Living and Learning

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You guys are amazing!!! I seriously have no other words for you! I love you and because I do here is the second to last chapter. Breathe breathe breathe...

Also this chapter is super short. But it's only because it leads to the awesome conclusion....also there will be an epilogue so tech this is the third to LAST chapter.


Like clock work at the end of every week Harry would call Dylan and they would Tango all through the night. They had talked about her shop and also about his big news of moving out. He would talk to her as he packed and he had slowly found all her hidden clothing.

As when he finally moved into his large house he felt alone. He disliked it but he always tried to hide it when he spoke to her but she could tell he really did not like it. She begged him to go out and do things in the area to find people to hang out with.

That's when he met Belle. She was his neighbor that he had bumped into one afternoon as he was heading into town. She started coming over every night and they would hang out, cook, talk and he enjoyed not feeling alone. Then one night she kissed him.

Not that he did not enjoy it but he was not expecting it and it made him feel guilty. Dylan was not his girlfriend but he still felt like he was cheating in someway. But he masked the feeling and kissed Belle back.

From that day on the conversations with Dylan got shorter and less frequent. When Harry and Belle went public conversations ceased completely.

One night he had invited Louis and Eleanor over for a double date and El of course had to make things a bit awkward.

"Harry are you going to Dylies launch party in two weeks?"

Both him and Louis choked on their bites of food and looked at her. She shrugged as if what she asked was not out of line and looked at Harry waiting for an answer.

" I was not planning to attend." He looked over at Belle who was awkwardly staring at her plate. He had told her about Dylan when they had just been friends and Belle knew how much Dylan meant and still meant to him.

"Oh!" Eleanor said. "We'll then we will give her your regards?"

"Yes please. Belle and I are actually going to meet my parents that weekend." He grabbed Belles hand and squeezed. She gave him an uncomfortable smile.

"That's convenient" El took a tiny bite of her food.

"El!" Louis hissed at her.

"What?" She hissed back.

"Cut it out." He spoke through clenched teeth,

The rest of the dinner was eaten in silence. Louis quickly pushed El out the door so she could not stir up any more problems. Harry waved his goodbyes and walked to the kitchen where Belle was cleaning up the dishes. He snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and whispered up against her ear, "We can clean those tomorrow. How about we climb into bed."

She spun around fiercely throwing him a bit off balance. He looked at her face and could tell she had been crying. "Babe what's wrong?" He tried to wipe away the tears.

"Eleanor is right."


"It is convenient we are going to meet your parents when you should be going to see the love of your life."

"Belle you're-"

She put her hand to his lips, "No. No. Stop trying to convince yourself. I knew I would always be second. When you have your arm around me and I see your tattoo I am constantly reminded." Tears again began to well up in her eyes and fell down her chiseled cheeks. That's when he felt a tear slip down his cheek. "You need to go and see her. Tell her, show her, that she needs you as much as you need her."

He leaned his forehead against hers and he could feel her light sobs. He gently kissed her lips and then looked into her eyes, "Thank you." He had whispered it so gently he hoped she heard. She nodded, confirming she had and stepped away from him and towards the front door.

He grabbed his cellphone and called Louis. "That launch party? How long were you planning on staying?"

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