One Chicago: First Christmas...

By OneChicagobyA

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Sequel to Miracles: Health First Part 2. This was something Matt and Gabby never thought they'd ever experien... More

December 23, 2020
Chapter 890
Chapter 891
Chapter 892
Chapter 893
Chapter 894
Chapter 896
Chapter 897
Chapter 898
Chapter 899
Chapter 900
Chapter 901
Chapter 902
Chapter 903
Chapter 904
Chapter 905
Chapter 906
Chapter 907
Chapter 908
Chapter 909
Chapter 910
Chapter 911
Chapter 912
Chapter 913
Chapter 914
Chapter 915
Chapter 916
Jay Fell Into a Pond
Chapter 918
Chapter 919
Chapter 920
Chapter 921
Chapter 922
Chapter 923
Chapter 925
Antonio & Sylvie
Chapter 927
Chapter 928
December 24, 2020 - Christmas Eve
Chapter 930
Chapter 931
Chapter 932
Chapter 933
Chapter 934
Chapter 935
Chapter 936
Chapter 937
Chapter 938
Chapter 939
Chapter 940
Chapter 941
Chapter 942
Chapter 943
Chapter 944
Chapter 945
Chapter 946
Chapter 947
Chapter 947
Chapter 948
Chapter 949
One Chicago: First Christmas Part 2

Chapter 895

71 0 0
By OneChicagobyA

Matt's POV: As we arrived at the cabin, I smiled because it meant we were finally done driving. It was mostly because what was supposed to be an hour drive turned out to be an hour and a half because we got lost once. I am just glad that the rest of our friends didn't mind stopping somewhere so we could meet up again and get back on our way. At least, I believe that's why we got back together. I keep wondering if it was also so that the women could get food. Sylvie and Erin did get out while we were there and got food. Well, they are pregnant.

As I parked the car, I smiled because the cabin was huge. "Wow, they call this a cabin?" Gabby however didn't laugh because she ended up falling asleep. I turned to look at her and smiled while shutting off the car. Moving to grab her hand, I rubbed it and then saw her wake up. "Let me guess, Matteo needs something?" I shook my head. "He only needs you to help me bring the bags in. We're here. Maybe you can get Eva to watch him as you take a nap?"

Gabby sighed and nodded. "I guess I've been more tired lately. Needed to wrap all those gifts...ALONE." She said, emphasizing the world alone. I sighed and looked at her. "Not my fault that they couldn't find anybody to work an ambo shift. However, just remember that nothing happened. I made sure to transfer to a quiet house and then they sent a reliever from there." Gabby smiled when I said that. "I'm glad that happened." I nodded and then went to get out.

"Listen, you get Matteo. Me and the guys will get our stuff. Maybe you can ask Jay or Antonio to come out and help me when they're done with their stuff?" That's when I heard Jay walk up to me. "What do you need help with?" I turned to look at him to see him carrying a couple bags and dragging his and Erin's suitcases. Deciding not to answer, I just opened the back of the car. "This is your future when you have your daughter." He just stared at me. "What's all this?"

I then looked at it all. "Stroller, high chair, crib, changing stuff, diapers, formula, bottles, bag of clean clothes, bag of spare clothes. Then my suitcase and Gabby's suitcase. And finally, snow clothes and spares." Jay stared and was shocked. Erin just rubbed his back and smiled. "Voigt did tell you that babies need a lot of things." He turned to look at her and smiled. "C'mon, let's go to our room. It's my old bedroom that I used to use whenever I came here as a kid."

Erin just looked at him. "I am going to go lay there. However, you are going to help Matt." That's when I heard Antonio walk over with his kids. "So are you Eva and Diego." Diego just looked at his dad. "What?" He then went to grab their bags. "You guys can start. I am bringing our bags in." Diego then sighed. "What do you want me to take inside?" I turned to look at him and gave him the crib and Matteo's chair. "Here, Gabby's going to need these first. Make sure she gets the chair." He nodded and agreed, carrying them in for me.

I then looked to see what Eva could grab. "Here, can you bring this inside to your aunt? It's Matteo's food and snow clothes." I gave her two bags. She nodded and agreed. "Where are the gifts?" I smiled when she said that. "Those aren't going anywhere near you. You are going to want to see what you got." That's when I heard my phone ring. "Eva, I need to take this. Mind telling Gabby that I'm just talking to my sister and I'll be in with more soon?" She agreed and nodded, leaving me to talk to my sister.

I then answered my phone and smiled. "Hey sis, Merry Christmas." Christie chuckled when I said that. "So, I heard I'm not going to see you this Christmas." I sighed. "No, we are spending it with Gabby's family at a cabin in Joliet. Sorry." Christie understood. "It's okay. I decided to go to Florida for a bit. Me and Violet needed time together after battling COVID." I sighed. "Be careful, they aren't being the most careful down there when it comes to COVID."

My sister knew and understood. "I promise Matt, I'm wearing a mask. Learned my lesson." I agreed and smiled. "Listen, we'll have to talk on Christmas day okay? I want to at least see Violet that day." Christie chuckled. "First Christmas as a dad." I smiled at the thought. "Yes, as a biological father. It's amazing. By the way, I've been meaning to tell you we're talking about adoption/fostering a child in the new year." Christie was shocked. "Already?"

I chuckled. "There's going to be a lot of kids that needs home because their parents died of COVID. So, if we can provide them with homes...we decided to do it. We can do it." Christie chuckled, happy for me. "Well, as long as it doesn't wreck your marriage like last time...I'm all for it." I understood where she was coming from. "This time, we're doing it together so we'll be okay. But listen, I need to go before Gabby wants more things."

Christie understood and smiled. "Have a good time at your family's Cabin." I smiled and then hung up. Turning to look at the other bags, I saw Antonio come out. "Need any help? We already have everything inside." I went to grab me and Gabby's bags before looking at him. "Can you help with the diapers? And the last bag there? Also, did you see which room Gabby got?"

He smiled. "She's claimed the basement bedroom next to Jay and Erin. And don't worry, Will and Natalie are upstairs. Now, let me grab the rest of the stuff and you can go say hi to your neighbors. Then you can take a nap with Gabby." I nodded and smiled, about to walk inside when I gave Antonio the keys. "Can you lock up when you are done? It's the last of it all." He agreed and smiled. "Sure thing, I'll give them back to you when I'm downstairs."

I agreed and smiled before walking into the cabin so that I could go downstairs to be with Gabby and Matteo who needed time to rest.

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