High School Sweethearts ~ Lee...

By the_uncxnny_kxcie

124K 2.9K 148

Follow the story of Jeon Hwayoung, who goes by Violet, as she returns to Saebom High School and reunites with... More



1.2K 30 4
By the_uncxnny_kxcie

I am helping them set up all of the stuff to put on the table, when we hear aloud bang and we all turn to the stairs before Suho and Seojun slide down the stairs on the table, grabbing at each other's collar. They slowly stop and turn to see them all staring at them

"That's it! Up!" Mrs Lim yells and makes them sit on the carpet with their shoes and socks off, saying 'I love you' every time they clip each other's toe nail.

"Are you okay?" Ju asks, as she sits down next to me.

"Yeah, just embarrassed to be their friend," I joke

"Oh right! I haven't asked my mom yet! I'll ask her now!! Mom!!" She yells.

"Jugyeong, wait! I do-" but I can't stop her in time.

"Is it okay if Violet stays with us for a while? She has to move out of her apartment soon?" She asks, and I quickly glance at Suho to see him and Seojun staring at me.

"Sure, of course you can!! But why? Is everything okay?" She asks, looking at me.

"Oh, my mum is struggling for money at the moment, that's all." I tell her, smiling

"Really? Where is your mom staying?" She asks

"My mum is staying in Busan with my grandma. She could only afford a one bedroom apartment so she let me stay here so I could go back to my old school and see all my old friends until I graduated," I explain, ignoring Suho and Seojun. I try not to show how I am feeling but I feel really worried and guilty. I'm planning on getting a job soon so I can help her out a little but I'm not sure when I will be able to find one.

- - - - -

I walk out with Suho and Seojun and turn around to say bye to Ju's mom.

"Here. Store them in the freezer and heat them up with a steamer, okay? And don't fight!!" She says, scolding towards Suho and Seojun before turning to.

"Violet, make sure to bring your stuff tomorrow. I'm glad your staying with us," She smiles.

"Okay, bye Mrs Lim!!" I say and she heads back inside with Ju.

"Why didn't you tell me? You can come and live with me!!" Suho yells, slightly mad but I can see it I just from worry

"Or me!! My mum sees you as her oldest daughter! She would bring you in in a heartbeat!!" Seojun then yells.

"Guys, I'm fine. I didn't want to tell either of you for a reason, but never mind that. Let's just go home, okay?" I say and walk off. When Suho doesn't follow, I turn and see him and Seojun, kicking and punching the air. I will never forget this night.

- - - - -

I run back after grabbing us all drinks and head outside where Sua, Sujin and Jugyeong are sat on a bench, so I run over and push myself between Sua and Sujin.

"Here!" I say and hand them all what they chose.

"Thank you!!" They say and I smile.

"Why do rumours about me and Seojun keep going round?! I don't get it!!" Jugyeong pouts

"You should just date! You two are meant to be together" Sua says but Jugyeong reject the idea, strongly.

"We're just friends," She explains

"You could start out as friends and grow to like each other. Feeling don't stay the same forever," Sujin says and I stares at her, holding myself back from saying anything.

"Sujin, you should go out with Suho too. The same applies to you right? Jugyeong and Seojun <3. Sujin and Suho<3." She says and as she mentions Sujin and Suho, my hand grips my cup tighter. I want to tell her but what if that ruins our friendship? But what if she finds out and is mad that I didn't tell her? What do I do?!

"Should I?" Sujin speaks up and we all turn out head to her.


"Nothing," She smirks.

"Your being suspicious? Whatever, I'm going to dig into this after today. Are you guys free after school?" Sua questions as I get up to throw my empty cup in the bin.

"I can't. I have plans with Suho today, "Sujin says and I freeze.

"Just the two of you? Why?" Sua asks and my ears perk up, waiting for her to answer.

"Just because. I'll tell you later," She says and I walk back over.

"Are you still helping me move my stuff, Ju?" I ask and she nods.

"What stuff?" Sua asks and I quickly explain that I am moving in with Ju for a while until I can afford a small place before we head to class.

- - - - -

Now that it is after school, me and Juggling head to my place to grab my stuff.

"I know I haven't been here long, but I am going to miss this place," I sigh as I walk out and lock the door and place the key under the door mat, like he instructed me too.

"I know, but at least you are going to be staying with me!!" Jugyeong smiles and hugs me.

"I'm glad. Thank you, Ju! I don't know what I would do without you!!" I smiles and we walk to her house and I say hello to everyone, before we head up and start to unpack some of my stuff that I will need whilst the rest stay in the large suitcase.

- - - - -

Once we are settled and Jugyeong is fast asleep, I pull out my phone to call Suho before we both fall asleep.

"Suho..." I go to say but stop and hang up instantly when I hear a women's voice answer the phone. What do I do? Was that Sujin? Did she see our contact names? Did she recognise my voice? Oh no.

I get a notification a few minutes later and see Sujin uploaded a picture. It's the canvas Suho has hanging in his apartment. So it was her.

I throw myself back down on my pillow and cover my face. I'm so stupid. I shouldn't have called, I knew she'd be over there but why so late?!

My phone buzzes and I see it is Suho so I answer it.

Suho: Were you sleeping?

Violet: No but Jugyeong is so we will have to be quiet

Suho: I don't know why you didn't just move in with me

Violet: No way. What were you up to?

Suho: Nothing much, I've just been at home.

*They are silent for a moment*

Suho: Vi, I wanted to-

Violet: I'm exhausted, I'm going to go to sleep

Violet: We can talk tomorrow

I hang up the call and turn my phone off before trying to get to sleep for over an hour before I finally am successful.

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