She wolf (James Potter)

By lugofyourself

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Eloise Lorelei Lupin was the twin sister of none other than Remus John Lupin; when they were both very young... More



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By lugofyourself

"And she embraced the chaos as if it painted her life with purpose"

An whole week had passed since Eloise Lorelei Lupin was back to Hogwarts and her Professors had already occupied her afternoon with loads of homework, which she would do in the library with her brother and Lily. Sometimes Brielle and Peter would join the three of them, though James not Sirius ever did. That was not surprising, however, not even close.
Eloise spent her nights thinking about what would somebody in her condition do for a living after graduating, it wasn't a simple life hers and her brother's had. She would've liked to become an Healer, though it would be ironic how she might be the actual cause of harm. She hadn't many talents, actually, therefore she didn't have anything she excelled at. Professor like Remus wanted? No, she had no patience.
Auror? Her mind thought to herself one night and, to be completely honest, that idea seemed very interesting.

It was a Saturday morning when Eloise awoke before anyone else, she jogged towards the bathroom of her dorm and quickly had a shower. She wrapped a towel around her body and one around her blond hair, before silently rushing back to her bed and choosing something to wear to breakfast. She picked a pair of black jeans and a light blue top.
She went back inside the restroom and wore her outfit, then she brushed through her hair and blow-dried it.
Her hair was naturally wavy and she decided to tie it in two high-braids, since her locks didn't come out as good as she hoped.
Eloise eventually put on a sweater and descended the stairs leading to the common room, which was deserted expect for an armchair.
"Seems like I wasn't the only early-bird this morning," a voice spoke, causing Lunar to snap her head towards them.
Elian wasn't looking at her, his eyes were still fixed on the book he was reading, making her arch an eyebrow.
"Seems that way," she shrugged her shoulders and made her way towards the portrait hole.
Elian followed her, to her dismay.
"I don't think we've officially met," he charmingly smiled down at her, being a lot taller than her. "I'm Elian, what's your name?"
Eloise groaned silently, she didn't like meeting new people.
"Right, you're the Bulgarian bloke," she told herself and then locked eyes with him. "Eloise Lorelei Lupin."
He smirked, "And what shall I call you of those names?"
Eloise sped her pace and kept her front fixed on him.
"Feel free to not call me at all," she winked and trotted to the Great Hall by herself.
She didn't want anybody new entering her life, it might mean another person she could've harmed or she could've lost eventually.

Eloise sat by herself at the middle of the Gryffindor table, hoping one of her friends would join her before Elian reckoned to do it himself. Thankfully, Brielle appeared beside her just before the Bulgarian could've neared her.
"Thank Merlin you're here!" Exclaimed Lunar and pulled her friend into a bone-crashing hug.
"Ehm, thanks..?" Confused Bri, patting her friend's back awkwardly. "What's going on, you're never happy to see anyone."
Eloise chuckled slightly and she downed her pumpkin juice.
"Andreikov approached me on our way here."
Brielle laughed a little bit and ignored the look the other sent her way.
"Presume you treated him like rubbish?" She joked and El rolled her eyes.
"I don't treat people like rubbish, alright?"
"I would very much like to disagree to that," another voice cut her short.
The two girls glanced up and met Padfoot's playful and charming eyes.
"You shut up, you weren't even listening to our full conversation!" Angrily exclaimed Eloise just as the other three marauders sat with them.
Remus sat next to his sister, while Peter and James were on Sirius's sides.
"Why are you lot already awake?" Giggled Brielle, smiling then at her boyfriend, who blushed slightly.
Moony eyed Prongs mischievously, "Because somebody feared some Bulgarian prick had stolen his girl!" He exhaustingly explained and James glared at him.
Lunar shrugged her shoulders, "Don't worry, Jamie, Lily's still asleep."
Everyone looked at her as if she was dumb and it made her quite uncomfortable, though she tried to hide it behind another sip of her juice. James rubbed the back of his head awkwardly and cleared his throat.
They then all ate their breakfast in silence or randomly talked about superficial stuff, until Lily entered the hall and, strangely enough, took a seat beside Brielle. They all stared at her in shock, since the redhead was known to not tolerate the marauders' bully-behavior.
Eloise tried her best to not look at James's happy and cheeky face as he gazed Evans. El's breathe stuck in her throat for a split second, before excusing herself and rushing to the courtyard, where she knew she would've had some privacy...or so she thought.
"Oi, ELL!" Shouted Elian'a voice from behind her.
She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "Thought I told you to not-"
"I called you all three names! E stands for Eloise, L for Lorelei and the second L for Lupin!" Elian cut her off with a wide smile. "Isn't it smart?!"
Eloise couldn't help but chuckle at his childish behavior and excitement.
"Brilliant, Andreikov, really." She shook her head playfully and began walking towards a tree near the Dark Lake, he did the same after her.
"So," he began with a sheepish grin. "How long have you liked Potter?"
Eloise widened her eyes as those words sank in her brain, what?!
How dare this boy, who she had never talked to, assume things about others without knowing the full story? Of course she didn't like James! I mean, she did but not in a romantic way. And there was this bloke, who thought he knew everything about everyone.
She evilly chuckled, "You really do believe to be always correct, do you? Well, I apologize to break it to you, darling, but you're not correct this time-"
"-So you didn't storm out of the Great Hall because Potter was staring hearty-eyed at Evans?" Smirked Elian and Eloise chewed her intern cheek.
"Well, that's..." She pushed him back slightly and pointed her index finger at him sternly. "That's none of your business, Andreikov."
After that, Lunar jogged away from the boy and from everyone else, for that matter. She didn't want to see anyone, too scared somebody else might see something in her eyes she didn't want to admit to herself just yet. She had never let herself even think about her best of friends as more than that...though, ever since that dream about James, something changed and she had noticed it for a while. She would blush or feel her heartbeat racing and skipping beats, she would hide it from everyone's eyes, though.
Eloise dropped on the ground in the middle of the Forbidden Forest by herself, resting her back on one of the numerous trees. A sigh escaped her lips as she recalled all the times she would feel flattered because of something James had done.
She shook her head firmly, no. She barked to herself, feeling she was about to let her guard down. It's just loads of rubbish, El, don't think it too much. She kept telling herself.
Though, the more she did...the less she believed it. She groaned, understanding that being alone would only make her thoughts louder and it wouldn't help her situation currently.
Therefore she stood up and walked back to the castle, hoping to not bump into either James or Elian, she couldn't bear to see them.
"There you are!" Exclaimed happily Brielle when she saw her friend walking in the courtyard.
They were all there of course, expect for Elian.
Sirius was talking with Remus, while Peter and Bri were sitting together, snogging from time to time. James was civilly talking with Lily and she was laughing at whatever was it he had said. Eloise felt her heart sinking in her chest as her stomach twisted in knots. Though, she faked a grin and sat beside her brother.
"Where have you been?" He asked, worryingly.
"I was the forest." She shrugged her shoulders.
"What, are you mental? It's dangerous to go there by yourself-"
"-I wasn't by myself," she lied, cutting Sirius off, who raised an eyebrow.
"Who were you with?" Chimed in James, suddenly.
Eloise decided to lie a little more, even though it wasn't completely untrue...
"I-I was with Elian," she told them and the two other girls smirked.
James clenched in jaw and fists, "Elian?"
"Yeah, the Bulgarian guy? You know him," she grinned.
Prongs growled under his breathe and tried his best to hide his urge to punch that guy in the face.

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