Phone Calls and Cuddling

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I have no fancy little thing to say! Thank you! Read Review Vote!!

Previously: “Hey Jess.” That is not her parents.

He had remembered her mention several Jess’s and how she was the only non Jess of her friends. Why would she lie about calling one of her friends? He continued to listen. “I am on a weird mini vacation…It’s weird because I am visiting Harry’s hometown and meeting his parents. Their divorced so we are staying a few nights at his moms and then a few at his dads…So far so good. Although I have been forced to cook to prove I am a decent chef because Harry said he liked my cooking and apparently that is unheard of!... His mom? She is great. It was so sweet when she first saw him she didn’t even let him unbuckle his seat belt before she was giving him a massive hug.” He heard her giggle which he forced himself to take a deep breath and not jump down there to make out with her.

“What about him?” she asked to Jess. Now here comes the good stuff. “Jess this whole thing is so complicated. I cant just tell him. Things are weird right now.” Tell me what?!? “Jess…Jess…JESS! I am not going to tell him…not yet…Because…Jess if you tell anyone what I am about to tell you I swear our friendship is done… We kissed today…It was different because it’s not our normal thing. Usually we are trying to see who can get who naked first. This was just a kiss. It was sweet.” Bingo! “His mom caught us and took a photo…NO I will not send it to you. I don’t know what the kiss meant, if it meant anything at all, but it just made this whole thing a lot less ‘plain and simple’” he could tell she was smiling as she said those last few words. “Yeah…Yeah…Yeah…I do… alright well probably should go. I will talk to you once I get back to ye ol’ Londontown. Love you bestie.” He quickly shut the window and climbed onto his bed and began to play with his phone.

He heard her climbing up the steps and then she gently knocked on the door. “Come in” he said.

She opened the door and peeked her head in and then fully walked in, “Sorry, just wanted to make sure you were decent…and not asleep.”

“I cant fall asleep that fast. Unlike you.” He smiled at her.

She dipped her head in embarrassment, “Sorry about that. Didn’t get much sleep did I?” she mocked and made her way to her suitcase.

“That was a fun night none the less.” He laughed standing up and beginning to undress. He watched as she slowly, almost methodically undressed. He felt his mouth go dry as he saw her jeans caress her soft skin. She stepped out of them and then she pulled her shirt over her head and unhooked her bra. He watched her body writhe at the feeling of being all free. She threw an over-sized shirt on and then turned around to see him standing there fully naked. She covered her eyes and he realized he had a massive erection from just watching her undress. He smirked, “What? It’s nothing you haven’t seen before.” He walked back to his bed and climbed under the covers.

“Right…Shall we call it a night?” She looked over at him, trying to erase seeing him naked.

“No sex?” he joked.

She apparently did not get the joke, “Oh, umm…sure.” And she began to pull her shirt off.

“Whoa. I was only joking Dy. Usually you are pretty keen to it. What’s up?” He reached up to grab her hand and pull her to sit on the bed. “Is this because of our kiss…I can explain-“

“Did I tell you why me and my ex broke up…Again?” she had cut him off with a totally random question.

He looked at her questioningly and replied, “No. But I assume it was for the same reason as last time.”

“Yes and no.” now he was confused. What does this have to do with anything? She began to explain, “Yes, he was cheating. But there was more. We had a decent sex life-“

He cut her off, “I really don’t want to hear and I don’t know why you are telling me.”

“Let me finish and you will understand. During our final, ya know, I said something.” She began to twiddle her thumbs and looked around the room.

“Ok…” he was trying to get her to tell him, “What did you say?”

She stared at the ceiling and then looked at him, “Your name.”

His eyes went wide and he tried to hide how wide of a smile he had but it was impossible, “What?!”

“I didn’t even realize I had been picturing you until he threw me off of him and accused me of cheating. You know I wasn’t and I know I wasn’t but he of course didn’t believe me and said he was glad he had been sleeping with some other girl.” She scoffed and he saw a tear fall from her eye. He reached over to wipe it away.

“So you broke up with him?” he asked and she nodded.

She again scoffed, “God! I am so stupid! I deserved all of that. It was my dumb ass who decided to get back with him. As my favorite book says, we accept the love we think we deserve.

He pulled her chin with one of his fingers to face him, “You listen to me right now. You are an amazing girl with so much to offer you don’t even know what to do with it all. You are all I have ever thought about since I met you. I have not looked, touched, or spoke to another girl since I met you. Not realizing this in the beginning that it was because I had fallen for you. It took me one mistake to realize it and nothing has been the same since. You have turned my life upside down in the best way possible. So much so that upside down is starting to look right side up. I love you.” He had not said that to her since the concert but he felt he needed to reiterate that fact. He cupped her cheek and leaned in to kiss her but she turned away and stood up.

“Harry…” she looked so upset and confused that he decided to quickly change the subject.

“How about we not worry about any of this or how complicated our simple plan has become just enjoy a good nights rest? We have a big day tomorrow going to the bakery.” He smiled trying to pretend her turning away did not kill him inside. She smiled and went to lay on the futon. “What are you doing?” he asked.

“Sleeping?” she furrowed her brow.

He rolled his eyes and patted the empty space on the bed, “There is enough room for both of us on the bed. I like to cuddle.” She smiled awkwardly and climbed in next to him but quickly jumped out.

“Oh My…I forgot you were completely naked. Please put something on.” He rolled over and grabbed a pair of boxers. He threw them on under the sheet and patted the bed again. She climbed in and he wrapped an arm around her. She froze for a second but then melted into him. She was so warm and fit perfectly into him.

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