By LAmerica06

2M 114K 21.2K

Kei is a teenage boy who has a good face but bad attitude. When his grandmother died, a man claims to be his... More

Meeting The Big Boss
Meeting The Big Boss (2)
Meeting the big boss (3)
Shopping (2)
Shopping (3)
Big Deal
Children's party
Head Grab
Good Kid
Strange Hobby
Reward to Your Body
Will never help Again
Asher is Not Weak
Singing him Praises
Knight And Shining
Resting in His Shoulder
I don't Like Pain
Rare Kei
Sent Away
Eating With Someone He barely Knows
Kei Can Drive
Trouble Maker
Kei Decides
Unspoken Promise
Which Part
First Crush
Kei Talks Too much
Asher Tries
Jeremy's head is Full of XXX
Setting Up Kei
Three Goddesses
Illegal Hobby
Kei is Kind
Stay Away From Kei
Boot licking Kei
Astrid's Curse and Luck
Gap Moe
Kei is Shaking in Fear
Karma and Revenge
Why is he the Prince of Luck
I like my Curse
Tyrone is Thirsty
someone is HARD to understand
Tyrone's Feelings
Foolish Kei
Give Up
Jeremy Smiles
It's Fine If he Dies
Help Kei's Hopeless Love
Kei's Flirting
Crying For Kei
Visiting The Sick
Room Service
Fix Words
As fast as Flash
Petty Jeremy
Why are you here?
Amazing Hero
Gay P*rn
I therefore conclude
S and M stuff
Jeremy Settir
Kei cried
One Truth
Jeremy is Wet
Oldest Son and Daughter
Fuck Them
Jeremy's Resolve
Older Brother
Cure M
Anger, Sadness and Jealousy
Im sorry
Belle's Memory
Hero's episode
The End
Earning your money
Kei's Anger
Fall in love a second time
Everyone makes me Busy
Its fine to be Hated
Cool down
When Kei is in trouble
I Miss you
First Night
First Night 2
Kei's trauma
Clear your Mind
Jessica's move
I'll Sue You
Because she is Legitimate
Against Kei
Fun Under the Sun
Where is Kei?
Little Bro
Kei's Rescue
All I trust
Normal People Do
Morbid Thoughts
Proposal Fail?
The Ring
Never Break Up
Who Stole The LimeLight
Wilderburg Family's Breakfast


9.7K 571 153
By LAmerica06

Faye gasps and hides from thr back of her escort when she saw Kei, Jeremy and Yvonne in the party.

"What's wrong Faye?"
Wilbert asks.
Wilbert is a Movie Star like Faye and he was in the industry since small like her for being a son of a former idol.

They are close but their relationship off cam is not as hot or cold to be an item.

"Ah....Nothing!" Faye pulls Wilbert away.
Then she hide herself and dialled Kei's number.

Yvonne is looking troubled at Jeremy.
Her eyes are a bit sour and in verge of tears.

Jeremy sighs.
He has no choice but to be a bit mean.
If Yvonne keep her advances toward him, his relationship with Kei would be compromise.
In his head, he would rather Yvonne stops being his friend than Kei ignoring him.

He has to set his priorities.

Kei's phone rang.
Kei answer it without leaving.
Kei will not leave Jeremy's side especially now.

Even though he has full confidence in Jeremy, he would not give Yvonne even a small chance to insert herself between them.

Jeremy chuckles at Kei's pettiness but his eyes shows how he enjoys Kei's jealousy.

"Hello." Kei answered.

"What are you doing?" Faye is whispering and screaming at the same time as she hide her body using Wilbert.


"Urgh! Do you know who is Yvonne Castella?"
Faye wanted to scream but she can't so her neck is tightening.

"I don't know her but she doesn't know me to." Kei raised his eye brow lookibg at Yvonne.

Yvonne also raise a brow.
She knows that Kei is refering to her.

Yvonne is puzzled.
Why would Jeremy let a self centered, selfish brat around him?
Jeremy is a serious and cold person.
He doesn't like involving himself or attaching himself to others especially people with attitude.
He is always quiet but domineering.
Cold but charming.

Jeremy is always perfect in everybody's eyes.
So how can a perfect person.....allow such rude individual with unknown background around him?

"I will go for now." Yvonne said to Jeremy.
She knows that Jeremy will soon get fed up with rude Kid.
It's better to appeal to him as someone who knows her manners.

Jeremy smiles.
"See you around."

Kei sneers at Faye at the other side.

"She can try. But nobody can steal my person."
Kei ended the call.

Yvonne and Kei's eyes met.
Yvonne felt something is strange.

Kei grabs Jeremy's tie and pull him away.
Well, just quick and domineering enough but Kei let's go of him immediately so it doesn't cause an uproar.

Jeremy blushes as Kei shows who owns who.
Jeremy fixed his tie and stares at Kei who buried his own face in his palms.


"Shut up. Shut up for a minute." Kei said softly.

Jeremy smiles and pulls him in a dark corner to hug him.
He hugs Kei from behind.
Tight and strong.

Kei looks up.
His face is flushed but it's too dark to see.
Slowly, a lips presses to his and Jeremy deepen the kiss when Kei respond to him by wrapping his arms around his neck.

After a while the two are sitting on the veranda and watching the stars.
There is a wine on Jeremy's hand and Kei is playing with his phone.



"Alot of people saw you pulling my tie."

".......I'm sorry."
Kei stops playing and hugs Jeremy's arm.
"Are you mad at me?"

Jeremy chuckles.
"Me? I just hope you will not get mad." He kisses Kei's hair.

"Me? Getting mad?"
Kei frowns.
"You think...they will realize that...we are...hmm.."

Jeremy chuckles.
"You are thinking too much. Nobody will think of your boyfriend as gay." Jeremy confidently said and kisses Kei's forehead.

Kei looks disgusted at Jeremy.
"You don't look like it but you are a very good liar."

Jeremy grins.
"I am?"

Kei sneers.
"That Yvonne is really beautiful."

"She is."
Jeremy nods.

"I don't even deserve to stand beside her."
Kei frowns.

Jeremy's smile froze.
"Why would Kei stand beside her?"

Kei raise his two hands and put them on the back of his head.
"I am just wondering that she is too good to be ignored." Kei looks at Jeremy.
"She deserves you better."

Jeremy grabs Kei's hand.
"You are not getting away from me. You already promise me. You said you are planning a lifetime with me. I am planning to be with you till death. You are no longer able to escape me so before you say your next words you better think about it carefully."
Jeremy said seriously scaring Kei a bit.

But Kei is just startled.
Slowly he laughs at Jeremy's confession.
They are not that sweet.
Normally Kei would be pissed if Jeremy told him those words but at times of confussion, being reassured violently is very effective.

Jeremy frowns.
"Why are you laughing?"

Kei shakes his head.
"Drama King. I didn't say I will break up with you. Can't I self reflect sometimes?"

"Self reflect? Kei is worth all the possession I have."

"Really? Will you give up everything for me?" Kei teased.

"As long as you agree with my demands." Jeremy smiles.

"And that is?"Kei raised a brow.

"Kei will never leave me. Kei will feed me and Kei will have sex with me everyday until I got satisfied."

Kei looks at Jeremy's beautiful face and sighs.
"Are you always that horny?"

"Kei is starving me.." Jeremy chuckles.

Kei sneers.
"Never mind your deal. It's not like it's worth it."

Jeremy lay down his face on the table cutely covering half his face with his arms.
Only his playful eyes are visibly staring at Kei.

"Are you sure? I am worth atleast a billion dollar."

"Let's talk about that deal again."
Kei said pinching Jeremy's cheek.

Jeremy chuckles and sit up properly.
"I'm just kidding. Kei will be able to use all my stuff once you start living with me."

"Too exaggerated. It's not even a month yet."

"True. I will tell that to you again at our first anniversary."
Jeremy grabs his hand and entwined their fingers.


Kei frowns and looks back.
Yvonne is there a bit tipsy.
She is swaying here and there then she almost fell no...she fell down.

Jeremy would be able to catch him if he wants but Kei held his hand tightly.

Jeremy watches Yvonne fell.

Yvonne is kneeling on the floor with bewildered expression.

Kei walks toward her.
"You are the worse type of slut."

"What did you call me?" Yvonne forget her tipsiness and scowls at Kei.

She really drinks a bit of wine of course. Jeremy will realize if she is just pretending afterall.
But her mind is still clear. Yet Kei keeps on getting on her nerves.
Always inserting himself in between her and Jeremy.
So her mood turn very sour.
Now Kei is bluntly calling her slut and Jeremy didn't even reprimand him.

She feels so bad and anger.

"Who are you anyways? You are just Wilderburg's side son!"

"Yvonne!" Jeremy shouted.

"You don't call a person side son. I am his illegitimate son. So what? What about you? I heard everyone keeps calling you as Jeremy's sweetheart but Jeremy said he is never interested with you!"

"Jer, you...." Yvonne looks at Jeremy with pain.
"Did you really said that?"

Jeremy looks sorry at Yvonne.

Kei pulls him.
"Look at me! Why are you looking at her when I am here?"

Jeremy looks at his wine glass that he puts down on the table without much care.

Kei's flushed face is really cute and lovely that Jeremy become distracted.
Kei wraps his arms around Jeremy and kisses his lips.
Jeremy is shock.

Kei hugs him intimately.

"Calling you Jer, Jer...This is my baby. His mine so stay away bitch!"
Kei shouted at Yvonne and hides Jeremy's face with his palm.

Jeremy wanted to laugh but it's not the time for that.

There are people on the veranda, not just them and they are taking video and pictures.

Yvonne is the least of Jeremy's worries.

Jeremy called Howard immediately.

Howard who is wiping his hair after a shower received a call.
He hurriedly grabs his laptop and starts calling.

Kei can't handle liquor.
Jeremy found out this cute side of him.

Yvonne who was in the least of Jeremy's worries is crying and bewildered but Jeremy didn't even bother with her and leave with the boy in his arms.

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