Perfect - Marianas trench / A...

Autorstwa DoNotResuscitate

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A story about love, heartbreak, growing up and living life :) This story follows the main charactor of Amber... Więcej

Chapter 1 - Surprises
Chapter 2 - Leaving
Chapter 3 - Just visiting Pt.1
Chapter 4 - Just Visiting Pt.2
chapter 6 - Break ups & hook ups? ;)
Chapter 7 - Together at last? ;)
Chapter 8 - Friends... With Benefits?
Chapter 9 - The dating Game
Chapter 10 - Work work work
Chapter 11 - Meeting Alex
Chapter 12 - Quality time
Chapter 13 - What are we?
Chapter 14 - Baltimore
Chapter 15 - My bunk or yours? ;)
Chapter 16 - I love you
Chapter 17 - i just want you to be okay...
Chapter 18 - Halloween hook ups?
Chapter 19 - Thanksgiving
Chapter 20 - What just happened?
Chapter 21 - surprise visit
Chapter 22 - Is this the next step?
Chapter 23 - Oh Alex ;)
chapter 24 - Ex's Ex's Ex's
Chapter 25 - MMVA's
chapter 26 - Im late...
Chapter 27 - Shut up an kiss me
Chapter 28 - Returning home
Packing up history

Chapter 5 - Back Home For Good.

122 1 0
Autorstwa DoNotResuscitate

October 1st 2006 – Graduation Day

I had made it through 2 years of school at Toronto high school of excellence. I’m now 17 and I am graduating high school 1 year early, because I’m a ‘Brainchild’ and all. Oh and also I didn’t mention I’m valedictorian. This is actually crazy. I was pulled out of my thoughts my a pair of arms being wrapped around my waist. Jasper, yes we were still together and have been for a year and a half now, Jasper graduated last year but he’s here to see me graduating.

“I love you, I am so proud of you babe!” he whispered into my ear

“Thank you, and I love you too” I said whilst spinning around in his arms, so that I could kiss him. It was the perfect moment. But then it just got even more perfect, my best friend, my big brother Matt came running up to me…

“Amberley!” He yelled as her got closer

“Matt!!!” I yelled back as we smashed into each other in a massive bear hug. I’ve missed him! I haven’t seen him in almost 8 months!

“Baby sis! I am so proud of you!” he mumbled into my shoulder, it sounded like her was going to cry.

“Thank you! I’m so glad that you could make it!” I said pulling out of our embrace.

“Do you really think I would miss this!?!” He smiled at me

“I don’t know you ‘know with your album coming out and all! I wasn’t sure!” I said sheepishly. Matts band had finally been signed and they were releasing their first full-length album! This was extremely exciting!

“Nothing is more important than this Ambs” he hugged me again

“Ah hey Aj, I’m just going to find my seat, ill see you after” Jasper came over to me kissed me on the cheek and nodded in matts direction for walking off.

“So your still dating that jerk are you?” Matt said annoyed.

“Yes Matthew I am, so just leave the subject alone. Anyway, go find you seat! It’s going to start soon!” I sternly told matt before walking off to go find my own seat.

Matt and Jasper didn’t get along… and it was really annoying! I wanted my brother to like my boyfriend and I wanted my boyfriend to like my brother! But I doubt it ever going to happen. Especially with Matt being as over protective as he is! I found my seat by this point and the ceremony was starting.

“And next we have the speech from our class valedictorian, Amberley Webb” I heard the lady say, oh crap that me. I didn’t think I would be able to get this nervous! Well as long as I don’t trip, it will all be okay! Oh shit… I hope I didn’t just jinx myself…

“Ummm Good morning, students, teachers and family members…” I look out at the crowd searching for Matt because I know just seeing his face would automatically calm me down, and then too my surprise, I don’t just see him! He’s with my dad, and the whole Ramsay family as well as my two best friends Claire and Rachel! Omg! This is so exciting! I didn’t know any of them were going to be here! A massive smile grew across my face and than I realised I had to continue with what I was saying! Oh, right…

“Ahh.. Thank you all for coming out today! This is a great day for all of us graduates……….”

I have received my diploma! I have officially finished high school! Wow! This feels amazing!! I’m frantically searching for my friends and family’s faces in the crowd. I finally spot Matt! I start to run until I am tightly in his arms. Than there is just a sea of voices all around me giving me their congratulations and millions of hugs.

October 3rd 2006 – Fix Me

Todays the day! Matts band, Marianas trench are releasing their first full length album!

So I moved back home, back to Vancouver well yesterday the day after graduation, because Van City is my home, I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else! As much as it’s going to be hard being away from Jasper, he will visit me and then ill visit him! So its all good, if its meant to be I guess we will make it last. Well I hope we can at least… I was pulled out of my thoughts my man coming into the room yelling..

“Today! Today! Today!” as high as he possibly could!

“Someone’s just a little excited?” I asked jokingly

I had moved in with Matt, I didn’t really want to move back with my dad because it wouldn’t feel independent. Anyway Matt needed a new roomie since Josh Finally Grew a pair and found his own place, with a lot of help from his girlfriend. Matt and I found this awesome apartment in downtown Van City, two bedrooms both with en-suites with a modest living room - kitchen combo, it was very us, it was well perfect.

“Hello my beautiful people!!” Wait who was that? Was that josh? I turn around to see josh had let himself in and was already raiding our fridge…

“Josh you do know that you don’t live here?” I questioned sarcastically

“Yeah, but matt is always bound to have a fully stocked fridge… unlike me” he retorted.

Well obviously even though Josh doesn’t live here… ill still always see him. Than again that might not be a bad thing… it seems that now every time I’m around Josh we have this sort of flirty talk towards each other… which we shouldn’t because we are in committed relationships… but there is just something about josh… something that’s just so different.

“Are you going to answer that?” Josh asked… wow I was so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn’t even realised my phone was ringing. I nod to him as I pull my phone out of my pocket, expecting it to just be Jasper, but its not… it’s a blocked number.. Wonder who it could possibly be.


“Hello, This is Aj Webb” yes I introduced myself as Aj now, I really am over Amberley.

“Hello There Miss Webb! My name is Jaime, im from 604 records, I understand that you applied for a job with us?” Oh wow! I cant believe they are actually calling me back! I had applied for a job, wanting to be a media consultant, that would help organise company party’s or help out with bands in organizing interviews and tours and what not.

“Oh um yes I did, Thank you for calling me” I replied.

“Well know! Thank you for applying Miss. Webb…” Jaime  said

“Oh Please call me Aj” I cut in

“Alright then, Well Aj, I am calling to inform you that we have just had an opening come up, that Jonathan thinks that you will be perfect for this position, its just a general Office job. You would be working with many different bands organizing all the small behind the scenes things and there is always room to move up, depending on how well you go in this position, how does that sound?”  she asked

“Umm yes! That sounds perfect! Its exactly the type of job I was hoping for!” I said sounds maybe a little bit too excited.

“Well that’s great! Well Jonathan would like to have you in for a face-to-face meeting to discuss logistics, how does tomorrow and 2:15 sound?” she asked

“Yes, that’s great! I will be there!” I replied

“Okay, good good. We will see you than!” And then the like cut off.

I started to jump up and down and scream with excitement!! I cant believe that I only graduated two days ago and I have already managed to walk into my dream job of sorts!

“What’s all the commotion!?!” Josh asked sounding confused as Matt ran into the room because he heard my yelling

“Ambs! What’s up? Are you oaky?” Matt sounded more concerned.

“What’s up? What’s up? I just got called in for a job interview at 604 records!!! That’s what’s up!!!!” I was still jumping around excitedly.

“Seriously!! Wow! Ambs That’s crazy!!” Matt said as he started to jump around as well.

The rest of the day was pretty good, we all just basically hung out and went to the shops. It was cute though because every time we went passed a CD shop the guys would stop to see if they could find their CD! We went and had lunch at Timmies and then we decided to just go home. But when I say home I mean all the boys coming back to mine and Matts… I could tell that It would be rare for them ever to leave… great.

October 4th 2006 –

Okay so today I’m going for an interview at 604… I hope I can get a job! That would be like utterly fantastic!

“Matt!! I’m leaving now okay??” I yelled Matt was still asleep and I wasn’t really bothered going to try wake him up but I did get some kind of muffled response that I think sounded like “okay” but who really knows!

When I arrived at 604 I was greeted by the girl that I was on the phone to yesterday, Jaime.

“Hello! You must be Aj? Well it is so good to meet you! Wow your really pretty! I love your fashion style! I hope you get a job I think I could enjoy having you around!” she finally finished

“Uh yes I am, oh umm thank you? Well I hope I get a job too! Hahaha” I said sort of nervously… I never really knew how to accept complements from strangers. However, I tried my best. Before we could continue our  conversation, Jonathan came out to greet me.

“Hi there! Aj right? Come with me” he was short and to the point. I liked it.

“Okay well Aj, I’m not going to beat around the bush. I want to hire you. So first I think we can just start you off with normal jobs like, maybe a little bit of receptionist work and sorting some things out for bands and when I think you are trained enough I think you would be a good fit for a tour manager” he said sound very official.

“Wow really? That sounds absolutely Fanta…” I was cut off by a large amount of ruckus coming from the lobby area.

“well it looks like the Marianas trench boys have arrived.. joy, I really need to find someone that can keep these boys tamed! They are actually crazy!” he said as he started to make his way to the door.

We walked out into the lobby to find Josh and Mikes Back with Matt and Ian cheering them on to see who would win the fight… and these guys are supposed to be 22? Right… Jonathan just shook his head, not really knowing how to deal with these guys… but for me dealing with them is like a second nature to me.

“Oi!” I yelled “Joshua get off Mikes back now! Matt and Ian stop cheering them on like a bunch of five year olds! The last thing we need right now is for one of you to end up in hospital. So sit down and try not to disturb other people!” I said a little bit more calmly but still official. Jonathan looked at me in complete aw. I think he was trying to come to terms with how I managed to get the guys to actually behave.

“Wow. I think we might need to re discuss your job title.” He said as he walked back towards his office and signaling me to join him.

“Well, never have I seen a young girl like you able to calm those boys done! They are so rowdy and they hardly listen to anybody… as soon as you spoke up then just listen and obeyed… I think that I want to put you straight into a band managing position…” he said still in shock.

“Umm wow really?” I was now the one in shock.

“Yes definitely! I would have to talk to Chad about it, because we have been looing for a tour manager for these boys… and I think you might be it.” He said sounding more demanding now.

“Well I would love that! But I think I should probably mention now, that I am actually Matts Little sister…” I said sort of shyly, I hope this wont cost me the job…

“Ah, I see. Well I don’t think that will affect anything. Chad is supposed to be here soon…” his sentence was cut off by none other than Chad Kroeger of Nickelback walking into the room.

“Okay, how did you do? you actually got those boys to shut up!” Chad asked sounding sort of excited?

“Well that would be thanks to this young girl right here” he said gesturing to me.

“I see. Well I think we might have one talented girl one our hands.” He said after looking at me and turning back towards Jonathan.

“Now chad, I was hiring he r for a different job, but I think that she would be a perfect tour manager for these boys… she really knows how to put them inline” Jonathon spoke as if he was really trying to convince chad

“Well I think that’s a great idea! Those guys need a girl around to keep them inline!” Chad Said Omg! This is amazing Chad thinks it would be a good idea too!!

“Ah, but you should probably know one other thing… She is Matt’s little sister.” Oh please don’t let that be a deal breaker!

“Well… well…. Well… I think that just makes things a little more interesting” Chad said sounding pretty amused.

“So Does this mean I got the job?” I asked shyly

“I believe it does” chad said

“Oh wow! Thank you so much! Now I get to boss my brother around and get paid to do it!” I said excited again

Chad and Jonathan both laughed as we all left the room, it was time to break the news to the guys…

(Matts P.O.V)

So we are just chilling at 604 waiting for Jonathon and now Chad to finish talking to my sister. Why is their meeting going so long? I wonder if she will get a job? I hope she does. But then again I should be mad at her.. not even 10 minutes ago she was yelling at all of us to sit down and be quiet… I didn’t want to but for some reason we all listened. Now were just sitting in deathly silence. Well that was until Chad, Jonathan and Aj (yes I’ve started calling her Aj its easier that Amberley) came out of the office, finally!

“Well Guys, so you’re here so we can discuss your first tour!” Chad exclaimed

“Yeaaaa!!!!!” all the guys and I yelled in unison

“Haha, yes it is very exciting, but first I would like you to meet your new tour manager!” Chad got right down to business. I wonder who it would be… I hope it was someone nice I got pulled out of my thoughts when I realised I missed the announcement I just heard josh talking…

“You’ve got to be kidding me?” did he sound pissed? Or is he just being sarcastic?

“What? What’s going on? I missed it!” I said trying to get back into the loop

“Okay ill repeat myself just for the pleasure of Matt. Aj here is going to be your new tour manager. You have to listen to here and obey her rules. If you don’t she will have me on speed dial and shit will go down.” Chad repeated.

“Wait a minute. My sister is getting paid to boss us around?” I asked sort of confused.

“Yep, that’s right” Chad said overpowering me.

“Well that’s just great.” Josh said sarcastically

“Oh Doesn’t little Joshua like being bossed around by a girl?” Aj spoke to him like a baby

“No! but than again I will enjoy having you on tour” josh told Aj, was he flirting with her? Nah! She’s like a sister to him! And besides he has Amanda!

“oh and josh one rule, when it concerns Aj, whilst on tour, keep your dick in your pants” Chad told Josh bluntly

“Hahaha dude! Its all good! I’ve got a girlfriend!” he said, but it was more like he was trying to convince himself.

“And I have a boyfriend! I wouldn’t go near that blue haired douche anyways” Aj said with a smirk. Good! I cant have my baby sister and my best mate dating! They wouldn’t do that to me anyways! Would they?

(Josh’s P.O.V)

Wow. So Aj is coming on tour with us. I was weirdly happy about this. No. Josh snap out of it! You don’t like her like that. She is like a little sister! And besides matt would kill me! And I have Amanda! Think about Amanda Josh.

(Amberleys P.O.V)

so much has happened in the last few days… it was crazy I graduated, moved back to Van City, Marianas Trench’s first album came out, and now I have a job with 604 and I’m going on tour with MT. Life is moving so fast. Sometimes I just want to press pause. Just for a little while.

We were all chilling back at Matt’s and my place… Again. But I didn’t mind I like having the guys around. They always made it fun. We were deciding on what movie to watch for the night. This will be fun. After about half an hour of deliberation they finally decided to watch Mrs. Doubtfire. I loved this movie! It was hilarious. Josh seemed to be sort of flirty with me… but we both knew that we were in committed relationships… its not like we were ‘doing’ anything. When josh put the movie in he sat next to me on the couch. As the movie progressed, I noticed that josh’s arm was around my shoulder… I didn’t mind I was comfortable. I could feel myself slowly drifting off to sleep…

I woke up the next morning, a bit stiff but in a surprisingly comfortable position. I looked around to take in my surroundings. Looks like I fell to sleep on the couch.. well not just me matt was asleep on the recliner, Mike on the third couch and Ian on the floor. Wait where’s josh? That’s when I realise… Josh’s arm is slung tightly around my waist holding me to his chest, while he was in a deep sleep. I glanced at the time in was only 9 so I thought I would just drift back to sleep, just a little bit. I thought I heard a slight knock on the door… nah probably imagining it. Oh wait no I wasn’t.. I found out after someone came into the room and started yelling…

“Josh! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!?!?!?!” it was Amanda I realised after josh had jumped up and knocked me onto the floor.

(Josh’s P.O.V)

so I had fallen asleep on the couch, well we all did. Obviously in my sleep I had unconsciously wrapped my arm around Aj. I had woken at about 6, but I didn’t want to move and wake her up. I was than woken again by someone yelling, I think it was about 11….

“Josh! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!?!?!?!”  it was Amanda.. oh shit. I jumped up, accidently knocking Aj onto the floor.

“Manda! This isn’t what it looks like! We just fell to sleep, look we all did!” I said gesturing to all the guys scattered around the room, who were now waking up because of the yelling match that had just started.

“Right, and you expect me to believe that!?” she retorted.

“Manda please! It was just an innocent mistake!” I said pleadingly

“Oh yeah right! Josh! You have had the hot’s for Amberley over here since you saw her in a bikini on her birthday last year!” she was still yelling, but there’s the thing she not wrong… I do find Aj extremely good looking, but nothing can ever happen there! I mean she’s Matt’s little sister! He would kill me!

“Amanda, listen to me. Nothing was going on. Can we please just go somewhere and talk about this?” I was still pleading with her, I really didn’t want to loose her.

“Fine. Come on than.” I followed her out the door and got into her car and we drove away. Not knowing where I was going, I just knew I wasn’t ready to loose Amanda yet.

(Amberleys P.O.V)

What even just happened! I mean me and josh weren’t doing anything wrong. Were we? I mean I didn’t even realise I had fallen asleep, I just woke up in his arms… I hope that him and Amanda are okay… I don’t want them to break up because of me. Even though there was still that thought in the back of my head… did Josh think I was hot? Oh, it doesn’t matter! I have Jasper! It doesn’t matter what Josh thinks of me! I had to go take a warm shower and stop thinking about hat just happened.

I had a hot shower, got dressed. I was wearing white skinny jeans with rips all the way down, with my Black sparkly high tops, a black tank top that had Love written across in white and a dark grey cardigan. I brushed through my hair and decided to just tie it up in a loose bun, I put on a little but of make, just so I looked presentable. When I was done I noticed I had a text.

>>Hey beautiful! I Miss you <3<< - Jasper

>>Hey baby, I miss you too! L <3<< - Aj

>>I’ve got a surprise for you! J<< - Jasper

>>Ooooh! Really? What is it???<< - Aj

>>Why don’t you open your front door and find out?<< - Jasper

What? My front door? Okay well I was excited so I ran out of my room and headed for the front door. When I got there I swung it open to fin no other than jasper standing there arms open. I ran into his arms to hug him. I’ve missed him! I dragged him inside so I could kiss him privately. As soon as the door was closed, I smashed my lips onto his and he kissed me right back. We ended up on the couch me sitting over his lap and just making out. Matt and the others boys had gone out to find some breakfast/lunch since Matt and I forgot to do the groceries. I was totally fine with this now because it meant that I could make-out with my boyfriend in private. We were getting pretty into, Jaspers arms were wrapped tightly around my waist and mine around his neck and laced through his hair. He was playing with the bottom of my shirt like he was debating whether or not to take it off. He soon got his hands under my shirt and was caressing my hips with his soft hands, I moved my mouth to his neck and started sucking and biting… he would have a hickey there tomorrow. I got bored of that and moved back to his lips, as his hands slowly but steadily made their way up my shirt. This was all stopped when I heard someone clear their throat… I jumped and turned slightly to see Matt, Mike and Ian standing there awkwardly. Matt was the first to speak.

“Amberley Jane Webb, you better stand up right now” I obeyed my brother, not really wanting to get into an argument.

“Matt, its okay. We were just fooling around” I said to matt in a calming tone.

“From what I saw, if we didn’t come back when we did, that little thing on the couch would be a lot more than just fooling around!” He was getting angry again.

“Matthew! Seriously! Calm down! He is my boyfriend! And you need to learn to get used to it!” I said to Matt as I sat back down in jaspers lap.

“Hmph” was all that came out of Matts mouth before he sauntered off towards the kitchen.

Matt seemed to slowly be getting used the idea; we were sitting around watching some crappy movie on television. I was still sitting on Jasper but anytime we got a little to comfortable, and starting kissing too much matt would just clear his throat and I knew that if I did anymore he would start yelling so I would stop and focus back on the TV. I think we were now watching wipeout or something stupid like that. When the door open and I heard two people walk in. Josh and Amanda came into the lounge room.

“Umm hey guys… I just wanted to say sorry for how I over reacted this morning. I should know by now that Josh and Aj are just friends, and it was just a innocent mistake. Sorry again.” She said shyly before here and josh took a spot next to ian on the opposite couch to me.

“What are you talking about?” Jasper spoke up, oh shit I hadn’t really had a chance to talk to him about that..

“Oh ummm its nothing.” Josh spoke up as if he has just noticed Jasper was even here.

“Aj… what’s going on?” he addressed me.

“Its nothing really, we just all feel asleep in here last night after watching movies and in the morning I woke up with josh’s arm around my waist. No big deal really. I promise nothing happened.. it was just an innocent mistake” I was trying to convince him that nothing happened because I really didn’t want to fight with him.

“Ah, okay than, well I believe you, I know you guys are just friends” he said before softly kissing my cheek.

Oh thank God! He took it okay! Wow, that was a relief of my shoulders. We watched some more random crap on TV, It was getting pretty late, and I was fairly tired. So I wanted to go to bed, now I just needed to try get Jasper into my room without Matt making a huge fuss over it. I got up and grabbed Jaspers hand and then just slowly and carefully started walking off In the direction of my the bedrooms. I had almost made it when…

“Where are you two going?” Matt said as he looked up from the TV

“Umm well its pretty late, and I’m tired so, to bed.” I tried to say to matt nonchalantly

“Okay well that’s where your going… where’s he going?” Matt said gesturing towards Jasper

“Well he’s coming to my bed too.” I said trying to stand my ground.

“No He’s not!” Matt was starting to yell, whilst everyone else in the room was very focused on our fight to see where it would end up.

“Matthew I’m not a little Kid. I think I can have a boy sleep over in my room” I said using his how name.

“Amberley you are 17! I don’t think its appropriate!” Matt retorted using my whole name too.

“Matthew nothing is going to happen! If you honestly believe that I am going to have sex with you right across the hall, than obviously there is something seriously wrong with you.” I said back to trying to stand my ground. Whilst Jasper just stood there somewhat awkwardly.

“Amberley Jane! I would hope that you wouldn’t!! I wasn’t even aware that you were at that stage in your relationship” Matt said trying to keep the awkwardness out of his voice.

“Well Matthew, not that it is any of your business we are” I paused trying to think of something to say to make it less awkward. “Besides I couldn’t let the box of condoms Josh brought me go to waste could I?” I said hoping that Matt wasn’t going to end to angry. The whole room burst out in laughter. Except Matt.

“Umm well. Ahhh.. umm yeah” was all that cam out of Matts mouth.

“Well were going to go now…” I said awkwardly

“Umm okay than.. but yeah please do try and keep it in your pants… that last thing I need is to hear my sister in that way” was all Matt said before I left the room, I couldn’t handle any more awkward situations.

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