Certified LoverBoy|| Suna x B...


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A story where you and Suna fill the voids in each other's hearts and souls. *This story does include frequen... More

Certified LoverBoy


946 28 3



~loverboy 19.~


Many people believe that the point of life is to find true happiness. But if not that it's definitely some sappy shit that has a relation to happiness. Me, well I hate that idea. For one it's solely built off of  hopes and dreams. Second, it's completely dumb since nobody knows what will actually bring you happiness. All we've done is come up with stupid "steps" to find your "happiness." But who is someone else to decide whether these steps will help you or not. No one knows when or what true happiness feels like.

And me actually I have no answer.
And that's because I see nothing wrong with riding whatever wave. I didn't ask to be here. I don't see how it was my fault how that punk ass sperm I was, was the quickest. Shit.

So if I see nothing wrong with riding the waves. Well imma ride them. They say that everything happens for a reason, so why not. Plus, currently I have no reason to try so hard to do... well anything. Fuck this happiness that y'all want me to search for. I say fuck it. Fuck Amer- wait they probably listening. Fuck happiness! Why? Because I do what I want. When I want. Whether it's convenient or not. No I don't cuz I'm Black but you get the point....

I mean Albert Camus did say "You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life."

~loverboy 20.~


*a week later*

I got out of bed to my surprising alarm. I hadn't remembered setting it, but maybe I did. I sat up and stared at the wall for a couple of seconds or minutes before I finally found the energy to actually get up. Immediately but slowly headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face, pee, the basic shit. Then back to my room I went. See, there's not to much of school left, so why would I get all good looking for these folks. I'm not finna got out looking like a complete bum, I'd never. Never have I ever and never will.

I looked over my closet full of mostly men's clothing. Standing there for ten minutes my eyes switched from the shirt section to the pants. The closet had been separated, the jeans, and shorts on the left. While the shirts hung on the right. My hoodies and zip-up's where folded on the top shelf. I walked into my closet and pulled a basic oversized black shirt with white graphics, and some matching black sweat-shorts.

Going back to the bathroom I did my edges and that was it because I didn't feel like styling my braids. Plus doing my edges was enough since I don't do that too often. Gotta let them bitches grow. And of course I oiled my scalp. Can't forget that shit either.

"Yo, y/n you finna head out?" My sister Alize asked as she walked into the bathroom.

"Nah I'm just dressed and doing my edges for no reason."

"Shut the fuck up. I was just a question damn." She laid the toilet seat down and gazed at my outfit. "I thought that you weren't wearing anything that was too much."

"This isn't too much Zay, I'd sleep in this if I wanted to. Shiii, I probably have already." I began to walk out the bathroom and she followed behind me. Once I made it down the hallway where my bag and shoes were I stopped. "What the hell do you want?"

"Can I walk to school with you?" She flashed me with a wannabe innocent smile. It didn't help her case due to that fact that I didn't care at all. About the smile that is. "Please?"

"Schools ten minutes away. You walk fast enough you'll get there in six tops." I started to put on my shoes, once that bc was over with a grabbed my bag. "Bye."

"Broooo, let me go with you."

"Then hurry the fuck up. You got three minutes."

"Ok. Thx."

Alize is 15 years old, 5'6, aggravating, but a true sweetheart. I would never tell her that to her face though. I love that child, another thing I wouldn't say to her face. I feel that as siblings, having love for each other is just something that goes unspoken. I can only remember telling my siblings that I love them once or twice. Of all those times I was extremely young. Telling my siblings that I love them is weird for no reason to be honest.

"Alright let's go." Alize came from around the corner phone in hand. Which reminded me to text Suna so I can find him. I opened the door and stepped onto the pavement the sun already beaming heavily. With short wind to accompany the rays of the sun.

"Zay, lock the door." I walked through the rocks to get to the sidewalk and waited for her.

I pulled out my phone for my back pocket and went to my messages. Seeing that I'd missed a message from Rintaro that'd made me smile.

Rintaro S

Today 1:28am

Thank you for the other day love
I really appreciated it
Well anyways good night

Today 7:15am

I just did what God wanted me to
do ✊🏾
No worries
But anyways  are you at school rn?

Yeah... I'm sitting outside by the
auditorium want me to wait for
you somewhere

No I'll met you over there

I'm going to meet you in the

We'll see

You ride the bus

Nah I walk
Might fuck around and drive in
this heat

But you can't drive...

Yeah umm by Suna

Delivered 7:18am


"Yo Alize what're you doing?"

"I can't lock the door." I turned around to see her struggling and laughing hysterically.

"Turn right dumbass."

"Oh right, I got it." She put her key in her backpack and began to walk towards me. "Who were you talking to yesterday?"

"Yesterday when?"

"At like 7am."

"I was on the game."

"Ok yeah but with who?"


"Ok, ok so you're talking to someone."

"I should've left you here."


"What was that?" I asked and received nothing for a response. "Yeah that's what I thought." We continued to walk in silence for another six minutes before I saw the school just a little bit ahead of us. I pulled out my phone and texted Suna asking him to meet me by the front gates in two minutes.


~loverboy 22.~


Alize had went to the front office since that's all she remembered from the tour we took two weeks ago. She's was going to ask for a ParaPro to show her around the school. I told her that it wouldn't work out, but I guess that they're sending someone to come get her. Me on the other hand, I forgot most things as well. But that's what Rintaro's for correct.

As I was walking I walked past this group of boys which I'd found quite embarrassing in fact. But it'd only got more embarrassing when one of them came back to me and said "Do you believe in love at first sight, or shall I walk past again?" I looked to see the one and only, you guessed it folks Atsumu whatever the fuck his last name is.

"Sorry my first love was my dentist. Those pearly whites and brown eyes were all I needed." I stepped back and looked up at him. "Although your eyes aren't ugly... your teeth sweetie just don't make the cut sorry." I gave him a warm smile.

"....oh it's you." His adjacent smile then began to fade once he realized that it was me. Which only made me laugh because I may be his type apparently.

"Nice to finally see you too bud." I tapped him on the shoulder.

"Yeah... sure." He said as the rest of his friends had turned back around to come to us. "And did you just tell me that your first love was your dentist?"

"I was only telling the truth." I sarcastically rolled my eyes, "He's not even my dentist anymore since I moved. And when I moved cities, I moved on. Sad love story really. I dated his son-"

"I'm sorry what?" Atsumu looked at me with an raised eyebrow. The confusion painted all over his face.

"What? I did. His name was Messiah, he was cool but boring."

"Uhh.. right."

"Y/n?" I turned around to see Atsumu's friends just a couple of steps away. One of them had called my name I don't know who though.

"See I told you it was her." Osamu said once they gotten in front of me and Atsumu.

"That girl? That's Rintaro's girlfriend?" This person was black, fine, and what's that grey eyes? "She's black?"

"She's not my girlfriend Aran."

"Yeah umm, hi to you to." I held out my hand for him to shake. He stared at it for a couple of seconds then finally shook it and didn't let go. His hand was warm, probably because of the weather but still. "Nice to finally meet you, Rintaro." His fox like eyes then met my thin almond ones. I broke contact when I glanced over at my hand which he had yet to let go of.

"Oh, uhh sorry." Suna quickly moved his hand away following a nervous smile. He rubbed the back of his neck, letting out an awkward laugh. Which his friends didn't seem quite fond of.

"This nigga...." Aran whispered.

"Don't worry about it Rintaro it's fine. That was cute." I smiled which made his face go a little red. Not gonna lie, he is in fact really cute.

"Ahh right well anyways this is Aran." Suna began to introduce me to everyone who was there. Other than Atsumu and Osamu of course. It was only Aran, Yuto, Kita, and this girl named Trinity.

"Alright cool, well I'm Y/n. But I think you might understand that already."

"You're not Rin's girl right?" Aran asked me with a smirk on his face. Now don't get me wrong the man was fine. He had ear rings too. But at the moment I had eyes for Suna. So with that being said imma play with him right quick.

"No I'm not, yet."

"Ouuu yet?" Trinity laughed and hit Suna, "I like this girl."

"That's a first. You never like girls he introduces us to." Kosaku stated giving Trinity a side eye.

"Anyways, y/n you a junior too?" Aran continued to ask.

"Nah man I'm a Freshman." I put on a serious look on my face while everyone other than Suna looked at me confused. I averted my gaze away from them taking a look at my surroundings. While they were trying to figure out if I was serious or not I was watching this girl who looked upset.

"Mannnn Aran you just tried to get at a freshman... wow." Trinity shook her head, "I'm so disappointed."

"And you're finna turn 18 in what 2-3 weeks." Kita chimed in. "damn.."

"Bro Kita you too? Y'all talkin' about me Rintaro been talking to her to. And Atsumu probably said some wack ass pick up line to her." Aran spurted in defense.

"He sure did. He was like 'Do you believe in love at first sight, or shall I walk past again?'" Everyone and I laughed expect for Atsumu. I pulled a pack of gum from out of my pocket and offered it to them. They all took one then so did I. "Also it was a joke I am a Junior yes."

"I knew it. I knew you was lying. And Atsumu dating Daniella, they both be cheating on each other though."

"I don't cheat."

"Ok Atsumu." Aran rolled his eyes. "Like you ain't just slide a whole pickup line at her."

"That's not cheating." He protested.

"Yo can we go sit down somewhere...?"

"Yeah why not." Trinity began to walk towards the nearest empty bench. I'm not finna lie she had a ass, I didn't completely mean to look but sometimes I can't help it.  Trinity had hair that just passed her shoulders, big pretty eyes, and well shaped eyebrows. I had no real impression on her, so I'd rather not say anything else.

"Did y'all see what Anna said about Aaliyah on her story?" Trinity asked everyone else which grabbed my attention. In my opinion school drama was interesting sometimes. But since I'm at a new school it's definitely interesting.

"What? How she said that she was going to "pop" Aaliyah today?" Kosaku said as he scrolled on his phone.

"She did?" Suna asked them, as he pulled out his phone too. He was sitting next to me so I looked at his phone. He'd started to search her name up , once he found it he tapped through everything until he found what he was looking for. "I don't see it she didn't post anything about fighting Aaliyah."

"That's because Carlos posted it not her."  Aran told him. We both looked at Aran dumbfounded for not saying it from the jump. "Don't look at me like that... y/n we're both black you're supposed to be on my side."

"Yeah you're right I guess." I reached hand across the table to shake him up. That's my nigga, Aran, already.

"Which fuckin Carlos?" Suna continued to look at him stupid. I can't blame him though. In seventh grade there were three kids named Carlos in my class. Had to call them by the first name and last initial. For example "you talkin bout' Carlos G or Carlos R?" this here was a prime example. Carlos J, was hardly ever mentioned, what can I say, he was a good kid.

"Nig- Carlos with the fro. Mixed Carlos." Aran said

"Yeah young man you better watch yo mouth with me." Rintaro sarcastically bucked at Aran, who did the same back to him. Except I think Aran actually wanted to hit him. "Stop. before I tell yo mama you out here talkin' reckless."

"Shut the fuck up." Aran sat back down. "You haven't even met my mom yet."

"Says who? I just saw her last night." Suna said before he tapped through Carlos's story

"Nigga I will beat the shit outta you."

I guess he saw that I was looking too so he turned the phone my way a little. It was a recent video of Anna sitting on the bus. She was being recorded saying that she didn't like Aaliyah calling her a bitch this that and the third. Saying that she was going to fight her today and what not. I don't like girls like that. She was clearly doing that for the attention of the people around her.

"Pshhh whatever." Suna and I both said rolling our eyes at the girl.


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