Black bird

By XsleeplesswritingX

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"I'm sorry Gemini." The blonde said to me looking like he was about to cry. "Why? Why would you do this?" I s... More



970 24 3
By XsleeplesswritingX

Line without a hook by Rick Montgomery.

Geminis POV

"Ah and who is this lovely lady?" Voldemort said as I walked into the Malfoy manor.

I looked around and every death eater including Draco was sitting at the table. Everyone but my farther.

"Gemini Myth my lord." I said walking over to Voldemort.

"Ah yes. Are you here to join me?" He asked.

"Yes." I said to him.

He nodded his head and told Draco to lead me to the library while they talk it out.

Draco grabbed my arm roughly and dragged me to the library.

"What the hell are you doing here Gemini?" He seethed while slamming the door to the library shut.

I looked up at him, staring into those beautiful eyes and then smirked. I grabbed his tie from his suit and pulled him down to my lips.

"What do you think?" I whispered seductively into his ear.

He slightly pushed me away and grabbed my face roughly. After inspecting it for a few seconds he pushed it away.

"No, you aren't yourself gemini." He said sternly.

"Yes I am." I pouted.

"No gemini you are the devil right now literally." He yelled getting close to my face.

I scoffed. "Since when do you care what I do huh? You left me." I said to him.

I woke up quickly with a horrible headache. Aching for some water, I looked around me to realize I'm not in my bed.

I'm in Malfoy's again.

I looked under the sheets to see I didn't have pants on but a white quidditch sweater.

Of fuck, I hope we didn't fuck.

I looked at the other side of the bed to see Malfoy was not laying there, and I guess none of his roommates came here last night if I'm here.

I got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom to splash some water on my face. I opened the door and Malfoy was standing there with just a towel wrapped around his waist.

His hair was wet with a few strands in front of his face and his muscles were more prominent than ever.

"Would you like to me to go or do you want to keep staring?" He said to me.

I looked up at him to see a smirk appearing on his face.

"Ha ha very funny." I said sarcastically as I slightly pushed him away from the sink.

"I woke up to you mumbling something, you sounded angry, so I thought best to not wake you from it." Malfoy said now leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed.

I splashed my face with some water and saw his hand towel hanging from the hooks and dried my face with it. I then looked at him and leaned on the counter.

"It was another vision." I said to him hoping he doesn't ask what it was about, but right on que he did.

"What was it about?" Malfoy asked me raising an eyebrow.

I shook my head and slightly laughed at the thought of the vision.

These visions must be wrong. I would never let Malfoy break my heart and I would never become a death eater.

"It was actually pretty stupid, it doesn't matter." I said shaking my head and laughing as I brushed past him to get out of the bathroom.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him before I could barely walk past the bathroom door.

"You can tell me. You know if you need someone to talk to about it." He said to me quietly.

My breath slightly hitched from how close he was to me.

"I- I have Fred and George." I said stuttering.

Maybe if the vision didn't involve him I would tell him, but he will judge me if I tell him that he was in it.

Before he could ask again I spoke.

"Did we-" I began to ask before he interrupted me.

"No." He said sternly as he slightly backed away from me to give me so breathing room.

I nodded my head and looked around to avoid his gaze.

"How did I get here? All I remember is being up on the roof." I said to him quietly and confused.

"After talking for awhile you put your head on my shoulder and started to doze off. I took you up here, and as hot as you looked in that dress; I thought it would be more comfortable to not wear it to bed so I woke you up slightly to change and then you fell back asleep." He explained blankly.

I nodded again in response.

"Right, well I should get going then." I said quickly and walked past him.

"Would you like some sweats to wear?" He asked awkwardly as he itched the back of his neck.

"Oh well..." I thought about it for a quick second, realizing that wearing the dress would make me look like a walk of shame I answered him. "If that's okay?" I said to him.

He nodded his head and grabbed a pair of gray sweats from his dresser and threw them at me.

Fuck me, he wears gray sweats too? He keeps getting hotter.

"Thank you." I mumbled as I slipped them on.

I gave him one last look and left the room quickly. My head was pounding I don't know if it was from the vision or the fact that I'm hungover or both.

I'm going with the fact that I'm hungover seeing as I also feel the need to puke.

I made my way out of the slytherin common room and to the Gryffindor one without puking my brains out.

As soon as I got to the Gryffindor common room I laid righ onto the couch and groaned.

"Gemini!" I heard a voice yell.

I groaned in response and felt a pair of hands lift up my legs and set them back down on their legs.

"Hi Harry." I mumbled out.

"We have a question." I heard Hermione say as she sat on the ground.

I groaned and sat up slowly.

"You look dead." Ron said with a chuckle.

Hermione slapped Ron's arm. He gave her weird look.

I laughed slightly. "It's okay mione I do in fact look dead. A lot of alcohol does that to you." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Right well. You know how Umbridge isn't teaching anything?" Harry said looking at all three of us.

I hummed in response.

I hate that bitch.

"Well we were thinking of starting our own secret class. In the room of requirements and Harry will teach it, thought you might be interested in joining?" Hermione said.

I know everything from the patrouns charm to the cruciatus curse, so although I don't need the class I don't see the harm in joining.

"Ya sure." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Brilliant!" Harry said happily.

"Also one more question." Hermione said.

"No hermione it's dangerous." Harry said to her shaking her head.

I quickly looked at both of them and gave a confused face.

"What? I want to know." I said pouting.

"She's the only one who I know is allowed in. We have to ask her." Hermione said to Harry completely forgetting I was here.

"Guys I'm right here. You don't have to talk like I'm not here." I said pouting although they weren't paying any attention to me.

Hermione sighed and looked at Harry and then me.

"They won't let us into the order of Phoenix but they might let you an-." Hermione stared saying before I cut her off.

"Yes I'll join." I said quickly.

"Gemini it's dangerous." Harry said looking at me.

" I believe he's back, in fact I know he's back. So I want to fight and you guys need someone on the inside to tell you what's happening, so yes I'll join." I said explaining my reasoning.

They all looked at each other worried most likely for my safety.

I rolled my eyes. "So when do I join? Should we contact Sirius?" I asked excited.

"We will contact him tonight." Hermione said. "Meet us in the common room after hours."

"Amazing will do!" I said smiling.

They all smiled at me and got up.

"Thank you Gemini." Harry said before he left the common room.

I know I can join the order of Phoenix. I'm strong and good at fighting, the only problem is getting through my dad. He's going to hate the idea but he knows I won't let him not let me help. He trained me for stuff like this and I'm ready to fight. I know he wants to keep me safe but he can't protect me forever.

Luckily I don't have training today with Dumbledore and my father so he doesn't have to find out yet which also means I can put off telling him about my vision this morning.

I got up from the couch and headed to my room to take a shower and change my clothes.

I turned on the shower waiting for it to heat up as I starting undressing. I was bloated from all the alcohol I drank last night which disgusted me but I turned away from the mirror and ignored my thoughts as I stepped into the shower.

The warm water hit my back getting rid of all my bad thoughts and the ache of my hangover.

I closed my eyes as I enjoyed the warmth until I got a throbbing headache.

"No please not in the shower." I mumbled to myself feeling the vision come.

Am I ever able to enjoy 6 hours without one?

As soon as I thought it the vision appeared.

"I love you." The blonde said to me.

"I love you too Draco." I said to him.

He pulled me in close and hugged me like his life depended on it.

"Please survive black bird." He said into my ear as he kept me in his arms.

"I will. You must survive too so we can live our lives together." I said to him as I felt the tears roll down my cheek.

He pulled away from the hug and kissed me. "Ill see you after the fight." He said quietly and then he was gone.

My eyes opened and I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. This vision didn't hurt as bad, maybe because it was a good vision? Yet how can it be good when it involves Malfoy.

Why does this stupid universe think Malfoy is my soulmate?

I got out of the shower and grabbed a plaid skirt with black tights, a white turtleneck and a black sweater. I threw it on and brushed out my hair before heading down to the corridors.

(Geminis outfit. Hopefully this gives a good sense of her style.)

I headed to the corridors and out to the courtyard. No one was really out and about right now due to being half dead from the party last night so it was pretty quite.

I saw a few first years and a few second years walking around but that was about it, until I saw Draco with another girl as they were making out.

I scoffed. I would never yet for some reason it's really pissing me off. I'm not sure why, last night meant nothing to me yet I just wanted to strangle that girl.

I stuffed the feeling all the way down and kept walking to the courtyard. I'm supposed to meet up with Fred and George to go to hogsmeade with them.

"Are you ready?" Fred said smiling brightly.

"Always!" I said happily.

Once we got to hogsmeade we made our way to the three broomsticks to drink some butterbeer. We go to hogsmeade every Sunday just to catch up. Since we don't have any classes together we can't see each other everyday so we always try to make time for each other.

We sat down at a booth together and Fred got up to grab us butter beers.

"So?" George said to me as he rested his chin on his hand.

"So what?" I said looking at him and raising an eyebrow.

"Malfoy of course." George said wiggling his eyebrows.

I scoffed at the thought of him. "He's nothing to me." I said annoyed.

"I saw you two at the dance, he doesn't seem like just nothing Gem." George said as his smile slightly dropped.

"Why do you guys want me to be with him so badly?" I asked George as Fred sat down and handed us our butter beers.

"You guys look hot together." Fred said shrugging his shoulders and taking a sip of his butter beer.

I scoffed at that. "Ya no thank you." I said rolling my eyes.

"Aye Malfoy!" I heard George yell.

I looked over at the door. Malfoy just walked in and gave a weird look to the twins and said something to his friends and walked over to us.

I pretended not to see him walk over and started down at my butter beer.

"What do you want?" Malfoy said annoyed.

"Sit please." Fred said.

I heard Malfoy huff and then felt the booth shift meaning he has sat down right next to me.

"Hello myth." I heard Malfoy say.

"They know Malfoy. You don't have to call me that." I said without looking at him.

I knew from his silence that he just responded with a nod.

"Malfoy. Would you say that Gemini is hot?" George asked out of nowhere.

I snapped my head up at him giving him a hard glare. He looked at me for a second and smirked knowing he has officially annoyed me.

Annoying me is a game to them because they know I won't hurt them.

"No he wouldn't think that. I'm sure the girl he was slobbering all over though was pretty hot." I seethed out.

Malfoy slightly chuckled at me, but I still refused to look at him.

"Aw did that make you angry Snape?" Malfoy said with sarcasm dripping from his voice as he touched my thigh under the table.

I looked at him with a slight glare and sarcastically smiled at him. "No. I don't care what you do."

He Inched his hand closer to the seam of my skirt.

"Good, because last night was nothing to me." He said to me with a slight smirk as he tried to get a rise out of me.

"Same here." I said to him looking him in the eyes giving him the idea that his words have no effect on me.

His hand moved again and this time they moved underneath my skirt.

My breathing became hitched and my legs started to shift with how close he was to touching me there.

I heard Fred clear his throat showing that he was uncomfortable with what was happening and then he spoke up.

"The sexual tension between you two says otherwise." Fred said and my head quickly snapped at him.

"There is no sexual tension when you hate each other." I said nonchalantly.

Right on cue his hand moved to my clit and he started rubbing slightly.

My leg slightly jerked and my breathing became more hitched.

"Yes that's the word. Hate. I hate all three of you." Malfoy said looking at the twins finally.

The twins both smirked and then looked at each other and then averted their eyes back to Malfoy.

"I believe you hate us two but I don't believe that you hate Gemini." George said to him with smirk hoping that he is right.

Malfoy shrugged his shoulders not denying it.

"I'm leaving now." Malfoy said as he got up from the booth. Leaving me horny and angry.

As he walked away I snapped my head at the twins who both had huge smiles on their faces.

"I hate you two." I said to them with a glare.

"Hate us all you want but he likes you." Fred said.

I shook my head at them and took a large gulp of butter beer to get rid of my ache down there.

We sat in the three broomsticks for a few hours. I told them about the dance, my visions that keep happening and everything else in between. Once the sun started setting is when we made our way back to Hogwarts and parted ways to our dorms.

Once I got to my room I grabbed my radio and decided to make my way to the roof of Hogwarts where Malfoy showed me last night.

Once I made my way up there I turned on the radio and laid down with my eyes closed. The breeze, the sunset and the music all go together like a love sick couple meant to find one another.

I allowed myself to sit here for awhile pondering about my visions. The reason I know they can't be right is because I would never fall in love.

Love is like a poison. It taste good the first few sips and then it kills you. I've never been in love but I've seen girls go through heartbreak. I mean why would you put yourself in such a vulnerable position just for them to break your heart?

Moral of the story is that love is stupid and I do not need that in my life not now and probably not ever.

Love just fucks you over.

"So hanging out in my spot now?" I heard Malfoy say.

I sat up quickly and started to grab my radio to leave until I felt his arm on my shoulder.

"You can stay." He said quietly.

I'm not sure why but his touch felt electric.

I nodded my head in response and sat back down.

We sat in silence for awhile. I'm not sure if he's enjoying my company or not but either way it's nice that he's not trying to make awkward conversations with me.

He pulled out a blunt from his suit jacket and sparked it. He took a hit and slowly inhaled and exhaled as he held the blunt in between his fingers.

"Can I?" I asked looking at him and averting my gaze to the blunt.

Without looking at me he handing me the blunt slowly like he was scared to ruin it.

"So your friends seem to think that we would be good together." Malfoy said with a slight chuckle.

I chuckled awkwardly and moved my hair away from my face. "Ya ignore them they probably are just tired of seeing me single."

Malfoy grabbed the blunt from my hands. "What if I don't want to ignore it?" He said.

I looked over at him with my eyes slightly glared thinking this was some dumb joke. "What?" I said confused.

"What if we were good together? What if I told you that I think we would be a badass couple?" Malfoy said still not looking at me as he watched the sunset.

I laughed at that thinking he had to be joking. "Then I would think you're on some type of drug. I mean you used to hate me, we're supposed to hate each other Malfoy." I said as I grabbed the blunt back and took a hit.

"Why? Because that's what everyone says? Because you're a Gryffindor and I'm a slytherin?" He said to me with a slight scoff.

"There's more to it. Because I'm a half-blood and you're a pure blood, because I hangout with what you call 'blood traitors' because you decided to hate us Gryffindors, because I'm not like every girl where I'll let you break my heart for fun." I explained.

He looked at me in the eyes like he was studying how I felt. I wasn't sure what I felt all I knew was that I was supposed to hate him but I don't at all.

He grabbed my hand carefully. "Dance with me."

I looked at him peculiar. I'm not sure why Malfoy is being nice to me but I like it.

I nodded my head. We stood up together and he took my hand and interlocked ours together, he put his other hand on my hip and I put mine on his shoulder.

'Saying she's a, she's a lady and I am just a boy'

He twirled me and I couldn't help but let a laugh of happiness escape through my lips and he did too as he pulled me back in.

'He's singing she's a, she's a lady and I am just a line without a..'

We danced in slow motion. It felt like everything in the world has stopped moving just for us. It felt like we were the only two people on this planet and that's all that mattered.

He picked up my chin and looked me in the eyes and then he kissed me carefully and gently. It's like he was scared my lips would break if he touched me too hard.

'Oh baby, I am a wreck when I'm without you. I need you here to stay.'

"Let's test it out. I'm sure all our friends are right we seem like we would be badass." Malfoy said to me as he wandered through my eyes.

"Okay. Just a warning I am a bitch, and I'm not sure how to care for someone." I said as I bit down on my lip trying to not forgot our kiss.

"We will learn together, Gemini Snape." He said as he twirled me around again.

The way my real name fell of his tongue was like gentle music to my ears. My name sounded like it was supposed to come from his lips and his only. The way his lips curved when he said my name made it look perfect.

"Okay Draco Malfoy." I said as we were mere inches away from each others face.

What I didn't realize in that moment of time was that the kiss we had shared was from my vision.

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