The Happily Ever After?

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Alright guys so here is the end of the end! I hope you all enjoyed this story as much as I did writing it! It means so much that you stuck with me through this whole journey of my first typed up fan fiction! I thank you all so much!! So here we go....


The night of Dylan's launch party Harry could not be more excited and nervous at the same time. The paparazzi had found out he tagged along with Eleanor and Louis and soon they had begun to follow him everywhere.

Dylan's store had been bombarded with fans probing her with questions about him and their relationship that he hired her a bodyguard. She didn't mind the girls and she found the body guard to be too scary but she also didn't mind him being around when she was at the shop because he was almost a shop security guard as well. With so many girls in the shop he was on the look out for any shop lifters and things of that nature. The fan girls however loved the shop that they bought almost everything hoping to emulate Dylan's style.

Harry stood off on the corner of the shop watching Dylan as she mingled with the local surf and skate kids as well as her own invited guests. She was glowing and he watched the glow grow brighter and brighter as more and more people congratulated her. She looked over at him with a large smile and nudged her head for him to come forward.

He walked over and wrapped his arm around her waist. He pecked her on the cheek and looked towards the people she had been talking to.

" is Harry. Harry...these are my parents."

His eyes felt like the were bulging out of his head. He put out his hand to shake her fathers. "So you're the boy that violated my daughter?" He was giving Harry the once over.

"Dad! You said you would behave. Please." She rolled her eyes at her father and Harry awkwardly tried to smile it off. But he felt his palms getting sweaty and his heart racing.

He looked over at her mum and went to shake her hand but he was quickly wrapped in a lung crushing hug. "It really is great to finally meet you. Dylan always talks about you! I feel like I know you already!"

"Mom!" She hissed. He had to laugh. Now she knew how he felt when his mum talked about when he was a child and snapped photos of Dylan and him together.

He looked at Dylan sticking his tongue into his cheek and a wide dimpled grin, "Really? And what exactly does she say?"

"Don't answer that mom." Dylan pinched his side and he jumped and laughed.

As the laughter subsided Harry could feel Dylan's fathers stare on him and he tried to avoid his glare but it was unavoidable.

Their eyes met and her father spoke, "Harry. How about you and I have a little chat."

He walked to the empty side of Harry and placed his very strong arm around Harry's shoulders and pulled him away from Dylan and her mum.

He looked over at Dylan who smiled nervously and motioned for him to breathe. When they were far enough away her father stopped and moved to be in front of him. "Now Harry, my job is not to like you. But it is my job to make sure my daughter is happy. With you here she seems to be the happiest I have ever seen her. What are your intentions exactly? She is not one of your many conquests to say you have slept with every continent?"

Her father scanned his face to find the answer but Harry knew this was the perfect time to give his most honest answer. "Not at all sir. I love your daughter. And my intentions sir are to marry your amazingly smart, talented, gorgeous, funny, loving daughter. And with your permission and your blessing I would like to propose tonight to make this day even more special for both of us." He reached into his pocket and took out the small box to show her father the ring. "I know you and I have only known you for only about five minutes now but I have known your daughter for the past two years and she is beautiful, and loving, and always puts a smile on my face, she has become my everything sir, and I want to make her smile everyday the way she does for me."

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