Tickets and Friendship

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The next morning Harry woke up to Louis screaming, “Up and at ‘em”

“Louis Shhh!!” he looked over to see Dylan had left.

“She left really early. In your t-shirt by the way. Way to go!”

“Nothing happened. She did make a move though and I turned it down. It was almost like a pity lay. I want her to want it.” He laughed at how lame he sounded.

“Harry Styles… I do believe your heart just became a little bigger. Monogamy Harry…Dylan sold separately.” Louis walked out the door and shouted back, “Get dressed! Rehearsals!”

Harry climbed out of bed and reached over for his phone. That’s when he saw Dylan’s jacket from the day before and smiled. Perfect excuse to text her.

A. Did you make it to your lecture? I don’t want to be blamed for you failing. B. You forgot your jacket here. And C. I hope my shirt suited your needs but I do require you give it back. Don’t want people to get the wrong idea.

He got dressed and headed down stairs to the van. All day he kept checking his phone. She had still not replied and even as they made their way back to the apartment she still had not responded. He did not know why it bothered him but it was.

As he made his way to the door of his apartment he heard girls giggling and when Louis opened the door he saw Dylan and El sitting on the couch.

“Oh Harry! Dylie came by to drop off your shirt and we just ended up having the most wonderful chat.” Eleanor stood up pecked him on the cheek then ran into Louis wrapping her legs around his waist and kissing him thoroughly.

Dylan stood up and walked over to Harry and awkwardly gave him a hug. He liked the fact that, even though it was awkward, she initiated the hug. 

“Dylie?” he laughed

She let go of him and laughed, “She preferred it last night and I guess it stuck.” She began to dig through her bag and once fully rifled through she handed him back his t-shirt. “Here is your shirt. Now you said you have my jacket? I would really enjoy getting that back. It is a bit cold without one.”

He smiled as he grabbed his shirt back from her and made his way to his bedroom to grab the jacket. “So did you make it to your lecture?”

“Yes. Thank you. Couldn’t miss International Marketing Communication. Social Media has been the life saver of a lot of businesses.” She smiled. He grabbed the jacket off of his chair and handed it to her. “Thank you. So you had rehearsals today?”

She casually threw her bag on his bed and then sat down at the corner.  She was being casual with him. Not that he minded he just found it a bit odd. “Great. We can run around on the stage and just be goofballs. And then obviously we have the boy-band poses.” He began to mock the poses they had practiced regularly.

She began to laugh hysterically. “So when do I get to see these fancy moves of yours?”

He stared at her in all seriousness, “What?”

“You had asked if you could perform near me at the Jersey shore. You didn’t talk to your manager about that?” She was being sarcastic.

He scoffed and went to grab a clean t-shirt from his dresser and flung his current one off, “If you want tickets all you have to do is ask.” He turned to look at her with a massively flirtatious smirk.

“My cousins daughter is apparently a huge fan and when she saw photos of us together she practically begged for me to get her one. I don’t want you to think I am using you-“

“Oh please use me…” he began to walk up to her, still shirtless, and sat down next to her. He could see here eyes doing exactly what his had done the night before. Up and down, up and down.

“Harry…please don’t…” she whispered. He was leaning in to kiss her but she kept leaning away. Before he knew it she was standing up and walking towards the door. Before she walked out she turned back to him and spoke, “Last night you were right. If I had gone through what I had been planning I would have woken up thinking what a massive mistake I had made. The world would have some how figured out what had happened and since I am already not a fan favorite. But at the same time I don’t even want to be considered in the running of becoming a fan favorite. You are a great guy, Harry, and you are a naïve boy who can and will most likely bed any girl he wants. But there is always an exception to the rule. I want to be your friend. I hope you understand that.”

He stood up and walked towards the door, “I understand but that does not mean I accept it.” He grabbed the door and opened it for her to walk out, “I am in desperate need of a shower so if we are done here…” his eyes went from her to outside the door.

Her face had changed from apologetic to pissed in a matter of seconds. It was a mix of anger and betrayal. He did not betray her in any way. In her request of being friends, friends don’t let friends see them hop into a shower.

She stormed out and slammed the front door behind her.

Don't hate Harry...well no one could actually do that! haha. Read, Review, Vote! Tell me what you guys think! And spread the word about the story!!! I want to thank @wannabealyssaxx for being awesome in general! She helped me keep this story going! I suggest you go and check out her stories as well!

Plain and Simple (Harry Styles Fan Fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang