𝙈𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 & 𝙈𝙚𝙘𝙝𝙨

By BraedimusSupreme

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A/N: the idea of this story originates from the anime 'Neon Genesis Evangelion', but I've opted to give this... More

Chapter One: Welcome to SHIELD
Chapter Two: Jaeger VS Demon
Chapter Three: Uncertainty & New Home
Chapter Four: School Transfer & Another Attack
Chapter Five: Medicals & May Watanabe
Chapter Six: Shawn Brixton
Chapter Seven: Asuka's Arrival
Chapter Eight: A Coordinated Attack
Chapter Nine: Japan's Jaegers
Chapter Ten: Deep-Sea Dive & City Fight
Chapter Eleven: Our History & Rouge Jeager?!
Chapter Twelve: Fights & Frustrations
Chapter Thirteen: The Rouge Attacks Again
Chapter Fourteen: Terrorists & Black Holes
Chapter Fifteen: Crimson Dynamo & Turmoil
Chapter Sixteen: The Breaking Point
Chapter Seventeen: I've Had Enough!
Chapter Eighteen: Troubleshooting & Problems
Chapter Nineteen: Secrets
Chapter Twenty: My Final Decision
Chapter Twenty-One: Mental Recovery
Chapter Twenty-Two: Blackout & Nitro Zeus
Chapter Twenty-Three: Death Wish
Chapter Twenty-Four: Nothing Can Stop Me Now
Chapter Twenty-Five: A Change in Management
Chapter Twenty-Six: A Triple Threat
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Ambush
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Future?
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Amy & Road Warriors
Chapter Thirty: James Admits
Chapter Thirty-One: All Hands On Deck!
Chapter Thirty-Two: Meeting The Queen
Chapter Thirty-Three: HYDRA Strikes!
Chapter Thirty-Four: A God Arrives
Chapter Thirty-Five: The Titan War Pt1
Chapter Thirty-Six: The Titan War Pt2
Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Titan War Pt3
Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Titan War Pt4
Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Titan War Pt5
Chapter Forty: The Titan War Pt6
Chapter Forty-One: The Titan War Pt7
Chapter Forty-Two: The Titan War Pt8
Chapter Forty-Three: The Titan War Pt9
Chapter Forty-Four: The Titan War Pt10
Chapter Forty-Six: Epilogue

Chapter Forty-Five: The Titan War Pt11

426 11 6
By BraedimusSupreme


The Titans snarl and roar out, now charging forward at the now approaching enemies, crushing them and tanking the hits from the incoming hits. Artio and Amaterasu charge in forward, slamming their forms and slashing their claws across the approaching tanks and Hummers, leaving the soldiers exposed to their attacks.

"Crimson Dynamo, we shall fight the ground forces." Thor called to Linx. "You take care of other incoming forces."

"Very well." Linx acknowledged. "Prime, it's now or never."

"Let's go." Matilda added in.

"The sooner we take out Hell's Gate, this war will be over." Hawk announced.

Jaeger Prime turned to the others and nodded to them. At once, they all leaped down into the flaming hole, now entering Hell's Gate itself. This is it.


Jaegers Prime, Giant, Eva, Striker, Gipsy Avenger, and Rodimus fell down the burning inferno of Hell's Gate. It was like being inside of a hurricane that's engulfed in flames, as well as spitting out lava and sparks every now and then, with wind pressures changing every now and then. It was going to be a rough ride for the pilots.

"Oh, man. I think I'm gonna hurl..." Matilda muttered.

"Try and hold it in." Hawk called to her.

Asuka grumbled to herself as she was being knocked about because of the wind pressures and turbulence. "Geez, what kind of crazy insanity is this?!" She yelled. "I can't tell what is up, down, or even left and right!"

"This crazy insanity is the one that'll end with us detonating the bomb and stopping the Demons!" Kieron replied back. "So just stop whining!"

"Once we reach the other side, be ready for when the Demons appear." Braedey advised to them. "When we do so, we locate where the energy source that created Hell's Gate, set up the bomb, then we get out of here."

"Acknowledged." Amy replied back.

"Let's do this!" Hawk declared.

"Get ready for a really rough landing!" Kieron addd in.

After free-falling for what could be thousands of feet, the flaming hurricane seemed to end, the Jaegers now falling 10,000ft towards the red Earth down below. Thinking fast, all the Jaegers orientate themselves to land on the ground, creating small quakes as they hit the ground. The dust cleared around them, the Jaegers now rising to their feet, and getting their first full look of the world beyond Hell's Gate.

"Holy..." Hawk muttered.

"Oh, no..." Amy whispered.

"This is beyond horrific..." Matilda added.

"What is this place?" Asuka added on.

"Oh, hell..." Kieron said.

"Kieron? Remember when you spoke about the theories regarding the Demons?" Braedey asked. "Well, I think we got an answer right before us."

All around the Jaegers was a world that looked to be their Earth, but it was not in many ways. The sky was as red as blood itself, the ground smouldering with black smoke while lava looks to be oozing from cracks in the ground. The skeletal remains of buildings could be seen in the distance and around them, the glass and interior gone and torn apart from who knows what. There seemed to be black smokey clouds in the sky above, with practically no sign of green or blue colour anywhere.

"Why do you ask, Braedey?" Kieron asked.

"Looks like some kind of supernatural cosmic force caused this Earth to become uninhabitable to human life and other creatures, with humanity being forced to transmogrify into the Demons themselves." Braedey muttered softly. "Those that weren't affected being food & slaughter to them, and it looks like this world was struck by multiple meteors, leaving behind this apocalyptic world that the Demons now live inside of."

"Jeez..." Hawk muttered.

"Oh, my..." Amy muttered as well.

"What a horrible world." Matilda added.

"We need to get the bomb ready and armed, and then get out of here before we're all overrun by Demons." Matilda said to the others.

"Matilda is right. Let's get this done." Braedey said to the others. "Let's move!" With that, Prime ran ahead with the Jaegers now alongside him, dust being kicked up from their feet as they step forward, entering the unknown world around them.

But, as they do so, they could hear a chorus of snarls and howling roars in the distance, all Jaegers now in defensive stances, weapons armed and ready. They all looked over towards on of the abandoned buildings, one that looked like a church amongst the lava and the flames, with multilayer human bodies on the ground in piles, and they could see hordes of Demons flying or swimming in the lava, letting out roars and howls.

"Oh, crap." Asuka muttered, her eyes wide in shock.

"Looks like they got the drop on us." Hawk said to the others.

"RUN!" Braedey yelled out.

"Don't have to tell me twice!" Matilda screamed.

The Jaegers began to run off across the ruined land, the Demons snarling and howling at the intruders in their homeland, and they began to charge at them. Thinking fast, Prime, Gipsy Avenger, Rodimus, and Giant began to fire back with their weapons, slicing down, striking back, and causing major damage to the Demons. But there seemed to be more than before. Thinking fast, Prime began to shoot at the ground, Rodimus and Gipsy also doing so, and at that second, a huge wall of lava erupted up from the ground, now forming a blockade.

"That wall of lava isn't gonna slow them down." Hawk said to the others, noticing the airborne Demons.

"I've got it!" Asuka ran up suddenly, now throwing the Progressive Knife at one advancing Demon, and it fell into a pool of lava. Asuka then deployed a second knife from one of the shoulder pylons, and threw it over at another Demon, making it crash into another, and they crashed onto a steel structure, the beams jutting out and impaling the Demons.

"Not bad." Kieron noted.

"Nice shot, red." Hawk commented, Asuka smirking.

"Let's keep moving." Braedey called, now firing at more advancing Demons, the others heading off further into the ruined world. "Does anyone have a fixed position to what's powering up the portal?" He asked to anyone.

"And does anyone have a 20 on these Demons?!" Matilda yelled out.

Amy began to look around the area as they go along, trying to find where the portal might be powered from. As she looked left and right, the radar HUD beeped as it picked up a high-energy signal coming from some kind of structure. "Energy source detected. 1,200m Northeast." She reported to them. "Coordinates: 35° 50' North. 139° 51' East."

With those coordinates in mind, all the Jaegers began to make their way forth to where the energy source was located. As they made their way along, they open fire on Demons around them, blasting them down and taking them out before they could try and take out the Jaegers, the mechs even crushing Demons under their feet.

"Let's keep moving." Asuka called out. "Let's show these Demons why we're here!"

"I'm ready to give them what for." Matilda smirked to herself.

Braedey took notice on his radar. "I've got something. A large active Demon signal, ahead of the assigned coordinates. Height of 596ft (181.66m), and weight of 6,750 tonnes." He informed to the others.

"Understood." Kieron acknowledged back. "When we arrive at the site, we unload the bomb and get it set up. Once done that, we take care of any Demons around us. After that, we arm the bomb and get out of here. Before we go through the portal, we pull the trigger, and set off the bomb." He told the others.

"You got it." Hawk replied, arming the saw blade on Rodimus' right arm. "Giant, Eva, let's give Striker, Gipsy, and Prime some cover."

"Right." Asuka spun around on her heel, Eva now in a fighting stance. Asuka then looked back to Prime. "Hey, Martin. Watch yourself." She said.

Braedey was surprised by those words from Asuka: they were actual caring words, not berating words. He showed a tiny smile, and he headed off with Gipsy and Rodimus.

"Thanks, Asuka." Braedey thanked quietly. "We are about 600m from the site."

Right before them looked to be some kind of towering and huge citadel, now surrounded by lava and flames that licked the skies and black clouds, the building looking like it had erupted from the depths of the Earth itself. Up on a precipice before the citadel, there looks to be a cross symbol but it was upside down. At the top of the building, there looks to be a beam of energy now shooting out to the red skies above, which is the one that is the source opening the portal of Hell's Gate.

"Talk about ominous." Braedey commented.

"Yeah. A definite twist to a church." Matilda added in.

"There we are." Kieron smirked to himself. "Let's get this done and be over with."

"Hold on, Gipsy." Braedey called back, Striker now stopping with Gipsy. "The unknown bogey is stopping. One o'clock."

"Guys, what are you doing?" Matilda asked. "We're almost at the citadel-"

"Hang on. Something is not right." Kieron spoke up. "This bogey is stopping and not following."

"We need to go now!" Matilda insisted.

"Target is moving!" Braedey called, the radar beeping rapidly. "Repeat: target is moving!"

Suddenly, a large form rose out from the lava lake nearby, towering above the Jaegers, and glaring down at them all. All of the pilots couldn't breathe a word, nor think of anything to say, as the huge Demon roared at them.

The Demon looked to be standing at 596ft (181.7m) tall, with an overall weight of 6,750 tonnes. It has thick, leathery skin and has a tail split into three that have a triple-crowned tip to them that look like they could do some damage. It also has a spike-like protrusion on its chest. The Demon's body looked to be glowing with red bioluminescence markings across its body, along with around its eyes. It's face is an asymmetrical facial structure similar to that of a hammerhead shark that contain two blue eyes on each side of the head, with the Demon's chin being slanted. Finally, it's large arms are fused, ending down in three-digit claws.

"Oh, hell." Kieron muttered out.

Almost immediately, Striker whipped out its pair of twin-retractable Assault Mount 3.25 "Sting-Blades", and held them up at the ready to fight. Gipsy armed its sword, Prime arming both blasters. The Demon snarled out, just as a few Demons began to converge closer.

One Demon charged towards Prime, ready to strike the Jaeger, only for the red/blue Titan to grab it by its arms, swung the Kaiju around, and threw it over to a rock wall. Another Demon flew in, at speed, heading at Gipsy, but had to make a quick 180˚ turn, dodging Gipsy's sword attack, and tried its attack strategy again. Gipsy rolled its shoulders, keeping the Demon in its sights, and waiting for the right time to strike.

The huge Titan Demon began to spin its tails around, aiming at Striker. "Brace for impact!" Matilda yelled out to Striker, just as the tails whipped out and struck the Jaeger in the chest, knocking it off its feet, damaging and disabling the WMB2x90 AKM Chest Launcher, and sending Striker into a rock structure a few hundred metres away.

At that second, the first Demon charged at Prime, only for Rodimus to suddenly appear, armed with a sword in hand, and sliced through one of the two legs, and it screeched in pain, only for Rodimus to suddenly tackle Scunner from the side, forcing it over to a volcano vent, and in a brutal fashion, burning part of its face off from the intense heat.

"Burn, you son of a Demon! Burn!" Hawk yelled out, almost laughing maniacally.

The Demon knocked the Jaeger backwards, knocking it into a rock wall. The pilot was shaken by the impact, then saw the Demon charging right at them. Before the beast could get Rodimus, however, a huge boulder was thrown over and struck the Demon at its right side, with something stabbing the left side of the Kaiju at the same time. It was Prime on the right, using a sharp rock, ripping through the body and causing the beast to be killed off.

"Rodimus, incoming at 12 o' clock! Full speed!" Braedey now called out on Comms. "Get out of the way!"

A huge Demon leaped forward right at Rodimus, an exposed head revealed and ready to strike. The Jaeger stayed still for a moment, then Hawk whipped out its saw blade, swung forward at the right second, and with Raiju's speed and inertia, the Demon was bisected from its head, down its full length, and its tail, leaving its entrails behind the Jaeger, and it faded away from sight.

"Nice one, Rodimus." Braedey commented. "Let's move."

Matilda shook her head, as she sat up. She then got the Jaeger up and back into position. "I'm good, guys. I'm still armed." Matilda then took note where there's a crack and there seems to be some red mist leaking in. "But the hull is compromised! Half my systems are offline."

"Striker, watch out!" Braedey called out.

Before Matilda could even react, the Demon charged forward straight at Striker! The Titan Demon tackled the Jaeger, using its environment to cause further damage to the Jaeger, forcing it into the ground, while tumbling around across the ground. Despite being one third the size of the Demon, Striker sliced at a part of its throat, and with a feat of strength against the humungous beast, nearly amputated both the Demon's front arms with its Sting Blades.

The beast groaned out in pain, feeling it's wounds burning up across the body. It wasn't like any type of pain it had felt for its short period of time being alive. It looked about for any assistance, then lets out a roar, sending soundwaves across the landscape, somewhat damaging it in the process, and the roar got a Demon's attention, abandoning its attack on the other Jaegers, and began the leap over to the Titan Demon.

"Both Demons converging on Striker fast!" Hawk reported.

"Come on, guys." Hawk called, just as Jaeger Giant and Eva sprinted into view, blasting through other advancing Demons and tearing them apart.

Braedey now began to sprint forward as fast as Jaeger Prime can go, the hydraulics and pneumatics going at full strength. He then tapped some keys, and an image appeared on the console.

"Core Purge." The A.I voice spoke out.

The chestplate compartments on Jaeger Prime now opened up, the mech now in a power-up stance. At once, a huge beam of blue white energy shot out of the core, almost like that of Godzilla's own thermonuclear fire breath, and it struck the Titan Demon and the other Demons nearby, sending them flying and crashing to the ground with a thud. The smaller Demons were all incinerated by the energy beam, with the Titan Demon being knocked down into a lava canyon.

"Whoa. Talk about firepower." Asuka commented.

Jaeger Prime's chestplate compartments closed up, the mech now down on one knee, almost like it was exhausted. Onboard, Braedey sighed to himself, and he slowly got the Jaeger back on its feet.

"Guys, let's move!" Braedey called out at once.

The Jaegers began to sprint forth to the citadel, now breaking through the building to get to where the core to the portal was. They made their way through, and they could see it's coming from some kind of magma core that was shooting up towards the sky.

Matilda got the thermonuclear bomb detached off the back of Striker, placing it down on the ground next to the core, with Gipsy, Giant, Eva, and Prime opening fire at any Demons. But as she did so, something was wrong.

"Guys, we've got a problem." Matilda called over to the others. "Looks like the remote detonator is busted."

"Broken?" Amy said in confusion.

"Busted? What do you mean 'busted'?" Asuka asked.

"The detonator is crippled and it can't be used. Even the wireless system is down." Matilda added in. "There's no way to set off the bomb remotely."

"Then that means..." Hawk now realised what the situation they were in right now was.

"One of us... has to stay behind and set off the bomb." Braedey finished Hawk's sentence, the others also going silent, only the sounds of the gunfire and the dying Demons being heard.

"Can't we just... jury-rig something up?" Asuka asked.

"No. There's no time." Braedey countered back. "The outside temperature is around 100° Celsius or so. Our Drivesuits and plugsuits can only last for about 4 minutes at such temperatures. And we don't have the tools on hand."

"Plus, we don't have a receiver strong enough to send the signal." Matilda added.


"I'll do it."

Everyone turned to Gipsy Avenger, the mech now walking over to Striker and kneeling to it.

"Kieron Okita, what are you doing?" Matilda asked to the pilot.

"You all go back to Hell's Gate and get forth home to Earth." Kieron said to them, now performing a wireless link between Gipsy and the thermonuclear bomb. "I'll stay behind to set off the bomb."

"No! You can't do that! There has to be another way!" Braedey called out, now tackling and throwing one Demon into another.

"Braedey's right. There has to be a Plan B." Matilda added, now going into the battle to assist the others.

"There's isn't one." Hawk said calmly. "This is Kieron's choice, as well as mine." That made everyone look on in shock, Amy's eye widening a little in response. "I will also set off the bomb."

"No! We can try something." Braedey offered. "We can try and rig up a satellite link-"

"There's no time." Kieron spoke up calmly, Rodimus and Gipsy now beginning to set up the explosive device. "Braedey. There is something I want you to do."

Braedey blinked away the tears in his eyes. "What do you want me to do?" He asked, now blasting away the Demon.

"When you get home, can you go over to Japan to meet our relatives, and our newborn kid." Hawk asked, Braedey rather surprised by this. "Yeah. We had a kid recently. She's only two years old, and she's with our parents. Can you tell her that Mommy and Daddy had to go somewhere to save Earth?"

"I... I don't know if..." Braedey muttered.

"Yes, you can. You can do anything." Kieron spoke back calmly to Braedey. "You chose to fight in Jaeger Prime. You chose to come back. You chose to fight with Godzilla against Ghidorah. And you announced to win." Kieron breathed a sigh. "You can do this. Believe in it."

"I'll..." Braedey breathed a sigh, but then looked serious as he then fired a blast at another Demon. "Alright. I can do it. I'll tell her you two will always be by her side. No matter where you go, whether a quarter-mile away, or even halfway around the world, you'll always be one of us." He added on.

Kieron nodded in response. Hawk then sets up the timer on the bomb. "Preparing to detonate the bomb. Countdown in T-minus 60 seconds." She called in, now activating the countdown.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Matilda called, Striker, Eva, and Giant now running off, Prime also following them out of the citadel and out into the apocalyptic world outside. As they run off, Gipsy and Rodimus stepped out of the citadel, looking to the other Jaegers as they ran off.

"Bomb detonation in T-minus 45 seconds." Amy reported in to the others as they were closing in on the portal.

"Take off, take off! Now!" Asuka announced, the rocket motors firing up and began to fly up towards the portal, dodging some Demons as it goes to the portal, Giant just behind the red Jaeger.

Braedey was about to go up, then turned back to look back at the citadel, looking over at Gipsy and Rodimus, the two Jaegers standing there. Braedey felt his voice hitched in his throat, but he knew this was their choice.

"Braedey, come on! Let's go!" Matilda's voice called, Striker now flying up towards the portal.

Braedey fired up Jaeger Prime's rocket motors, and began to fly up towards the portal. He looked down to Kieron and Hawk, the two humans now sitting up on the shoulder of Gipsy Avenger. "Your sacrifice will not be forgotten." He said to the two pilots, now entering the portal alongside the others.

Kieron and Hawk looked to the departing Jaegers, both of them holding hands as they look to see the Demons now approaching them. The two take off their helmets, both of them staring into one another's eyes, Hawk with tears in her eyes. They then shared a hug, holding one another close to each other.

"Till All Are One." Kieron spoke out, then he and Hawk look at one another, now giving each other a final kiss, as they closed their eyes.

5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

A cataclysmic explosion erupted from the citadel and rocked the entirety of the land, causing a humungous blue nuclear tidal wave, destroying everything and anything within its path, even destroying the portal in the process, the blast wave continuing on until its to encompass this whole hellish version of Earth.


In Boston, Ghidorah's heads shook off the shock and irritation of the frequencies produced by the now silenced ORCA, and glanced at each other as they sniffed at the air.

"...What in the hell?" Rick now asked softly as an unimaginable image now came up on the screens.

From behind Ghidorah, at the lip of the crater, a wall of steam was rising up through the rainy skies. Ghidorah sniffed the air again, and hissed loudly as the tip of Godzilla's head slowly appeared over the lip of the crater. Swaying slowly from left to right with every step, Godzilla, his body now alight with a fiery crimson glow, marched up and out of the crater with a powerful roar that split the skies with a shockwave.

Everything from his eyes, spines, the gaps between his scales were glowing with red light emanating from within his body. And the sheer heat radiating from him was melting down entire buildings as he just walked by them. He didn't even have to touch them.

Ghidorah roared back at Godzilla and flared his wings, but the display had no effect on Godzilla whose left foot reached the lip and pulled him up and out of the crater and onto level ground. Ghidorah got his first full look at Godzilla in this new state. He charged his attack and let fly into Godzilla's upper chest. But the blasts did absolutely nothing. Godzilla didn't so much as budge when he was struck, and he continued walking forward through the attack as Ghidorah continued pushing the attack. Godzilla drew closer and closer, and Ghidorah ceased his attack long enough to charge forward and attempt to bite and suck his energy. However, Godzilla's reactions caught Ghidorah completely off guard.

With speed Ghidorah didn't know he had, Godzilla grabbed the two outer heads, one in each hand. The heat from his body seared the flesh and scales clamped within their grasp, and he bit the central neck as it came to bite him. His teeth sunk into Ghidorah's flesh, causing a brown-red blood spurt which evaporated almost instantly as soon as it was free of his body. Holding Ghidorah still, Godzilla's body began pulsing with the same sound as his thermonuclear breath. Ghidorah struggled mightily to get free, but it was no use. Godzilla held firm and did not move until at last he released a mighty burst of super heated energy from his body almost like a solar flare from the sun. Within the burst could be seen the wings of Mothra, accompanied by her signature shriek.

And as it struck Ghidorah's body, Godzilla let go of him and he staggered back as the heat from the attack just melted down the flesh in his wings and knocked him onto his back.

Ghidorah rapidly struggled and kicked at the ground to back away from Godzilla as the heads launched another assault with their lightning blasts. Godzilla's body once again began pulsing, and another burst of power accompanied by the spirit of Mothra erupted to sear the flesh away from Ghidorah's body. The two outer heads took the full brunt of the attack while shielding the central head, and their flesh melted away down to the bone and then to nothing as the central head continued desperately trying to kick away at the ground to get distance from the now fiery king of the monsters. Godzilla would not allow an escape, however. He lifted one foot and stomped down onto Ghidorah's chest, and unleashed one final massive burst of power, which overtook the world in crimson light and blinded the world to what had just happened within. The burst was so powerful, it cleared the skies of all of Ghidorah's storm clouds for miles in every direction.

Onboard the Argo, despite being outside minimum safe distance, they still all had to shut off the cameras and shield their eyes to avoid being blinded by the light. And slowly, silence returned to the world as the light faded and the slowly fading sunlight on the horizon shone for the first time in what seemed like an eternity.

"What happened?" Rick asked.

"I don't know. But it looks like he finally exploded." Sam replied.

Serizawa tightened his lips, refusing to accept the idea that Godzilla had perished in that final assault.


Up above Hell's Gate, Crimson Dynamo, Champion Knight, and JetBlackStar now stood before the portal, the pilots down on the ground with guns and/or swords in hand, all of them now standing before Hell's Gate, the Titans with the Jaegers as they snarled and roared at the approaching Death Wish forces.

"That's enough! All of you, stand down!" Linx ordered, holding up a large shotgun in hand.

"You have lost. Silverback is dead." Shawn added, who lost his prosthetic arm in the process, but he had a dagger blade in hand. "Just give up."

"Never! The Demons shall rise from the depths of the Earth. They will bring us forth into a singular entity, one where we won't have to have to deal with struggles or even any emotion at all." One fanatic proclaimed. "We shall be united in peace and harmony-"

"Just shut up!" Shinobu threw a rock at the man, now knocking the man down. "You've lost! Just accept it!"

"We will never surrender." Another fanatic proclaimed.

Suddenly, the flames around Hell's Gate shot up with roars, everyone looking over towards the burning hole. Suddenly, Jaegers Giant and Eva launched out, landing next to Sekhmet and Mokele-Mbembe. Striker now launched out and stood before the three Jaegers, the 'Sting-Blades' still armed and ready. Finally, Jaeger Prime shot up and out of the portal, the flames now spluttering and being extinguished until there's nothing but embers and it was now a black hole in the ground.

"Yes! Hell's Gate finally collapsed!" Linx now announced in delight.

"Don't you see? Hell's Gate is gone." Shinobu called out. "It's all over."

"You lie! The Demons will come back!" Another fanatic proclaimed.

Jaeger Prime landed before all of Death Wish, the ground shaking from the impact. The mech now looked down at the opposing hostile forces, the slowly rising sun in the distance now making the Jaeger look rather menacing, especially with the blaster deployed.

"Stand down. Now." Braedey's voice bellowed out. "Kraken Silverback has fallen. Hell's Gate has been sealed. You have lost. Surrender and stand down."

At that moment, the Omega Helicarrier flew into view, along with other SHIELD vehicles, all now surrounding the Death Wish forces, now aiming their weapons at them. Without their leader, and now outmanned and outgunned, they had no choice but to surrender. They dropped their guns, and raised their hands.

"Well done, you lot." Shawn commented, waving to the other Jaegers. He then got his prosthetic arm back, and he locked it back into place. He flexed the arm a few times, and he smiled to himself.

Asuka looked over to Titanus Sekhmet, and she even manipulated Eva's arm to pet the feline Titan. "Looks like our job is done." She said.

"Not yet." Braedey declared, the others now looking to Prime, the blaster now retracting. "We need to get to Boston. NOW." He ordered. "The others might need our help."

"Commander Nash. We need a team to stand by here at where Hell's Gate was." Matilda now asked.

"Already done. They're on their way." Nash replied back. "You get to Boston now. We'll take care around here."

With that, the Jaegers all began to sprint forward across the Russian countryside, all systems going to full power, and they began to run faster than they've ever gone before, trying to get to Boston to help out Jaeger Team Beta. Sekhmet, Mokele-Mbembe, and the spiky Titan (identified as Anguirus) all let out roars to the Jaegers as they ran off, the three Titans standing by the remains of Hell's Gate like guards.

"Hang in there, guys. We're on our way." Braedey called back as they charge on from the East to West.


In Boston, as the crew on the Argo turned the cameras back on to observe the carnage, the entire city of Boston seemed to have become a massive, smoldering pile of ash after the attack. What few buildings that were left partially standing were black and covered in burn marks. And everything within about a mile radius of Godzilla's position during the blast was practically glassed. Then, the cameras detected a tiny hint of movement.

"What was that?" Barnes asked.

Serizawa observed the movement, and he smiled. "Gojira." He stated firmly.

The ground shuddered and burst upwards as the blackened head of Ghidorah rose up from the rubble. And for a brief instant, many assumed the worst. But as the spines of Godzilla broke through the rubble, a wave of relief fell over the spectators. He rose out of the ruins holding the severed head of Ghidorah in his mouth and slapping it around the environment like a crocodile tenderizing its prey before beginning a death roll. Godzilla's body began emitting that pulsing sound as blue light flashed along his back, and through his mouth, eyes, and even through the mouth and eyes of Ghidorah's still screeching head, that light shone brightly until Godzilla released his thermonuclear breath and vaporized what was left of his enemy. Godzilla's breath shot up into the skies and vanished into the void as he shut his mouth with a loud snap and let out a huff accompanied by a tiny spark of electricity and a puff of blue smoke.

"... Jesus... Good thing he's on our side." Rick stated calmly.

"For now." Ilene added, sensing a change in Godzilla.

"Damn." Was all Nick could say after seeing what just happened.

Maddie slowly looked up at Mark and buried her face in his chest. Mark responded by holding his daughter and stroking her hair. Ilene, noticing Mark's return, slowly walked over and stood beside him with a soft smile as he smiled back at her. She put a hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze, and nodded slowly at her and looked back at the monitors.

"So what's next for you two?" Ilene asked softly.

Maddie turned her head and looked at Ilene, who gave her a smile. Maddie returned the smile a little bit, and then snuggled back against her father.

"We're going to have to find a new home, for starters." Mark replied.

"I think I can help with that." Ilene said cheerfully.

Mark chuckled, nodding subtly as he looked over at Serizawa who was smiling as well and giving him a nod. Mark then looked to the monitors, and he could see Jaeger Prime, Giant, Eva, Striker, JetBlackStar, Crimson Dynamo, and Champion Knight.

"Prime to Argo. Sorry we were late. Is everyone okay?" Braedey's voice now asked over Comms.

"Yeah. We're all good." Rick replied back to Prime. "Good to hear you're here. You just missed out the fight."

"Trust me. After what we've dealt with, I'm sure we didn't miss much." Asuka scoffed next.

"Glad to hear you're alright." Alexander's voice spoke up, and everyone on the Argo could see Jaeger Team Beta now walking up to Team Alpha. "Where are Rodimus and Gipsy Avenger?"

"We'll... we'll tell you later." Braedey hesitated to tell about what had happened earlier.

"Right. We'll tell you lot about what happened." Rick spoke up.

"Doctor Serizawa?" Sam asked. Serizawa glanced to him. "Now that Ghidorah's gone, what do we do now?"

Serizawa took a deep breath as all eyes fell to him. "Gojira has restored balance by killing the false king. Earth's Titans should resume their natural behaviour now."

"What's their 'natural' behaviour, exactly?" Foster asked.

"They will search for territory to call their own." Serizawa replied. "And it is likely they will enter human populated areas in their search. I doubt they will mean any harm in doing so, however-"

"You know the world leaders will want them destroyed, right?" Foster cut him off.

"Yes, I'm aware." Serizawa replied. "But we can't resort to force. Doing so will only cause further conflict, as it always does. It's time for the world leaders to learn that coexistence is our path, not an attempt at dominance." He said.

"Good luck with that, Doctor." Foster said as she sat in her chair.

"The Titans just want to find a place to call home, much like all of us. If we can help them do so, we may inspire them to stick to their own territory rather than wander into ours. But this is only a theory. We will have to wait and see what happens for now." Serizawa preached.

"Hey, check this out." Rick called, gathering everyone around his station. "Looks like there's a bunch of Titans heading this way." He asked.

Godzilla snorted the air around him, just as he could hear the sound of thumping footsteps approaching the area. He then saw the mighty Behemoth stomping into view, letting out a bellowing sound to Godzilla, but he didn't attack. A moment later, the sound of chittering could be heard, just as Titanus Scylla stepped up. Godzilla then grunted as it saw a female MUTO now walking up, who lets out a screeching roar. At that second, Rodan flew in with a screech at Godzilla. In the distance, a walking mountain could be seen.

Scylla is a giant armoured cephalopod standing 341ft tall, with black colouration, and six very long, bony, and lightly haired legs, each with two joints and ending with a claw with small spikes growing out of the first joints. She also has a plated mantle with ten tendrils and a pair of black eyes.

The MUTO's exoskeleton is more of a grey colour. Her body is covered in scars from past battles and mating rituals. It has orangey-red, narrowly shaped eyes. The shape of the head is sharpened and angular, and it has triangular jaws resembling a hooked beak. It looks to stand 300ft tall. It has two main pairs of forelimbs and a smaller pair on her abdomen. It possess long, slender, somewhat deer-like hind limbs, with flat, broad feet ending in two hoof-like toes. The forelimbs all end in a pseudo claw form, being curved like a sickle. When walking, the MUTO use the front "knuckle" of their claws, giving it a hook-like appearance. It has numerous spike-like protrusions running down its back that indicate older age, as well as leg joints that all end in a noticeable point.

The walking mountain, by the name of Titanus Methuselah, is a quadruped with a forest growing on his rocky and mountainous back, with yellow eyes and a mouth with large, razor-sharp teeth. He also has large horns growing down from the top of his head that curl inwards. His forelimbs are clawed while his hind limbs are hoofed. Methuselah also has a reptilian tail.

Godzilla looked with a glare at Rodan, then snorted with letting steam out of his nostrils. Rodan stood there for a moment, then with a chirping sound, he lowered his head and wings down. Godzilla grunts and snarled at the other Titans, and the MUTO, Scylla, Methuselah, Behemoth, and even the Jaegers all seemed to be dipping their heads and lowering themselves towards the ground in a submissive gesture before Godzilla.

"Do we bow as well?" Shawn asked to Braedey.

"Yes. We do." Braedey replied back, kneeling down on one knee. The other Jaegers looked to one another, but they also bow down on one knee.

"Bow to the King." Matilda added in.

"Yeah. He's the one and only." Mashima agreed with Matilda.

"You're right." Amy also acknowledged.

"The King with his mighty crown." Jessica commented, the others rolling their eyes in response to that bad joke or so.

"What are they doing?" Sam wondered. "Why is Godzilla glaring at them?"

"I know what he's doing." Mark said, stepping forward towards Serizawa. "Now that he's killed Ghidorah, he's asserting his dominance to the other Titans."

"So he's establishing that he's the new top dog?" Rick asked.

"Basically, yeah." Mark replied.

"I thought he was already the Alpha?" Sam asked.

"He was an apex predator in the food chain. But he wasn't in a singular dominating presence to the Titans. Some of those carvings and images from ancient times showed his kind had been in the past, but that's the past. This Godzilla had yet to establish himself in that position for more than Mothra and Rodan, as far as I can tell." Mark said.

"Oh." Sam whispered.

"No doubt about it now! He's the top dog, baby! The King of the monsters!!" Rick cheered.

Ilene rolled her eyes and chuckled, while the rest of the Argo seemed to also chuckle at the statement. Mark hugged Maddie closer and gave her an assuring shake as Ilene came over and put a hand on her shoulder. Maddie and Ilene introduced themselves, and Ilene gave her a hug, offering condolencese on the passing of her mother. Mark and Serizawa began a discussion about the future of the Titans. What they were likely to do and where they were likely to go.

Godzilla looked at the other Titans, until finally, he lets out a mighty and titanic roar up to the heavens above, the roar echoing all around the world for miles around, the world and all other Titans now in the presence of the mightiest creature of them all.

Godzilla is the King. The King of the Monsters.

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