Useless | Draco Malfoy

By -etherealst

43.8K 1.1K 266

In a world where witches and wizards can only see colour once they know who their soulmate is, both Eden Abel... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Memory 1
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Memory 2
Memory 3
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Memory 4
Memory 5
Memory 6
Memory 7
Memory 8
Memory 9
Memory 10
Memory 11
Memory 12
Memory 13
Memory 14
Memory 15
Memory 16
Memory 17
Memory 18
Memory 19
Memory 20
Memory 21
Memory 22
Memory 23
Memory 24
Memory 25
Memory 26
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 30

553 14 0
By -etherealst


Draco shouted so loudly the whole room shook.

The sudden feeling of Lucius being pulled off her small body was a relief because when he was pulled off of her, the connection was lost and she finally felt like she could breath again.

The remaining pain in her head came in waves. 

Every 1-2 seconds an ache felt like it was crushing her brain, but it was not as bad as when Lucius was fully invading her.

Immediately, Draco ran up to her making sure to hold her face and check for any kind of bruising from his father. "Are you alright?  Eden?"

That slip up...

He always let her name roll off his tongue when she was in pain, or crying, or even trying to hurt herself.

To him, it was a way to get her attention.  A way of leading it away from anything bad she was feeling in that moment because when he did say her name, she would look over and the shock weighed out her emotion.

"You're alright.  Just shut your eyes..."

He reached down and pet her hair ever so gently before turning and looking down at his father whom he'd just thrown to the floor.

"It seems as through I've brought back memories of her's that you wanted to stay a secret.  It's too bad isn't it.  Maybe if you kept a better eye on the girl this could have all been prevented."

"How did you even get in father!?  TELL ME!"

Draco pointed his wand down to his father and watched hims scramble and become less confident. 

If there was one thing Lucius knew about his son, it was that he was not one to bluff.  If he has his mind set on doing something he would do it no matter if it involved killing or destruction.

"It appears you were distracted with her little dance.  Allowed me to get in through apparation undetected, this is my house after all... It gave me enough time to set up a distraction at the gate.  I thought you were better than this.  You're a bloody Malfoy-"

"And I'll loathe it for the rest of my fucking days on this earth.  Now if you know what's best for you, you'll get up, leave and never step near her ever again."

Lucius looked toward the bed at Eden who was groaning in excruciating pain; Her shaky hands on her head rubbing it weakly.

Eden would get no where by doing that, but in the moment it relieved some of the built up tension in her brain.

With Draco's wand being pulled away and put back in his pocket Lucius gained the confidence to stand once more.  He completely ignored what Draco said to him.

"You'll have to spend a long time explaining what you did to her now that she knows you've been lying.  You should be thanking your dear father for this.  Without me you'd be miserable and always debating with yourself if you should or shouldn't tell her.  I've done the hard part.  You just have to explain now."

"You have not done anything helpful since the day I was bloody born! Get out of my house!"

"This was my house before it was your's-"


Draco stepped forward toward his father who went right out the door and apparated out of the house completely.

Now that he was alone, he could finally tend to Eden though there was not much he could do in terms of her pain. 

The most he could do was numb it, but even then it would not get rid of the feeling completely and to be honest it would just be a waste of time and energy.

Malfoy walked over to the bedside looking at her squirm slightly whenever a wave would hit her.

"What do you know Abella?"

"More than I'm supposed to."

"I asked what you know..."

He was being dead serious. 

This was not the time to be beating around the bush. 

It was not a game, but she knew that. Eden just wanted to hear him say it.

His father had come and fucked up his whole plan. 

It appeared that that was the only thing that man was good for. 

Making everything a mess.

Pansy creaked the door open just enough to peer her head in and then the rest of her body once Malfoy caught a glimpse of her presence.

"Let her tell you later.  She is in pain right now.  She cannot think straight.  Let me handle this-"

"The last time I let you handle something, she was nearly dead in her bathtub.  You will not be doing anything of the sort.  At least not while I'm alive and breathing."

"Bloody hell Draco will you ever forgive me for that?!" She rose her voice and stared at him wide eyed.

"NO! You almost killed her. People are not replaceable Pansy! If she was successful do you understand how much trouble I would be in... How much trouble YOU would be in! Your baby! Your family-"

"STOP yelling!"

Both Pansy and Draco whipped their heads toward Eden in shock. The girl just rose her voice not only at Draco, but at Pansy too.

That was a first.

"You two are always yelling! Go outside if you're going to be shouting! My head is fucking hurting!"

Malfoy stayed silent while Eden went off on her little rant.

"You blame her for what I did, but it was not her fault. She left and she thought I was okay because I told her I was okay. You can't blame people for things they weren't even present for. Please just let her care for me. She's a mother, she knows what she's doing."

After all those memories came rushing back to Eden, she was still unable to understand Draco and his obsession with her and her safety.

From what she remembered he was an absolute pain to be around, very entitled and selfish and he did not like her, so why the sudden change?

It confused her.

Finally after all the screaming and yelling, Draco stepped out of the room allowing Pansy to be alone with the girl once again.

He waited outside the door for her in case anything did go sour. He would be right there to jump into action had he needed to.

When Pansy came out of the bedroom, Eden followed after her and as they walked to the living room. Draco followed closely behind them.

Eden changed out of the uncomfortable clothes, her hair was down to help relieve the pain and it appeared as though she took a shower.

Afterward when Pansy was explaining everything it all made sense.

The heat from the water would take away from the pain. Letting her hair fall loose would allow her to feel less tension on her head and changing out of the clothes she was wearing was just something Pansy instructed for her to be more comfortable.

As the night passed Pansy tended to her daughter while Eden ran off to her room, claiming she needed some alone time.

It was understandable, but it worried Draco.

He had no clue what memories his father brought forth up until that point and was scared to even ask and find out.

By the time Eden was asleep again, he was left wondering the same thing he wondered all day and even after trying to sleep for hours and hours he was still tossing and turning in his sheets eager to know the answer.

What did she remember now.  Was it going to mess everything up?

Perhaps now was a good time to tell her everything since she must have been growing suspicious after all that...

But he couldn't just up and tell her out of nowhere. 

It would be to much and she wouldn't believe him. 

In order to pick up from what she already knew, he needed to know what she did indeed know.

Night after night for a week Draco went to her room after being unable to sleep.

He found it comforting when he slept near her. 

Something about it calmed him down though he didn't know why...

It was probably because of his father and how he broke in so easily or because he always went to Eden when he was in need of comfort in the past. 

Nonetheless, Eden's presence made him feel better and she wouldn't know anything about his little visits when she woke up in the mornings.

For the next weeks Eden spent her days practicing, eating, sleeping, walking...  She never gave herself a break until Pansy would cut in and tell her dancing all day and night was not healthy for her.

"Why do you do that?"  Pansy asked and walked beside Eden as she made her way back to her room for the night.

"Do what?"

"You overwork yourself.  You dance from when you wake up in the morning to when you fall asleep at night.  Why?"

Eden sighed and wrapped her small hand around the knob on her door.  "I forget about the rest of my problems when I dance...  Call it an escape.  Dancing is the only way I can feel like I'm breathing and when I say breathing I mean breathing like I'm not forced to do so every day of my life.  It's stupid, but it's true.  Everyone has some sort of escape.  Dancing is mine, even if it means I work myself over."

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