One Chicago: First Christmas...

By OneChicagobyA

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Sequel to Miracles: Health First Part 2. This was something Matt and Gabby never thought they'd ever experien... More

December 23, 2020
Chapter 890
Chapter 891
Chapter 892
Chapter 893
Chapter 895
Chapter 896
Chapter 897
Chapter 898
Chapter 899
Chapter 900
Chapter 901
Chapter 902
Chapter 903
Chapter 904
Chapter 905
Chapter 906
Chapter 907
Chapter 908
Chapter 909
Chapter 910
Chapter 911
Chapter 912
Chapter 913
Chapter 914
Chapter 915
Chapter 916
Jay Fell Into a Pond
Chapter 918
Chapter 919
Chapter 920
Chapter 921
Chapter 922
Chapter 923
Chapter 925
Antonio & Sylvie
Chapter 927
Chapter 928
December 24, 2020 - Christmas Eve
Chapter 930
Chapter 931
Chapter 932
Chapter 933
Chapter 934
Chapter 935
Chapter 936
Chapter 937
Chapter 938
Chapter 939
Chapter 940
Chapter 941
Chapter 942
Chapter 943
Chapter 944
Chapter 945
Chapter 946
Chapter 947
Chapter 947
Chapter 948
Chapter 949
One Chicago: First Christmas Part 2

Chapter 894

68 0 0
By OneChicagobyA

Natalie's POV: When Gabby called me, I was a bit confused. I mean, she's right next to us basically. I then decided to answer her call. "Hey Gabby, why can't you just hop out to talk to us?" Gabby chuckled and smiled. "Me and Antonio were planning on doing a call all the way to the cabin. We are all driving but, it'll be more like we are all in the same car." I chuckled when she said that. "Listen, let me use Will's phone to call you then. Well, I will add him in myself."

Gabby agreed. "Sure thing." Will then turned to look at me. "What are you doing?" I smiled and called him from my phone. "Just answer." He shrugged and went to answer. I then merged our calls. "Gabby, you there?" I then heard her through the Bluetooth. "Yeah." I smiled and went to hang up my phone. "Good, now we can all talk through the Bluetooth. Just need to add your brother now and all 4 cars will be connected to a single call. This will be fun."

Will rolled his eyes and obviously didn't agree. I then turned to look at him. "Did I mention that I convinced Helen to watch him New Year's Eve so that we could be alone?" Will then shut up and smiled. "Love you." Gabby then chuckled. "Of course, anything to get..." I interrupted her. "Some fun! Remember, Owen's here." Owen the took his headphones off when he heard his name. "Yes mommy?" I looked at him and smiled. "Go back to your videos Owen, it's all good."

He nodded and went to watch stuff on his iPad again. I then smiled when Gabby talked to me. "Good save. Now, do we have Jay and Erin on here or are we following you to the cabin? I would like to be able to talk to the person leading us in case we get stuck behind another vehicle or get stopped at a traffic light." Will chuckled and smiled. "How about first we get to their place and see if they are ready to go? I haven't heard anything from them yet."

I then decided to add Jay to the call. He answered pretty quick which must mean that he's in the car. "Hey Nat, you guys on your way here?" I smiled and laughed. "Just to let you know, we've decided to do a carpool phone call on the way. We meeting up at your place?" Jay smiled. "You guys all together?" Will smiled. "We are all at Antonio's place right now." Jay chuckled. "Will, you know the way right? I mean, it's our family cabin."

I turned to look at Will and hoped he knew. Will then sighed. "I haven't been there in a few years and I would rather not lead people the wrong way when we have a whole lot of people that would be upset if I led them the wrong way. More specifically, some women." I then slapped his arm. "At least say my name when you are referring to me." Will chuckled. "I am not just talking about you. I am also talking about the other two women who aren't related to us via marriage."

Gabby and Sylvie were offended by that. "Hey!" I then spoke into the phone. "Oh shut up, we both know you guys are going to be pissed if I lead you guys the wrong way. You Gabby because it might cause Matteo to get tired and cranky. And you Sylvie because you're pregnant. Oh, and because you have two teenagers in the car. By the way, do they know they aren't going to have cell reception there?" That's when we heard two teenagers yell. "What!"

I sighed and looked at Natalie. "Relax, there's internet. I made sure to get Wi-Fi installed. Our little man there can't go without his iPad for longer than a few hours." Antonio's teenagers then let out a collective sigh of relief. Natalie however bit her lip. "If that's how they are hearing that now...what's Owen going to be like when he's a teenager?" I sighed and looked at her. "Relax Natalie, let's just enjoy the holidays okay?"

Natalie nodded and agreed when she saw Jay pull up next to us. "You're lucky we don't live far from Antonio. Now listen, how about you all follow us and we can talk on the way." I chuckled and smiled. "Thanks bro." Jay then pulled away in front of us and I decided to allow everybody else to go before us. I then pulled out behind Antonio's car. "Jay, just to let you know...we're at the back of the pack. Can you send me the address? Natalie can put it in the GPS for us."

Jay then agreed. "Maybe I should send all of you the address in case we loose each other." Matt liked that idea. "Thanks Jay, that would be great." I then went to turn towards the interstate when we all hit a red light. "Anybody want to play car games while we're in the car?" Gabby chuckled. "What, like eye spy or something?" Natalie chuckled. "No thanks. We can talk though. We always seem to find stuff to talk about. Maybe we can talk about our pregnancies."

All the guys then let out a collective groan. Antonio talked first. "Please, I would rather not have to do that. I just finished the nursery. I am tired of looking at pink or anything that is related to babies." I chuckled when he said that when we all got onto the interstate one after the other. I then heard my phone beep and I got the address. Reaching for the GPS we have in the car, I went to put in the address. Will however got nervous. "What are you doing?"

Opening the GPS, I went to put in the address Jay gave me. "It's the address. I am going to save it for when we want to go there. Jay, does Will have a copy of the keys to the cabin?" Jay sighed. "I will have to make you guys some if you want to use it. Either than or I will have to let you use mine. We can always go together though. Heck, this place is huge." Will chuckled. "I remember when we went there as kids. We always played hide and seek. It would take you an hour to find me."

Jay agreed and chuckled. "By the way, I want to let you all know that there is weights in the garage. It's insulated now and there is a space heater." I sighed because I knew he was planning to do that. I am just shocked he did it already. "Wish you would've told me Jay. I would've loved to help you. I just hope you kept the pictures. I wanted to have one. I think there's one from grandpa of us in there." Jay understood. "I got it in a box somewhere at my place."

I smiled when he said that. "Okay, think when we get back I can get it? I mean, unless you want it. Or, I can just make a copy." Jay agreed. "Sure thing man, now...let's remember that we are on a call with our friends too, not just us." I chuckled and smiled. "So Sylvie, how are you feeling? The pregnancy going well?" Sylvie was happy I asked. "It's going great. The twins are currently moving though." Natalie smiled. "Antonio, how do you feel about twins?"

Antonio sighed. "It's going to be a lot but, Voigt has promised to give me the time off when they are born. I am getting double the paternity leave." Jay was obviously shocked when Antonio said that. "What? How are you getting that!" Antonio sighed again. "I'm claiming one paternity leave at a time. One per kid." Jay understood. "Okay, that makes sense. Sylvie must be happy about that." Sylvie agreed. "Oh, either he was going to get double paternity or he was going to use a majority of his yearly vacation time to be with him. That was never a question."

Matt then spoke up and sighed. "Listen guys, I think maybe me and Gabby need to get off the call. Matteo is falling asleep. Would rather not wake him up. However, I will try and stay in between two of you. Will, can you make sure to stay behind us in case we loose Jay? That way we can at least have someone." Jay then spoke up. "Matt, just text us and we'll pull over. Don't want to loose anybody. I promise." Matt liked that. "Thanks. Didn't want to ask."

Jay chuckled. "It's okay man. We don't want to loose you guys. Now listen, we going to talk about sports yet or not. Because the Hawks are back next month. What do you think is going to happen? We going for the cup this year?" All the guys then responded. "Hell yeah!" Unfortunately, we did it too loud and scared Matteo a bit. He stared to cry. Gabby then sighed. "Thanks a lot guys. Listen Matt, can you end the call? We need to let him sleep."

Matt agreed and sighed. "Talk later when we're at the cabin okay guys? Just make sure you don't loose us." We all agreed. "Sure thing Matt. Talk in an hour at the cabin."

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