Black bird

By XsleeplesswritingX

44.4K 867 135

"I'm sorry Gemini." The blonde said to me looking like he was about to cry. "Why? Why would you do this?" I s... More



586 13 1
By XsleeplesswritingX

Draco Malfoy's POV

I was standing next to my parents at the Hogwarts express after winter break waiting for them to leave so I could board.

"It needs to be done by the summer if not than earlier." My father said to me.

"Remember honey, this is not about you. It is for safety reasons." My mother said trying to make the situation seem better.

Right before I could reply two people ran past us.

"Fred fucking Weasley I will fucking kill you right now!" I heard Gemini yell as she walked past us.

"Aw Freddie she is going to kill us." George said in a mocking voice.

"Does this not annoy you Draco." My father said in a annoyed voice.

I stifled a laugh. "No it's actually funny to me. She always wins."

My father looked at me with a disgusted look.

I tried to see what they did to her but I couldn't figure it out.

"I am so happy you guys are graduating this year." She huffed out.

"Wow. Did you hear that Georgie? She acts like she has other friends." Fred said laughing and then he stopped quickly.

I looked over at Gemini and she was on the ground holding her head in her hands.

"Draco. What is happening to her?" My mother asked.

"A vision." I said staring at Gemini.

I went to go help but my father stopped me with his cane.

"Leave her. You need to learn." He snarled out.

I pushed the cane down and glared at him.

"She is in pain." I said angrily.

"Good. She is a Tinsley, they deserve pain." He spat out.

I saw the twins rush over to her as well as their mother.

"She isn't evil." I said through gritted teeth.

My father looked over at me with a hard glare.

"Not yet. She will be soon." He said to me in disgust.

I looked back over at Gemini and Fred had her in his arms. She didn't look like she blacked out but she did look like she was in a lot of pain.

"The train is about to leave. I need to go." I spat out at my father.

My mother gave me a hug but my father just looked at me like I was an inconvenience.

I ignored his look and walked on to the steps of the train. Once I entered I went to the Slytherin area and sat down when I found Blaise and Theo.

"Dude is your girlfriend okay?" Blaise asked me as I sat across from them both.

"Who knows and who cares?" I said to them.

Am I stupid for putting up a front? Yeah probably.

"You should care." Blaise mumbled.

I scoffed at him. "If you care so much why don't you go ask her yourself."

"Gladly." Blaise spat at me as he got up from his seat and left.

The truth was I didn't want him to go check on my girlfriend. I wanted to go check on her myself but instead I sat here like a child refusing to allow my feelings get to me.

"The fuck is up with you mate?" Theo asked me.

"Nothing." I muttered.

He laughed at me. "So you are perfectly fine with Blaise going to check on his old fuck buddy who happens to be your girlfriend?"

"Whatever." I said to him as I turned my attention to the window.

I was pushing all feelings I had for Gemini away. What my father and mother said just keeps playing in my mind. Maybe they are right.

"This is a good way to lose a girl." Theo said to me.

"You think I care?" I spat at him.

"Yes. I think you care." He said to me calmly.

"What the fuck makes you think that?" I asked him as I shook my head.

"I saw you two on New Years Eve. You cared. Maybe you didn't realize,. But I did. As soon as Carrow mentioned a Tinsley you noticed her mood change and so did I." He explained to me quietly.

My head snapped at him. "What do you mean?"

He took a deep breath. "I know she is the last Tinsley and so do you. You cared enough to get her out of there. You care enough to keep her safe."

I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "I swear to god if you tell anyone Theo I will murder you and that is a promise."

He smacked my arm off. "Mate, I am not going to tell anyone not even Pansy or Blaise. I wouldn't do that."

"You have my word." He said seriously.

I glared at him slightly but once I saw his face I knew he was serious.

"That reaction shows you care for her, so why the fuck are you being stupid right now?" He said to me as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Did you ever think that maybe I just don't want an innocent girl to die because of her family's reputation?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"If it was anyone else you know sure as hell you would not care." He said as he rolled his eyes, showing he was done with my bullshit.

"Why do you care about what I think?" I asked him.

He sighed. "Because Gemini is not some normal girl. She is exactly like you. She is a complete bitch. She stands up for herself and makes it known that she is not to be messed with but you can tell that once she has a soft spot then it is never going away. You got lucky with her and I don't think you should ruin it." He explained.

I gave him a side eye and then turned my attention back to the window.

"You can't push her away." He said quietly.

"Watch me." I said to him.

He didn't respond. Instead he gave up on talking about it and turned his attention elsewhere.

Gemini Myths POV

"She's asleep." I heard Fred say as he went to touch my head in a protective way.

"Good." I heard a familiar voice say. "Can I talk to you two?"

I kept my eyes closed. Even though I was awake now I wanted to here what the familiar voice had to say.

"About what?" George said to the guy.

"Draco." He breathed out.

"Go ahead." Fred said as he kept his hand on my head.

I heard the person take a deep breath before talking. "He wouldn't come check on her. I know that is no surprise to you guys, but to me it is. I see the way he looks at her and talks to her. He truly cares about her. I think someone got into his mind and now he is scared. I don't want to see him hurt her."

"Blaise, we truly don't think it is a big deal if he does not come check on her at least once." George said to him.

"It is the way he acted about it." Blaise said to them.

"Gemini is mentally strong, she will kill him if he hurts her for no reason. " Fred said as he moved hair out of my face.

"I don't want to see him ruin something that is going well for him." Blaise sighed out.

"We will talk to him." George said to him.

"Thank you." Blaise muttered and then I heard the door open as he left.

I opened my eyes slightly as I heard our booth go quiet.

"Sleeping beauty is awake." Fred muttered.

I hummed in response as I sat up.

"Can we know what the vision was about?" George asked with bright eyes.

"There was no vision." I mumbled.

It was true. I got the pain on a vision but no vision came with it.

"Come on Gemini don't lie." Fred said as he smacked my arm lightly.

"I'm not." I said looking over at him with a blank face. "It was almost like I was sharing someone's pain. That is what it felt like."

"Is that good?" Fred asked me.

I looked at him like he was stupid. "Is anything the devil does good?"

"Good point." Fred said shrugging his shoulders.

I scoffed slightly. I wasn't sure why I was in such a bad mood but after my nap I just wanted to slap everyone who breathed in my direction.

"Someone's in a bad mood Freddie." George said to Fred.

"Someone's in a bad mood Freddie." I mocked as I crossed my arms over my chest. "I am going to the restroom."

I walked out of our booth and started my way towards the bathroom. I went to go turn the handle to the restroom until someone pushed my hand off.

"Oops." A girl said.

I looked up to see who it was.

"Greengrass. Move." I gritted out.

"Oh, well I need to pee." She pouted out sarcastically.

"Good for you. I got here first." I said scoffing towards her.

"Aw blood traitor I don't give a shit." She said smiling at me.

Remember how I said I would slap everyone right now.

I meant it.

My hand raised up and it was colliding with her face. "I am not a blood traitor bitch."

She put her hand up to her face in pain. "Did you just slap me?"

"If you need an answer then I will gladly do it again." I said with a smirk.

"Astoria what is taking you so long?" Draco asked behind her.

"Your girlfriend slapped me." She whined out.

I rolled my eyes before slightly pushing her out of the way so I could go to the bathroom.

"See! Now she's pushing me." She whined again.

Pick me girl.

"I barely touched you. Plus I actually need to go to the bathroom." I said with a fake smile as I opened the door to the restroom.

"Draco. Do something!" I heard her say as I closed the bathroom door.

"What did you do to her to piss her off?" I heard Draco ask her.

"I called her what she is. A blood traitor." I heard her spat out.

I didn't hear anything for a second until I heard a bang on the wall.

"Do not call her a fucking blood traitor Astoria." I heard him say threateningly.

"Understood?" I heard him say again.

I didn't hear Astoria say anything back.

"Good. Now leave." I heard him say.

I backed away from the door and looked at myself in the mirror. All of sudden the door opened slowly as Draco walked in.

"Hi." He said.

"Hi?" I questioned.

"Um sorry about Astoria." He mumbled.

"It's whatever. Nothing new in my life." I said shrugging my shoulders as I turned around to lean back on the sink.

"Did Blaise come to check on you earlier?" He asked.

"I was asleep but the twins said he did." I said to him as I looked at my feet.

I saw his feet walk closer to me and he picked up my chin. I looked at him but not in the eyes.

"Look at me in the eyes." He demanded.

I did exactly what he said.

"You are mine. Remember?" He said threateningly.

"Yes." I said confidently.

He moved his hand slowly down to my throat and then he wrapped his fingers around it slowly, then all of a sudden he chocked me hard.

"Good." He said getting close to my lips. "Don't let another guy near you."

All I could do was nod my head as I obeyed him.

The train suddenly stopped meaning we were now at Hogwarts.

"We have to go." I said to Draco weakly.

He chocked me harder as he got closer to my lips. He slightly bit my lips and then let me go.

"Let's go then." He said in a normal voice.

I nodded my head slightly as I went to leave the bathroom but he stopped me again as he put his hand over mine.

"I mean it Gemini. Don't allow another guy to touch you." He said to me.

"I know." I said as I turned the door handle and opened the bathroom door.

"Coming?" I asked.

He nodded his head as he put his hands in his pockets and followed me out of the bathroom. We left the train and made our way to the thestrals. We parted ways to go to our friends.

I hoped on to one of the carriages with the twins and once we got to the castle we all went to the common room together.

I told the twins I was heading off to bed. I wasn't tired though, I just couldn't stop thinking about the vision I had at the burrow. It wouldn't stop playing in my mind.

I have never been good at expressing my emotions so I keep it bottled inside and then I allow it to exploded. Half the time I want to tell the twins what is happening in my head and the other half of me just wants to stay quite and wait for them to figure it out.

How is anyone supposed to figure that what is going on inside my head though, if it is about Sirius Black dying?

What I really want to know is when does it happen? And why?

This devil shit is hard.

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