Black bird

By XsleeplesswritingX

44.4K 867 135

"I'm sorry Gemini." The blonde said to me looking like he was about to cry. "Why? Why would you do this?" I s... More



762 15 3
By XsleeplesswritingX

"Happy birthday!" The twins said jumping onto my bed.

I groaned and pulled the blanket over my eyes to get rid of the light that is now in my room.

"Wakey wakey birthday girl!" George said as he took the blanket off of my eyes.

"No." I groaned as I grabbed a pillow to put over my face. "Too early."

I heard both of them laugh towards me. "Gem it's 11:30am" Fred said as he snatched the pillow.

"Exactly. Too early." I groaned.

They ignored my sad groans and kept talking not caring that I just want to sleep all day.

"We got you a birthday outfit! It's super pretty!" Fred said as he grabbed a shopping bag from next to my bed.

"It better not be pink." I said as I moved to lay my head on George's lap.

The twins sarcastically scoffed at me like they were offended with what I said. "We would never get you pink stuff we know you very well Gem. That just hurts." Fred said as he shook his head in sadness.

"Let me see." I mumbled towards Fred as George started to play with my hair. The twins love my hair more than I do.

Fred stood up from the bed as he pulled out the clothes.

"I got this shirt." He said as he pulled out a beautiful jeweled corset that was silver and white. "And these jeans." He then pulled out a cute pair of high waisted skinny jeans. "And then I got you this white cardigan." He pulled out the cardigan that was big and flowy. "And these two necklaces!" He pulled out a cute necklace with a cool chain and a white pearl on it and a sliver chain necklace with a gold pendant on it that had a rose embedded.

(Her outfit)

"I love it Freddie!" I said as I moved off of George's lap and off the bed to examine the clothes better. "Thank you."

"Well! Go put it on!" George said excitedly and impatiently.

I smiled brightly and grabbed all the clothes and headed to my bathroom to change into it. I slipped on all the clothes and looked at myself in the mirror.

I smiled at myself. I love confident clothing, it makes me feel confident.

I quickly brushed out my hair and added a few waves into it and some makeup and then left the bathroom to show the boys.

"Oh wow, you look beautiful Gem." Fred said in awe.

"You really look like a Gem." George added on.

I smiled brightly and went to give them a hug.

"I may hate my birthday but you guys always make it better." I said while my head laid flat on the bottom of their chests.

"Now shoes! We got you some of those too!" George said happily.

George pulled out a nice white box and handed it to me.

"Guys this box says Prada..where did you get that money?" I asked knowing how expensive that brand.

They both smiled at each other and then looked back at me.

"Besides saving for our joke shop we have been saving up for your birthday too." Fred explained.

They always make sure to make my birthday special even if it means working for it and for that I'm thankful.

I pulled out the shoes and although they were just plain white I was in love with them.

(Her shoes)

"Thank you guys. I love you." I said sweetly as I slipped the shoes on.

"Aww Georgie look she's being sweet for once." Fred said as he sarcastically cooed.

I slightly glared at him and flipped him off just to ruin the moment.

"Hey the devils wears prada right? I see why now because you pull it off very well." George joked.

I groaned completely forgetting sometimes that I'm basically half devil.

"Let's go to the great hall." Fred said changing the subject.

I nodded my head in agreement and we started heading towards the great hall.

"Do you think the devil will allow you to go a day without a painful vision?" Fred asked as we stopped out of the common room door into the corridors.

"Ha ya right, I don't think the devil takes special request like that." I said with a sarcastic scoff.

Fred shrugged his shoulders and we moved to a different topic and I explained everything that happened yesterday with Draco, Umbridge and my father.

"So you really think he's one?" George whispered as we finally sat down at the Gryffindor table.

I nodded my head as I grabbed a fruit kabob from the table. "That was the first time I talked to him in almost three weeks and that was our conversation. He didn't even mention my birthday either." I explained.

"Maybe he knows you don't like it now?" George said as Fred agreed.

I shook my head as I popped a strawberry from my kabob into my mouth. Once I swallowed it I spoke again. "He never ignores my birthday, he has always tried to make it special."

"Speaking of which, did you tell Draco?" Fred asked.

"Who do you think I am? No I did not tell him it was my birthday. I don't want the attention." I said to them shrugging my shoulders because it was no big deal to me.

I grabbed my pumpkin juice and brought it to my lips to take a sip.

"Well if you guys get married he will have to know when your birthday is." Fred said as he went to take a bite out of his biscuits and gravy.

My eyes went wide and I was struggling to keep my pumpkin juice in my mouth.

"M-marr-ied! Th-ats funn-y!" I said in between hysterical laughs.

"Well it could happen Gem." George said seriously.

"No s-eri-ously stop fu-cki-ng with me." I said barely being able to breath from laughing so hard.

"Stop laughing Gemini you truly never know." Fred said seriously.

I took a few seconds to compose myself before I spoke again.

"No guys that will never happen. Nice try though." I said as I caught up with my breathing.

"Happy birthday Gemini!" Hermione said as she sat down next to me.

I looked over at her and smiled. "Thank you 'mione!"

"Where are the other two?" I asked confused because she is never without one of them.

"Something for the order of Phoenix. Which speaking of Sirius would like to talk to you tomorrow." She explained with a slight smile.

I nodded my head indicating that I heard her and that I will be talking to Sirius tomorrow.

I am officially an active member of the Order of Phoenix, I know everything that is going on and it was very hard for Molly Weasley to accept a young girl being in the Order but she gave up on fighting it finally.

My father doesn't know I am completely official he still thinks that I just want to be apart of it. He will probably know once winter break starts but he can't say anything and he knows that.

"Happy birthday black bird." I heard Draco say behind me.

I turned my head to him. "How did you kn-" I quickly snapped my head to the twins. "You two told him. I am going to kill you." I seethed at them.

They both looked around acting like they haven't seen anything.

"They told me this morning while you were still asleep." Draco said with a smirk. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't like my birthday." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Mmhm I see. Well you look hot just thought I would tell you." He said as his eyes ran up and down my body.

"Thank you." I said smiling.

"Draco! Come on we're going to be late!" I heard Pansy yell at the Slytherin table.

He slightly groaned, seeming annoyed with her voice and presence. "I've gotta go. I'll see you later black bird. Happy birthday."

"We need to go as well Gem. Come on." Fred said from across the table.

I nodded my head and got up from the table. "Goodbye Draco." I said quietly.

Instantly my mood fell I'm not to sure if it was because Draco wasn't planning to hangout with me for my birthday which I usually wouldn't care for or if it was because of Pansy which I also don't care for.

"Earth to Gemini." I heard George say as he waved a hand closely to my face.

I slightly shook my head to get the thoughts out of my head and smiled. "Sorry I was zoned out."

"Well we're going to hogsmeade and you are not allowed to say no." Fred said waving his finger in a 'no' motion.

"Wasn't planning on arguing about it." I said as I looped my arms into theirs. "Let's go boys."

They both smiled brightly as we headed towards the train to get to hogsmeade.


"Fred don't you dare I will not hesitate to hit you." I said with gritted teeth.

When we got to hogsmeade we made our way to the three broomsticks and ordered some butterbeers. We were now sitting down and talking and Fred is planning on singing me happy birthday in front of everyone here and because it is a weekend the place was crowded.

"Come on Gem just this one time." He groaned.

"No." I say shaking my head in annoyance.

"Fred let her have this one thing. Don't do it." George said standing up for me.

Fred crossed his arms over his chest and sunk into the booth to pout.

George shook his head and looked back at me. "Anyways Gem while he sits here to pout let me go buy you some treats from honeydukes."

A smile grew on my face and I nodded excitedly. I started getting up from the booth as both the twins got up.

"Are you down pouting now?" I said laughing at Fred.

He rolled his eye dramatically and then a big smile appeared on his face.

"That's what I thought." I said as I nudged him with my shoulder.

We all started making our way to the door and right as Fred opened it up for us he screamed out.

"It's Gemini Myths birthday everyone say happy birthday!" He yelled and then he quickly rushed out of the building with me right on his heels.

"Fred Weasley! I told you not to say anything!" I said as I punched his arm over and over again.

"You still did it even when I told you not to! I am going to kill you! Ugh I hate you." I said to him.

I really wasn't that angry but I'm dramatic what can I say.

"Little one your punches feel like a little tiny fly landed on my jumper." He said as he ignored my punches.

I crossed my arms together and stomped off in front of him dramatically and made my way to honeydukes.

I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I accidentally bumped into a very tall man.

"Oh god I'm sorry I didn't mean to." I said worrisome that they might try to kill me.

I looked up to see who it was and realized it was Lucius Malfoy.

Why am I always bumping into blondes and Malfoys?

"Gemini, Gemini Myth. Correct?" He said as he eyed me.

"Yes you're correct." I said and at the same time the twins were walking up next to me.

"We catch up much quicker since you have short legs Gem." I heard Fred say. "It was kind of fu-" he stopped talking once he saw Lucius standing in front of me.

"Ah so my sons girlfriend is friends with Weasleys.." he said as he clicked his tongue. "..kind of expected you to be friends with wealthier people or ones that weren't blood traitors but I guess I can't expect much from someone who is a Gryffindor."

I am going to kill this man.

"What did you just say?" I said angrily as my fist clenched on my side.

His eyes loomed over the twins in disgust until they landed on me again. "I just thought my son would be smarter with the women he dates. Instead he chose a blood traitor and someone who isn't a pure blood, which I assume you're not since I've never heard your last name before. You are quite beautiful but not good enough for my son." He said threateningly.

Did I ever mention I hate stuck up people like the Malfoys? Well I do.

"Listen up. I am not going to sit here and let you dictate if I'm good enough. Specially when it comes to these two behind me. So I suggest that you go on and mess with someone yo-" I was cut off by my father.

"Is there a problem Lucius?" He said standing behind him and surprising Lucius.

"No Severus. No problems at all." Lucius said still staring at me.

My father nodded his head. "Good, because that is one of my best students and I would appreciate if you did not talk to her like that."

"My apologies Severus. Have a good day miss Myth." And with that Lucius was walking away.

"Gemini could we talk please." My father said now stepping in front of the three of us.

I scoffed loudly before trying to walk past him.

"Gem please?" I heard my father say.

"Gemini just talk to him." Fred said walking towards me.

I rolled my eyes dramatically. "Fine, grab me something from honeydukes and I'll meet you guys back at Hogwarts." I said with a pout.

They both gave me a kiss on the forehead before leaving me to be alone with my father.

"Let's get on the train Gem." My father said trying to not sound so cold.

I didn't respond, instead I just started walking quickly to the train. He didn't try to talk to me on the way to the train and he gave me my space to walk somewhat alone. Once we entered the train he found a completely empty hall of the train and entered a compartment and locked it.

"You're truly lucky to have those boys. Don't listen to Lucius. Never get rid of them Gem." My father said as he looked out of the window.

"Yes I know." I said coldly.

"I wanted to give you your present." My father said as he reached into his cloak and pulled out a tiny red box.

"Your mom when she was pregnant with you said she wanted you to have this for your sixteenth birthday. She wore it every single day so when she died I grabbed it and saved it for you." He said as he slowly slid the box over to me.

I grabbed the box and evaluated it before opening it. Once I opened it I couldn't help but stare at the beautiful ring that was sitting inside of it.

A beautifully constructed ring was sitting inside of it. It had a rose quartz in it with a gold band. There was tiny little roses holding up the quartz and it looked magical.

"I also put a piece of her wand in there the Phoenix feather, just like your wand too." He said quietly.

I looked up at him and smiled not sure what to say. I took the ring out of the box and started to slip it on.

"If it doesn't fit I can bring it to a jewelry maker and resize it just le-"

"It's perfect dad." I said cutting him off as it slipped onto my right ring finger perfectly. "Thank you. Seriously I love it so much."

I could almost feel a tear coming from the back of my eyes but I quickly blinked it away not letting it come out.

"It looks beautiful on you Gem." He said quietly.

"Thank you." I said almost so quietly I could barely hear myself.

(Her ring)

The train came to stop indicating that we made it back to Hogwarts. I slowly got up from my booth and headed for the door. My father was still sitting down just staring out of the window.

"Dad?" I said sweetly.

He snapped his eyes over to me and I could tell a tear fell from his eyes moments ago.

"I have to head back to hogsmeade." He said lowly.

I nodded my head in understanding.

"You're still my yellow dad. I'm going to love you either way." I said quietly hoping he would understand.

He looked into my eyes as if he was trying to study my true emotions.

"You're my yellow too Gem." He said as a tiny smile crept up on his lips.

I smiled slightly before waving goodbye and heading back to the castle.

I want to stay mad at him but I can't, I don't know how to stay mad at him. I can hold grudges like no one's business but it's hard with my father.

I made my way back to the castle in hopes that the twins would be back soon so I wouldn't be alone.

Once I made it to the stairs that lead to the common room I could here bumping music coming from there. I laughed slightly in hopes that whoever is doing that won't get in trouble with Umbridge.

"Caput Draconis." I whispered to the fat lady portrait.

"Happy birthday dear girl." The fat lady said as she opened up the portrait door.

I walked in and in the blink of an eye confetti was shooting out at me and all around people were saying happy birthday. Ginny Weasley walked over to me and placed a tiara on my head and whispered happy birthday as well.

"Gin? What is all this." I said laughing as I tried to get the confetti out of my hair.

"A surprise party silly!" She bursted out like she couldn't wait to tell me.

"A shot of Vodka for the birthday girl!" Dean Thomas said as he handing me a shot glass filled to the brim with vodka.

"Everyone raise their glass to the birthday girl!" Dean yelled and everyone took a shot with me.

The alcohol coursed through my body and the burning sensation of the vodka felt so nice in my chest. If I don't end up black out drunk by the end of tonight then I have failed.

"The twins Ginny, where are they?" I asked her. I know the twins will be very mad to miss out on a party, specially my birthday party.

"Who do you think planned it?" She said and then tilted her chin up to the stairs to indicate me to look over there.

I looked over at the stairs and the twins were standing right there with huge smirks on their faces as they were happy with the result. They walked over to me handing me another shot of vodka.

"The three of us must take one together." Fred said holding up his shot glass.

We clinked our glasses together and threw the alcohol down our throats.

It's going to be a wild night.

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