The forgotten promise ( Compl...

By hersaesthetic

6.4K 119 114

We are afflicted by the hand of fate, which we think is unjust ... but from it it breathes life again More

the forgotten promise
part 8
part 10
part 16
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 29 the End


219 1 3
By hersaesthetic

A month has passed and everyone is happy and congratulatory.

- Radhika became in her eighth month ... everyone gathered around the breakfast table, but she didn't ... During this period, she became very tired and exhausted, which made her unable to go to the office, so she delegated Monica in her place until she gave birth ...

-Pooja: Where is Radhika until now? It is not her habit to be late like this ...

-Ajay: Maybe she did not wake up yet ...

- Kabir: I let her prepare herself and she was going to go to work. I don’t know why all this late ...

- Radhika felt a strange pain, but she ignored it, while she was coming down the stairs so much pain was on her. She wanted to call someone, but she could not so she was forced to anticipate the vase in front of her ...

-Pooja: Did you hear this sound as it was coming from above?  Kabir remembers for a moment that Radhika is pregnant, maybe something harm happened to them ...

- Kabir: Radhika !!  ...

Everyone went up to her ... they found her lying on the ground trying to catch a breath ...

-Kabir: What happened Radhika? Are you okey?  ...

- Radhika: I feel ... I had contractions ... Kabir was terrified and took her to the hospital ... while Ajay and Pooja stayed wondering about "contractions" ?...

-After an hour of time, the doctor came out to reassure them ..

- The doctor: We have stopped the contractions , Mrs. Singh and the baby are fine, but you have to be very careful during these recent months ...

- Pooja: Oh my God !!  Kabir Radhika is pregnant in her last months, and you didn't tell us?  ...

- Ajay: I told you that he is selfish and loves happiness only for himself ...

- Kabir: Believe me, there is nothing like that. I learned about it on the day we got married and did not find the opportunity to tell you ...

- Pooja: I will go to check on her ...

Kabir was also going to check on her, but suddenly Ajay pulled him out ...

-Ajay: What a deceiver, you made the goal before you got married, so what a cunning guy ...

- Kabir: Do you want a slap now or what? 

-Ajay: I was just wondering when and how did that happen? ...

- Kabir: If you do not go away now, you will regret it ...

- Ajay: sorry ...

Pooja got out of Radhika's room because she is too late for her job ... even Ajay too ...

-Kabir entered the room to check on Radhika..and found her sitting, shedding tears!  ... He sat next to her, amazed ...

- Kabir: Radhika, you terrified me. For a moment, why you are crying?  Do you feel pain?  Do you want to call the doctor?  ...

- Radhika: you see this this , the doctor put it on me to stop these contractions, if I have not had any other contractions in the last month, I will not put it on..I don't know what I would have done if I lost our daughter ...

Kabir approached her, wiped her tears and took her on his lap ..

- Kabir: Do not say this, Radhika, I will not let anything bad happen to you ...

  The doctor went in to check on her ....

- The doctor: Radhika, I told you that your pregnancy is dangerous to your heart, so you must rest completely and spend most of the time in bed. Take a break from work that will help you regain your health and also spend time with the family, which will increase response and reduce tension .. 

- Radhika: I will try, but the holiday I do not think is in the right time ...

- Kabir: oh God, Radhika. Did you not hear, you will be in danger if you do not rest, forget the damned work only for a month!  Imagine if I lost you, what would I do myself then ?!  ...

- Radhika: Do not utter this again ...

- The doctor: Well now dear , take care of yourself ..

- Radhika: Thank you ...

- They were walking down the exit corridor ... But the anger on Radhika's face made Kabir regret screaming at her ...

- Kabir: I'm sorry, sweetheart, I did not mean to hurt you with all I said. I just wanted your best and the health of our daughter ...

- Radhika: Really?  Is there anyone who qualifies the work as damned?  Leave me alone please ...

- Kabir: Stubborn as usual, like a little kid. You won't listen to what people say to you. Just do what you find right in return is completely wrong!  ...

- Radhika: Do you know what has been believed by those who said that only a man is happy to be a father because someone will take his name and his wife if she dies, he will marry again!  Get off my face now!  This is my health, and my daughter is too, and I know what is best for me, so it is advisable not to interfere and stay away from me ...

- Kabir: Are you serious about what you are saying?  Why are you changing the topic?  Because of a sentence I said, I became at fault and you want me to go away from your face, with your comfort you want not to intervene and stay away from you you know my trip was canceled just for your sake and now there is no need for that there if you want to stay away from me this is an irreplaceable opportunity for you to enjoy this month and I know that you will regret  But you won't admit it because you are simply stubborn!
She tried to hold back her tears, and she seemed strong in front of him, but from the inside she was burning!

- Kabir returned home while making a phone call to book a ticket to Switzerland. Ajay heard him screaming in anger, so he went to him to inquire about what happened to him all of a sudden ...

- Ajay: Kabir: Why are you so angry?  Where is Radhika we left her with you?  ...

- Kabir: I don't know ...

- Ajay: How do you not know?  Are you kidding me or what?  ....

-kabir: Please, I am very angry and I don’t want to talk now, and by the way I’m going on a one-month business trip in Switzerland ...

-Pooja heard them all of a sudden ...

- Pooja: you got crazy or what would she go and leave Radhika alone and in her last month, knowing that she needs you now? Didn't you hear what the doctor said to her? It is not good for her to get nervous or it will affect her health ...

- Kabir: Exactly!  This is what I was trying to convince her of, and the doctor asked her to take a leave from work to rest, but as usual she refused and argued that the time was not right..and when I screamed at her, she did not like it and became uttering nonsense that does not exist and she who wants to remain alone is the opportunity before her!  ...

- Ajay: Please, Kabir, calm down a little ...

- Kabir: There is no place for calm, I am going ...

-Pooja: You know that a pregnant woman does or says things that are not of her will, so we have to excuse her at this stage, so Kabir is not there.  Why this whole drama ...

- Kabir: The drama?  Your friend is the one who loves drama, and if she continues in her stubbornness, she will regret it a lot, and one day regret will not be useful!

- Despite the attempts of Ajay and Pooja to prevent him, they failed to convince him, he left New York and arrived in Switzerland after about seven and a half hours!

- Radhika returned to the palace at last and found Pooja and Ajay waiting for her ...

- Pooja: What was that Radhika?

- Radhika: What do you mean?  If you are referring to him, this is not the right time to talk because I am tired ...

- Pooja: No, Radhika, tell us what happened, why are you so stubborn, even in your case, you refuse the doctor’s orders. What happened to you suddenly ...

- Radhika: I already told you that it is not  The right time to talk..And also if you want to call me stubborn, then I am as well, and I do not regret it. I took the trouble of eight months on my own don't you think that I could endure my last month ...

- Ajay: Radhika we did not mean that, but really it was not  There is a cause for this trivial quarrel ...

- Radhika: For you it is trivial but for me it is not so ...

- Radhika left her room..While she took a warm bath, she came back and got a call from the police station ..

- Radhika: The police?  What happened? ... She answered ..

- Policeman: Good evening, Mrs. Singh, I am sorry for bothering you at this time, but I had to try to call Mr Singh, but his phone is switched off ..

- Radhika: What is there?

-Police: Miss Esha Pratap escaped !!!!  We did not know how she was able, but the investigations are still ongoing. Mr. Pratap told us and we told you that you never intend for good. She carries hate and revenge for you, even for her father. We will assign some of our members to guard the Singh Palace so there is no need to worry and we apologize for the inconvenience ..

- Radhika was stunned, how will she deal with the matter now and in this case?  How will she protect herself and her daughter, and Kabir also does not know that his enemy has returned again !!

Next morning ...

- Radhika left the office at the height of her tension ... She wanted to open a secret investigation for the general protection of her and everyone ... She called Monica to tell her ...

- Monica: Good morning, Radhika, how are you?  ...

- Radhika: not well ...

- Monica: Why?  what happened?  ...

- Radhika: Monica, Esha escaped from prison and the police were not able to find out her whereabouts, so I want to conduct a confidential investigation and appoint people to protect us ...

- Monica: Okay, but what should I do?  ...

- Radhika: I will call the police station and ask them for that ...

- Monica: Well if you need something, call me right away ..

- Radhika: Well ...

- Radhika was calling the police, but someone called her before she did ... but the number is unknown ...

- Radhika: Hello, who is with me?  ...

- The unknown: It does not matter who, the important thing is because you and your family are lucky enough to be watched, so you will follow my orders, and listen too, do not tell someone what is going on with you. We agreed and dont you call the police ... Radhika cur  The line, in a state of shock, asks who the person is and what he wants from her and how he knew that she would contact the police ...

Days passed and that man kept blackmail Radhika ... and she did not tell anyone while she was trying hard to reveal his identity ....

Esha: Bravo Ronet is an excellent step. I am sure that the police have called Radhika and told her that I ran away, but she will not find me and will not be able to protect herself from the destruction that awaits her and her lover Kabir..beautiful, how beautiful this story is. Lovers will die at the same moment and place while they are pronouncing their names.  One of them saves the other, or rather, they take their last breaths together!

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