TGCF Songs

Lan_ShengYin tarafından

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All the songs (official and fan made) of Tiān Guān Cì Fú/Heaven Official's Blessing【天官赐福】. Songs' lyrics with... Daha Fazla

1. No Separation-【无别/Wú Bié】
2. Never Leave-【不散/Bú Sàn】
3. One Flower, One Sword-【一花一劍/Yī Huā Yī Jiàn】
4. Red Supreme-【红绝/Hóng Jué】
5. The Ballad of Lian and Cheng-【怜城辞/Lián Chéng Cí】
6. Sharing This Eternal Life-【迢迢共此生/Tiáo Tiáo Gòng Cǐshēng】
7. Bestow Me-【赐我/Cì Wǒ】
A. Kiss of Blessed Rain-【慈雨のくちづけ/Jiu no Kuchidzuke】
B. Freesia-【フリイジア/Furiijia】
I. Common People are Unworthy-【苍生不配/Cāngshēng Bùpèi】
III. Pleased God-【悅神/Yuè Shén】
IV. Half For Your Sake-【半緣君/Bàn Yuán Jūn】
V. Green Ghost's Accusations-【青鬼的控诉/Qīng Guǐ De Kòngsù 】
VI. How Can One Sigh-【岂吟叹/Qǐ Yín Tàn】
VII. Meeting You in this World-【世中逢尔雨逢花/Shì Zhōng Féng Ěr Yǔ Féng Huā】
VIII. For You to Know-【与君知/Yǔ Jūn Zhī】
IX. Like a Butterfly Cherishing a Flower-【若花怜蝶/Ruò Huā Lián Dié】
X. Grief of Separation-【离思/Lí sī】
XI. May All Taboos Stay Away-【百无禁忌/Bǎi Wú Jìn Jì】
XII. Reversed Fates-【逆命/Nì Mìng】
XIII. Dusk Rain in the Bamboo Grove-【暮雨幽篁/Mùyǔ Yōu Huáng】
XIV. An Emperor Looks Down from Above-【君临天下/Jūnlín Tiānxià】
XV. With Pity-【随怜/Suí Lián】
XVI. A Small Lightweight Boat Does Not Cross-【轻舟不渡/Qīngzhōu Bùdù】
XVII. How to Pursue Warmth-【何以趋暖/Héyǐ Qū Nuǎn】
XVIII. Guiding my Beloved-【惊鸿引/Jīng Hóng Yǐn】
XIX. Cherish the Time when Flowers Bloom-【惜花时/Xī Huā Shí】
XX. How Fortunate One is Now-【何幸如之/Héxìngrú Zhī】
XXI. Withered Flowers Pitying this World-【谢花怜尘/Xiè Huā Lián Chén】
XXII. A Thousand Lanterns Worth of Wishes-【千灯愿/Qiān Dēng Yuàn】
XXIII. My Thousandth Love-【第一千次恋爱/Dì Yīqiān Cì Liàn'ài】 + B'day🎊
XXIV. Should Not Have Known-【应不识/Yìng Bù Shí】
XXV. Meeting You In This World-【世中逢尔/Shì Zhōng Féng Ěr】
XXVI. Seductor/Womanizer-【狐狸精/Húlíjīng】
XXVII. Bestowed With a Blade-【赐刀/Cì Dāo】[Part 1]
XXVII. Bestowed With a Blade-【赐刀/Cì Dāo】[Part 2]
XXVIII. Renouncing the Name Xuan-【玄命辞/Xuán Mìng Cí】

II. Individual Destinies-【天命独绝/Tiānmìng Dú Jué】

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Lan_ShengYin tarafından

Individual Destinies- 天命独绝/Tiānmìng Dú Jué (Fan Song)

Singers: Xie Lian- Yoji / Hua Cheng- 花千诚 / Shi Qing Xuan- 长平 / He Xuan- Autumn绅 / Qi Rong- 旧人 / Ban Yue- 若以止白 / Ling Wen-漆柚 / Feng Xin- 长平 / Mu Qing- 任展成Allen
Original song: Deep Love
Original singer: Kim Young Jin
Lyrics: 解子稔, 阿箐
Original link: (see the comments section on right)

The lyrics and video contain the perspectives of individual characters. Some spoilers, especially if you deeply read the lyrics.

Credits for English translations: CHOCOLATEMIX


乘长风凌云巅 一赴瑶池宴
Chéng cháng fēng língyún diān yī fù yáochí yàn

落青天跌尘寰 二坠入凡间
Luò qīngtiān diē chénhuán èr zhuì rù fán jiān

指点自家庙观 三笑不似我容颜
Zhǐdiǎn zìjiā miào guān sān xiào bù shì wǒ róngyán

市井巷尾 作荒唐谈
Shì jǐng xiàng wěi zuò huāngtáng tán

莫问是劫是缘 归期当何限
Mò wèn shì jié shì yuán guīqī dāng hé xiàn

叹此身非少年 时过境又迁
Tàn cǐ shēn fēi shàonián shí guòjìng yòu qiān

待披蓑再穿云烟 人间行百年
Dài pī suō zài chuān yúnyān rénjiān xíng bǎinián

纸上功过几言 已翻篇
Zhǐ shàng gōngguò jǐ yán yǐ fān piān

 Xie Lian:

Yìqìfēngfā yě céng shàonián

Zhí jiàn tà yún fēishēng bìhǎi jiǔtiān

Sānshēng liǎng biǎn shèng yī zhāo fēngyǔ chén lián

Xīn xiàngwǎng táoyuán shēn zài wújiàn

 Hua Cheng:

血雨飘 殷伞护落花翻
Xuè yǔ piāo yīn sǎn hù luòhuā fān

Pò jiǎn yín dié è mìng pìnì qīngtiān

绝境涅槃 铜炉出山
Juéjìng nièpán tóng lú chūshān

Lìguǐ chéngxíng shǒu bǎinián sùyuàn

 Shi Qing Xuan:

风吹新花簌簌 似锦歌前路
Fēng chuī xīn huā sù sù sì jǐn gē qián lù

曾高台醉卧处 一笑倾酒壶
Céng gāotái zuì wò chù yīxiào qīng jiǔ hú

如今问谁露宿 过往云烟遮明目
Rújīn wèn shéi lùsù guòwǎng yúnyān zhē míng mù

人间苦楚 可信有无
Rénjiān kǔchǔ kě xìn yǒu wú

 He Xuan:

长夜弥漫梦魇 移枝将命换
Chángyè mímàn mèngyǎn yí zhī jiāng mìng huàn

玖白纵横纠缠 结几多恩怨
Jiǔ bái zònghéng jiūchán jié jǐ duō ēnyuàn

人生如何似初见 挚谊可会变
Rénshēng rúhé shì chū jiàn zhì yì kě huì biàn

莫要回首从前 尽尘缘
Mò yào huíshǒu cóngqián jǐn chényuán

 Qi Rong:

Jiù zàng qīng shān xuèxǐ liú jīn diàn

闻变色谈 掌灯独行夜寒
Wén biànsè tán zhǎngdēng dúxíng yèhán

哀灵遍山 笑骂狂言
Āi líng biàn shān xiàomà kuángyán

Zhōng dù húnfēipòsàn wǎngshēng nán

 Ban Yue:

残月照长夜误 半世流离苦
Cányuè zhào chángyè wù bànshì liúlí kǔ

孑然长行孤独 玉楼道凄楚
Jiérán cháng xíng gūdú yù lóudào qīchǔ

不知生来背负 叛国通敌又何辜
Bùzhī shēnglái bèifù pànguó tōngdí yòu hé gū

莫问去路 无处归途
Mò wèn qùlù wú chù guītú

 Ling Wen:

仗山川凭眼观 乾坤现
Zhàng shānchuān píng yǎn guān qiánkūn xiàn

心中运筹帷幄 千里间
 Xīnzhōng yùnchóuwéiwò qiānlǐ jiān

锦衣承一方念 光芒性尽收敛
Jǐnyī chéng yīfāng niàn guāngmáng xìng jǐn shōuliǎn

只作权衡局 明镜高悬
Zhǐ zuò quánhéng jú míngjìng gāo xuán

 Feng Xin:

相知相护年少 归去也扶摇
Xiāngzhī xiāng hù niánshào guī qù yě fúyáo

因谁九天难高 断弦长弓劳
Yīn shéi jiǔtiān nán gāo duànxián zhǎng gōng láo

八千南阳坐号 红尘过往随谈笑
Bāqiān nányáng zuò hào hóngchén guòwǎng suí tán xiào

有谁殊途 分道扬镳
Yǒu shéi shū tú fēndào yángbiāo

 Mu Qing:

长烟落日孤雁 命数多蹇舛
Zhǎng yān luòrì gūyàn mìngshù duō jiǎn chuǎn

不惧天高地远 登云又何难
Bù jù tiān gāodì yuǎn dēng yún yòu hé nán

蜉蝣欲把沧海填 一览众山愿
Fúyóu yù bǎ cānghǎi tián yīlǎn zhòng shān yuàn

我命向来由我 不由天
Wǒ mìng xiànglái yóu wǒ bùyóu tiān


Riding rough winds and rising above clouds, to attend the banquet of yaochi
Fell and tumbled from the blue skies twice into the mortal world
Pointed out my own temple, the smiles are unlike my features
Markets and alleys, making absurd talk

Don't ask if it is misfortune or fate, when the time to return is
Lamenting that this body is no longer a young boy, things change with the passage of time
Waiting to wear a straw cape and cross the clouds again, travel the mortal world for hundreds of years
A few words of merits and faults on paper, the pages already turned

Xie Lian:
Daring and spirited, I was also once a young boy
Riding clouds with sword in hand, soaring across blue seas and skies
Ascended thrice banished twice, all that once remains are ripples and gusts of dust
Heart yearning for paradise but body in the abyss

Hua Cheng:
A blood-red umbrella floats in blood rain, sheltering fallen flower petals
Silver butterflies break free, E-ming looks down at the blue skies
Reincarnated in a hopeless situation, came out of the furnace
Took form as a severe demon, to fulfill my wish from hundreds of years ago

Shi Qing Xuan:
Fresh blossoms rustle in the wind, like jin'ge in the past
Was in high towers always drunk, tipping a wine jar with a smile
Now who can I turn to sleeping in the open, the clouds of the past hide (my) vision
Suffering in the mortal world, believing whether true or not 

He Xuan:
Long nights pervaded with nightmares, shift in branches switch of lives
Black and white entangled in a criss-cross, how much kindness and resentment was built up
How to make (our) lives a first meeting, close friendship can change
Don't look back to the past, all has been paid back 

Qi Rong:
Old black burial clothes, golden palace in a bloodbath
Expressions change upon hearing, walking alone on a chilly night holding a lamp
Grieved souls everywhere, raving madly with laughter and curses
Finally the soul is scattered from the body, difficult to be reborn

Ban Yue:
A waning moon shines upon mistakes of endless nights, bitterly drifting for half my life
Journeying long distances alone, the path to splendour was wretched
Not knowing the burden all along, what crime is there in treason and colluding with enemies
Not caring about the future, nowhere to return to

Ling Wen:
Relied on mountains and rivers, depended on vision, appearing as male and female
Devising strategies in my mind, within a thousand miles
Brocade robes, due to a one-sided thought, radiance diminished to its limit
Only kept balances, upright and impartial

Feng Xin:
Young boys whom understood and protected each other, the return was also rapid
Whom was it because of, difficult to ascend the skies, broke a longbow's string's hard work
8000 Nan Yang stations, everything is in the past, complying with chatting
Is there anyone who travelled different paths, and went separate ways

Mu Qing:
Long wisps of smoke over a sunset, a lonely geese, destined with countless hardships
Not afraid of vast distances, what difficulty is there in climbing the clouds
An insignificant life desires to fill the seas, aspiring all the mountains in one glance
My life has always been my own (to govern), and not heaven

Okumaya devam et

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