Black bird

By XsleeplesswritingX

44.2K 867 135

"I'm sorry Gemini." The blonde said to me looking like he was about to cry. "Why? Why would you do this?" I s... More



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By XsleeplesswritingX

Gemini Myth's POV

It was a week after winter break and I was currently sitting in Defense against the Dark arts attempting to listen to Umbridge babble on.

"Pst Gemini.." Neville said as he poked my shoulder. I was sitting next to him today since Draco had some prefect stuff to attend to.

I looked over at him with a smile. "What's up Nev?"

"Do you have any idea what she means?" He asked about what Umbridge was talking about.

"Useless shit." I whispered with a slight laugh. "Like actually, nothing she is talking about will help you in the real world."

"Oh." Neville said as he fiddled with his hands.

"I will help you in the common room tonight." I said to him.

He smiled at me and then turned his attention back to Umbridge.

"This is the time to start studying for O.W.L.S. If you do not pass you will never go anywhere in life remember that." She said with an annoying smile. "Class is now over. Goodbye students." She said waving us off.

I grabbed all my stuff and got up from my seat and headed out of the classroom to go to the courtyard.

"Gem! Wait up!" I heard Hermione say as I walked out of the classroom.

"Hey Hermione." I said sweetly as she walked up next to me.

"I was just wondering, what was the vision at the burrow?" She asked hoping I would answer.

"I'm sorry Hermione but I can't tell." I said shaking my head slightly.

"Why is that?" She asked as we turned a corner getting closer to the courtyard.

"I am not allowed to change what happens in the future and if I tell you then you will try to change it." I said as I quickly came up with a lie.


"I'm sorry 'mione but I need to get going." I said as I waved goodbye to her and rushed onto the courtyard so she could stop pestering me.

I sat down at my favorite tree and pulled out homework that I still needed to finish. I had to do an essay for astronomy so I started on that first.

A few minutes passed and I have written a paragraph that even I don't know what it is about.

I sighed quietly and turned my attention away from my parchment and took in the surroundings. I looked over at a bench to see Pansy sitting down with Draco's head in her lap.

Do not get jealous.

I thought to myself as I felt my hand clench my quill.

I lay in the twins laps all the time. It means nothing.

Pansy and Draco do not like each other just best friends.

I kept reassuring myself.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I saw Pansy point at me and Draco turn his head. I quickly looked away and pretended I have been writing my paper the whole time.

"Someone looked upset just now." Draco said as I felt him sit down next to me.

"Funny. I don't get jealous. Specially over Pansy." I said as I started writing more of my essay.

"You look like you were about to break your quill in half." He pointed out.

"I didn't want it to fly away." I said to him trying to make an excuse.

"Just admit it you were jealous black bird." He said to me.

I gave him a side eye and then turned my attention back to my paper. "Never." I laughed out.

"What are you doing tonight?" Draco asked me.

I gave him a curious look. "Nothing, why?"

"Come hangout with me and my friends. Then you can see why you shouldn't be jealous of Pansy." He said to me as he nodded his head over at his friends.

I thought about it for a second. "Okay I will come, not because I am jealous of Pansy but because I have nothing else to do."

He shook his head slightly and I could see a tiny smile form on his lips.

"Do you ever get jealous of the twins?" I asked suddenly.

He looked over at me questionably. "No, not really. I know that they are your best friends. I could never imagine you with either of them."

"Me either." I said grossed out just thinking about dating one of them.

"Could you ever date Pansy?" I asked.

"Fuck no. She annoys me more than you annoy me." He said shaking his head.

I smacked his arm lightly. "I am not annoying." I huffed out.

"You are." He said to me. "But you're cute so it makes up for it. Plus you're good in bed."

I rolled my eyes but I couldn't help but laugh.

I wanted to ask what he needed Astoria for that day on the train but I kept my mouth shut knowing it might start an argument and since I was in a good mood today I did not want to ruin it.

"I have to go, but I will see you tonight?" He said to me.

I nodded my head yes. He smiled at me and then ran back over to his friends.

Draco Malfoy's POV

"You invited Gemini?" Blaise asked me as we were walking to the common room.

"Yes." I said to them as we entered the dungeon.

"Doesn't sound like pushing her away." Theo said standing on the other side of me.

"I am trying, but it's like something keeps pushing me back." I confessed to them.

"What are you in love with the girl or something?" Blaise asked right before he mumbled the password to the common room.

"Fuck no." I laughed out as I stepped behind Blaise into the common room.

At least I don't think I am.

"There's no problem with being in love." Blaise said after he realized how I said 'no'.

"There is every problem with love." I said as I sat down on the couch.

"Like what?" Theo asked as he sat in an arm chair.

"It's weak. I have seen what love has done to people. They are always cuddled up and happy. It looks disgusting." I said with a disgusted face.

"That's because you don't know what love is." Blaise said shrugging his shoulders.

"And you do?" I scoffed.

"Well I am not scared to love Draco, my mother taught me that." He said raising an eyebrow.

"It sounds stupid." I muttered.

"I think you're scared to get hurt." Theo said butting in.

"Hurt?" I scoffed. "No girl could hurt me."

"We will have this talk again when you realize you are falling in love." Blaise said confidently.

I rolled my eyes but decided not to talk any more about it since I was done with this conversation.

I care for Gemini, which is why I need to push her away and make her hate me again. Yet every time I try to do that I just simply can not. It is like this stupid universe wants us together.

As much as I hate to admit it, Gemini is the first girl I have ever cared about and I have no idea how to do it correctly. When she asked me earlier if I am jealous of the twins I said no, which is true.

I am not jealous of the twins but I am jealous of their friendship. Those three would do anything for each other. The twins would kill anyone who hurt her and she would do the same. They make her smile like I have never seen before and sometimes I wish I could do that, but no one ever taught me how.

At first when I asked her to be with me it was because she was hot. I wanted the hottest girl in school on my arms, I never wanted to care for her like I do and I absolutely despise the feeling when I am alone but when I am with her the feeling feels euphoric.

But love? Never. I could never love someone.

Gemini Myths POV

I had just finished helping Neville study for O.W.L.S and I was now headed to the Slytherin common to see Draco and his friends.

I made my way to the dungeon and to the door that followed into the common room. My father gives me the new password every week just in case I need him right away so I already knew what the password was.

"Draught of Death." I mumbled the password.

The door creaked open allowing me to enter.

I saw Draco sitting on the couch. His legs were spread open and he was slouched into the couch with an unopened bottle of fire whiskey in his hand.

The remaining of his friends were sitting on the ground in a circle.

"Well well look at who has arrived!" Theo said happily.

"It's the Gryffindor princess!" Blaise said next to him almost just as happy.

I chuckled at them. "Gryffindor princess huh?" I questioned my new nickname.

Draco looked over at me and held up the bottle. I walked over to him and as soon as I was about to grab it he moved it.

"We have to play this stupid truth or dare game in order to drink it." He mumbled towards me.

"Oh, okay." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Come sit." Theo said patting the open space next to him.

I looked over at Draco as I waited for him to go sit as well. He sighed loudly but got up and sat down in the circle as he leaned his back on the couch.

I sat down next to him and then realized who was included in the circle.

Blaise, Theo, Pansy, Daphne, and Astoria.

Fucking Astoria.

"I will go first." Theo said happily.

"Mmm Gemini truth or dare." He asked me.

"Uhh truth." I said nervously.

"Okay..what is your body count?" He asked me.

I took it by surprise debating if I wanted to say or not. "Six." I answered quickly.

"See, I told you she was a whore." I heard Astoria whisper to her sister.

I ignored her, I didn't want to start a fight.

"My turn now?" I asked Theo.

He nodded his head yes.

"Umm Blaise truth or dare?" I asked him.

"Truth." He said smirking.

"Have you ever dated someone just for sex?" I asked.

"I am a respectful no." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Astoria truth or dare?" He asked her.

"Dare." She said as she eyed Draco.

"I dare you to kiss anyone in this room, and not some boring kiss, With tongue." He said to her.

She looked around the room and her eyes stopped on me as she smirked and then she looked at Draco who didn't even notice.

She stood up and started walking over to him. I snatched the bottle that was in between Draco and I. I opened it quickly and took a big swig as I watched Astoria lean down next to Draco. He looked over at her but I couldn't read his face.

She grabbed his chin and started getting close to his lips.

"Uh Astoria you shouldn't do this." I heard Theo say.

She looked over at him with a smirk and then smacked her lips onto Draco.

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

Draco went along with it for a few moments until he pulled away.

"What the fuck Astoria?" He said to her.

"You didn't stop me." She said as she stood up and flicked her hair behind her shoulder.

I didn't say anything. I just sat there silently.


I put my hand up indicating him to stop talking.

I didn't want to hear his bullshit excuses. All that was on my mind was revenge.

So I took another big swig of the alcohol and waited for someone to question me.

"Gemini. Truth or dare?" Blaise asked me after a few rounds of other people going.

"Dare." I said to him with another smirk.

"I kind of a expected you to say truth so let me think." He said as he rubbed his chin.

"I got one." I said to him as I took another swig of whiskey as I now started to feel the alcohol effect me.

"Oh? What is it?" Blaise asked.

"This." I said as I smashed my lips against Blaises lips.

He opened his mouth allowing both of our tongues to fight for dominance and then he pulled away.

"Draco that was all her." He said quickly.

I looked over at Draco with a smirk.

He looked ready to kill someone.

"Keep fucking playing." Draco said through gritted teeth to the whole group.

"Okay. Draco truth or dare?" I said to him.

"Truth." He said not looking at me.

"Have you ever fucked a girl in this room?" I asked feeling more confident now that the alcohol is effecting me.

He laughed slightly and then looked at me. "Astoria." He said bluntly.

"No surprise there." I said looking at Astoria.

"Alright let's go." Draco said grabbing my arm.

"Aw why?" I pouted. "You aren't having fun?"

"Myth. Now." He said angrily.

I clicked my tongue but got up anyways.

He pulled my away from the group and up the stairs to his dorm.

"What the fuck was that?" He said angrily as he basically threw me into his room.

I chuckled at his reaction.

"It isn't funny." He said through gritted teeth.

"Oh but it is. You kissed Astoria who you used to fuck so I kissed Blaise who I used to fuck." I said as I leaned back on his dresser.

"Astoria kissed me!" He yelled as he got close to me.

"And you allowed it." I said bluntly.

"At least I'm not jealous of Pansy anymore. Your wish was fulfilled." I said before he could reply.

"So you think it was right to go and kiss fucking Blaise!" He yelled as he stepped closer and was mere inches away from my face.

"Payback." Was all I said back.

He ran his fingers through his hair. "You did this because you are drunk Myth."

"I would have done it sober too." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Is that why you were looking for Astoria on the train? So you could fuck her?" I asked.

Now that I asked because I am drunk.

"What? God Myth no. She was supposed to grab us all food and I was wondering why it was taking so long." He said as he got angrier by the second.

"You know at least you knew I fucked Blaise. I never knew you fucked her. Maybe you should follow your parents orders and marry her." I said to him.

He did a crazy laugh and then looked me straight in the eye. "Yeah you're right. I am only with you because you're a good fuck anyways."

"What?" I said weakly.

"Everyone knows it. You are just a good fuck, nothing more." He said to me.

"You don't mean that." I said to him as I shook my head.

"Go ask anyone." He scoffed.

"You're lying." I said to him as my hands gripped his desk. "If you aren't lying then do it. Break up with me."

He didn't say anything. He just looked at me with a blank stare.

I scoffed but I walked past him as I brushed his shoulder.

Then a headache appeared and everything started spinning. I fell to the ground and screamed in pain as I felt Draco's arms wrap around me.

"Blackbird it's okay. Breath." I heard him say.

It felt like the world was spinning as I was along for the ride. I was convinced someone was cutting my body into tiny pieces. I screamed so loud I thought my eardrums were going to explode.

"Blackbird I'm here. Listen to my voice." I heard Draco say.

I wanted to listen to his voice. I wanted it to stop.

"Make it stop!" I screamed out to the universe.

I heard his bedroom door slam open and feet on the wood floor.

"What is happening to her?" A voice asked.


"Is she okay?" Another voice asked.


"Get out Blaise. I don't want you here." Draco said angrily.

There was no argument and I could tell Blaise agreed and left.

"Is this a Tinsley thing?" I heard Theo ask.

He knows?

The pain got worse and it was longer than the one at the burrow.

"Listen Gemini, listen to my voice. Focus on it." I heard Draco say.

I tried to focus on him. On his breathing patterns and his slight body movements.

"You will be okay." He said again.

I tried to follow his breathing patterns hoping it would help.

Then the pain stopped. The room stopped spinning and I felt like I could breath again.

Then I blacked out.

But not before I could hear what Theo and Draco said.

"You never fucked Astoria."

"I know."

"You also aren't with her because she is a good fuck."

"I know."

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