Ertugrul Halime Season 5

By TheSoExtraGirl

8.7K 432 882

Story of Ertugrul and Halime set in Season 5 with alot of twists, turns and more villains More

All you need to know
12 years later
Dinner Table
Family Time
Taken Away
Reunion with an interruption
Traps and Tricks
The end


209 11 11
By TheSoExtraGirl

Halime, Hafsa, Artuk Bey, and Gunduz were sitting in bey tent discussing about the matter.

Ana from how long you are feeling like this. I mean like something is not good and scared of Soğut?

I don't know Gunduz maybe like yesterday because I went to Soğut after a long time but I clearly never felt this feeling before.

And do anything felt weird? Think deeply.

No Gunduz, nothing from my side.

Halime Hatun! Remember that man we met in caravansaray today, who was disabled. I never saw him, he was weird.

He is Zangoç (translated as bell ringer) Hafsa Hatun. I saved him from servant sellers and gave him duty of kitchen. He is trustworthy. He might seems a little scary but he is a nice man.

But I have a fear that the one behind these things is hidden in Soğut!

You mean that we have a traitor Halime Hatun?

Artuk Bey, dozens of people comes to Soğut everyday maybe our enemy too is hidden in Soğut. It's not too hard to enter Soğut in between whole traders things. A person can enter with a can of oil and be like I'm here to sell this in Soğut and no one will stop that person or notice if he went back after selling his thing or not.

Ana is absolutely right! Anyone can enter Soğut without any restriction or any queries.

Gunduz in your knowledge who can do this?

Ana! Lefke Castle's tekfur is a good man and very close to baba. He can't do this. I have a doubt on Mongols!

Mongols never attack like this. They always show when they do something like come and get us we have done it and we don't fear anyone. They leave marks behind purposely like come and get us we are waiting for you.

Halime Hatun is right! Whoever did it will get punished by Ertugrul Bey hands soon InshAllah.

InshAllah Hafsa Hatun! InshAllah!

Suddenly the drums started beating.

What is happening?

Who came?

May it be good InshAllah!

It was Ilbilge Hatun along with few alps who were carrying Umuroglu Tribe flag and an old man who was leading. They were in anger and this thing was clear.

Halime and Gunduz stepped in front. They got of their horses and stared at both of them.

Welcome Ilbilge Hatun! Nice to see you again!

Halime Sultan! We are here to meet Ertugrul Bey! He is my father Umur Bey and the Bey of our tribe. I told you yesterday that he is coming.

I welcome you to our tribe Umur Bey. I'm Ertugrul Bey wife Halime Hatun!

I know you! You are niece of Sultan Allaedin. Isn't it true?

Yes I'm but in this tribe I'm Bey Hatun!

I don't want to talk to Bey Hatun, I want to talk to the Bey!

Ertugrul Bey is not in the tribe, you can talk to me if there is any issue. I look at the Bey matters when the actual Bey is not in the tribe. I welcome you to my tent. We can sit there and talk.

I don't want to talk to you Hatun! Where will I find Ertugrul?

Gunduz took a step forward. Halime stopped him.

He had some important matters. You can tell me. I will convey your message to him.

Halime Sultan! My baba was attacked by unknown people while coming here. They killed our soldiers and were about to kill my father but thank god he is safe. He threatened baba that if he will shake hands with Ertugrul Bey then they will burn our whole tribe into ashes.

Ertugrul Bey gave me permission to come on these lands and said that our tribe is safe. We are safe. But look I just stepped on his lands and what happened.

I'm really sorry about what happened. But few things happened in our tribe too that gave us indication that our enemies are near. My words can't lessen your pain and anger but...

But what Hatun? Umur Bey raised his voice.

You are not allowed to talk to my mother like this Umur Bey!

Ilbilge Hatun took out here dagger. So you will tell my father how to talk with others?

Enough Gunduz! Stay back! I'm talking.

Umur Bey! We all love to live with peace. Don't you know that these lands have been in hands on traitors for so long but when a true leader like Ertugrul Bey stepped on these lands our enemies got furious and now they are trying to attack on Ertugrul Bey respect and trust. I just want to say that Ertugrul Bey always fulfil his promise. Everyone have enemies and when you walk on Allah's path many troubles come many enemies come it's our belief that took us till this point. We only believe on Allah, and he gave us power to defeat enemies and to save our tribe from such troubles and InshAllah we will get rid of these troubles soon. Just trust us and Ertugrul Bey will get a way out of these problems soon.

Sometimes it's easy to say Hatun but we will see if Ertugrul Bey lands are peaceful or if these lands become our graves. We will see!

Let's go my daughter. Let's go soldiers!

Umur Bey left. Halime took a deep breathe and looked at Gunduz.

Are you okay Ana?

Yes Gunduz. I'm okay! And happy that you protected your Ana. I felt good about that but I had to stop you because they were in pain.

I understand Ana!

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