Perfect - Marianas trench / A...

By DoNotResuscitate

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A story about love, heartbreak, growing up and living life :) This story follows the main charactor of Amber... More

Chapter 1 - Surprises
Chapter 2 - Leaving
Chapter 3 - Just visiting Pt.1
Chapter 5 - Back Home For Good.
chapter 6 - Break ups & hook ups? ;)
Chapter 7 - Together at last? ;)
Chapter 8 - Friends... With Benefits?
Chapter 9 - The dating Game
Chapter 10 - Work work work
Chapter 11 - Meeting Alex
Chapter 12 - Quality time
Chapter 13 - What are we?
Chapter 14 - Baltimore
Chapter 15 - My bunk or yours? ;)
Chapter 16 - I love you
Chapter 17 - i just want you to be okay...
Chapter 18 - Halloween hook ups?
Chapter 19 - Thanksgiving
Chapter 20 - What just happened?
Chapter 21 - surprise visit
Chapter 22 - Is this the next step?
Chapter 23 - Oh Alex ;)
chapter 24 - Ex's Ex's Ex's
Chapter 25 - MMVA's
chapter 26 - Im late...
Chapter 27 - Shut up an kiss me
Chapter 28 - Returning home
Packing up history

Chapter 4 - Just Visiting Pt.2

121 0 0
By DoNotResuscitate

August 18th 2005 –

I was having an amazing sleep relaxed. Well that was until I was woken up by people jumping on my bed..

“Amberley! Its time to get up” Matt yelled. Its too early for yelling! What was he thinking!!

“Go away! Can you not see that I am trying to sleep!!” I mumbled whilst trying to hide under the covers. Than I thought I was free because the jumping stopped. Oh good! I can relax again. Hahaha no. just as I thought that a chorus of voices started to sing…


I decided that I had to get up now.. so I sat up in my bed to see four guys staring back at me. Oh god I feel like death! But I guess it was my birthday, time to try wake up!

“Thanks guys! But couldn’t you of let me sleep in? instead of jumping on my bed?” I asked tiredly

“No…” – Matt

“No…” –Josh

“No…” –Mike

“No…” –Ian

“Well okay than… if I promise to get up at get dressed will you leave my room?” I asked

“Well I guess so… you’ve got half an hour! Otherwise we will be back in here again bugging you!!” Matt yelled as they all walked out and shut the door behind them.

So yes its my birthday! I’m 16! And yes I know that most girls want some massive party for their 16th, you ‘know it being “Sweet Sixteen” and all… but I’m not most girls! So I’m just having a small get together chilling by the pool and eating pizza and what not. That is my kind of party. We have just a few people coming by like my two best friends Claire and Rachel, the Ramsay family will come by (Well josh is already here), my dad, obviously the annoying boys that woke me up this morning and josh’s girlfriend I think her name is Amanda?

I decided since we are having a bit of a chill out day ill throw on a new pair of my shorts they are black and ripped, with a simple purple tank top that hugs my body, with my swimsuit underneath. I glanced at the clock and realised I had about a minute until Matt would come back and drag me out of my room, so I grabbed my phone and went to the living room to be greeted by pancakes and 5 or so presents!

“Matt you didn’t have too! You know I don’t like a big fuss!” I half complained even though I was sort of happy that he was making a fuss, but I’d never tell him that.

“Well you see Amberley, your worth it!” He said before pulling me into a bear hug, man I love my brother!

“So than which present do I open first?” I questioned the four boys, who by that way seem way to excited for a 16 year old birthday… but I guess we can address that issue later.

“Oooohh! Mine! Mine! Mine!” Matt said almost whining like a five year old!

I took the little bow and un wrapped it, WOW! Matt got me a sterling silver necklace with a ‘Sweet sixteen charm’ on it! Is was absolutely beautiful!

“Wow! Matt its beautiful!! I didn’t know you even knew how to buy a women jewelry!” I joked

“Well I do! even though I may of got some help… but either way!” he said sheepishly

“Well that doesn’t matter! I love it thank you!!” I pulled him in for another hug

Other than that I got a few gift cards from Mike and Ian, and a rainbow stuff belt and a set my blue and green tank tops from josh… which I was kind of surprised about.. how does he even know how to buy girls clothes?

“Josh… how did you pick out girls clothes? Are you sure your not gay?” I asked jokingly

“Oi! I am not gay! I’m just a really good shopper!” he replied defensively 

“Right I’m sure.. I will find out your secret eventually! But anyway thank you boys so much! You are too nice to me!” I gave them all hugs before josh and mike cut in.

“Well there’s still one more present!” They said together

“Umm okay then gimme!” I said with arms stretched out. they placed a box about as big as my palm in my hand, it was quite light and wrapped in news paper.. seemed a little weird but anyways I proceeded to open it.. and wow…

“Really guys? Really??” I said half sarcastically

“Well I mean your sixteen now! Your technically legal, and we just want you to stay protected!” Said josh followed by a wink

“So you brought me a pack of condoms?” Really? Omg its kinda awkward!

“What!! Guys she doesn’t need those!! Well she better not!” Matt told them and well me rather sternly!

“Okay well I’m not really comfortable talking about this topic so im going to go well anywhere but here now..” I said, as I walked off I heard a matt start to yell at his mates…


(Later that day)

I was just chilling, eating the pizza that had just arrived with Claire and Rachel catching up after 6 months of not seeing each other. When I look up I see this strikingly beautiful blonde walk in, she was pretty skinny, but she was gorgeous! She was wearing a strapless floral dress and her hair was flowing out over her shoulders. Who was she? That when I see Josh walk up behind her and wrap his arms around her waist and kiss her gently on cheek, well obviously that is Amanda. I instantly started to try find her flaws, I don’t know why its like I was jealous? No! I can’t be! I don’t like Josh like that! I have a boyfriend! Well I guess I should go introduce myself… I don’t want to be rude…

“Hi, umm you must me Amanda?” I said putting on my best smile

“Oh Hi! And you must be Amberley? Happy birthday!” she said pulling me into a hug… wow I didn’t expect that… she looked kinda bitchy!

“Ah yeah… but you can call me Aj” I said, I really didn’t like people calling me Amberley any more! Its just so… so… Formal!

“Okay! Well Aj, did you like you presents?” she asked, how did she know?

“oh umm yes, I’m surprised that Matt and Josh are such good present buyers!” I replied

“Matt and Josh? Oh that little jerks! They didn’t tell you did they?” she questioned

“Tell me what?” I was kinda confused now

“Well josh told me all about you, so I helped him with the tank tops, and the belt, and well Matt wanted something that was more meaningful, so I suggested that he got you a nice piece of jewelry, and he had no idea, so I basically picked it out…” she told me the whole story, well it all makes sense now!! I knew that Matt and josh weren’t that good at buying presents!

“Oh I see! Makes sense now! Well thank you so much I really did love everything” I gave her a hug that I had excuse myself to answer my phone


“Happy Birthday Beautiful!!” Awh! He is so cute!

“Thank you!”

“So how’s your day going? I wish I could be with you!”

“Its great! The only thing that could make it better would you being here!” I said flirtatiously

“oh! Babe I wish I could……” he could finish because my phone was taken away! What around to see Sara and Ange Ramsay had arrived and had taken my phone!

“Ahhhh! Sara!! Ange!!!” I gave them a massive hug! I missed these two girls! They are basically my sisters that I’ve never had!

“Happy Birthday you gorgeous thang!” Sara Said

“Girl! You are looking hot!” said Ange. Hehehe man have I missed these two!! But then I heard something saying

“Umm hello… Hello..” I totally forgot they had taken my phone whilst I was in the middle of talking to jasper!

“Oh well im sure whoever your talking to cant be better than us?” Sara stated

“But then again we haven’t met him! Lets put him on loud speaker shall we?” Ange followed..

“Ah… Aj… are you there?” Jaspers voice just got louder as he went onto loud speaker..

“Hey Jas, yeah I’m here, just a warning your now on loud speaker because some friends have my phone!”

“Oh umm well hi? Everybody?” he said kind of shyly

“Well hi there Jasper” Sara and Ange said in unison

“Hey..” he said shyly again

“Guys can I have my phone back yet?” I said kinda wanting time to actually speak with my boyfriend without everyone hearing!

“Hmm let us think about that…” Sara said jokingly

“No.” Ange finished the sentence

“Well hey I gotta get going anyway.. so ill talk you later Aj? have a great birthday beautiful! I miss you!” and he hung up

“Oh now isn’t he just such a gentleman!” Ange said whilst giving me my phone back… Finally!

Ange, Sara and me Started to have a talk about Jasper, I loved that I finally had someone I could gush to! Unlike Matt who just wants to punch him out! we were having a great conversation until we were interrupted my josh Yelling

“Well I think its time for the birthday girl to have a swim!!!” and before I knew it josh had lifted me over his shoulder and was carrying me towards the pool…

“Okay josh!! Put me down I promise I will go in! just let me get out of my clothes first?” Josh seemed to be deciding between if he just wanted to drop me straight in or if he was going to let me undress..

“Alright I guess I trust you…” he put my down and stepped back

I wasn’t going to try run because he would just catch me and I didn’t want to get my clothes wet.. so I guess my only option was to strip down to my swimmers.  So I decided to see if I could get josh’s and maybe the others guys attention so I thought I would get undressed at an agonizingly slow pace. I undid my shorts button and then as sexily as I could I slid them down my legs followed by me slowly pulling off my tank top and then chucking them aside. When I looked up I saw josh flat out staring at me… well my plan had worked.

“What are you staring at?” I asked josh who still hadn’t come to the realisation that I had finished taking my clothes off.

“Oh umm what? Ah nothing…” he said trying to cover up

“yes I’m sure” I said before winking at him and cannon balling into the pool.

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