Saying Goodbye and Spreading Love

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Heyo! Another chapter another 1000 reads! And sadly only 3 more chapters until the end...*deep breaths* read review vote :) I would also like to shamelessly promote my WP wife's story Love Is Payne. @Cravinglouis

If you have not had the chance to read you need to stop reading this and go check it out!, her story deserves 10000000 reads! :)


*3 months later...

Harry knew today was the day Dylan was leaving...for good. Louis told Harry that Eleanor was going to see Dylan off.

Harry had not spoken to Dylan since he severed all ties with her. He had so many draft text messages but was always to afraid to send them. Reporters tried to ask what had happened and he simply dodged the questions and changed the subject. And when they would not stop asking he had to give the rehearsed answer he had practiced over and over again in the mirror. We are still friends. Every so often he would catch himself searching her name and finding images of her going out with friends or running errands. She had become a mini celebrity. She seemed to grin and bare the photographers and then the amount of pictures slowly died down until they were no more.

Harry was snapped out of his trance by Louis sticking his head into Harry's bedroom. "Are you coming?"

"She wouldn't want me there. She didn't want me there last time. What is different this time?"

"This is the last time. This time she isn't coming back. You really want whatever you have to disappear?" Louis gave him the you-know-I'm-right look.

Harry didn't even think twice as he grabbed his leather bomber jacket and followed Louis out the door.

They hopped into Eleanor's car and she squealed, "Yay! You got him to come."

"Wasn't hard." Louis smirked and leaned in to lay a gentle kiss on El's lips.

As they drove to Heathrow Harry's mind was racing with what could happen. He had come up with hundreds of different scenarios. Most of which ended with him either getting slapped or being pulled away by security. Before he even realized it they were pulling into a parking structure and climbing out of the car.

Eleanor and Louis walked hand in hand in front of Harry and he watched as the strolled joyfully towards the terminal. He smiled at how genuinely happy they were and the next thing he saw was El let go of Louis' hand and took off running. Harry looked and saw her hugging Dylan tightly.

He felt his breath catch at how beautiful she looked. She was wearing her standard beanie with hair cascading out, a beige trench, black skinny jeans, and a pair of what looked like suede bucks. When he finally made it up to her he smile did not fade. It was a genuine smile. One he had not seen in ages.

"Harry." She said.

"Dylan." Was all he could reply. She put out her arms and before he had a chance to wrap his arms around her, Louis jumped into her arms.

"Oh Louis. I am going to miss your massive awkward hugs," she giggled as he released her. Harry had not heard that giggle in so long. She seemed genuinely happy. I guess leaving her was the best thing I could have done for her.

"Alright now Harry can hug you." Louis stepped away. Harry moved up and gave her a friendly hug. It felt so good. He had forgotten how well they had fit together.

"I can't believe you are leaving already." He spoke.

She did not let go of him. She simply pulled back so that they could face each other. She looked up at him, "It seems like just yesterday we got matching tattoos."

Plain and Simple (Harry Styles Fan Fic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن