She wolf (James Potter)

By lugofyourself

68.8K 1.6K 197

Eloise Lorelei Lupin was the twin sister of none other than Remus John Lupin; when they were both very young... More



1K 28 7
By lugofyourself

"If two people can't stay away from each other, maybe they aren't meant to be apart."

Saying that James was new to the whole...girlfriend thing would be a huge understatement. He had always convinced himself that he would've had his experiences, without settling down in order to wait for his lovely Lily. Although, that now seemed completely forgotten.

He wanted to surprise Eloise, for once, and thought Valentine's Day was the perfect excuse to ask her out on a date. He of course knew that she didn't want to start an actual relationship yet, because of all the going around of probable Death Eaters.

It pained his heart to know that Sirius was disowned by his own family because he was different, because he believed in equality for everyone. Yet again, the Black family loathed his point of view and addressed him as a blood-traitor and an embarrassment for their name.

Regulus, on the other hand, didn't get a choice. Hell, he was forced to meet his parents' standards and ideas, he probably didn't even acknowledge there were other opinions other then theirs.

But, enough of the depressed shit, thought James as he stood up from his bed and decided to prepare earlier than usual. It was so early that not even Elian was awake. Though, Remus was.

"Preparing for a date, are you, Prongs?" Smirked the werewolf, causing James to avoid his eyes and hide the goofy grin that had just appeared on his features.

"Depends on whether the girl will accept or not," he finally winked and jogged to the bathroom.

Eloise woke up that morning by the annoying sound of Lily Evans squealing like a mad woman, it was obvious she was happy for something or someone.

After Sirius and Remus caught James and Eloise snogging, they had no other choice then spilling the tea to the whole group. Which resulted in Brielle insulting her for keeping such an important event from her, though she soon calmed down. Peter wasn't surprised, not even in the slightest, and it made the blond think that he already knew some glimpses of the story from his girlfriend. Moony had the biggest grin on his lips and it made his sister's heart warm, knowing he was more than alright with James and herself.

Sirius looked like a proud father, who managed to get his children to school safely without harming any of them.

"Hurt her again, Potter, and you won't be going to the Hospital Wing," had threatened Elian, holding his index finger towards the raven haired's chest. "No, you'll be going to St. Mungo's."

James gulped and tried his best to not seem affected by the Bulgarian's words, though his strong accent made his threat even scarier. Eloise sent daggers towards Elian and playfully hit his head.

"I can take care of myself, Elian," she had announced, "thank you very much."

The raven haired had turned his head to get a proper look at her and softly smiled to himself, sliding his arm over her shoulders and pulled her in ever so slightly. He had given her a gentle kiss on the head, making the others chant an "aw".

Brielle barged inside the sixth-year-girls that morning of the Valentine's Day with a huge grin on her face, shaking Eloise completely awake with Lily.

"Get your lazy arse up!" Cursed the redhead, causing a groan to escape El's lips.

"Merlin, what's got your wands in a knot?!" Mumbled the blue eyed, reluctantly sitting straight up.

Lily and Bri locked eyes before jumping on her bed, almost startling the other further into the mattress.

"What are your plans for today, Mrs. Potter?" Smirked the brown haired witch, making Eloise flush a deep shade of red. She hid her face behind her pillow and had to retrain herself from screaming in it.

Lunar, if she was being honest, hadn't thought too much about that day. Although, she couldn't help but hope James was planning on surprising her with something. She, of course, didn't expect him to, knowing him truly, and she therefore forced herself to not daydream about what he might give her.

"Actually-" she got completely up from her bed- "I don't really think James and I have anything planned for today."

"Are you serious?" Asked Lily, dumbfounded.

Just then, a ticking sound erupted from outside of their bedroom. A beautiful white owl was hitting the window with his beak and had a letter attached to one of its two claws. Eloise grinned to herself when she recognized that owl to be James's.

"That's his," she almost whispered and went to open the window, letting the owl inside.

Brielle gave it a few treats quickly as Lunar gripped the letter and gently opened it, feeling her heart throbbing inside her chest so much it was hurting her.

The must have been charmed with the help of Remus, because she managed to pull out not only a note, but a whole bouquet of red roses. She chuckled slightly and brought the note closer to her, in order to read what James had scribbled on it, his hand-writing being quite messy.

Happy Valentine's Day, love.

I hope you liked my roses, my mother sent them and wanted me to give them to my one and only. So, of course, I had to give them to you. :)

Meet me at your favorite spot near the Black Lake for lunch.

Yours truly,


Eloise smiled again, feeling as if her cheekbones were going to break if she dared to keep grinning from ear to ear. But, she couldn't stop to begin with, and besides, she didn't want to. She had waited so long to understand her true feeling for that raven haired boy that she wasn't planning on letting him go easily.

Lily and Brielle shared a knowing look and neared their other best friend, peeking their heads over so that they would read what was written on that piece of parchment.

"Guess James and I have got plans, after all," winked the blond and heard them squeal.

"What time is it?" Gasped Brielle, looking around for a clock, alarmed.

"It's 10:30 in the morning, why do you ask?" Nonchalantly questioned Lunar, raising an eyebrow.

The other two witches glanced at each other with a face that made her even more confused, as if she had just said the stupidest thing out of all the stupidities.

"Merlin, El, you only have an hour and an half to get ready for you date." Lily grabbed her wrist and dragged her into the bathroom. "We'll pick an outfit for you, now have a shower."

Eloise looked at her, puzzled, and faked pouting.

"Is that your kind way to tell me I stink?" She crossed her arms over her chest and was shoved into the restroom by her friends again, though they shut the door that time.

James was pacing back and forth in his dorm, which alarmed the rest of his friends whom managed to not awake, even after all of the curses that escaped his lips when he didn't master the spell to charm his letter bigger. Sirius was currently looking through his best friend's wardrobe, searching for something that he could've worn for his date. While Peter was just blurting a few advises, since he so happened to be the only other one who had a girlfriend.

"Hang on," chimed in Elian, "Black, weren't you dating that Marlene chick?"

Remus glanced down at the floor, not wanting to look at his friend's expression when talking about one of his flings. He just couldn't seem to understand if there was a possibility for the two of them to be together; Moony knew his parents wouldn't be happy, but he was already disowned. So, what trouble would it bring if he just did what made him happy?

"Merlin, no," muttered Padfoot and spared a gaze to the werewolf boy, "yeah, I'm done with girls."

James, as he began undressing himself from his pajamas, smirked. He wasn't that oblivious, it was obvious there was a somewhat tension between Sirius and Remus. It was more than alright with him, all that he cared was for the two of them to be happy. And their happiness seemed to be with being together.

Soon, they were all ready to go prepare the surprise for Eloise and the five of them made their way towards her favorite spot near the beautiful yet freezing lake.

When Eloise exited the shower, Brielle and Lily shoved an handful of dresses for her to try on. The brown haired witch was looking at her as if she was getting ready for her wedding, her eyes even seemed glassy. Lunar chuckled, shaking her head playfully, and walked back inside the bathroom.

A light blue knee-length dress immediately caught El's eyes, it was the dress her mother had given her father to give to her once she was older. It was one of the most beautiful dresses she had ever seen and it made her heart warm, to know it was once her mother's, Hope. Although, she couldn't help herself but feel her mood worsening, she missed her mum.

She never actually got to meet her properly, for she died a few hours after giving birth, though Lyall always talked about her as if she was the best person you could ever meet.

Through the tears that managed to escape, she smiled. She was going to make her proud.

Eloise eventually decided to simply wear that dress and let her wavy blond hair down, then she exited the bathroom again.

"You look beautiful," clapped her hands Bri with a huge grin on her lips.

"She's right, James won't be able to keep his hands off of you," giggled Lily.

Her face lightened up as she realized she was almost forgetting to tell her friends an important event that occurred a few days prior.

"You guys know that Amos, right?" She asked, trying to hide her rosy cheeks.

"The Hufflepuff you dated last year?" Confused Eloise with a smirk.

Lily nodded, "He asked me if we could hang out today..."

Brielle and Lunar looked at each other with mischievous grins on their features and then they tackled the third girl on the floor. The three of them laughed as they embraced warmly, happy to perhaps have found their one true love.

Around 12:15, Eloise began making her way towards the place James had told her to go to, which happened to be near the shore and under a big oak tree, where she liked to climb on and just stay there. It made her smile, knowing James was so observant of her that knew which was her favorite spot. She sighed, she had never been as happy as she was with James, though that wasn't exactly a good thing since a war was coming.

The Order of Phoenix never stopped practicing with Dumbledore and they were all quickly improving, which was a really great thing. They needed all the strength they could get.

However, despite all of the bad things Voldemort and his followers had done, she hoped everything would've bettered without a war happening. She shook her head at how silly that thought was in reality, there was no way the death eaters stopped before murdering each and every muggle in the world.

Her spirits were soon lifted when she got sight of a frustrated looking James, who, without his wand, was trying to fix all of the food he had stolen from the kitchens on the blanket. Eloise walked up from behind him and wrapped her hands around his lower waist, resting her chin on his shoulder.

"Hi," she softly grinned and her warm breath sent shivers down his spine.

James turned around and widely smiled at the girl before him, pressing a soft peck on her forehead.

"Hello, love," he greeted and grabbed her hand, leading her towards the blanket he had set up.

The two of them sat down and he began pulling out of a casket loads of delicious food, Eloise smiled again.

"You did all of this for me?" She couldn't help but wonder.

"Of course I did," quickly replied Prongs as if it were natural and obvious, "I wanted to surprise you."

His eyes fixed properly on her figure and, for a moment, he was scared he would actually drool for how gorgeous she looked. James smirked as he neared her beautiful face, pressing his lips on her soft ones.

"You look stunning, Els," he admitted and Eloise felt her cheeks flushing ever so slightly.

She bit into her bottom lip as she stared at him up and down, he looked more handsome than ever. He was wearing a white blouse and black pants, which probably belonged to an actual suit.

She cupped his face and pulled him in for another kiss, this time it was much more passionate. Her hands drove through his soft curls, while his were caressing the skin of her upper thighs, which made her breath hitched in her throat and he only smirked wider.

The couple spent the rest of the day eating, chatting about anything that came to mind and occasionally snogging. They were trying to make the best out of the little time they had together before the war arrived, everyone knew it was getting closer than they wanted it to.

(A/N): after almost a month I managed to update! I'm so sorry for the wait but I had an hard time figuring out how I actually wanted the story to continue and eventually end, so I preferred waiting until I had clear ideas instead of publishing and messing everything up.
Thank you all for your support!!
Love you,

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