My Bodyguards (Action/Love St...

By comechurros3000

45.8K 917 169

Rachel Marielle Coriolli is the name. She is a normal 18 year old living the life. Everything is turned upsid... More

My Bodyguards
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Don't forget about us. Last author's note.
THE SEQUEL!!! Just kidding, please read...

Ch. 6

1.5K 32 3
By comechurros3000

Ch. 6 "Are we friends or are we more?"

Lou's P.O.V

Who did he think he was? With his curly hair and his green eyes. He was staring at Rachel! MY Rachel! Well, she's not mine officially.

"So, how did you and my dad met?" asked Rachel breaking the awkward silence.

"Well, I was selling churros and then-" Rachel's eyes grew open.

"No way! You sell churros?" Rachel asked excited.

"Um, yeah." Harry said with a cheeky smile on his flawless face.

"That's awesome! You see, I love churros!" Rachel said smirking

"Yeah, you love churros. Good for you." I said getting out of the pool and taking my towel.

"Why are you so serious, Loulou?" Rachel asked with her sweet and innocent voice.

"I'm not serious. I'm just tired. It was a long trip." I lied. I was just... jealous?

"A long trip? Where do you come from?" Harry asked.

"Doncaster." I said.

"Are you kidding me? Doncaster is really close." Harry said.

"Whatever. I'm going to take a nap. Bye." I said entering the house. I could hear them talking behind me.

"What's his problem?" Harry asked confused.

"It's just that this was a long day..." my favorite voice in the world answered. Rachel, if only you knew how I feel right now...

Rachel's P.O.V

Lou entered the house, leaving me alone with my hot, but a little arrogant, bodyguard. There was something in his eyes that made me want to get to know him, but at the same time I feel like I should stay away from him.

"So," Harry said breaking the silence. "Is Louis okay?"

"I have no idea." I said.

"He looked... jealous."

"What?!? Of course not!! Right?"

"Are you two dating?"

"Well, not officially, I guess."

"Just what I thought."

"What do you mean?"

"It is obvious you two are dying to be together, why aren't you?"

"I don't know." I said. Maybe Harry was right. I was dying tyo be Loulou's girlfriend, but he would never ask out a girl like me.

"If he doesn't do something about it you should give the first step."

"No! That would be embarrasing!"

"See? That's the problem with you guys. Your pride is more important to you than your feelings." Maybe Harry was right. I needed to talk to Louis about what I felt. I was about to stand up and go with Louis when he appeared.

"Harry! I need to talk to you!" Louis exclaimed.

Harry's P.O.V

"Harry! I need to talk to you!" Louis exclaimed.

"What?" I asked.

"Come here Har!" he said, "Come!"

"Ok, okay...." I said following Louis inside the house. Rachel stared at us with a confused look on her face.

When we finally entered, Louis closed the door so that Rachel couldn't hear.

"Listen, Rachel is... special. I don't want you to flirt with her." he said. I could tell he was jealous, so I decided to make him even more jealous.

"Why? She is really beautiful. I should ask her out on a date." I said. Louis's face turned red. He looked really mad.

"No! That's not professional! You are her bodyguard!"

"Oh, that's why you hadn't ask her yet." I said. He just nodded and gave me a sad look. I gave him a sympathetic look.

"Yes, I'm going to pretend that I don't like her, even if it is hard." He said. Oh no! I was not going to let him break her heart! I had to do something!

"Okay, you can go ahead and do it, but I will ask her out on a date, is there any problem?" Louis was about to say something, but Rachel entered the house with a towel wrapped around her body.

"What's going on?" she asked smiling.

"Oh, nothing Rachie-poo." Louis said.

"Rachie-poo? Is that her nickname? I want one, too!" I exclaimed pouting.

"Ok, you'll be... Harhar?" Louis said.

"No! Harhar-poo!" Rachel suggested.

"Harhar-poo?" I asked.

"Yup." Rachel said satisfied.

"Rachel, I was wondering if-" Louis cut me off before I could finish.

"Rachel! I must tell you something!" Louis exclaimed walking out of the house. Rachel nodded and followed him. Was he going to be brave and tell her his feelings?

I was thinking about it when I remembered I didn't tell my mum about my new job. I took out my phone and sent her a text.

To: Mum:)

Got a new job today! As a bodyguard! I told you I wasn't a slob... Love ya... Call you later;D

Lou's P.O.V

"What do you want to tell me?" Rachel asked with her beautiful voice.

"Look, Harry does not look like a good guy. He looks more like the kind of guy who breaks girls' hearts." I said. It was true. Harry looked like a player.


"You shouldn't date him ever!"

"Why not? I think I can decide who I can date, you are my bodyguard, not my boss."

"But I can protect you from getting heartbroken."

"Like if you cared."

"I care..."

"No! You don't! You don't even have the guts to ask me out after kissing me!"

"Rachel, sorry if I made you missunderstand..."

"Missunderstand what?"

"Listen, I told you I like you, but as a friend."

"Then why did you kiss me?"

"I wanted to see if you were a good kisser." I said. Rachel looked hurt. I could see a little tear streaming down her beautiful face, but I had to get her to hate me, even if I don't hate her.

"You are a total jerk!" She exclaimed and then she entered the house. I had to do it. I didn't want to break her heart, but if I had to do it in order to be proffesional, I would do it a million times.


Christopher Holt's P.O.V

I received a call this morning, I was driving to Holmes Chapel. I didn't know how X found out so quickly where Coriolli was, but I didn't care. I still didn't have a plan, but soon I will. My phone started ringing.


"Agent 35?"


"We would like to inform you that Rachel Coriolli has now another bodyguard."

"What? Another one?!?"

"Yes, that's all I wanted to tell you, bye." The man hung up and I felt how the few plans I had were totally in danger. I had to make another plan. It surprised me how Coriolli found bodyguards that easily. I mean, he would just hire a man that he saw in the streets or what? And that's when an idea popped into my brain.

I took the phone out of my coat's pocket and called someone I thought I would never talk to again. I scrolled down my contacts until I found the name I was looking for... my twin's phone number.

The reason that I would never call her, is that she liked torturing her victims before killing them, which I consider extremely cruel. Whenever my job is to kill someone, I do not do it. I just can't kill, I'm not a killer! I have also hated her since we were born, she was always my parents' favorite for being more aggresive.

It rung 4 times before she picked up.

"Jennifer Holt, how can I help you?" Only hearing her voice made me sick.

"Jennifer, as much as I hate this, I need your help."

"Oh, it's you. I thought it was someone more important than you. Whatever. Just let me finish what I'm doing right now." She said, and then I heard a loud shout, "That's for sleeping with my boyfriend, you b*tch!" And then I heard two gunshots.

"I'm back!" She said with a voice that scared me.

"Why did I heard two gunshots?" I asked.

"Because I also had to kill my boyfriend for cheating!" She said in a 'duh' tone.

"Well, I'm supposed to kill Mr. Coriolli's daughter's bodyguards, but-"

"But you are to bland. You need some rage and courage to even smash a fly," she interrupted, "that's why you are weak and our family despises you and prefers me."

"Shut up! Y are lying, b*st*rd!"

"I'm not lying. If not, why did you called me? Huh?"

"Well because..."


"Maybe I'm bland..."

"Yes, you are." She said with satisfaction.

"Okay, I admit I'm bland, but I'm still your brother, and I need your help, you owe me!"

"I don't owe you a thing."

"Really? Because that's not what you said last time we met." I said. Jennifer knew exactly what I meant. She owed me big time. She stayed quiet for a while, then she broke the silence.

"Ok, maybe I owe you, but I don't want you to take the credit for something you didn't do."

"That's why I'll tell X to accept you in his company if you do it."

"You know he doesn't accept girls."

"He hates Coriolli, if someone helps him to get rid of him he will be grateful, I guess."

"Alright then. I will do it, but you have to promise you will never bother me again."

"I promise." I said with a smile on my face.

"Where do I have to travel?"

"Holmes Chapel. I will give you the address later."

"Okay. Bye, Chris."

"Bye, Jennifer."


Rachel's P.O.V

I was at my room thinking about what Louis told me. I couldn't believe he was just playing around. I really like him as more than a friend. He makes me feel happy and lights up my world, but the sad truth is he only wants me as a friend. I stayed at my room the whole afternoon, crying. Harry tried to make me go out, but I didn't want to. I was very sad. I decided to distract myself from thinking about Louis by checking my phone. I hadn't checked it since long ago. I had 5 missing calls from Charlotte and 10 texts.

What the freak is wrong with you?!? You hung up the other day without explanations! Where are you? -Charlie:)

Rachie, we miss you! Where are you? Please! Answer my calls! I need to know you are okay. I'm worried... -Charlie:)

Please!! Answer!! I feel ignored!! Rachie... Please... -Charlie:)

Poor Charlotte. She was really worried about me, but I couldn't tell her where I was. I felt like the worst best friend ever. I decided to answer just to let her know I was okay.

To: Charlie:)

Sorry, I would like to tell you where I am, but I would have to kill you... jk...xD I can't tell you where I am, but I'm okay. Don't worry, I will be fine. Love you! :D.

I continued checking my texts.

Baby, I miss you. I want you back! It took me a while to realize I need you. I'm really worried about you. Call me. I love you. - Poopface</3

When I read that text, I felt something inside me. Poopface was my ex, Matthew. He broke my heart by cheating on me with Tiffany, the school's slut. I still kind of felt something for him but... He cheated on me and I hate cheaters.

To: Poopface

Poopface, oh sorry, Matt. How do I explain this? WE ARE NEVER EVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER!! LIKE, EVER!!! I don't like you, you don't like me, what's the point? Love ya!:D

After answering that text, a smile crossed my face. I was being strong, no boy could bring me down now. Okay, maybe Louis brought me down today but... Not anymore!! Text number 3, here I go.

Rumor has it you started working at the flea market! How embarrasing! Ewww! - B*tch 003

B*tch 003 was Jenna. She was one of Tiffany's best friends. They were all b*tches after all. I decided to answer that one with a little bit of insults.

To: B*tch 003

Yeah, I work there. Is there any problem little slut? At least I don't work at the whorehouse. My job is better than yours.... Love ya!:D

Next text!

Tiffany said you work at the flea market now, is it true? I guess it is, that would explain why you left suddenly... - B*tch 002

Oh! Now this was getting personal! B*tch 002 is Lindsey. Tiffany's best friend.

To: B*tch 002

Yup, it's true. I would give you a discount here but, I guess you have enough thongs and bras for your job;) Whatever... LOVE YA...WHORE ;)

I was getting tired of these texts, but I continued checking them.

I told everyone you work at the flea market. I have no idea of where you are or why you left the town, but I honestly hope you never come back! Matt is mine! Love ya, Rachie! - B*tch 001


To: B*tch 001

Wow Tiffany, it surprises me how you know how to spell. I thought you only knew how to cover all your ugly face with makeup. It also surprises me the fact that you are not pregnant yet but... I guess I'm just easy to surprise. I also wanted to tell you I don't like Matt anymore... I have two sexy bodyguards and churros and that's all I need. I'm not like Justin Bieber, I do not need a beauty and a beat, I just need churros and sexy guys. Stop pretending you know how my life is going. If telling everyone I work at a flea market makes you feel better, then do it. I DON'T CARE. Bye, hoe. Oh by the way, LOVE YA!:D

I felt satisfied with my answer and continued checking my texts.

Rachel, we miss you! Where are you?!? -Jamie:D

We miss you... Please answer our texts... We love you Rachel:) -Ethan:)

Those were two of my best friends. My best friend was Charlotte, but Jamie and Ethan were really awesome, too.

To: Jamie:D, Ethan:)

Don't worry! I'm fine!:) I love you!

I thought I was done, but I saw another text.

I know where you are. Tell your daddy we'll find you and kill you. Tell him that if he doesn't have the courage to face the consequences of his mistakes, you will have to face them... - Unknown number

That text really scared me. I started feeling worried about my dad, not knowing maybe I was the one in danger...


So, how was it? Too much action, right? Haha. Comment if you like it, and leave your opinions...:D

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