The forgotten promise ( Compl...

By hersaesthetic

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We are afflicted by the hand of fate, which we think is unjust ... but from it it breathes life again More

the forgotten promise
part 8
part 10
part 16
part 18
part 20
part 29 the End

part 19

185 3 4
By hersaesthetic

After the celebration ...

- Kabir helped Radhika to get to her room ... When he was about to leave the room, Radhika asked him about the reason for the preparations that are taking place in the Home now since the hollyday celebration has ended..He told her that tomorrow is the birthday of isha and that Ajay and Pooja are the ones who ordered the preparation of the party .. 

-Radhika: OK, thank you..

Kabir smiled to her and left the room ... “Wonderful, the party is being prepared below and my gift to her is ready Happy Birthday Isha Pratap!”
Radhika speaks to herself ...

The next morning ....

- Radhika woke up and found Mr. Pratap working on his computer while on his nerves ... she prepared herself and then was going to ask him why he was worried ... so she heard his talk on the phone ...

-Mr Pratap: How can that happen? It is impossible !! who dares to take over Mr. Pratap's company!  ... The spokesman told him that it is a well-known company with high shares and cannot be beaten now ...

- Mr. Pratap: I want full information about this company and its manager, everything about him within an hour! hear?  ...

-Radhika: “There is no reason for that” I am in front of you ... Mr. Pratap disconnected the line and headed towards her ...

- Mr. Pratap: What do you mean? 

- Radhika: Do you think you are the only one who can destroy people's lives and they will not be able to destroy you as well?  Try to live the loss sometimes ...

- Mr. Pratap: What do you mean by Mrs. Pratap? 

-Radhika: I am the one who destroyed you!  I am the one who destroyed the Pratap empire!  ...

-Mr. Pratap was astonished at her words ...

- Mr. Pratap: How did you do that? 

- Radhika: Why are you so amazed?  If everyone submits to you because you are Mr. Pratap then they will also submit to me because I am Mrs. Radhika Mehra Pratap in their view that if they rejected me an order the consequences will be dire ...

- Mr. Pratap: This silence and calm during these months you have been plotting destruction?  ...

- Radhika: Exactly!  What do you think then?  I will bow to you and remain blind?  Start!  I learned something from you ... that money corrupts people, weakens in front of them, and transforms them like a small child who carries out the orders of his parents ... so I used the time in my favor and drew up this solid plan without knowing  ... I first started collecting information about you..and then planning a distribution party  Prizes by offering Kabur the award to me..and then controlling Singh’s property to win your trust .. Then I found out that you are really guilty in the incident that happened to Kabir. I heard your conversation last night and it might be recorded with me .. when you confessed everything that you had done the accident with all the details .. and that you went to bribe  That policeman is to walk on your plan. I think I am stupid so as not to expose you and also pay your bail. It was also part of the plan .. but you were right when you told him, it is time for the farewell mission, Mister Singh ... because the countdown to your survival begins now ...

Now I will propose to you a bargain since you are fond of deals ...

- MR. Pratap: What?  ..

- Radhika: To stand with the truth and expose your daughter Isha with me this night of the party and take back your company or go to hell with her!

-Mr. Pratap: one minute.. how did you know that isha is my daughter ?? 

- Radhika: Doesn't matter how I learned that, tell me what your decision is?  Is it difficult?  I told you that whenever someone made me suffer, he would pay double the price of my suffering..this was my goal from the first to make you feel the difficulty of the situation and the deep wound that you caused to us..I learned one thing from my father who always said to achieve justice, do what you want until  And if it was wrong in the eyes of people, you should  do it without thinking!  So you tell me what your decision is now?  ...

- Mr. Pratap: I think you forgot something, you forget that you promised your father before his death that you will take his revenge, and what happened now that you have forgotten your promise or you broke it?  ! 

-Radhika: Well our date is tonight ...

Evening ...

-Visitors arrived and Isha went down with Kabir as well while Mr. Pratap was very nervous ...

Radhika got down the stairs with difficulty, but she looked charming..

... Kabir's eyes never stopped looking at her ... until she passed him and turned her way ...

- Kabir: Why are you like this? 

- Radhika: The meaning ?? 

-Kabir: Why do you always look beautiful? 

-Radhika: And why you keep looking at me always like this? 

-Kabir awakened from his fondness ..

- Kabir: Actually I thought you wanted to talk to me I mean, you  want to talk to me about came to my room while I was with Isha together, didn't you ..

- Radhika: Yes, I was.  I want to talk to you about something, but seeing you both ... She was interrupted by Kabir ...

- Kabir: you felt jealous ...

- Radhika stared at him at length ...

- Kabir: Not jealousy, but rather I feel hot even the air conditioner does not work well under this heat I feel very hot here ...

- Radhika: I remembered what I wanted to say ... You have to do something for me,  Actually I need your help, will I get your help? 

-Kabir: Yeah sure, but what I should I do ... She told him what to do ...

-Isha saw Kabir and Radika as they were talking ...

- Isha: What are they talking about again?  Is it possible that they are talking about me?  ...

- She would go towards them, but suddenly the electricity went off ...

- Pooja: How did the electricity suddenly go off? 

-Isha: What happened? 

-Pooja: Ajay?  Kabir?  Where are you  ...

- Kabir: Here ..

- Pooja: What happened suddenly? 

-Kabir: Actually, I don’t know. I’ll go check in… after a few moments…

-Kabir: Dear Isha, there is a technical malfunction. It will take about half an hour to fix it ...

- Pooja: ok, we will not spoil our party. Let's celebrate in the garden ...

Everyone went to the park while Isha remained in the hall wondering where did Radhika disappear? 
Everyone went where is she hiding?  Is it possible that she is the reason behind the blackout ...

- Isha hinted at something strange ...

- Isha: What is this ?  How did this big screen get here?  It was never part of the plan. Is it possible that Radhika was the one who brought it?  Is it conceivable that she is planning something ... I have to know the truth of the matter ...

She hid behind the decorations while watching what was happening ... Then Radhika came back carrying her laptop to show something ...

-Radhika: I know that you are behind the decorations, there is no need to hide, Esha!  Do you not see what I brought you?  Come, come look and know the truth, there is no need to hide, Come!

- Isha went out afterwards ...

- Isha: What are you doing here?  Why this big screen?  ...

- Radhika: This one ? It's Your truth!  This evidence I gathered against you. I knew your instinct and your truth, and now the whole world will know it, isha ..

-Isha: What is this?  SINGH Stock Index Picture Why all of this?  Maybe you forgot that today is my birthday party ..

- Radhika: Do you know that?  But can you tell me something?  Why did the value of shares fall at that time as well? 

-Isha: Radhika, will we give someone company shares to celebrate his birthday?  If it was, I would be very happy ... But you know your little mind will not understand this matter. Our company shares are very high now ...

- Radhika: I know that, but don’t you see what I see… I mean what we see now, there is a huge difference between them ... 

- Isha: What are you trying to say?  ..

- Radhika: What I am trying to say is that the difference that happened was a rumor .. you are making up allegations. This is what I mean. You did that on purpose with your father!

- Radhika: Because you are one who  plans and your father is the one who implemented it. You did this intentionally because you wanted to marry Kabir by force ... You made him believe that his work and his father’s fatigue over his work and his workload will also drown out .. and the video that you showed me was a lie because you made some adjustments to it.  You showed me that fake video when nothing happened between created an environment that made him bend and be forced in front of you and the poor man, he thinks that his father’s work is collapsing and that he must save him. That’s why he married you and sought your help and that’s why you are standing here in this place and in this palace!  ..

- Isha clapped to her ...

- Isha: Wonderful, my God, I did not know that you are so talented well, these are the dreams and plans that you create when you are alone, right?  ..

- Radhika: These drafts clearly show that you deliberately dropped the value of the shares while we were on the cruise in order Kabir  agree to marry you ...

- Isha: Oh Radhika, how sad this is when you don’t occupy your mind Why do you show me all these shares and their value just Why?  If you used your mind a little, you would have prepared the place well and showed your papers at the time, everyone in the garden no one is here! What you are going to show them, and I really will not let that happen because before you show this tape for someone, I will finish it..she broke the tape ...

- Radhika: We both know the truth  Oh, isha, but you will not admit it ...

- Isha: Radhika do not waste my time ...

- Radhika: Check this before your go. You broke the first disc. I have a second. Do you want to watch it?  This proves that you were the one who forced the bank to put pressure on Singh's company ... and this also clearly proves that you were the one who planned to kill me in the cold room .. and this passage also shows that you were the one who planned a major accident with your father!  so what do you think! 

Isha: Do you know something?  I broke this disk too ...

-isha: Yes, I did that, but now you no longer possess any evidence against me. Radhika Mahra, you will never be able to prove that I am the one who did that and my dad helped me because I wanted to get a kabir, yes I did it in order to get Kabelir!

- Radhika: That Kabir whom you forced to marry you is the same one who will throw you out of this palace as well! 

- Isha: Oh my God, what do you want now, Radhika, how much time will you waste too?  ...

- Radhika: No, actually i have invested time to find out your truth and have come to know it ...

- Isha: But you have not realise anything because you do not have anything to show them. What will you show them ...

-Radhika: Let me admit that your plans were at the height of intelligence, but remember one thing. Yes, if you are smart then I am cunning!  Do you think me stupid so that I do not have copies of all my proves to you, but I no longer need them now because .... the lights please ....

- Isha was shocked after seeing everyone around her, guests, tributes, friends, and even Mr. Pratap!

- Pooja: Isha !!! 

-Isha: Damn, this was Radhika Mehra’s plan to get me to catch me. I am Isha Pratap ???

-Radhika: You see, I don't need to prove anything because you did that, you are really brilliant, but you have forgotten something that we should never underestimate our enemies, your enemy, your overconfidence will surely sink you.

-isha: Oh, my head hurts so much, I think someone put something in my drink, whatever you heard wrong, nothing like this will happen ..

-Pooja: Shut up, isha, be silent, you didn't drink anything ...

this bastard got me into trouble. I didn't do anything ...

- Ajay slapped her ...

- Ajay: You made an accident to my friend ... How dare you?  How dare you?  You destroyed the marriage of a couple, how could you do that ??

-Isha: You raised your hand to me?  You raised your hand on me?  Did you not think about my father’s political relations and connections and hit me?  I will imprison you one by one, remember my words well, you will pay for this slap ...

-Kabir: Enough, isha, you are enough. Leave my house.. Leave home immediately!  ...

- Pooja: Your mask has fallen, madam, and your game is over and you will not get anything from here so tell me will you leave alone or book a taxi for you?

-Ajay: Kabir called the police. I want to see her rotting in prison! 

-isha: You want to see me rot in prison?  This is the one who has to rot in prison. All this happened because of her. It is impossible to lose Isha Pratap at all ...

- she went and tried to strangle Radhika ... Kabir went towards her and slapped her ..

- Kabir: Do not force me to do something that you do not like, if you try to offend Radhika again, then I will cause you to weaken this harm. I promise you that, you understand ...

- isha: None of you is able to get me out of Singh Palace, nor any one ... She took a knife found it on the table and went towards Kabir ..

-isha: And you, Kabir Singh..I did not want to harm anyone ... It was on isha and Kabir to be together, not Kabir and Radhika!  Leave him Radhika, leave his hand or cut it off ... Kabir hold Radhika's hand and tightened his fist ...

- Isha: I loved you so much, Kabir, I love you, why don't you understand that?  How should I prove that to you?  I couldn't stop myself from loving you, what didn't I do for you?  I helped you in your work and made you a famous businessman and awarded you many projects in return for your love. I just wanted to be mine ... only for me ...

-Kabir: Leave me, Isha. Enough..what do you think this is love?  You do not find anything but manipulation of people, it was not love, but your stubbornness. You wanted to win, yes you wanted that ...
I was just a game for you and you wanted to keep it ..

-Isha: A game?  This stubbornness crept inside me because of you, why did you ignore me. I tried to get close to you so much, why did you ignore me ???  This love can be possessed by anyone and turns into an obsession, and yes, I am obsessed with Kabir!

-Isha: Why did Kabir do that to me? Why ???  I was in front of you all the time, but nevertheless you did not show me any attention, the problem with you, not me, I was ignored !!!  I loved you and you completely ignored my love, as if I am not there. I cannot believe that .

-Kabir: You love me?  ..

- Isha: Yes, say what you have ..

- Kabir: Is this how love is ?

- Isha: Yes, my love is like this ...

- Kabir: Can love be like using a knife in this way?  Do you know the meaning of love?  This is, this is the love that springs from the heart and not by putting a knife around someone's neck. How can you understand ... The girl who uses her father’s prayers, how do you know the meaning of love?  Everything is fake between us, our relationship and our marriage, everything is fake, and in any case, the marriage that took place was just a deal, and now it's over, and this false relationship is also ... it's all over and Kelly has raged from you ... and now your gift has arrived ..

- Kabir: Please  Police ... this is Isha Pratap. Arrest her please ...

- Mr. Pratap: Yes, you have arrested my daughter!

- Radhika: Moment..I want to say one last thing to you and you must remember it well..I am the one who decides every second of my life and I am the one who allowed you to spend these seven months with my husband to make you improve with a sense of profit..because if I wanted, I would have been  Destroyed you the moment I knew your truth!  And the day you bid your deal was Kabir on the trip!  Now, enjoy your long and enjoyable prison trip!

-After she left ...

- Someone has come to see Mr. Pratap and give him something ...

- Mr. Pratap: Did Deshmukh send you?  Yes ..

- Mr. Pratap: Thank you.

He submitted the file to Radhika for her to read, and she was completely shocked that she was her divorce papers from Mr. Pratap ...

- Kabir: What are they? Show me the papers ... he snatched the papers from her hand and read them after he looked at Mr. Pratap ..

- Pooja: What are these papers?  ...

- Radhika: Divorce papers ...

- Mr. Pratap: It is the official divorce papers and I signed it and you signed it too, please ... Your heart and soul belong only to -Kabir ..You should not be with me, but with him .. because I have never seen anyone in my life love anyone this much ...

- Turn to Kabir ...

- Mr. Pratap: I don't know if there is any meaning to the apology but it must be said, I'm sorry, I took your love away from you, but at that time I did not know the limits of your love..On that day when you had the accident and you were about to  Death was not one that could save you except Radhika. On that day I discovered that there is no limit to love .... All that happened. She sacrificed all her happiness, dreams and family for your safety, and today she was about to sacrifice the last thing her life remains!  How can I be the owner of the right to call her my wife?  ... if I did not gather you together now, I would have committed a great sin ... Sins, reward and right from wrong. Perhaps I did not understand them today because I did not know the meaning of love, but I understood it now from Radhika!

- Mr. Pratap: Love does not mean having your love sacrificing everything you have for the one you love, this is love!  Erase everything, even yourself, for the sake of the one you love! This is love!  Smiling after losing everything, this is also called love!  We should all respect and appreciate it because it is a very precious gift

- When you marry Radhika at the time, I will consider that you forgave me ... Radhika and Kabir both looked at each other with astonishment ... even Ajay and Pooja were joy mixed with shock ...

Mr. Pratap: I'm very sorry!  I interfered between you and separated you ... and I am the one who brings you together now!

- He put Kabir's hand in Radhika's hand .. Radhika kept looking at them with amazement. As for Ajay and Pooja, they were very happy.

- Radhika: Thank you, Mr. Pratap, because you allowed me to go home again and regarding the shares and the company, it was nothing but rumors, your company is still in existence and you have not lost your business ...

- Mr. Pratap: Thank you Radhika once again because you made me know the meaning of living again and made me differentiate between  Right and wrong Thanks again ...

- Leave the palace ...

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