towards the dressing table behind Halime. Halime too turned and continued.

And...Ertugrul why you always look at the dark side? Look at the bright side that everything is fine and everyone is safe. And you are talking only about me, what about other people. What if something would have happened to anyone else. What if I would have just sent anyone else such a Ilbilge or your alp Dumrul after them, what about then? What if something would have happened to them? Would you still get angry like that about why I sent them.

Ertugrul picked up the medicine kind of paste and moved towards Halime. He moved forward towards the counch holding Halime's hand and the both took a seat.

It might sting alot! Ertugrul acted like Beybolat which made Halime laugh.

Allah Ertugrul! Allah understands you.

Yes give this duty to Allah to understand me, even though you should take this responsibility on your head.

Ertugrul started applying the medicine on the hand.

Everyone is important Halime. Everyone's life is important but....  I can't even imagine a moment of the rest of my life without you being around me. Your life, your safety, your health and YOU means everything to me. You are my responsibility before anything else. Now answer me one thing honestly. Did that Alincak tried to misbehave with you or if he tried to do anything to you.

No! Ertugrul, actually..... I'm more sad because I didn't took good care of tribe and the Mongols raided too. The tribe was my responsibility. I would like to talk about this thing in the headquarters. I want to know others views too if it's really the vice mistake.

Hmmmm.... Taking about it in the headquarters would be a professional and better thing. Okay, we will talk about it. Let's rest for a little. Come on!

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