Queen Of Paradox (Unedited)

By NaughtyPlease

21.1K 801 185

(BEING EDITED/REWRITTEN) Every decade a Tournament is held in Paradox to decide who will become the next Ero... More

Prelude to Desire
Sweet Deceit
The Devil's in the Details
An Incubi's Seduction
A Queen Manipulated
The Benefit of a Friend
A Secret for One
No Man Left Behind
Switching Places
More Than Meets The Eye
Sixty Days
I Am Oueen
Between A Rock and A Hard Place
No Place Like Home
Sister Knows Best
Welcome to Paradise
Something Witchy This Way Comes
When One Door Closes...
Poor little Succubus, Ain't that a Witch
Back, Meet Knife.
Memories: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow
Mr. Blue Eyes
Memory Lane
Magic Touch
Old Wounds
Fallen Rook
Past, Meet Present
Storming the Castle
Back to the Start
Wake Up Call
Authors Note
The Best Laid Plans...
Rude Awakening
Best Kept Secrets
Succubus Diaries
The Calm Before
Aftermath - Part 1
Aftermath - Part 2
Authors Note
Sneak Peek: Sweetest Torment

Crossing Lines

350 20 5
By NaughtyPlease

Lana's (P.O.V)

Oh God...

Oh good God...

Oh.  My.  God!

Lana's fingers twisted in the sheets that surrounded her and she moaned.

Her head was literally ripping apart. Okay, maybe not so literal but it sure felt like that. Groaning she rolled to her back, or at least tried to but her progress was halted by a warm brick wall. Frowning she attempted to roll to her other side. Nope. There was a stone wall on that side too. Wait...What?! Lana's eyes flew open and, in a move way to fast for her throbbing head to appreciate, flipped to her back and sat up. Her head swung right, then left, before settling forward. Her eyes widened in utter shock and confusion. W-was this another dream? It had to be...She reached up and pinched her forearm only to yelp at the sting. Okay. Okay. So not sleeping. She chanced another glance at both of them.

Dean and William were in her bed.

She was sandwiched between Dean and William.

A seemingly naked Dean and William!?

Dean was laying on his stomach with his arms around the pillow, his face buried in the center. His bare back was a breathtaking sight to take in. All rippling muscles and tanned skin tempting her to run her fingers down his spine and settle in that dip at the base where the cover bunched. Blocking her view from the rest of him. Her gaze moved to William who was laying on his back. He had one arm under his head and the other lightly gripping the cover bunched low on his waist. Holy hell the sight was glorious. All those muscles pulled taut like they were...defining every ridge of his pecs, abs, biceps....was she drooling? Oh God, okay she needed to get out of this bed so she could think clearly and figure out why they  were here. Because her head was no longer the only place throbbing... Biting her lips she slowly pulled her legs free of the covers and gasped when she realized she was only wearing her very skimpy, barely there, panties. Had they? Her face immediately flamed but she tried not to think about that. As quiet and softly as possible, she moved to her hands and knees and began a slow crawl to the bottom of the bed.

Two groans of appreciation sounded, followed by Dean's "Fuck..." and Williams "Damn..." Lana froze as mortification swept over her.

They were awake.

They were looking at her ass.

More determined than ever to be anywhere but here she kicked back into motion, only to feel hands on her. She barely got a squeal of protest out before she was once again flat on her back, the air knocked out of her. She gasped and sputtered for a moment before releasing a breathy, "what the hell?" She blinked up at the two Incubi, now hovering above her and her mouth went dry. Their eyes were gold, their expression heated. Fuck...

She had two hungry Incubi in her bed and it was clear they were thinking of making her breakfast...Problem? She really wanted to let them.

* * *

Vera's (P.O.V)

The flap of wings resonated through the air mere seconds before a loud thud sounded and she turned to see Nolan on the balcony connected to her room. She was stark naked and perched on the edge of her plush queen sized bed while her two handmaidens tended to brushing her hair and oiling her body. They paused as they watched Nolan storming towards their Queen, his expression dark. "Your Majesty?" Tamara questioned eying him uneasily. "Leave us" she said with a airy wave of her hand. They scrambled out of the room in a matter of seconds leaving her with the raging incubus. Coming to a stand, Vera shrugged on a sheer robe decorated with intricate lace patterns, and turned to face Nolan. He didn't stop until he was directly in front of her forcing her to tilt her head back to meet his eyes. His storm blue eyes clashing with her mischievous green ones.  "You spoiled brat!" He hissed, teeth clenched.

Vera blinked eyes wide with surprise, her mouth falling open. "E-excuse me?" she stuttered. "Your. A . Spoiled. Brat. " he repeated, enunciating each word. She bristled at his tone and her face flamed. How dare he! She was his Queen damn it! She deserved respect!  "I would watch my tone if I were you!" she warned, her eyes flashing fire. He gave a cold laugh that lacked anything close to humor and got right in her personal space. "Why? are you gonna execute me? imprison me?" She swallowed and her gaze wavered. "T-that's not fair..." she whispered. He knew damn well she wouldn't do that. Couldn't. "You know what else is not fair? Having your men follow and watch my every move." He held up his hand and displayed his fingertip stained with their dry blood. "By the way, you might want to rehire." he sneered. She gasped and glared daggers at him. "Is that what this is about?"

He ignored her question and retaliated with one of his own. "Isn't bad enough I was forced to be your guard dog? Now you want to keep me on a leash too?"

"I-I wasn't try-" she stuttered again.  Completely thrown off by his anger. In all the years that she'd known Nolan she had only seen him angry enough to show emotion a number of times and that was years ago when they were both young, barely adults.

"What more do you want from me Vera?" He hissed, talking over her.

"I.." she tired again, to shaken to really get her words out.

"My life is already yours-" he shouted.

"I know!" she exclaimed.

"My loyalty-" He continued.

"I know!!" she repeated trying to get him to stop lashing out.

"Then what else!!!" he asked, his face drawn in exasperation.

"Everything!!" she yelled. Unable to keep her emotions in check anymore. "I want all of you! Your mind, your body, your love-" She gasped and tears that had been falling unnoticed stopped, as she realized what she had just admitted. 

Nolan's eyes widened and for the next minute they did nothing but stare at each other. "o-oh" She breathed. A hand coming up to cover her mouth. His brows furrowed and she could see the wheels in his head turning. "W-what?" he breathed.

Vera was on the edge of panic and took a few steps back creating space between them. "Y-you're my dog. Isn't that what you said?" She forced her gaze to meet his, her voice taking on a cruel edge.  "Then act like one and come to terms that everything you are belongs to me." Nolan's jaw clenched and his eyes held a look she'd never seen before but it gave her chills. "...Yes. Your Majesty." He gritted, before turning swiftly and taking long strides towards her door. "Nolan?" She called, keeping the hard edge to her voice.  He paused and turned slightly to look at her. "Your Majesty?" She folded her hands over her chest to hide their shaking and pulled herself up to her full height, her head back. "The next time you address me with a harsh tone or cruel words I will end your life despite having saved it all those years ago." He was silent for a few seconds before he turned fully to her and bowed. Then in the next moment he was gone. Vera waited one whole minute before she collapsed on the floor and wept. 

* * *

Lana's (P.O.V)

She couldn't tell if this was a dream or a nightmare.

Dean had laced one of her hands together with his, pinning it above her head, while his lips and tongue did devious things to her neck and ear.  At a particular painful nibble to her earlobe she released a small squeak of surprise that was muffle by William. His hand was wrapped around her other wrist trapping it above her head beside the other while his lips gently kissed and nipped at hers. She squirmed, trying to get herself free from them but it proved practically useless. This could not be happening. She couldn't let it. It was wrong, dangerous, careless- Dean stroked his tongue up her neck at the same time William tugged her bottom lip between his.  -It was heaven.

"Whoa! Okay this is at the top of the list of what a big sister shouldn't see her little sister doing". Lana gasped at the sound of Felicity's voice and jolted upright, having finally been released. Her sister was leaning against her door frame with a knowing smile on her face. "Good job!" Felicity mouthed giving Lana a thumbs up. Lana's face flamed a bright red and she scrambled to cover herself with the sheets. "This is not- I wasn't- They just..." Felicity let out a laugh and pinned her with a knowing look. "Oh,  I know what they were 'just' doing" She turned her attention to the two men in question. "William, Dean, nice to see you boys again." Dean flashed her a boyish grin that bordered on sheepish as he mumbled a good morning. William inclined his head but remained silent. "So I take it you boys are staying for breakfast? Or have you already eaten?"

"Oh my God!" Lana exclaimed. She grabbed a pillow and flung it at her sister. "Get out already!" Felicity laughed and neatly sidestepped it before turning and sauntering off. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 Authors Note:

Hey loveliesI know you guys have been waiting a long time for this update so I apologize that it's not as long as they usually are and that it's not completely edited. But I finally had a chance to get it out to you guys and didn't want to wait any longer! >.<

If you guys liked it show me some love!! Vote and comment , let me hear your opinions and thoughts . :) It'll go a long way in helping me get you guys another update this week. ;) 

Stay Naughty~!

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