Set To The Sky

By YunaYukimura

9.3K 259 348

Misaki Sakusa has finally reached a new level of popularity. Everything seems to be going good. Then she goes... More

Characters of The story
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Mother's Day Special (LEMON)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Father's Day Special'
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Not a chapter
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Character Contest!
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (BackStory of Azami Sano)
not a chapter
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
πŸ‹Bonus Chapter for 2.5k readsπŸ‹
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 1: OH SHIT

667 15 6
By YunaYukimura

32980To say that Misaki Sakusa was surprised the moment that she woke to find herself pressed against a naked blonde male's chest would be an understatement. The bedroom she laid in was decorated with volleyball stuff, the walls littered with it. There were photos on the wall of the blonde and a group of guys in jerseys. 

Misaki blinks, sitting up in the bed. The feeling of creamy, sticky fluid between her thighs draws her attention. The buzz of her hangover makes her head spin, the young woman softly groaning at her predicament. She slowly climbs out of the bed, staggering for  few seconds as she goes to her knees, the feeling of being deeply and thoroughly fucked catching her attention since this was her first time having experienced it. 

She places a hand on the bed and pulls herself up as she gathers her clothes and makes her way into his bathroom. 'I don't even know what happened last night,' She thinks to herself, groaning inwardly at the soreness between her legs. She turns the water on and slowly eases herself under the jet streams of the steaming hot liquid, washing away a night she wasn't proud of. 

The young singer begins to sing a soft tune under the water. She quickly washes her self off, trying to wipe away the night of sin, finally stepping out to dry off and get dressed. When she reenters the bedroom, she pauses and her eyes widen as they catch sight of a picture of a team. In that frame, her cousin, Kiyoomi, sat with the other members, a look of displeasure on his face. "He knows Oomi?" she breathes in morbid curiosity. 

The moment that the blonde man in the bed shifts makes Misaki freeze in place. She nervously holds her breath, scooping up her purse before slowly creeping towards the door. 

Atsumu cracks an eye open, watching as she disappears, shutting his bedroom door behind her. She makes her way through the house, finally finding the exit. When she leaves, she shuts and locks the door behind her out of common courtesy. Pulling out her phone, Misaki calls a cab to come take her home, shivering in the cols 6 am air. 

When the cab finally arrives, she steps into it, turning once to look back at the house. She could almost swear she saw his face in the window, watching her leave. The cab moves slowly away from the curb as if removing the evidence she was ever there in the first place. or so she had believed.

She had tried to forget over the next few weeks, but when she finally managed to succeed, she came across a problem. The 23, almost 24 year old woman was relaxing in her dressing room. She had about 20 minutes before she was supposed to go on stage. A knock sounded on the door as her assistant and best friend, Momoko Aoki came in with a full plate of hot catering sandwiches. The very moment the smell hits Misaki's nose, her stomach rolls, the woman knocking her chair back as she races for the bathroom. She barely makes it to the bathroom before the acrid liquid rushes up her burning throat.

 "Hey Misa! Misa! Are you alright?" The pretty redhead calls through the closed door. Misaki lifts her head to answer but is cut off by yet another wave of nausea making her drool slightly as she leans forwards, heaving yet again into the toilet. Momoko carefully opens the door, wrinkling her nose as she holds her best friend's hair back from her face. 

"Misaki, are you alright? You're on in 15 more minutes, do you want me to cancel so you can go home and get some rest?" her best friend asks. Misaki shakes her head, her silvery brown hair bouncing. "They booked out the entire venue. Cancelling now would be entirely unprofessional," she replies. Momoko lets out a sigh. "Are you sure you'll be okay?" 

Misaki nods, wiping her mouth with a slow, shaky hand. Her eyes flutter closed for a quick second as she grimaces, another wave of nausea taking over. When it passes, she slowly stands and glances in the mirror. "Hey, Momo... Can you bring me the  toothpaste and mouthwash out of my bag? I need to get this awful taste out of my mouth," Misaki groans.

Momoko nods, disappearing for a moment before coming back with the requested items. After brushing her teeth, she puts on her game face and heads out to face the crowds. Singing had been Misaki's passion since she was only four years old. So when she went out and wowed the crowd, no one was surprised. The concert she gave was all that was talked about for the next two weeks.

Unfortunately, the nausea didn't go away. Any time the poor young woman smelled cooked meat or soup of any kind, the bouts of nausea took over, leaving her hunched over the toilet for more than 20 minutes at a time. Her agouti Siberian Husky, Yukari, took to laying next to her in comfort during these times, her agouti fur pressed comfortingly against Misaki's side. 

Five weeks after she slept with the guy from the bar, Momoko began to worry. "Misa... When was your last period?" She asks, holding back the other woman's silvery brown hair as she threw up for like the 12746th time. The other woman freezes as she begins to count in her head. "Oh god... Seven weeks ago!" she gasps.

Momoko gives a short nod, patting her back as she stands up. "alright, I'm going to go to the store to buy a few things. I'll be back soon. Don't pee until I get back," Momoko orders, grabbing her purse as she leaves the lavish house.  Misaki doesn't even bother to reply, just sitting on the floor in silence as she strokes Yukari's head with trembling fingers.

Slowly, she moves a hand to her stomach, not sure what to think in that very moment. "Could I really be pregnant?" she whispers softly to herself, the worry taking over. In the entire time she had been a professional singer, she had never felt more nervous than she did right now. When  Momoko finally returned, she was still in the same exact position she had been in when her friend had gone to the store in the first place. She barely turned to look at her friend when she placed a hand on her back. 

Alright, I was unsure what to buy so I bought three different brands. There are five total if you want to take more than one," Momoko tells Misaki in a soft, careful voice. Misaki looks up, a little lost. "How do I take them?" she asks. Misaki looks down, her nerves getting the better of her. Momoko pulls out a small package of disposable cups, handing on to her.

"Pee in one of these and you'll have enough for more than one test. Use the dropper or dipping wand to absorb the urine," She instructs. Misaki blinks, taking the cup. After a minute, she sets the half full cup on the counter and begins to open the packages with the tests in them. Her hands shake as she puts the cap back on three of the tests and sits on the closed toilet lid to wait.

"These want you to wait five minuted before checking the results. Are you okay?" Momoko asks. The singer shakes her head. "I'm Scared," She admits, covering her face with her hands. Momoko sits on the side of the tub, moving her hands to touch Misaki's shoulders in a gentle gesture. "Don't be. No matter what happens, I will be here to help you. I'm not going anywhere," She breathes, her voice soft and soothing.

The rest of the five minutes pass by in complete silence. When the time was up, Misaki looks at her best friend with anxious eyes. "You check them. I just can't," She murmurs, eyes beginning to water. Momoko gives a slight nod, standing and crossing to the bathroom counter. After a second, she looks over at Misaki with complete sympathy. "Sorry, Misa... They're all positive," she frowns, causing the poor woman to break down into tears. 

Momoko rubs her back silently as Yukari pushes her dark snout into her master's arms. "Honey, you should tell the father," Momoko sighs. Misaki shakes her head. "I don't know anything about him. Not his name nor his address. I only have a vague idea of where he lives. How am I supposed to get in contact with him?" She asks. 

Momoko hums, following Misaki as she leaves the bathroom and walks to the living room, flipping the TV on. Suddenly she freezes, pausing the news as a gasp escapes her lips. "Momo! That's him! The guy with the blonde hair in the number 13 Jersey!" Momoko whistles. \

"Wow! He's really hot!" She says, patting her friend on the back. Misaki nods, reading the name on the news alert. 'MSBY Black Jackal's own Miya Atsumu takes the spot of number 1 setter in Japan' It reads. "Wait.... He's on my cousin's team? I'm going to call Oomi," She breathes, taking out her cellphone. 

"I'll go make you a grilled chicken salad. You need the extra nutrition," Momoko murmurs, walking into the kitchen. The phone calls out and it rings four times before a grumpy voice answers. "What do you want Misa? I'm in practice," he huffs. Misaki sucks in a deep breath and groans. "Oomi, I need a favor. Something happened and I need to speak with Miya Atsumu. Can you put him on the phone? It's urgent," She says nervously. 

Kiyoomi groans. "You owe me big time. I hate having my phone touched. Especially by that annoying germ," he grumbles. He turns and looks at Atsumu whom was making jokes with Bokuto, Hinata and Inunaki. He crosses over and holds out his phone. "It's for you. Make it quick so I can disinfect it when you're done," he grumbles in irritation.

Atsumu hesitantly reaches out and takes the device, putting it to his ear. "Hello?" his husky voice calls into the speaker. Immediately, the woman on the other end shivers. "Hi, I don't know how to do this properly.  That is to say... I've never done this before. My name is  Sakusa Misaki. We were together a few weeks ago. I need to talk with you, so is there any way we can go out for coffee some time this week or something?" Misaki asks nervously. 

Atsumu goes quiet for a moment. "If ya live close by, I am free after practice today," he says hesitantly. Misaki brightens, checking the time. "Today is perfect since it's my only day off. Can you take down my number and text me when you are done so that I know where to meet you?" Misaki asks. Atsumu pauses, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "Yeah, go ahead," he tells her, opening up the contacts. Misaki rattles off her number and then breathes a sigh of relief, "Let me know when you're ready. I have an errand to run first," She tells him.

Atsumu agrees and hangs up, handing the phone back to a rather irritated Kiyoomi. "That wasn't even remotely quick," he growls as he wipes the device down with disinfectant. "Sorry, it won't happen again Omi Omi," he replies with a shrug, much to the other male's irritation. "Don't call me that, annoying germ," Kiyoomi growls under his breath.

Misaki sits on the couch, listening to her OBGYN's receptionist list their soonest available appointments. After a minute she relays that a spot had opened up and was available an hour from now due to cancellation. "Give me that one then," Misaki decides, writing it down in her notebook. 

"And what did we need to come in for today, honey?" The older woman's voice echoes through the phone. "I need a pregnancy confirmation and an ultrasound," Misaki murmurs, wishing that this wasn't necessary. "Alright, you're all set. Just make sure you don't pee before you get here and drink plenty of water," the receptionist hums. 

Misaki agrees and hangs up, eating her grilled chicken salad quickly before standing to get dressed for the day. She decides to throw on a pink and purple skirt and matching shirt. After applying light make up, she curls her hair, smiling a bit at the result. She was still nervous but she had to do this. She had to know. Depending on how things went, that would determine how the future would proceed. 

Momoko decided to go with her, feeling that it was best her friend didn't have to do this completely on her own. "Whatever you decide is your decision .Just know that I will still be here for you, and I don't judge you no matter what," Momoko tells Misaki as she hugs her, the two parked in front of the obstetrician's office. 

Misaki nods nervously, her eyes closing as she takes a deep, steadying breath. "Let's go in then," she sighs, getting out of the cab. Entering the office, she immediately notices several women in varying stages of pregnancy sitting in the waiting room. The singer steps forward and checks in, wincing as people begin to recognize her.

She taps her leg nervously, trying to find something to pass the time. After about 10 minutes, she was called back, made to pee in a cup, then directed to a room and told to wait until the nurse was in.

Momoko helps her onto the table and Misaki's nose crinkles as the paper placed on the table crackles obnoxiously. Momoko goes to say something but sighs when a few knocks sound on the door moments later. "Come in," Misaki's clear voice rings, looking towards the door as it opens to reveal a woman in her 30's, her pink hair tied into a ponytail and her golden brown eyes warm and inviting. She gives Misaki a gentle smile as she closes the door behind her.

"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm your doctor, Kiryu Aoi. You came in today to confirm a pregnancy?" she asks. Misaki nods, looking unsure. "I wanted to see when I would be due and how far along I am," She says softly. The doctor nods,typing some notes down on her computer. "Alright, they sent a urine sample. Let me check and see if it's ready, then I can have our main ultrasound technician come right in," She smiles reassuringly as she walks out the door.

After about five minutes, she comes back in and grins. "You are indeed pregnant. Today is October 5th. When was your last period?" she asks. Misaki pulls out her phone. "Umm... August 14th is when it started. I bled for 4 days," Misaki replies. Dr Kiryu nods as the door opens and the Ultrasound technician peeks her elderly head inside. Are you ready? We are all set up if you'll come with me," she hums. 

Misaki nods, getting off the table slowly as she is led to the ultrasound room, noting immediately how dark it was in there. "Alright, climb on the table and lift up your shirt dear. The gel should be warm," The woman tells her. Misaki Immediately does so, making a face when the warm gel hits her alabaster skin. The technician moves the wand around her still flat stomach, clicking to zoom in when she finally stops. "Ah, there. Here we go. There they are, Miss Sakusa," She gestures to two nearly shapeless beans on the screen.

"I'm sorry. Did you just say THEY?!" Misaki asks with wide eyes. The older woman nods. "Yes, If you see here, this is baby A and this is baby B. Let me measure your uterus... Ah here we go. Judging from this, your due date should be around May 31st next year," she nods to herself. 

Misaki sits there silently, a rush of emotion washing over her. It took a moment to decipher it, but among them was protectiveness and a certainty. Seeing her babies on the screen gave her a wave of emotion almost foreign to herself. She reflects on it as the ultrasound technician prints out two copies of the twins. The rest of her appointment goes by in a flash, Dr. Kiryu advising her on what she can and cannot do. Before she leaves, Dr. Kiryu hands her prenatal vitamins and a script for morning sickness medication.

When they walk out of there, Misaki freezes. "Twins," She murmurs, her eyes distant. Momoko places a hand on her shoulder. "You'll be okay. You still have 20 minutes before he gets out of practice. I have to go home... Do you want me to stop and let Yukari out on my way home?" She inquires. Misaki nods. "Yeah. Can you feed her for me too?" She asks. Momoko laughs, pulling out her phone. "Sure, I'll make sure she eats. Just relax and try to enjoy yourself. You never know, maybe you will end up liking him," Momoko winks at her.

With that, the red haired beauty turns and walks away. Misaki sighs to herself and finds a nearby bench to sit on and pass the time. Around 18 minutes later, her phone dings with a new message.

 Atsumu: Practice is over but I'm starving. Let's meet at the Italian place De John's in 25.

The singer nods to herself, feeling her stomach growl.

Misaki: Okay, I'll have a private room reserved.

She doesn't receive a message back so she calls the restaurant to reserve the room before calling for a cab. When she arrives, they lead her back quickly before anyone can recognize her face, taking pride in their customer privacy policy.

About 7 minutes later, Atsumu finds his seat across from her. Misaki looks up as their waiter immediately appears, offering them wine. "No thank you, I can't have any," She declines politely. Instead she orders water with lemon, taking out her morning sickness pills when he brings the cup to her. When the waiter comes back, she orders a plate of chicken Alfredo, extra chicken and extra sauce. 

Atsumu orders shrimp scampi and a bowl of soup. When the order arrives, the smell hits her and Misaki turns slightly green, hunching over a bit as the nausea rolls over her. "Are ya alright? Ya look unwell," Atsumu says in concern. "Misaki takes in a slow, steadying breath and nods, pushing the feeling down. "Yeah. Let's eat," she says, taking a bite of her Alfredo.

Part of the way into the meal, Atsumu pauses and swallows, looking over at her. "So tell me... Why did ya call me? What did ya want to talk about?" Atsumu questions. Misaki groans to herself. "Well... I don't want to be this kind of person... Here, just have a look at this," she sighs, pushing the paper with the pregnancy confirmation on it towards him. "What's this?" He asks, looking slightly worried as he glances at the information on the paper. 

Misaki looks away, feeling the tension and nerves sweep over her. "I'm pregnant," she whispers, a tear slipping down her cheek. Atsumu takes a deep breath, looking her over. "Are ya sure its mine?" he asks. Misaki looks up in shame. "I don't remember much of that night, but I was a virgin before I met you. And I haven't been with anyone since then," she tells him honestly. 

Atsumu looks conflicted. eyeing the paper in his rather large hands. Thinking and softly smiling at her own stupidity, Misaki pulls out a copy of the ultrasound picture. "This one is for you. They are currently healthy and growing," She tells him. Atsumu freezes in place and looks up at her with wide eyes. "What do you mean they?" he asks, taking a look at the print out. 

The young singer breathes out a shaky, nervous breath, going around the table. She takes a slender finger and points to the picture. "This is baby A. This is baby B. I'm having twins," she whispers softly to him. His eyes waver slightly as reality begins to sink in. "Twins..." He murmurs quietly, scratching his blonde head. He meets her gaze, his milk chocolate eyes meeting her green ones. 

"What do ya plan to do?" Atsumu asks in almost a whisper. Misaki stares him down, nervousness flooding her senses. "I'm going to keep them. I wanted to give you the opportunity to be involved if you wanted to. If not, I am perfectly capable of doing this alone," She tells him. Atsumu tilts his head to the side. "What kinda man would make ya do this on yer own? Of course I'll support ya. What do ya do for work?" he asks.

 Misaki blinks. "You aren't serious? I'm the lead singer of Crimson Seraph. I'm not asking for your money. I have enough of that. I just want support. You know, mental, emotional and parental support," she tells him. Atsumu blinks. "Yer that Sakusa Misaki?!" he gasps. Misaki nods. "Yeah I am."

Atsumu sighs. "Wow... Happy birthday to me. I never expected this," he mutters. He closes his eyes, making a decision. "Okay. I'll do this with ya. I contributed so it's only fair," he sighs. Misaki tears up. "Thank you," she whispers.

This chapter was 3572 words long. Bet you guys read it in 7 minutes. Here's to Misaki x Atsumu story. Hope you guys enjoy the ride. I have fun stuff planned for this story.

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