She wolf (James Potter)

By lugofyourself

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Eloise Lorelei Lupin was the twin sister of none other than Remus John Lupin; when they were both very young... More



1.1K 36 9
By lugofyourself

"You cannot find peace by avoiding life"

It was around 8 in the morning when the boys, much more like James, since the other two had fallen asleep, heard the portrait hole swung open.
James immediately stood up and straightened his posture, not wanting to show any type of hungover, even though the signs were there indeed.
Eloise appeared in the common room in her pajamas, which the room of requirement had gotten her, with her previous dress in her hands. She wasn't expecting to see the boys there, she wasn't expecting to see anyone that morning at all. She assumed everyone was too hungover to deal with her disappearance the night before, though she was highly wrong.
Prongs simply stood there, staring at her, and couldn't help himself but notice how her eyes seemed tired and red.
"M-merry Christmas, Els." He slightly stuttered in such a cute way that Lunar found her lips curling upwards.
"Merry Christmas, James." Forced an happy grin Eloise, though she couldn't shake off the scene from the night before where he leaning in towards Lily's lips.
He slowly approached her with a big grin on his lips, as if the world was fading away and all there was...was them. The two of them, together.
She could already feel her heartbeat quickening and her stomach twisting, it was a somewhat usual feeling she had. Since James was always hanging out with her and perhaps flirting, though she knew there was nothing else going on.
His hands found hers and intertwined them.
"Where did you go last night?" He questioned, not looking at her eyes, almost embarrassed for what he was going to say next. "I-I wanted to-"
"-Yeah, I saw you and..Lily." She coldly cut him off and faked a smile, which she was now used to do. "I'm happy for you."
Prongs knitted his eyebrows together, trying to connect the dots and understand what his friend was actually saying when she cut him off. She really thought that was what he was meaning to say? Why did she seem so upset about it, though?
He was about to say something else, to make her stay and talk to him truthfully, but he was too late and El was already making her way up the stairs, leading to the ladies' dormitories.
James groaned and clenched his fists, punching the wall just beside him. Why is it that I can never talk when I have to?
It was more than frustrating, or it felt like to him; all he wanted to do was talk to Eloise, tell her that he didn't kiss Lily and it was because of her. He still couldn't understand why, but he knew he had to talk to her about it, she was the most brilliant person he had ever met and perhaps she might've understood what was going on.
Eloise sighed as she held back her tears, she didn't want to see James first thing in that morning. She just wanted to disappear from the whole world and forget about everything.
As she entered her dorm, she was surprised to see that Lily was awake.
"My goodness, El!" She exclaimed worryingly and hurried to the blond, pulling her into a bear-hug. "You disappeared yesterday, I was worried!"
Eloise grinned slightly and embraced her friend back softly.
"I'm sorry, I was too drunk to get back here and ended up in the room of requirement." Lied nonchalantly the werewolf. "Happy Christmas!!"
Lily's face slightly fell and she sighed.
"What's the matter, Lil?" Concerned El, her expression softening.
"It's about James..." began sadly the redhead and the other's heart sank in her chest. "Last night, I thought he was going to kiss me...but he didn't and found a pathetic excuse that he had to go somewhere..."
Lunar widened her eyes, he didn't kiss her? She was sure he wanted to, she had previously overheard him...then, why didn't he? It was obvious his feelings were returned from Lily, everyone had noticed it. And, where did he have to go so important to leave the poor girl standing alone?
Was that what James was meaning to tell El when she cut him off? Merlin if now she felt bad, perhaps he was about to tell her why he stopped himself and needed her support and she acted like a true bitch to him. She also felt bad because she was also happy to know that they didn't kiss, did that mean she still had a chance with him?
No, El. If Lily still likes him, you can't think about that.
"I'm sure he had his reasons to leave," she eventually blurted out with a soft grin. "I can ask him if you'd like."
Lily's face slightly lightened up and smilingly nodded her head.


Around 10:30 am, everyone was awake and they all decided to head to the common room, where they would've exchanged their presents.
The first one to give a present to somebody: Peter sheepishly gave his present to his girlfriend, Brielle, who blushed like crazy when their fingers brushed against one another. It was a beautiful ring for their year together, the letters P and B were intertwined together. Of course Bri loved the present and immediately kissed her boyfriend warmly.
Then, she gave him her present, which consisted of a muggle CD player. It seemed to be exactly what he wanted because his face lightened up like it had never done.
After that, Eloise gave her gift to her brother. It was the collection of all his favorite books, which he used to hide in before full moons when they were both little. Books were his safe place when he needed comfort, she thought he might've wanted those books to be his and only his, instead of borrowing them from their town's library.
"Merlin, Eloise, where'd you get these?" Happily wondered Remus, surprised.
She smiled widely and accepted the upcoming hug from him.
"I've had them for almost an year now, it took effort to hide from you, RJ." She giggled.
Moony chuckled as well and handed her his present, which was packed in a warm-flame-color and it was seeable that he was the one who packed it, for it was sort of messy. Though, she loved it regardless. She gently unpacked it and a large grin spread on her lips, Remus had gotten her a Walkman, which she had wanted since she was a young witch.
"I'm sorry there are no tapes-"
"I love it, thank you." She quickly cut him off, pulling him in another embrace.
Next was Sirius, whose first gift was for his own very brother James. Though, he asked James to open it only once he was alone for it was something personal. Everyone kept giving presents here and there, until it was finally time for James and Eloise to exchange theirs for each other.
" you fancy a walk, perhaps?" He awkwardly asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
She nodded her head and the two of them exited the common room with their presents in hand; she was highly surprised that he wanted to take a walk and that he wanted to give her gift alone, though she tried to not think too much of it.
They finally reached the Astronomy Tower and stood opposite the cold railing, staring ahead of them.
"I didn't kiss her," murmured James, suddenly, avoiding eye contact. "I-I was about to, but I couldn't bring myself to..."
Lunar turned her head to the side and glanced at his features, he seemed confused and probably frustrated by his own odd behavior. Which made her worry a little bit.
"What stopped you, then?" She asked him, curiously.
"I just couldn't stop thinking about something.."
"Which was?"
James finally looked at her, his eyes were serious like they had almost never been, his jaw was clenched.
"You, Els." He managed to say, his voice shaking slightly. "I couldn't stop thinking about you."

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