Fake and Real

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If I could thank everyone personally for getting my story into the top 200 of Fan Fiction I would. But since I cant I decided to update instead! That will is my thank you to all beautiful people! Read, Review, Vote :)

He ripped open the car door and sat down and reached his hand over to her cheek and she just stared at him as he wiped the tears off her face. “What happened?” he asked.

She sniffled and rolled her eyes annoyed at the fact she was crying, “You really can’t trust anyone.”

“Carly is not worth your tears.”

“Not her.” She said grabbing one of his hands off of her face and placed her phone, again, into his hand. 

Who is the other half of Halyn?

And why has she become the apple of Harry Styles, One Direction member, eye? We at sugarscape wanted to know. So we began to dig. And what we found will be turn heads.


Dylan Diamond, 24, grew up in a small town in New Jersey USA. She had no plans in high school to do much after. She was deemed the fashion girl when she started entering sewing competitions and soon was heading to a small, well known fashion school.


“She was never focused on much. So hearing she even got accepted to college was a surprise,” Said one old high school classmate.


While studying in college she decided to study abroad. As fate would have it she studied in London a mere tube stop away from Harry when he was being kicked off as a solo act on X-factor. Ironically they never met and she went back to the US to finish her schooling.


That’s when she met Tyler. The supposed ‘love of her life’. He was willing to speak with us about how she left him to go and finish her PhD in London. Harsh much? Then he started to see photos of her hanging out with a certain someone. Who? Harry Styles of course!


“She broke my heart. I went into a depression and didn’t want to get out of my bed.” Poor guy. And then the infamous photos of Harry undressing Dylan in her flat were blasted all over the world. “At that point I knew we were done. I called and dumped her on the spot.”


Not only did we think she was hooking up with Harry and Louis but now we can conclude she was a home wrecker in the states as well.


Harry did not want to continue reading. He looked up at Dylan and her tears had subsided but she was watching him reading intently to see how he was reacting. He wanted to toss her phone out of the car and just drive them away to a place no one would find them so they could be alone. But he knew he had to finish reading. And so he continued:

But that did not stop Harry from his chase. When One Direction was on tour in the US he brought her up on stage and apparently paid for her to have front row seats. She milked all the attention. Girls who tried to take photos with her said she was, “vapid and rude to everyone around her.”

Plain and Simple (Harry Styles Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now