Plain and Simple (Harry Style...

By sammiephazes

301K 5.1K 513

Harry Styles, international pop star, self proclaimed hipster, and infamous ladies man has just found the nex... More

Plain and Simple
Cider and Black
Sing and Dance
Facts and Fiction
Paparazzi and Parties
Halyn and Bathrooms
Twitter and Photos
Tickets and Friendship
Time and Food
Dinner and Gifts
Friendships Changed and Lines Crossed
Windows and Endings
The Truth and The Drinking
Planes and Trains
Concert and Confession
Love and Ex's
Coffee and Deja Vu
Coming Back and Going Out
Dancing and Proposals
Choices and Decisions
Big Steps and Big Happenings
Late Chats and Made Plans
Happy and Interrupted
New Flat and Shopping Trip
Dresses and Lingerie
Dressing Rooms and Secret Purchases
Long Drives and Family Matters
Competition and Eavesdropping
Phone Calls and Cuddling
Bread and Sweets
Carly and Gossip
Fake and Real
Winning and Losing Control
Tattoos and Truths
Old Ways and Big Mistakes
Saying Goodbye and Spreading Love
Love Letter and Fixing
Living and Learning
Hello and Hello
The Happily Ever After?

Sitting and Waiting

4.9K 84 7
By sammiephazes

You guys did it once again! Mind blown! Thank you one and all! I wrote this chapters my brand new iPad and if their are errors please forgive me :) read review and vote!!


"Bye dad. Bye Laura," Harry waved as Dy finished throwing her bag into the boot of the car. After their conversation, the wall around her heart had begun to rebuild itself. She curled up as far away from him when they went to sleep and she became self conscious about every action around him.

They drove back to London in total silence. Not once did they look at each other and when he dropped her off at her flat she grabbed her bag without even waving good bye towards him. When he pulled up to his own flat there were a few photographers snapping photos but he quickly walked past them and made it into the flat relatively unharmed.

Louis was sitting on the couch watching the tele and it just happened to be a story about Harry and Dylan. When Louis saw Harry walking through the door Lou quickly shut the tv off. When Harry sat down next to Louis and all Harry could think was how badly he just wanted to flip the coffee table over and scream out in frustration. What was her problem? Why did she always have to hide behind her walls?

"Mate you look miserable. What the hell happened on that trip?" Louis tried to look Harry in the eye but Harry just couldn't seem to allow it.

" I honestly have no idea. We were doing great until the shit hit the fan and Carly posted that photo of Dy and I kissing."

"Really? That was where you think it got out of hand? I am pretty sure it was when you decided to get matching tattoos. That is a kiss of death for most relationships." Louis pointed to Harry's arm which was now decently healed.

"It was a friendship thing. It was something we both understood."


"Maybe not mate." As Louis stood to walk away Harry's phone buzzed. He grabbed it those a short text from Dylan.

Hey sorry I have been weird. Can we talk?

"Speak of the devil." Louis smirked. Harry just put his phone back in his pocket and looked up at Louis. "What are you doing? Didn't you want to talk to her?"

"Not right now." He grabbed the remote and began to flip through the channels.

The next couple of days were a mix of interviews, photo shoots, and small performances. He was so busy he almost forgot Dylan had texted him asking him to talk. But she apparently did not.

Harry and Louis were joking as they were walking down the hall to the flat when they saw someone sitting by the door. As they walked closer Harry realized who it was.

"Dylan?" He said with a massive sense of confusion. When she looked up he was mortified at how weak she looked. There were large bags under her eyes, she looked pale, and even though it had only been a few days she looked frail and thin.

She stood up and tried to say something but Louis cut her off with a large hug, "Dylan!!!" When he put her down he looked all about her, "You look tired. Have you slept?"

"Tried to." She tried to make a joke of it but Harry knew it was serious. Louis could tell he was caught in the middle of what was bound to be an extreme talk.

"Do you want to come in?" He asked.

She shook her head violently, "No, no. I just came to talk quickly. You never answered my text I assumed you were busy and I also assumed this was the only way to get you to talk to me. Just sitting and waiting."

"How long-"

She cut him off, "It doesn't matter how long. I just need to talk to you. When we had that talk at your fathers I realized something. Something I didn't want to admit." She paused and took a deep breath, "Harry I-"

"Harry!!" Harry and Dylan turned at the sound of another voice.

"Caroline?" He spoke with both shock and awe. Caroline Flack, his first overly publicized relationship was making her way towards them.

She spread her arms and wrapped them tightly around Harry, "It's been ages! How are you?"

He said nothing and looked over at Dylan who quickly hid her face.

"Ummm...Caroline I'm kinda in the middle of-"

"No you're not." Dylan spoke up. "We are done. See you another time Harry." Dylan waved as she sped down the hall to the lift.

"Dy!" He shouted but she ignored him and Caroline stepped into his view. "Caroline what exactly do you want?"

"I came to visit. I haven't seen you in ages!"

"That's because we broke up." He stated matter of factly.

She began to stroke his arm and it sent shivers up his spine. But not in an aroused way. She began to take steps closer to him. "We could pick up where we left off? You're a bit older so people will be less inclined to judge and that Dylan girl you have been seeing is just so not right for you."

The hand traced the inner crew of his elbow and he looked at his fully healed tattoo. He smiled at the memories and instantly slapped Caroline's hand away. "Dylan is a great woman. She is strong, smart, opinionated, caring, loving, and above all else the love of my life. No one can compare and no one ever will. You should probably leave now."

Her face described how he felt. Totally and utterly shocked. She said nothing and just walked away. The second she was out of sight he bolted into the flat. Louis was fixing himself a sandwich and Harry walked over and leaned on the counter.

"What did Dylan want?" Louis asked.

"No clue. Caroline showed up out of nowhere and Dylan didn't get to finish what she was saying."

"Flack?" Louis spit bits of the sandwich out. Harry nodded his head. "What was she doing here? And why after almost a year?"

"I think she was jealous of Dylan. At least that's what I got from the situation"

"Don't you think you should go and see what Dylan was going to say?"

"At this point, whatever it was, it's probably not important. She was probably just going to apologize for being weird and that she wants us to go back to being friends. No sex. Which at this point is all I am ever going to get from her."

"What has gotten in to you man? You used to be all about convincing her to be together and now you are non chalant about it. What changed?"

"Last weekend changed everything. I got to know her. More than I ever did before and we became true friends. I think the tattoos solidified that." Harry grabbed a drink from the fridge.

"You're saying you friend zoned yourself?"

Harry could not help but laugh but it was true. No matter how much he loved her and how much he tried to prove it they would always just be friends. And with a but of reluctance he nodded his head, "Yeah mate. I think I did."

"Well here is a surprise twist. You should let her know that. So she doesn't show up naked in your bed expecting you to sleep with her and you just want to talk."

"The probability of that happening is slim to none." Harry could not control his laughter as he nearly collapsed on the floor in fits of laughter.

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