Plain and Simple

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She was running to get out of the rain and all he could do was watch her from the coffee shop across the street. There was no way she could have seen him but he watched her through the shop window scanning the clothing and other baubles.

He began to analyze her clothing and saw her red beanie, black skinny jeans, wellies with tartan print and a tan trench coat. Looked like Burberry. He would know. He was Harry Styles, trench coat aficionado as well as international pop superstar.

He took the last sip of his coffee, threw the cup out, put on his own trench, pulled up the collar and walked out and across the street.

When he opened the door, a bell on the top of the door jingled and he wanted to curse it but when he looked in and around he caught her look up at him. She gave him a polite smile and continued what she was doing. Her eyes were something else. They had a golden ring mixed with hazel that was not very common.

He began to look around and noticed that it was predominately women's clothing. He felt a presence near him and when he turned he saw what he assumed was an employee.

"Can I help you?" she smiled

He cleared his throat and looked around and replied, "I am looking for something for my mum and she had mentioned this shop. Loves the jewelry."

"Sure Mr. Styles I can help you with that!" Shit she knew. Mystery girl must know too.  He looked over and she was not even paying attention if she did. The employee walked him over to the same area as the beauty. She pulled off her beanie to fix her hair and he noticed that one side was completely shaved off and had a small lightening bolt design on the side. As he walked he tripped on a bit of the rug. He caught her laughing under her breath, covered her mouth, and walked away from the table. His eye followed her and did another, closer, once over and was pleased to see she had perfectly shapely curves and a firm bum. He had not even realized the employee was still talking to him as he watched the beauty grab a dress. It was very fitting for her current outfit. "Perfect" he said under his breath.

"You like it?" the girl asked surprised. He looked over at her. He saw the hideous necklace. A huge bejeweled bee surrounded by fake pink pearls and gems.

He had to play it off, "Yes this will do just fine" he grabbed the necklace and looked back around, "I am going to keep looking around. Maybe get something else for my mum." He winked at the employee who quickly went red with excitement.

"Sure take your time." She walked behind the cash register desk and started to thumb through a magazine.

Harry tried to play off meandering to the back of the store to see the girl again. He was trying to think of ways to start a conversation and as he fully saw her face in the mirror he stopped in his tracks. He could tell she was contemplating whether to get the dress or not. She scrunched her nose and crinkled her eyebrows together. Then she looked up in the mirror to see him staring.

"Whaddaya think?" she asked with a thick American accent. American. He then realized she was asking him a question.

He grabbed at his hair and pulled it to the side and replied, "I think it would be a great look for you."

"You think? I don't think I could pull it off."

"I know you could. Get a thin belt and nice pair of heels you would be set." He put his thumbs up like a total geek and then cringed not knowing where any of that had just come from. This was not the way he planned at approaching her but he would take it.

"Some fashion sense for a guy who plans on purchasing that for his mother." She pointed at the necklace.

He looked in his hand and smirked, "Well my mum is pretty eclectic in her taste"

Plain and Simple (Harry Styles Fan Fic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt