Step Into the Light

By PrettyPleasing89

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Shine, step into the light. So bright sometimes, but he won't let her go back. *the beginning is a bit rough... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 13

346 4 5
By PrettyPleasing89

"Hair toss, check my nails"


"So, whatcha think?" Harry said to me as he held his hands up in front of me while wiggling his fingers.

"I love them, they look great. From what I can tell, very you." I say answering his question honestly.

"Why thank you." He says putting his hands behind his back and nodding towards me.

"So... Stick em up." Harry says looking towards my hands. So put them out. And he takes them to examine.

It was kind of a breathe of fresh air to meet someone like him. He knows how to be a sweet and kind man without making one feel like he's trying to hit on you. He was able to walk a very fine line that I've never known anyone else to walk. But he did it flawlessly.

"Yours are perfectly you as well. From what I can tell." He says adding that last part to quote me.

"Why thank you. So, hair next?" I say staring at his curls.


"Are you nervous?" I ask looking at his facial expression which I couldn't read.

"Not really,no." He said nonchalantly.

"Really? I mean, like, do you want a picture before you do it or anything?"

"I mean if I ever want to look back on it all I have to do is google myself. I don't suggest that by the way, but if I need a quick glance that will do." He says with a chuckle.

"I didn't think about that." I chuckle back.

The woman who showed us to the nail salon showed up again to lead us to the hair area. We followed her into the room, and she sat him down at one of the chairs. She let me sit in the salon chair next to his because for some reason this room was completely empty. She then left and we waited for the hair dresser.

"What's your favorite place?" Harry says to me as leans into his chair and I was reaching into my bag to pull out my phone. I put my phone back and just smile.

I don't really know if this makes sense, but I love random questions like that.

"Umm I don't really know. I don't think I've been there yet to be quite honest." I say in full truth.

I really think that I have so much life left to live and am in need of more experiences to be able to honestly answer the question.

" I like that answer." He says with a smirk.


"Because it means that you're never gonna settle for less than what you want. And that's cool."

"Thank you." I give a suprised smile at the sincere compliment.

"So what's your favorite place?" I ask looking at him through the mirror in front of us.

" I don't really know. I've been to a lot of places. I'll have to think about it." He says with his head propt up by his hand in thought.

"That makes sense. But that's a boring answer." I joke, leaning into my chair more as well.

We wait in silence for a moment and I start thinking.

After his haircut, we're gonna go to the studio with Mitch.

I'm so nervous.

I know I shouldn't be though, Mitch and Harry are great but-

"Whatcha thinkin bout?" Harry says breaking my thoughts.

I look over and he has a cheeky grin on his face and his palms were cupping his cheeks. I had his full attention.

"Nothing." I say with a smile.

"Uh uh. That's not the truth. Try again." He says shaking his head at my answer.

" I swear it's nothing." I say.

I mean I'm nervous of course. And have slight anxiety because of the situation, but I know once I do it I should feel pretty proud of myself and feel accomplished. Or at least that's what I'm hoping for.

No matter what it will be fine.

"Okay..." He says while squinting at me.

I just chuckle and shake my head.

The hair stylist walked in went up to Harry's chair.

" Are you sure?" She said while messing with his hair.

"Why do people keep asking that as if I'm crazy?" Harry says with a cute chuckle.

"Cause you are." The stylist says with a smile.

I chuckle at the comment which makes her turn her head.

She was a middle aged woman with curly red hair and a nice smile. She had blue eyes and wore rectangular glasses. She seemed very put together if that makes sense.

"And who are you sweetie?" She says turning to me with a kind smile.

"Hi, I'm Naomi." I say reaching my hand out.

"It's lovely to meet you dear. I'm Shannon. Are you going to get something done as well?" She says to me while taking my hand and shaking it.

"No, I'm just here for moral support." I say with a chuckle.

"Oh okay, but if you want anything just let me know." She says giving me one last smile before turning back to Harry.

"Okay, so since you're donating it I'll need to put it into a ponytail before I cut it." She says as she starts looking through her droors.

"Okay, here we are."

She grabbed all of his hair and tied it into a neat ponytail on the back of his head.

There was nothing left to do but cut it now.

"No going back now Harry, final warning." Shannon said as she grabbed the scissors and held the ponytail.

"Just do it." Harry said while covering his eyes.

Then she just cut it.

He looked like he had a Karen haircut.

He took his hand off of his eyes and she handed him his own hair. He looked at it while messing with his new bob.

"What do you think?" He said looking over at me.

"I can't answer that until I see the final product." I say covering my mouth because I want to laugh.

"Fair enough. Shannon where should we go from here?" Harry says looking up at her from his chair.

"You don't have a cut picked out already?" Shannon asked looking surprised.

"Nope. I trust you though. Just go for it." Harry said with a grin.

He must have gotten his hair done by Shannon quite a few times. They seemed to have known each other for a while. Kinda like she was his cool aunt or something.

"Okay... You know the drill." She says backing up so he could stand.

Before I knew it he was standing in front of me taking off his shirt.

So many thoughts. So many emotions.

I used all of my energy on making sure my facial expression didn't change and to make sure I was looking at his face.

Seconds later he through his shirt at me and it covered my head.

I laughed now that the tension is gone. He obviously didn't feel the tension, but I did. And I appreciate him throwing the shirt more than he knows.

I took it off my head, and once I did I noticed that he was now sat back in the chair.

She got a spray bottle and sprayed his hair with water until it was soaked. Then she just started cutting.

"If I may ask, what are you going for Shannon?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Good question. What are you going for Shannon?" Harry agrees.

"I don't want to go too crazy, so I'm gonna go with something new that you've never done before but has hints of one of your old hair styles." She says as she concentrates on her work.

"Ah..." He says trying to sound like he understands what she's saying when it's obvious he doesn't have a clue.

After a few more moments of cutting she turns his chair so he's now facing me so she could get the sides of his hair. His hair was all pushed into his face. I quickly whipped out my phone from my tote and aimed to take a picture. He noticed and posed a cute expression.

"Good. Now you have a contact photo." I say with a chuckle as I put the new picture as his contact.

"Ugh. If I would have known it was for that than I would have flexed." He says that last part with a chuckle and a smirk.

"Oh fuck off."I roll my eyes.

"Now you need a contact picture." He says changing the subject.

"No I don't." I say now moving on and looking through Instagram.

"Yep, you do. But I'm gonna wait until your in a awkward spot like me too." He says with grin.

He'll probably forget.

So I'm off the hook.

I shake my head and stay on my phone.

"So, are you two kids like... dating?" Shannon asks Harry quietly probably hoping I won't hear.

"Shannon my god." Harry says with a chuckle.

"What? Is that a yes or no?" She says with her hands on her hips.

"Not every girl who is my friend has to be a girlfriend." Harry says looking a bit awkward for once.

I stay quiet and mind my business while on my phone, but I can see Harry looking over at me in the corner of my eye.

He's probably trying to see if I'm hearing any of this.

"Okay, whatever you say..." Shannon says going back to her work.

Then it fell silent besides the sound of the scissors cutting his hair, and I got to thinking. What if I died my hair? I mean it's just hair right?And I don't have to go crazy. I could just do like an ombre thing or something. Just something different. I'm changing. Maybe my hair can change with me. And I don't have to keep it up. It could be a one time thing...

No, I probably shouldn't. Josh said one time that he didn't like it when people died their hair. It's probably best I don't do it right now while we're trying to start something.

I went back to reality once I saw Shannon using a towel to get the hair off of Harry's shoulders. He then stood up and grabbed his shirt ,which I put on the counter, and put it back on. And sat back down.

"Why didn't you just use an apron?" I ask him.

"Cause they're too stuffy. If I just take off my shirt I can wipe it off and be done. Always done it that way."

Eh, makes sense kinda.

"So, what do you guys think?" Shannon says looking at Harry and I through the mirror.

"It's kinda hard to tell with it wet, but I think it looks great. What about you Naomi?" Harry says to me through the mirror.

"I agree that it's hard to tell when it's wet, but I have to say... I really like it from what I can tell." I say in honesty.

"All right, let me dry it so you can get the full affect." Shannon says pulling the dryer out of the cabinet by the mirror.

After a moment, I look over at the counter in front of me to see Harry's ponytail sitting there. I grab it and shove it in his view,so he knows to take it.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" He says to me over the noise from the hair dryer.

"Grab it then reach you arm out in front of that wall next to you." I instruct.

His chair was close to a white wall that was the perfect background for a picture. He had to reach a little so nothing was in the frame but that was all.

He does as I say then I get up and snap a picture of the ponytail in front of the wall.

"Perfect. Now you can post this on Instagram and people will know that you cut your hair, but they won't know what it looks like." I say to him while showing him the picture.

"You're a genius." He says giving me a proud smirk.

I give a small bow and chuckle then I sit back down.

"Send it to me then I'll give you my phone and you can post it. I have a feeling that you're better at social media than me." He says while putting the hair down.

"Will do. But I'm sure you're not that bad."

He just shakes his head.

I chuckle and find his contact which has a fresh new photo, then I send the picture to Harry. Harry then unlocked his phone and opened up Instagram then I made the post.

"What do you think they'll say?" Harry asks me. I thought he might be a little worried about what people would have to say, but he looked more curious.

I like that.

"I mean we just posted it, so it's gonna take a few minutes for people to actually see-" I was cut off by his phone ringing. "Here." I hand his phone to him.

"Who is it?" He asks before even considering to take it.

"I don't know I didn't look."

I wasn't going to get into his business so I quickly looked away once I noticed he was getting a call.

He seems really pleased with my answer.

He grabs the phone then answers.

"Hey mum" he says with a smile.


"Yeah, I did."


"Shannon is drying it so I haven't gotten a good look yet. So I don't know."

I could only hear his side of the conversation but I slowly started zoning out and just stared at his stature. He had slid more down the chair and looked extremely comfortable. It was another great picture moment. But he needed something.

I grab my tote and find his sunglasses and pass them to him.

I'm not sure what's with me and pictures today. I never do this.

He takes them and puts them on not even thinking about it this time and just trusts me.

I get out of my seat and take the picture.

I think he could really do anything and it would be picture worthy. He just had something about him.

After I take the picture he looked up at me, as I was standing and he was sitting, and gave me a thumbs up. He was trying to indicate if the picture was good or bad.

So I gave him a thumbs up and he handed the sunglasses back to me to put in my tote.

"I will."


"Love you too."


"Bye." Then Harry hung up.

"Did she see the picture?" I ask.

"Yep." He says with a chuckle.

"How did she see it so fast?" I say shocked.

"She's a mom." Shannon says while turning the hair dryer off and brushing through his hair.

"So now what do you think?" Shannon says with a proud smile do to her might I say amazing work.

"I have to say, I was skeptical at first. But I love it." I say looking at his hair in the mirror.

Okay, he is definitely blushing now.

"I love it too. Thank you so much Shannon." Harry says turning around to give her a hug. She looked so small next to him.

We gathered all of our things and he paid of course. I really tried but he can be surprisingly stubborn if he really wants something.

And now the next thing on the agenda is the studio.

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