Fucking Feelings {Bakugo x Re...

Von PikaJovi

110K 3K 4.3K

(Y/N) (L/N) is living a normal life with a normal family. Nothing could have been more perfect. Except maybe... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 38

1.2K 37 30
Von PikaJovi

Kirishima's POV:

I did not know how to react to what (Y/N) just told us. Everyone was quiet; no one knew what to even say. What do you say to a friend who basically went through hell when they were a kid? I kept my eyes glued to the floor, lost on what to do.

"I think I remember hearing my dad talk about an incident like that." Todoroki speaks up.

"Ya, All Might tried to keep it under wraps, but at first, it was all over the place." she explains. I look up and try to look at her. She was relaxed in her seat, but if you looked closely, you could see how she was hugging herself pretty tightly.

I used to do that back in middle school when I was uncomfortable or scared. I felt a lot safer and somehow protected when I did that. She was pushing herself to tell us all this, I knew she wasn't okay with talking about it, but I couldn't help but feel happy that she trusted us enough to tell us.

She completely opened up to us, which is a huge step for her, and if the subject wasn't so serious, I would have jumped in joy for managing to enter her close circle.

"(Y/N)... you didn't have to tell us but thank you. I can only imagine how hard it was for you, but now I can promise you we will never let something like this happen again." Midoriya says as he puts his hand on top of hers.

"Ya, you are one of us now. We will always be there for you, no matter what it is." I finally manage to say something, but I couldn't put a smile on my face.

(Y/N) gets off her chair and crouches in front of me with her own smile. "Kiri." my eyes widen slightly at the nickname. "You don't have to feel sad about all this; I'm okay now. Well, kind of." she chuckles and shrugs.

"I-I'm fine." I bite my cheek on the inside for stuttering.

She hugs me, "Thank you, Kiri, for everything. But I love it a lot more when you smile." she puts her fingers on my lips and lifts them into a smile. "Frowning doesn't suit you."

She was trying to cheer me up when she just had to share the hardest thing she ever went through. I'm the one who should be cheering her up, not the other way around. I get off my chair and give her my biggest hug!

"You're amazing!" I exclaim.

They all laugh, and I join them, feeling the mood-lifting up.

"Ah, Izuku, I... I wanted to talk to you about something, or more like ask. Let me just go wash my face from all these stupid emotions." she laughs and exits the room.

"Speaking of Midoriya, I wanted to talk to you about something." I need to get him on board with my plan; I'm sure he would want to be a part of it. "I'm planning to go save Bakugo, (Y/N) will be joining me, and I thought you would want to come."

Todoroki and Midoriya look at me with shocked faces, not believing I would even think of something like this. "But Kirishima, we aren't allowed to act on our own, you know that." Todoroki says.

"I know, but we also know that the Pros might take too long." I didn't want to mention it, but I have to if it gets them on my side. "Look, (Y/N) was originally planning on taking Shigaraki's offer. To hand herself in to get Bakugo back, and I barely managed to convince her not to on the promise that we would save him together."

"That's impossible! She can't do that; we can't let her do that!" Midoriya says.

"I know, and that's why we need to do this. Bakugo needs us, and we can do it." I push again.

"Guys, I know you want to include her in this, but I don't think we should bring her with us if we do this." Todorki says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"She is still suffering from her past. I'm not sure taking her right to the people who did all that to her would be a good idea. Now that I know everything, I can connect a few dots." he starts. "During the USJ, she was close to hyperventilating. I thought she might be scared, but now I know it reminded her of her own attack. And she had a big reaction when I grabbed her from her wrists. These are all signs that she is not over what happened." he explains.

"Todoroki might be right... When we went to the mall, just the sight of Shigaraki made her freeze up, and she had a panic attack. It might not be safe for her to come with us." Midoriya adds.

"But she wants to; she wants to help Bakugo. I promised her, guys..." I couldn't see myself leaving her behind after what I told her at the camp.

"I know, but think of it this way. If we go save Bakugo and she panics when she sees the villains, we will have two people to save instead of just one." Todoroki explains. "She might be feeling up to saving him, but I think it's mostly adrenaline talking. It's not that simple to get over a trauma like that..." he puts his hand on my shoulder, urging me to see it their way.

"I understand... Ah, man! I hate breaking my promises!" I ruffle my hair out of frustration.

"It's for her own good, Kirishima." Midoriya tries to make me feel better.

"I know. She's not going to like it, though." We all nod and heave a sigh; just imagine how angry she will be when she finds out.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I wash my face and look at myself in the mirror. Even though my eyes were red, somehow, I looked better than I did in a long time... I still couldn't believe that I just told my entire story to three people.

Friends, very good friends. I didn't see a single speck of judgment or pity from them. Kirishima seemed to have taken it a bit too hard on himself, but I could see that's only because he cared a lot and didn't want a friend of his to go through something like that.

I exit the bathroom, and on my way back to Izuku's room, I bump into someone around the corner. "Ah, Young (Y/N). I'm sorry, are you here to visit Young Midoriya?"

"Ya, we all came, but only Kirishima and Todoroki and I are left." we start walking together towards the room. "Oh, Toshi, I think you would be happy to know that Young Midoriya, Young Todoroki, and Young Kirishima basically know everything that happened ten years ago." I copy his way of calling us.

"Oh! (Y/N), that's amazing!" he carries me in a crushing hug and spins us around. "How does it feel? How did they take it?" he asks me, way too excited for this.

"Okay, so you might have been right about it feeling a bit better afterward, just a bit." I pinch my fingers to show him.

"I'm very happy for you (Y/N); I really am. So you feel closer to them? A bit more trust?" he asks.

"Ya... They were very supportive about it." and then I remember. "Ah, Toshi!" I grab his arm. "I forgot to tell you about something." I explain to him what happened with me at the camp, with the villains and the message.

I should have seen a lecture coming when I mentioned my previous plan of rescuing Bakugo. "You can not do that! That is crazy, that will not-"

"Relax! I know. I already got a lecture from Kirishima, my dad, and my mom." I count them on my fingers. "But I've been thinking, we can use this chance to get to them. To get to Bakugo and get him back home." I continue.

"This is crazy..." he tries to stop me.

"No, listen to me. You guys can use me as bait, I'll go to them as they want, and once I make sure Bakugo is there, you guys enter and beat the shit out of everyone. This plan will work, Toshi!" I persist in my idea.

"I don't know (Y/N); this is a risky plan. Your parents will never agree to this." he massages his head.

I continue to give him all the details I can develop on how the plan could work, and I know how to get to Toshi. He finds it very hard to say no to me. He eventually does agree if my parents give their okay on it.

I enter Izuku's room, "Hey Izuku, sorry, but I have to go. Kiri, I'll head back with All Might." I stand by the door.

"Ah, wait, you wanted to ask me something?" Izuku remembers.

"Right, I'll just ask another time. Sorry guys." I wave goodbye to them and join All Might in the car.

We head back home, and we have a very intense talk with my parents. To say that mom was very against it and angry that Toshi even suggested it was an understatement. There was a lot of back and forth, and my mom was ready to kick him out of the house.

My dad was not convinced either, but he trusts All Might; he can calm himself enough to hear him out at least. I tried to pitch in, but that only made it worse; they both did not believe I was ready for something like this.

"With all due respect, but you have to be prepared to see her go out and fight crimes if she will continue in the hero course at U.A. I know it's scary, but you didn't enroll her in that school for her to stay at home, right?" I was actually very shocked that he said that. It was brave of him.

My parents had nothing to say, they knew he was speaking the truth, but it doesn't mean they were comfortable with it. Toshi told them that he won't be the only Pro hero on the scene, and even the police officers will be there.

The villains will be outnumbered, and the heroes will be ready for anything in case something happens. He promises he will keep an eye on me and that he won't leave me alone with the villains.

With that, I was with him again on our way to a location they received that they believe the villains are staying at. Apparently, Momo managed to put a tracker on a Nomu in the camp, and she gave a copy to the police.

"Don't be scared. Like I told your parents, we won't let anything happen to you or Young Bakugo." he sees me shaking my leg and tries to calm me.

"I'm fine, I'll be fine. I just want to get Bakugo away from these fuckers."

We get to the sight and boy there were a lot of people here. Not civilians, but heroes and officers. They were everywhere, surrounding the building and strategizing the best way to infiltrate without having anyone escape.

"Here we are, Endeavor! My friend, thank you for joining us." Holy... shit!

"All Might. I'm not your friend. Of course, I would be here; that's a hero's job." It's the Number Two Hero- Endeavor! "Who's the kid?" his glare turns to me, and I couldn't help but stare. I knew it; Prince Charming really is his son. Those turquoise eyes are identical!

"(L/N) (Y/N), Sir! But you can just call me (Y/N). It's an honor to meet you." I know a lot of people might hate him or just not be his fans, but man... he is 100% a hero. He has never failed a mission, and he takes his job very seriously!

I mean, that's excluding personal and family life aside. Just looking at him objectively as Hero work.

The best part about him? I definitely love that he doesn't take crap from anyone or that he gives that sappy fan service. I mean, I love All Might for that sappy stuff, but Endeavor is different. It shows that you can be a hero without having to kiss anyone's ass.

Of course, I'm not saying All Might kisses anyone's ass. He's just naturally a happy bubble.

"Why did you bring a kid here? We're already trying to save one." he turns back to speak to All Might.

"Ah! I'm the bait! The villains apparently want me, so yeah." I answer, making him turn back towards me, still glaring! But I only smile up at him.

"She's joking, right? You're going to put her in all this?" and he's back to All Might, see what I mean? He is not even replying to me.

"Actually..." All Might starts, and I turn to him. "Let us handle it for now. We have the element of surprise; we can use that. I'll call you up when it's needed, okay?" he explains to me.

"But I thought I would enter first?" I'm confused.

"Endeavor is staying here to make sure no one escapes; you stay with him for now. I will call you; I promised you would help Young Bakugo, and you will." he says.

"I don't babysit kids All Might." Endeavor chips in.

"I'll behave as much as I can; you don't have to worry." I reassure him.

Minutes pass by, and once everything was ready, they were set to start their rescue mission. All Might gets ready to break through the wall, just waiting for his signal.

"SMASH!" he yells and breaks through the brick wall.

I watch as everything happens, standing right next to Endeavor. They got in! He will get Bakugo out of there any second now. The rest of the heroes follow after All Might and help capture the villains inside.

"You can't run anymore, League of Villains. Why? Because we are here!" I had to hold myself back after I hear him say that! It's his famous line, but he changed it to 'we.'

Thankfully he was talking loud enough to hear that because apart from that, I hear nothing. Then I hear the most beautiful sound in the world to me!

"I-I wasn't scared! Not even a bit, damn it!" I hear Bakugo yelling! He's okay. I couldn't help but chuckle out of relief and let out a sigh. He's good enough to yell.

A few minutes pass by, and I was getting antsy. Why was All Might not calling me over? Even better, why isn't he out yet with Bakugo? They seemed fine from their voices... I was starting to worry.

"Watch out!" Endeavor yells and shoots fire right behind me. I look back and find Nomus somehow popping out of this gooey stuff in the air. "Get behind me, now!" he yells, and I follow the order.

The last thing I need to do is cause trouble for Endeavor and everyone else. I need to stay safe; I try to help the police officers with my laser beams—just a small distraction to give them the advantage.

Suddenly I hear a shattering scream. "NOO!!"

That was All Might... That did not sound good; if anything, I've never heard All Might scream in such a tone. I felt a chill go down my spine, and I couldn't help but look up to the hole he went into.

What could have possibly happened...?




How's that? I'm almost afraid to ask... but any Endeavor fans around here?

Well, I hope you liked the chapter and the story so far!

See you soon!!!

*PikaJovi* (^0^)/


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