Perfect - Marianas trench / A...

By DoNotResuscitate

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A story about love, heartbreak, growing up and living life :) This story follows the main charactor of Amber... More

Chapter 1 - Surprises
Chapter 2 - Leaving
Chapter 3 - Just visiting Pt.1
Chapter 4 - Just Visiting Pt.2
Chapter 5 - Back Home For Good.
chapter 6 - Break ups & hook ups? ;)
Chapter 7 - Together at last? ;)
Chapter 8 - Friends... With Benefits?
Chapter 9 - The dating Game
Chapter 11 - Meeting Alex
Chapter 12 - Quality time
Chapter 13 - What are we?
Chapter 14 - Baltimore
Chapter 15 - My bunk or yours? ;)
Chapter 16 - I love you
Chapter 17 - i just want you to be okay...
Chapter 18 - Halloween hook ups?
Chapter 19 - Thanksgiving
Chapter 20 - What just happened?
Chapter 21 - surprise visit
Chapter 22 - Is this the next step?
Chapter 23 - Oh Alex ;)
chapter 24 - Ex's Ex's Ex's
Chapter 25 - MMVA's
chapter 26 - Im late...
Chapter 27 - Shut up an kiss me
Chapter 28 - Returning home
Packing up history

Chapter 10 - Work work work

110 0 0
By DoNotResuscitate

December 25th 2007 –

(Amberleys P.O.V)

Christmas again.  Last year doesn’t feel that long ago, Last year I was still with Jasper, this time last year is when Amanda left josh. Wow. Has it really been a year already.

**Knock Knock Knock**

“Hey There” I greeted Jarrod at the door. Over the last two weeks, we have actually become really good friends. I liked having a gay best friend. It was fun!

“Merry Christmas! Are you ready to go?” Oh right I probably should say that.

“Merry Christmas! Yeah just let me get my jacket!” I said before walking to the lounge room to find the jacket that went with my outfit.

After I found my jacket we set off to my grandparents, Matt was already there since he decided to go and spend Christmas Eve with them as well. We set off, casually chatting along the way. When we arrived at my grandparents Jarrod was very surprised at my grandparent’s estate.

“Wow. Your grandparents are… well… rich” was all he really managed to get out.

“ah yeah” I said as he parked the car and we made our way to the front door. But before we even had a chance to knock my grandma was there

“Amberley! My beautiful girl! Come give grandma a hug!” before I could even respond she had pulled me into a hug.

“Merry Christmas Grandma” I said as I pulled out of the hug

“Ah! And you must be Jarrod?” my grandma said pulling him into a hug as well

“That would be me, its nice to meet you Ma’am” he was so polite!

“Oh my dear! You are such a gentleman!” she said as she started to pull us into the house, turns out we were the last to arrive since when we walked into the lounge room it was full and my grandma yelled

“Present time!”

The day went over pretty smoothly, even though I had to remind my grandma many times that Jarrod was gay so nothing was happening. Josh’s date was a girl called Chelsea, she seemed really nice even though she did remind me a lot of Amanda. But yeah the day was pretty much the same as most other Christmas’s. I ended up back at my house watching a movie with Matt.

“Hey so… you haven’t really dated in a while…” Matt stated

“Well Matt I have never really ‘Dated’ I’ve only really had 1 boyfriend” I retorted

“True. Well are you planning on dating or something…” he asked being the regular old awkward Matt

“Are you encouraging me to date Matthew?” if anything he is always trying to keep me far far away from guys.

“No I’m happy if you never date any guy ever again. However, I was just curious that’s all…” and there we go protective Matt is back.

“I see, well I don’t know. No dating plans of yet… but I guess we can see what happens. What is happening with you and Nicole?” I figured if he can ask me I my as well ask him.

“Nothing” wow a one word answer.

“That’s it?” I questioned

“Yep” okay well that is obviously the end of this conversation. We went back to watching the movie and we both ended up falling asleep on the couch.


(Amberleys P.O.V)

Over the next year, the band grew more popular everyday. We did a few smaller tours, interviews, and what not. However, most of the time was spent on the guys writing and recording their sophomore album. Josh and I’s friendship stayed the same we were basically inseparable. I didn’t really have the time do date, with the MT boys working on a record, I was put on to manage a few other bands and what not whilst I wasn’t busy all the time with the guys. Therefore, I was still busy all the time.


January 28th 2009 –

(Amberleys P.O.V)

The guys new album came out in little under a month now, they were calling it ‘Masterpiece Theatre’. Everything was ready for release, it was now just a matter of time.

Other than that, this thing between Josh and I has been going on for over a year now, and I just have a feeling that its time for it to stop. I mean, I love him, he is my best mate but as for the sex, I think we need to stop. I really hate lying to Matt about where I am… and I just don’t think I can do it anymore.

(Josh’s P.O.V)

Wow, so our sophomore album Masterpiece theatre is coming out in less than a month. I am extremely happy with how it has turned out. it took us awhile but we did it.

**Knock Knock**

I wonder who that is? I’m not expecting anyone am I?

“Hey” I had a smile on my face instantly and all she had to do was say hey. It was Aj, yes we are still what some people would class a ‘fuck buddies’ but we are best friends too. I would actually say we still spend more time together not sleeping together and just hanging out.

“Hey there, I wasn’t expecting to see you” I said as I pulled her into a hug.

“Uh yeah, ummm I just wanna talk to you about something…” she seemed nervous… something was wrong.

“Sure thing, come in” we walked over and sat on the couch.

“So, umm this things we’ve got going on… I think we should stop it. Like Josh I love you as a friend and I want you to still be my bestfriend, but I think that uh maybe we should stop sleeping together…” wow that was a long sentence… I didn’t know what to say… so I was just silent

“what do you think?” she finally questioned after I didn’t say anything.

“Oh right… well Aj if that’s what you want” I would miss her in that way… but I didn’t want to loose her as a friend and obviously she didn’t want me to be more than a friend.

“It is, but I don’t want us to change. We are still good right?” she seemed worried, like I would just leave her like that.

“Aj, I never want to loose you. I want to always be your best mate. So yeah I think we are good, we always will be” I pulled her into another hug and we just stayed like that for a while. Well at least we weren’t hiding anything about our relationship anymore.

“Well I gotta get home anyways, I have an early start in the morning” Aj said as she stood up and left.

(Amberleys P.O.V)

so I did it. Josh and I are now just friends. I think I made the right decision. I’m really not sure what my feeling are towards Josh, but I don’t think having casual sex will help me figure that out.

 February 24th 2009 –

(Matts P.O.V)

So today Masterpiece theatre comes out. Wow. Feels like its taken forever but at the same time its come to quickly. Aj and I decided we would spend the day going to every record store we could to see if we could find it, just as a joke.

“MATT!!! I found it!! I found it!!” Aj yelled at me, I casually walked over to her trying not to cause a scene, but yep there it was! Our record. The day continued basically like that, I think we ended up finding a copy in most stores. Which was totally rad!

March 19th 2009 –

(Amberleys P.O.V)

“GUYS COME ON! IF YOU DO NOT HURRY UP I SWEAR THIS BUS WILL LEAVE WITHOUT YOU!” I screamed to the guys, they were taking their sweet time getting ready and loading their stuff onto the tour bus. But eventually, we were all on the bus and ready to leave.

“See there was no need to freak out Aj! We are running basically on time!” Mike said as the bus started to pull away.

“Yes Well Mike it’s the ‘basically’ thing that I’m freaking out about” I said as I walked back to the bunk area to settle myself in. but when I got to my bunk and opened the curtain I almost had a heart attack.


 “Oh calm down Aj! Just having a bit of fun!” he said as he stood up and made his way to the front of the bus. This was going to be a long tour.

April 27th 2009 –

(Amberleys P.O.V)

The tour was in full swing now, been going for just over a month, we are currently in Winnipeg. The guys had an interview at a local radio station, in 30 minutes and they still weren’t ready.

“Guys come on! Time to get going!” I yelled unenthusiastically as 3 of the 4 guys made their way to the front of the bus.

“Where’s josh?” all the guys just looked down trying to avoid the question.

“Ill ask one more time. Where is Josh?” I was trying to hold in my anger. Because we were running late now.

“Ummmhesahstillasleep” Mike mumbled very quickly

“Alright. You three go inside and start to get ready for the interview, I’m going to try get that douche out of bed” I said whilst pushing those three guys out of the bus. Right.. now time to try and wake up Josh.

“Oi douche! Wake the hell up!” I yell whilst pulling the curtain to Josh’s bunk open.

“just 5 more minutes!” he mumbled into his pillow.

“No now!” I said pulling his covers down, at least he was wearing boxers!

“Pllleeeeeaaassssseeeeeee??” he whined. Okay that’s it. Last resort time. I climbed into Josh’s bunk and straddled his waist.

“Now!” I yelled into his face.

“You really think that’s all it takes to get me up? Haha you funny” Josh said as he closed his eyes again. I knew what I had to do. so I grabbed his chin and smashed my lips against his and in a matter of seconds Josh was defiantly awake and kissing back. I pulled away.

“Tease!” josh said trying to go in for another kiss

“No, I just needed to wake you up” I stated as I got off his bunk dragging him behind me.

“FINE! Ill get up” he said as he made his way to the back lounge to get dressed. Finally after 5 minutes he emerged fully dressed, but looking half dead. I handed him a coke zero and grabbed his hand to pull him out the door. We made it to the interview even though it had already started I pushed Josh inside.

“Ah! Welcome Josh! Made it out of bed I see!”  the host welcomed Josh as he put on his head phones and took his seat in between Mike and Matt.

“Morning all” – Josh

“Right well lets let Josh wake up, we will continue when left off” – Host

“yeah, well the new record is really hitting off” – Matt

“Our video Cross my heart has made it to number one of much” – Ian

“Yes I heard! Congratulations!” – Host

“Thanks” all the boys including Josh, said in unison.

“Hahaha, right well we are going to go to some fan questions now” – Host

(Josh’s P.O.V)

Interviews In the morning suck. No one should be awake before midday.

“What’s the best part about touring? from @MizzRamsay17 on twitter” – Host

“Umm well I think just playing shows and having fans sing our lyrics back to us..” – I said

“Yeah I’d agree” – Matt

“Alright, What’s the most annoying thing about touring? From @MTForEvah on twitter” – Host

Okay its time to get Aj back now.

“Defiantly our annoying tour manager!” I said as I winked to Aj

“Oh really? So whys that?” – host

“She’s too bossy! She will never shut up! And I’m going to stop now because I can see her glaring at me and I think this might be my last interview ever so to the fans I love you guys! But I think Aj is going to be slowly killing me tonight” I rushed out, Aj seriously had the look of murder on her face

“Well she seems like a nice girl” – host

“Oh don’t get be wrong! When she’s not working she’s a totally awesome chick! I love her! She’s like one of my best friends, and now I’m just going to keep complementing her until maybe I can get her to smile again..? She so pretty, and funny and lovable and she has really nice hair and good fashion sense… I could just keep going all day Aj so just chime in at any point” finally she smiled and looked away, okay hopefully I wasn’t in her bad books just yet.

“Well you seem to really like that girl! Sure there isn’t anything going on there other than friendship?” – Host

“NO! there’s not! He better damn well not be dating my little sister!” – Matt

“Oh she’s your sister!” – host

“Yes and he is one of the most over protective brothers your ever likely to meet!” – I said

“I just care about her is all!” – Matt

“Haha alright then, well that’s all we have time for today! Thank you Matt, Mike, Josh and Ian the guys from Marianas Trench for stopping by and having a chat! Here’s Cross My heart” – said the host before we went off air.

I walked out of the interview and wrapped my arms around Aj in a very tight bear hug so she couldn’t get away until I knew she wasn’t mad.

“Ahh! Josh get off me!” she tried yelling but it was muffled in my chest

“Not until you say you forgive me and that you love me and I’m your best friend ever!”

“Argh! Fine I forgive you and I love you and you’re the best friend ever” she mumbled into my chest. I let her go and we made our way back to the tour bus.

(Amberleys P.O.V)

I am so tired. I just got back from a three month tour with the guys, it feels good to be home. I collapsed on the couch and was basically asleep when there was a knock at the door. FAROUT! Could they not give me at least 24 hours! I got up angrily and went to the door.

“HI! Omg! Tell me all about tour! Was is good? How are you and Josh going?” It was Sara

“Okay too many questions at one time Sara!” I said as I went to find my spot back on the couch, she followed me.

“Okay sorry! How was tour?” she asked again

“Good, Tiring.” I said simply

“Suppose it would be, so how are you and Josh?” She said winking at me

“Sara, There is no me and Josh” I told her. Probably sounding bored.

“What!? Come on you guys have been ‘fuck buddies for like almost two years now!” she whined

“Actually Sara, we ended that back in January” I stated

“And you failed to tell your best friend!!” she said jokingly

“Sorry, I guess I was a bit distracted!” I said really just wanting to go to sleep

“Okay then how’s the dating world going anyway?” she seemed way to interested in my life.

“Nothing, but maybe something after I get at least 48 hours of good sleep” I said closing my eyes

“Oh right! Well I guess ill let you get some sleep! But ill tell you what! Next week we are going out on the town!” she said as she left my place. Finally some alone time.

“Hey sis! Have you seen my toothbrush?” Almost! Almost asleep. Why do I live with Matt again? Why????

“Its probably still in your suitcase Matt” I said lazily whilst getting up to make my way to my bed

“Oh right… I guess I should of checked there first” oh god, could he get any more vague.

“Please do not disturb me for the next 48 hours please” I said as I closed the door to my room and collapsed on my bed.

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