One Chicago: First Christmas...

By OneChicagobyA

3.6K 6 2

Sequel to Miracles: Health First Part 2. This was something Matt and Gabby never thought they'd ever experien... More

December 23, 2020
Chapter 890
Chapter 891
Chapter 892
Chapter 893
Chapter 894
Chapter 895
Chapter 896
Chapter 897
Chapter 898
Chapter 899
Chapter 900
Chapter 901
Chapter 902
Chapter 903
Chapter 904
Chapter 905
Chapter 906
Chapter 907
Chapter 908
Chapter 910
Chapter 911
Chapter 912
Chapter 913
Chapter 914
Chapter 915
Chapter 916
Jay Fell Into a Pond
Chapter 918
Chapter 919
Chapter 920
Chapter 921
Chapter 922
Chapter 923
Chapter 925
Antonio & Sylvie
Chapter 927
Chapter 928
December 24, 2020 - Christmas Eve
Chapter 930
Chapter 931
Chapter 932
Chapter 933
Chapter 934
Chapter 935
Chapter 936
Chapter 937
Chapter 938
Chapter 939
Chapter 940
Chapter 941
Chapter 942
Chapter 943
Chapter 944
Chapter 945
Chapter 946
Chapter 947
Chapter 947
Chapter 948
Chapter 949
One Chicago: First Christmas Part 2

Chapter 909

39 0 0
By OneChicagobyA

Erin's POV: When Matt asked me how much work Hank is giving me during my pregnancy, I got a bit frustrated because I didn't think he was giving me enough work. I mean, I'm pregnant...not incapacitated. And sure, I may have to work but I am damn well a good enough of a detective to know when I am putting in too many hours. I mean Hank really things that the cases we handle are stressful! I've worked with at the FBI New York City Office. CPD Intelligence is nothing compared to what they do there. I mean, that's the office that is still dealing with cases related to the September 11th attacks.

"In my opinion, he's not giving me enough work!" Jay then looked at me and rubbed my stomach. "Babe, you're pregnant." I sighed and looked at him. "Yes, and I want to remind you all that I've dealt with so much more than what CPD Intelligence deals with on a daily basis. Or, do I have to mention again that I worked at the FBI's office in New York City?" Jay nodded and understood what I meant by that. "Right, we don't deal with those big of cases." I nodded and then looked at Natalie. "Sorry."

Natalie nodded and understood why I apologized. It dealt with Jeff. "It's okay, I'm used to it now. I mean, we do commemorate 9/11 every year." I nodded and agreed. "However, I can all tell you that it's one thing to commemorate it from Chicago. It's another thing to do it from where it happened. The FBI office there goes to ground zero on that day." Matt then sighed. "I've been once. It's a somber place." 

Gabby then looked up at him. "When did you go?" Matt smiled at her. "Remember that trip I took 2 weeks before our first wedding with Boden?" Gabby thought about it and nodded. "Right, the weekend where Louie was sick and you were in New York." Matt sighed. "I had to be there for Boden. It was a hard time for him. Did you guys know he was part of the CFD's contribution to the search and rescue operations in the aftermath of 9/11?"

Jay was shocked when he said that. "Woah, so that hits closer to home than I thought. But I definitely need to go there sometime. Maybe even meet some of Erin's old co-workers." I nodded and smiled when he said that. "At least you've already met one of them." Jay looked down at me confused. "Who?" I smiled when he asked. "I've worked with Olivia Benson before." Gabby nodded and smiled. "I've heard of her and god is she bad ass." 

Antonio then got worried and sat up when I said that. "Gabby, when exactly where you sexually assaulted?" I looked at him and shook my head. "Just because I've heard of her doesn't mean I've worked with her. Relax Antonio. However, I have been sexually assaulted before." Antonio got worried. "Oh, you're talking about that incident." I nodded and sighed. Matt then wrapped his arm around her and kissed her head, giving her comfort. "You okay?"

Gabby nodded as she moved to rub his hand. "I'm fine Matt, just relax okay? I will tell you if I need to go downstairs. I promise." Matt agreed and kissed her head again. That's when Sylvie looked at her. "I now what you're talking about Gabby and honestly, I still get creeped out." Gabby then stared at her and told her to shut up. "You keep that to yourself! I don't want to talk about it!" Matt then rubbed her arm, getting her to relax.

I then saw him whisper in her ear. "Want to go take a minute alone to let this blow over?" Gabby bit her lip and nodded. "Guys, me and Matt are going to take a minute alone okay? We'll be back in a bit." Gabby then got up and went to grab Matteo. "Matt, can you make him a bottle?" Matt nodded and sighed. "I'll be right down Gabby." Gabby nodded and sighed as she went down to her bedroom. Sylvie then got up "Matt, you do that. I'll go talk to her. I know what it is."

Matt nodded and smiled as he made his way to the kitchen to make Matteo a bottle.

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