Step Into the Light

By PrettyPleasing89

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Shine, step into the light. So bright sometimes, but he won't let her go back. *the beginning is a bit rough... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 14

370 5 1
By PrettyPleasing89

"I'll always hold on, cause you make me strong"


"You look like you might shit yourself." Harry says while looking over at me as we walk to his car in the parking lot of the salon.

"I do not." I say starting to walk a little faster so I can be in front of him so he can't see me.

"It's okay to be nervous. " He says as he catches up to me.

"I know that. But I'm not nervous." I say with a smile.

"Naomi, don't try to be all cool and shit now." He says as he walks in front of me and starts walking backwards so he's staring directly at me.

I turn my head to the side and start looking around.

"Okay fine! I'm fucking nervous okay? But I don't want to be because I know I don't work well when nerves are involved, so if I pretend I'm not nervous... At some point, I won't be and I'll be at the top of my game." I say.

"Ah, see? Doesn't that just feel better?" He says looking into the sky with a smile.

I chuckle and shake my head.

"I guess."

We both then get into the car and put on our seatbelts.

"Oh, here are your sunglasses." I say as I pull out his and my sunglasses.

"Thanks." He says as he takes my heart shaped sunglasses instead of his own. He then slides them on and smiles.

"What are you doing?" I laugh out.

"Sun swap." He smirks.

"Alright." I say with a grin as I put on his black sunglasses.

"We look wonderful, don't we?" He says after he looks at himself in the rearview mirror.

"Gorgeous." I say looking into the rearview as well.

"Okay, here you are." He says while giving me his phone filled with music.

"What are you feeling?" I say wanting a song suggestion.

"I dunno, something flowy." He says while pulling out of the parking space.

"You got it." I say agreeing with his want.

I scroll and scroll until a certain song catches my eye.

I'm Like a Bird by Nelly Furtado.

I click play and and tilt my head to the blue sky.

"Amazing taste as always." I hear Harry say from beside me.

"Thank you." I say smiling at the sun.

"So, if you don't mind me asking... What kind of stuff do you write? I mean if you don't want to answer-"

"It changes. I've never really had a specific style. Or at least I don't think I do." I say answer.

"So you're eclectic. I like that." He says encouragingly.

"I mean hope so." I say.

"What do you mean?"

"Well... I've never shown my work to anyone or done my work with anyone else. So I don't actually know if I'm any good at all." I let out with a small sigh that I didn't mean to let escape.

"See, you just have to let go of all of that self doubt. Trust me, I had to do it as well. And it took time of course, but one day you'll wake up and just not care and your gonna do what you wanna do and be who you wanna be. I'm still not totally there, but I know I will be... I like to let go of different things at a time... And today, today could be you letting go of that fear of you doing what you love most in front of people." He says calmly as the wind glides through his freshly cut hair and with the sun giving him a soft glow.

"I know you're right, that's why I'm doing this. I like pushing myself,but it just gives me a shit ton of anxiety if im being honest with myself."

"Take three deep breathes."


"Just do it."

I take three long and deep breathes just like he instructed then I turned my head to look at him.

"Now look around you and just observe everything. Like how the air smells or how blue the sky is. Things like that." He says while making a right.

We were now on this road that was surrounded with nature. There were so many palm trees and flowers. There aren't any cars or people around. It's peaceful.

"The air smells fresh. I like fresh spring air. Top 5 favorite smells of all time in my book. I hear birds chirping a bit far off in the distance. I see yellow sunflowers and green green palm trees. Emphasis on the green part. I also noticed that the sky is rather blue today. Oh and I see and smell those cherry trees.I didn't know there were cherry trees so close to where I live. Wow it is so fucking colorful. Where the hell are we? It's like we're in the middle of a rainbow. Okay I can be done." I say with a laugh at the end.

I turn over to look at Harry who had a boyish grin on his face. He looked quite amused.

"No no, keep going." He says through a chuckle.

"Fine, but I think I want a better look." I say with a smirk feeling a bit adventurous.

I take off my seatbelt and immediately I see Harry turn to look at me with his eyes wide.

"Uh uh no way Naomi."

"Yes way."

I stand up and immediately feel the fresh spring air that I love to much hit my face and cool me to an enjoyable temperature. I smile a big cheeky smile getting that rush and I put my arms out to my sides as if I'm flying. The wind was flowing through my hair and I felt like the wind was blowing all of my worries away.

"I'm like a bird, I only fly away! I don't know where my soul is. I don't know where my home is." I sing looking down at Harry who was in awe/shock.

"You are fucking crazy. I'm not gonna stop you because you're having fun. But I will if I think you might kill yourself."

"Join me! It's a straight rode. No turns." I say with a carefree laugh.

He looks back up at me for a second and smirks. Then looks back at the rode ahead of him.

He's contemplating it.

Then I see him take off his seatbelt with one hand and stand up with his one foot still on the gas.

"Your faith in me brings me to tears
Even after all these years end
And it pains me so much to tell that you don't know me that well
And though my love is rare
Though my love is true" He sings with the song.

"Great right?" I ask looking over at him.

He chuckles and grins while looking up into the air. He puts his arms out like me.

He let's out a big "Woohoo" into the air

He looks really cool right now.

He stands there with a foot on the gas, heartshaped sunglasses on, arms out like he's flying, while the wind perfectly blows his hair.

"Why are you laughing?" He chuckles out.

"Because this is not ever how I expected my life to go" I say coming off of the laughter.

"Is that a good or bad thing?"

"Not sure." I tease and he shakes his head.

The colorful nature setting is definitely adding to the whole thing. All of the color really made his green eyes pop. Were his lips always that pink?

Just so pretty.

As a friend of course.

I noticed that coming up ahead was a turn and he would need to sit back down and start to drive again, so I start to sit back down.

But he doesn't sit back down. He simply leans downward a bit a starts to steer while standing up.

"Impressive." I state in awe.

"I know." I says with a smirk.

"Although we probably should sit back down because the next street will be busier and I don't think either of us are in the mood to be arrested." He chuckles.

"Yeah, at least not today." I joke.

We both sit back down and put on our seatbelts.

Because of all the wind my lips feel a little dry so I decide to reach into my  bag and grab my strawberry lipstick. I bring down the mirror in front of me and put some on.

I noticed that Harry was looking over at me.

"What? Did I make a weird face or something?" I say knowing that when people put on makeup we tend to make awkward faces.

"Nope." He says as he looks back to the road.

"Then what is it?"


Oh god. We're here. We are parking in front of the studio and all of those nerves that I let go of are back.

But maybe it's good nerves?

"How are you feeling?" Harry asks me as he undoes his seatbelt.

"Nervous, but good nerves hopefully." I say grabbing my tote bag from the floor.

"That's the spirit" He says as he gets out of the car with a cheeky smile as I undo my seatbelt.

I go to grab the handle to open up my door but Harry's already on it.

"Thanks" I say as I step out and I lightly laugh when I see the giddy look on his face.

"What can I say, I'm excited." He says with the same boyish grin.

Ahhh dimples.

We then both walk up to the doors which I open first before he even had a chance.

I thought it was only fair.

"I don't think you understand how chivalry works Naomi." Harry says while walking through the door.

We continue to walk in and we both put our sunglasses on our heads. Then we see an opened door to a room where we see Mitch.

"Hey man." Harry says walking up to him and hugging him.

"Hey. Dude you must have lost like ten pounds without all the hair." Mitch says returning the hug and giving a chuckle.

Harry just laughs and shakes his head.

"Naomi!" Mitch says breaking the hug and walking over to me.

"Hey Mitch!" Say has he gives me a one arm hug.

"So, what's first?" Mitch says breaking the hug now standing in front of Harry and I.

"Uh, I dunno. Should we just start by playing a song all together? No writing at first?" Harry asks directing the question at me.

"That's probably the best way to go about it, yeah." I say taking a deep breathe and put a kind smile on my face.

"Okay!" Mitch says sounding excited.
"What song are we thinking?"

"I say we do a duet." Harry says with a smile.

"Sure. What song are you thinking?" I ask.

"Umm... How about Endless Love with Diana Ross and Lionel Richie?" He says playing if off cooly. But you can tell he's been waiting for his chance for this to happen.

He must really like the song.

"Great choice Styles." I say with a chuckle.

Ew. Why do I say the things I say?

They both chuckle and grab guitars. So I walk over to the piano. It was a beautiful upright and it looked so new. It had a microphone for me to sing into ready to go...

I start playing it.

I really want to get over the whole fear of playing infront of people thing and putting it off only makes it worse so I decided to just go for it.

After the piano intro I hear Harry from behind me start playing an acoustic guitar and start to sing so I turn my head around to see him.

My mom loves this song so I know it very well. She made me learn how to play it years ago.

As I look and see him I notice two things.

First his beaming smile.

Second the guitar that he bought when we were at Canyon Moon.

He actually uses it.

"My love, there's only you in my life
The only thing that's bright." He sings out softly.

Oh god I think I'm blushing.

Well it's hard not to! I mean I obviously know his singing isn't directed towards me, but he was smiling and looking at me while he sang. Again, I know he wasn't actually singing to me, but I just... Ugh. Nevermind.

I hear Mitch now join in on his guitar his playing is a bit more intricate than Harry's and had more individual note picking. Harry was mostly doing chords.

I turn around to look back at the piano because I had to sing next.

Just don't think about it.

I close my eyes and just shut off.

"My first love
You're every breath that I take
You're every step I make." I sing out smoothly.

"And I..." Harry sings in a low raspy voice

"I..." I start to sing with him.

"I want to share..." He keeps that same low voice.

"All my love with you." We sing out together in a perfect harmony.

"No one else will do." He sings softly.

"And your eyes..." I sing with a smile looking down at the piano.

"Your eyes, your eyes..." He sings from a few feet behind me.

I feel like I can feel him watching me but I'm not sure.

"They tell me how much you care
Ooh, yes
You will always be
My endless love" We sing out softly yet with force at the same time together.

We sounded pretty fucking great.

I hear Mitch chuckle a little but I'm not sure why, so I turn my head  around while still playing the piano again.

Mitch and Harry were silently fighting and Harry was telling him to stop doing something but I'm not sure what. Mitch seemed to be having fun though. Harry looked irritated until he saw that I was turned around then he just looked down at his guitar then went a little red in his cheeks.

It probably was nothing so I just turned back around.

After a few more seconds of just the music we start singing again.

"Two hearts
Two hearts that beat as one
Our lives have just begun." We sing out in a soft soothing way.

"Forever..." I sing.

"Ohhh..." Harry joins in.

"I'll hold you close in my arms
I can't resist your charms." We sing together again.

"And love..." I sing again alone.

"Oh my love my love..." He sings but this time he added a bit of a funny rasp.

Skip ahead 35 seconds ;)

I laughed a bit but continued on.

"I'll be a fool, for you I'm sure..." We sing together again.

"You know I don't mind." I sing a bit more intensely now.

"Oh you know I don't mind!" Harry sings out more intensely than I am.

He's getting into it.

"Cause you
You mean the would to me oh!" We sing out in unison.

"I know..." I sing.

"I know..." Harry sings.

"I found..." I sing.

"I found..." Harry sings.

"In you my endless love." We both sing together.

Mitch starts a small guitar solo and Harry and I sing the little boom parts while chuckling a bit. Then the song finishes.

That was so much fucking fun.

As I come back to reality I realize I'm a bit light headed, but that's all. No sweaty palms, or stomach pains. I think that that is a good sign.

"Naomi, you're fucking fantastic dude." We're the first words I heard as I turned around.

"Oh um, thank you very much Mitch." I say feeling really relieved and appreciated.

Compliments are very nice to hear I gotta say.

"Yeah, Naomi that was insane." Harry says with a big smile.

He almost looked proud in a way.

"Thanks." I say smiling back at him.

"I mean I knew you could sing and I was expecting you to be pretty good at the piano but... Wow." He says looking frazzled.

"You guys were both amazing too." I say looking at both of them and giving them both a kind smile.

"Thank you." They say in unison and it looks like they scared themselves.

I laugh at the interaction and they distance themselves slightly.

"Anyway... Are you ready to write Naomi?" Mitch smiles.


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