Legacy Of The Gun Hero (Risin...

بواسطة ShihoFujioka

111K 2.4K 1.8K

What if there was a fifth hero summoned to Melromarc but it was unintentional. Enter Scottie Collins, a young... المزيد

A New Adventure
Level Up
New Teammate
Slave Crest
I Need Your Help
The Wave Of Catastrophe PT. 1
The Wave Of Catastrophe PT. 2
We Been Tricked!!!
I F*cking Hate That Bitch!
Lullaby At Dawn
More Teammates~!
Dragon Egg
Holding On
Return To Lute Village
A Dark Truth
The Rescue
Conspiring Aganist Heroes...
The Duel
Glass & The Blair Witch
Van Reichnott
Save All Demi-Humans
Open Your Heart, Lock...
Fitora The Filolial Queen
Filolial Heirs
Filolail Egg
Framed? Again?
You Idiots...
Good v.s Evil
Cal Mira
The Party
The Third Wave
Announcement - New Story

Public Execution & Ceremony

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بواسطة ShihoFujioka

The public execution went on after the trial.

Queen: The sinners will now be punished for their crimes aganist this country! They'll be beheaded in public execution! Those who turned aganist the country and it's people deserved DEATH!

After the Queen explains the reasons which is leading to their deaths, the audience becomes outraged and demands them executed.








Scottie: Welp...It's happening...

Lock: Yeah...

Scottie looked over at Naofumi who still questions whether death is what they truly deserve.

Malty: Motoyasu-Sama! Please help me!


Malty pleads help to Motoyasu but he simply scoffs at her in complete disgust much to her surprise.

Malty: Scottie-Sama-?!


Aultcray: Grrrrr....

Malty: *Wails* NOOOOO!!!!

Alyssa: Sir Scottie...

Scottie: I know what you guys about to say...but...let's see what fate has in store for them. Because I get the feeling it isn't over...

Hazel: What do you mean...?

He didn't answer. Malty then turns to Naofumi....for the first time calling him by his given name, "Naofumi-sama" - and then she begs him for help.

Malty: Please help me! Naofumi-sama! NAOFUMI-SAMA!!!!

That disgusting look on her face as she shakes her body where her head held captive below the gullotine. Her slave crest doesn't react, making Naofumi realize that her pleading is sincere, and cementing his view that this would not be a satisfying death for her.

Upon also seeing that even the Queen herself and Melty are very reluctant and sad about going ahead with the execution. Naofumi suddenly takes off.

Hazel: Where's he going?

Scottie smirked as history about to take place once again.

Scottie: You'll see....

Naofumi: HOLD IT!

He ordered to stop the execution, much to the surprise of everyone.

Naofumi: *Sadistic*  Death is something too good and merciful for these scumbags because they can easily escape their punishment.

Lock: He...has a point...

Alyssa: Wow...I didn't even think of that...

Scottie: Well take notes on this. If you allow the person who fucked you over in life to die. Bargaining a quick death? It'll just give them a sweet release from this world without pain. That's probably what Naofumi was thinking after the trial...

Hazel: So you're saying...he's going to make them suffer?

Scottie: Yes~~~!

Naofumi: I mean look at her! She so thick-skinned! She can beg to the two guys she tried to kill for her life and mean it! With skin that thick, the gullotine might not even cut through her~~~!

Crowd: *Laughs* Hahahahahahahaha!

Lock: Pfft~!

Alyssa: *Giggles* Why...I never...Haha...

Hazel: Ouch...My stomach. Hahahaha!

Emil:*Snickers* Well....

Nessie: *Smiles*

Scottie: *Smirks* Heh~!

Raphtalia: *Giggles* Naofumi-sama...

Naofumi: So I have a proposal!  How about we give them a choice! They can may choose between being instantly executed or having their names permanently changed from Aultcray and Malty to "Trash" and "Bitch"!

Aultcray: TRASH?!

Malty: BITCH?!

Scottie: Ya heard him... Did he fucking stutter? Your names changed or public execution. Take it or leave it.

Queen: That depends. You're aware that Malty's adventure name is "Myne" right?

Scottie: Of course! So how about this....Naofumi! Ya thinking what I'm thinking?!

Naofumi: Yep! Malty's new adventurer name being "Slut" instead of "Myne"!

Scottie: So what's your choice, Trash and Bitch?! Public Execution or Humiliation~~~?


Malty: Y-You...

Naofumi: What's your choice? Choose Now.

Father/Daughter: H-Humiliation...

Scottie: Heh...Wow...This is first time ever I see them throw away their pride~!

With such humiliation overjoys the audience. Their death sentence is then lifted officially, in exchange for this permanent tarnish on their lives.

Queen Mirellia: Very Well...The two men who decided to put things right here...Shield Hero and Gun Hero...decided to spare their tormentors with the greatest mercy! Thus Aultcray named will changed to "Trash" and Malty's name will change to "Bitch" followed by her new adventure name "Slut".

Trash King and Bitch were spared but now they're no longer royalty.

Queen Mirellia also declares the Three Heroes Church to be outlawed and abolished, with Melromarc's original faith, the "Church of Four Heroes" (which had the Shield Hero and Gun Hero being equally revered with the other three Heroes), officially back as the country's official religion, again to the audience's happiness as they throw away their old Church rosaries.

With that Naofumi smirked before he went back to go join Raphtalia and Filo.

Scottie just laughed his ass off at the trail while his teammates watched him.

Scottie: OMG! Their faces! I can't anymore! I've been waiting to see that for a while!

Lock: Oh Sir Scottie...

Hazel: We're lucky your on our side or else, we would be in big trouble.

Scottie: Awww. You guys can't see me like that!

Lock: I'm just glad it's over...now Mom and Dad can finally rest in peace. With that...Demi-humans can now roam freely in Melromarc.

Emil: *Tears* Yeah...(Kayo...We did it...We finally did it...)

Scottie: So Lass...now that the Church has been abolished and rename. What are you going to do...?

Alyssa: Well first. I'll make things right. The church still needs their soon to be priestess to guide them to right path.  Until the preparations are complete, I'll still accompany you.

Scottie: Alright~!

Alyssa: And my sister can come back whenever she wants. I hope she's alright.

Scottie: Yeah...I'm sure she's fine. (Where ever Rino is now...)

Hazel: With all those charges aganist us now abolished, we are no longer outlaws.

Nessie: Chirp!

Scottie: Yep! Anyway! Let's go...I want to talk to Naofumi later.


Queen Mirellia intends to hold a ceremony to generously award the Heroes, but Naofumi wants none of it; he instead declares that he, as a Cardinal Hero, will help all nations against future Waves, but may think about a reward later.

At sunset, as Naofumi, Filo, and Raphtalia are departing, Melty vows to change Melromarc for the better, especially for demi-humans much to the delight of Lock, Emil, and Raphtalia.

After they are gone, Mirellia shows a golden dagger and confesses to Melty that she would sacrifice her own life in exchange for Malty and Aultcray, had Naofumi not stopped the execution.

As Naofumi's party prepares to leave the Castle, the entire people and even the Knights respectfully pay their farewells.

With happy tears, Melty thanks him for bringing her back home safely and sparing her family. Naofumi now smiles, as he feels he can be himself again, respected, and revered as a true Hero. As one of the Five Cardinal Heroes, he reassures his vow to fight the Waves wherever they happen.


Scottie: You guys go have fun without me. I have a meeting to attend you.

Hazel: Alright then! How long will that be...?

Scottie: With those idiots attending. It probably won't be long...

Alyssa: I see...

Lock: We pray for your sanity that you won't kill nobody, Sir Scottie.

Scottie: You guys have no faith in me, don't y'all?

His teammates shook their heads no. Even Nessie was doing it.

Scottie: Screw you guys. I'll be back later to torment ya!

Scottie takes off in the halls until he bumped into Naofumi.

Scottie: S'up Bro!

Naofumi: Hey...

Scottie: Feeling better now that ya got your revenge?

Naofumi: You might say that. Although it still don't change the damages that already been done...

Scottie: Yeah...

Scottie couldn't forgive them either. While Naofumi was framed. All his teammates that he came across besides Nessie had suffered because of the King and First Princess.

???: Ah! Sir Scottie! Sir Naofumi!

A familar young knight meets up with the two heroes in the hallway. Scottie recognized him.

Scottie: Hey. You're that kid from earlier.

The one knight who asked Scottie and Naofumi to allow his group to assist them in the waves.

Ake: Yes! That was me...! In case you never got the chance to know my name. It's Ake.

From what Scottie had learned about the boy. Ake is a Knight of high morals. He cares for the citizens of Melromarc and fights to keep them safe.

He's one of the very few people in Melromarc to not discriminate against the Shield Hero and the demi-humans. Despite seeming deeply religious, he doesn't seem to have much faith in the nation's official religion of The Church of Three Heroes and its teachings.

He even was able to stop Motoyasu from getting into another unwanted fight with Naofumi and even stand up aganist Malty earlier despite her once status as a Princess. To Scottie, that took guts.

Scottie also had to admit that Ake had been a huge help to him and Naofumi before the events of the second wave and after. He and the Juvenile knights even helped Naofumi escaped from Melromarc when everyone thought he kidnapped Melty. Ake and the others had been following the two heroes on their own accord.

Ake: So nice to see you again Sir Scottie. Sorry me and my team weren't so helpful towards your party.

Scottie: Don't worry about it Lad. How you been doing?

Ake: I-I've been doing great! Thanks for asking! But enough about me! Anyway...The Queen wishes to speak with you and Sir Naofumi! I was sent to escort you to the royal meetimg.

Naofumi:...Are the other three there...?

Ake's small smile went to a frown.

Ake: I'm afraid so...

Naofumi: *Groans* Great....

Scottie: *Sighs* Alright then...Ake, lead the way...


Ake lead the two heroes, Scottie and Naofumi, to take part in a meeting of the Five Cardinal Heroes with the Queen, held under the guise of a celebratory banquet. 

After the boy done his job, he was dismissed and he took off to join the other juvenile knights at the party wishing both Shield and Gun Hero good luck.

Scottie let's his teammates looked after Nessie and the Filolial Egg while they attend it.

Scottie: Ugh. You three...

Motoyasu: Tch...

Ren: Hmph...

Itsuki: *Glares*

Naofumi: What's the deal with them?

Scottie: Oh. They hate me more than they do with you. I said some mean things to them that dampered their pride.

Naofumi stifled a small chuckle as Melty comes in and tells Queen Mirellia about Bitch trying to poison food intended to Naofumi's party.

Naofumi: *Groans*....

Scottie: Ha! Jokes on her! (Naofumi can't even taste anymore thanks to her betrayal.)


Motoyasu keeps refusing to believe Malty's evil nature, but it was confirmed by her still-present Slave Crest (revealing that Motoyasu had also made the slave pact with her).

Scottie: Got anything else to say, Ponytail? If not, let the Queen talk.

Motoyasu: Grr...

Mirellia: Thank You Gun Hero. As we can continue this meeting. I would also add that the constant infighting between the Heroes, partly thanks to Bitch's antics. They halted your leveling up considerably.

Motoyasu: W-What do you mean by that?! I already know what I need to do...

Scottie: Do ya really?

Ren: I'm strong. So I'm fine.

Scottie: Hmmm?

Ituski: We been getting stronger. We're just wasting time.

Scottie: Even if you say that. I don't see that...

Itsuki: What was that?!

Scottie: Ya heard me Shortie. Please continue, Miss Queen.

Queen Mirellia: Yes. This is why I want you all to go to Cal Mira, but you three keep detaching yourselves out of pure selfishness. Only the Shield Hero and Gun Hero showed progress.

So the Queen has no other option but to shock them by telling that they must unite until the next Catastrophe Wave, or they will die.

Ren/Itsuki/Motoyasu: ?!!!

Queen Mirellia: If nothing changes drastically, Sir Naofumi and Sir Scottie will survive the next wave... however, the three of you will perish instead unless you get your acts together.

Ren: What do you mean by that?

Queen Mirellia: I thought it was obvious.

Simply put, Queen Mirellia recalls how they were all easily defeated by Glass during the previous Wave while Naofumi and Scottie held out longer.


Queen: The only way you'll win if all five heroes rallied together.

Even that way, the Heroes still refuse to cooperate...

Ren: BTW, Naofumi...

Naofumi: What?

Ren then asks Naofumi where he did get his "cheating shield".

Scottie: (Ugh...not this shit again...)

Motoyasu: I also have a question! Scottie! Why are you cheating too?!

Scottie: How am I cheating...?

Motoyasu: Just tell us! What's your secret?!


Lock: Oh yeah! This is so delicious! Raphtalia! You've got to try out this cake!

Raphtalia: Really?! Let me taste!

???: Hey! You two! *Hiccup*

Lock/Raphtalia: Huh?

They were interrupted by a drunk Mald, whose part of Itsuki's party.

Mald: Both of your masters are useless! How about you tell the both them to take a hike! As long as we have Itsuki-sama! We don't need any other heroes...*hiccup* Especially... Not the disgrace of the Shield Hero and the arrogance of the Gun Hero!

The whole hall went quiet staring at the three parties.

Alyssa: Oh no...

Hazel: He has no idea of what he just unleashed...


Nessie: *Chirp*...(Stupid Drunk Bastard...)


Lock: *Pissed* What the hell did you just say?

Raphtalia: *Angry*  I'm sorry...Would you mind repeating that again?

Mald: I SAID YOUR MASTERS ARE USELESS! Now get lost before you get hurt-?!


Lock: *Rage* I'LL MAUL YOU TO DEATH!!!!

As Lock tackled Mald, Raphtalia pulled out her sword to help her fellow demi-human.

Raphtalia: Hehe~! I wonder whose really going to get hurt~!


Alyssa: Miss Hazel!!!

The reception hall is soon completely thrashed due to people fighting each other (except Filo and Nessie, who keeps eating nonchalantly.), as Mald, now pinned down to the ground by Lock and Raphtalia as keeps disparaging Naofumi and Scottie.

Ake: Umm...So you guys do something about this?

Hazel: Nah. Let them fight. That Mald bastard had it coming anyway for talking shit.

Emil: Welp. I'm escorting myself out. I ain't getting involved in this...

Alyssa: *Sighs*....

Lock continued to beat Mald up as a waitress held Raphtalia back.

Waitress: Please calm down you two!

Raphtalia: Oh...I'm calm. But I'll "calmly" get rid of him in a swordfight.

Lock: Same goes for me! No one disrespects Sir Scottie and gets away with it!!!!

Mald: I'll say whatever the hell I want! So I'll say many times! Your masters are useless!!! USELESS! USELESS! USELESS! JUST LIKE YOU ALL ARE! YOU'RE WHOLE ENTIRE PARTY IS USELESS AND DON'T BELONG HERE!!!

Lock: OH THAT'S IT!!!

Raphtalia: LEMME AT HIM!!!

*Punches Landing*



After a while, Naofumi and Scottie justified that their weapons were nothing but hard work instead of "cheating". That's why they got strong.

Scottie: Now. How about you tell us your secrets then...if you want to know about ours so bad?

Motoyasu: Heh! Alright then!

The Heroes then discuss other capabilities from the Legendary Weapons.

Motoyasu: By touching any weapon of the same type of his Legendary Weapon, the Hero can copy its properties into his own Weapon.



Ren: ...Well by feeding specific materials and recipes into the Weapon, it can later craft desired items such as bottles.

Even though Nafoumi had been doing it manually. Scottie relies more on Hazel's potions and Alyssa's healing.

Itsuki then declares that the Legendary Weapon allows instant teleportation to any place the Hero is registered on.

Naofumi gets surprised, as he didn't know any of this beforehand.

Itsuki: *Smirks* Seriously, you didn't know that? It would be disappointing if you didn't know that either, Scottie~!

Scottie: (Oh here he goes acting smug.)

However, the other Heroes hold different viewpoints about which weapon is the best.

Itsuki talks about a weapon's rarity.

Ren: No. The point is the Hero's weapon proficiency. That is the key.

Motoyasu: No! You're all wrong!

He calls for refinement and status.

Queen Mirellia: *Sighs*....

Melty: *Facepalms*...

This only increases their animosity, annoying the Queen, Melty, Naofumi and Scottie even more.

Naofumi: (They fucking still think this is a game...It's like looking after a bunch of children...)

Scottie: (OMG....This meeting is going to be longer than I thought.)


Raphtalia sword-clashes and Lock claw-slashes with everyone from Itsuki's party at the messed-up hall (and Rishia comically takes a pie to her face).

Raphtalia: ENOUGH OF THIS!


Mald: *Injured* MAKE US!!!

Lock: DIE!!!


While at the council the Heroes start a ruckus about their petty weapon talk.

Motoyasu: I know I'm right!

Ren: No. You're wrong.

Itsuki: You're Both Wrong! I'm the better hero!

Motoyasu: No! Me!

But Naofumi and Scottie, had enough of it.

The Shield Hero literally slams his fist on the table surprising the three!

Naofumi: YOU-

Scottie: THREE-

Naofumi: ARE HOPELESS!!!

Scottie: A LOST CAUSE!!!!

They both angrily leave the meeting slamming the door behind them as everyone else was in silence.

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