Black bird

By XsleeplesswritingX

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"I'm sorry Gemini." The blonde said to me looking like he was about to cry. "Why? Why would you do this?" I s... More



990 23 5
By XsleeplesswritingX

Listen to lollipop by lil Wayne when they start getting drunk I promise you won't regret it!

Draco Malfoys POV

I was sitting in the slytherin common room on the couch with Pansy, Blaise, Theodore, and Tracy.

Everyone was talking to each other but I didn't care to listen, my thoughts were else where.

Why did I ask Little Snape to go to the party with me? I have no idea. Gemini has always been the most attractive girl in this school, her long black hair, the golden brown eyes, the tan skin, her body, the way she carries her self, but I've never taken interest in her until this year.

Sure we talk but it's because I like getting her on her nerves, she's the only girl who will stand up to me. She's never backed down on a fight with me and I admire her for that.

Boys fall on their knees for her because of her attitude and her looks and I don't blame them, now me? I refuse to do that to girls. I like them to fall for me but for some reason it's like the universe wants me to fall for her.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the common room door slam shut. I snapped my head and to my surprise Gemini was standing at the door.

At first I had no idea how she got in but then I realized her father is the Head of Slytherin and he must have given her the password.

Pansy started walking up to her and Gemini looked like she was ready to punch anyone who says something to her.

"You know you aren't allowed in the Slytherin common room Myth." Pansy says to her.

I almost forgot her fake last name is Myth.

Gemini looked her up and down, like she was debating on slapping her or not.

"You know what? I don't remember fucking asking pug face." She snapped at her and then stalked off.

I couldn't help but be proud of that. A smirk grew on my face.

"I can't believe she just said that." Pansy said fumming.

Without a second thought I replied to Pansy. "Shut it Pansy." I said to her.

Pansy scoffed at me. "What did you just say?" She said angrily.

I looked up at her annoyed that she is trying to fight this with me.

"I said shut it. Want me to repeat it for you again." I said to her.

She started to speak but I cut her off. "I have to go." I said standing up.

For some reason I got the sudden urge to Follow Gemini. I knew where Professors Snapes bedroom is so I started my way over there.

When I got to his bedroom the door was slightly cracked open.

"That's what I'm talking about farther." I heard Gemini say annoyed at her father.

There's was a second of silence until Professor Snape spoke up.

"I-No I didn't know." He said quietly.

"So you didn't know that Mom was part devil and so am I?" Gemini said raising her voice.

She's part devil? How is that even possible?

"I don't think she knew either Gemini." He said again and before Gemini could respond he spoke again, "where did you even find this?" He asked.

I heard the remaining of the conversation and started to walk away, but apparently not quick enough.

"Malfoy?" I heard Gemini say behind me.

I turned around to look at her. "Yes Snape?" I said to her.

She looked like she was about to speak but then shook her head and started turning around to walk away.

"Wait." I said as I started walking up to her.

She stopped walking and only turned her head to look at me but she didn't say anything.

I saw a book in her hand and because I couldn't think of anything else to say I asked her what it was.

"What book is that?" I asked her.

She looked down at the book and then hugged it closer to her body like she was scared I would snatch it out of her arms.

"Um just a school book I got from my father." She said quickly and a little too quickly.

"I've never seen that book for any type of class." I said to her. I wasn't going to take it away from her but after hearing what she said to her father, I was wondering if that book explained what she was.

"Ya well ya know being the daughter of a professor I get some cool books." She said with an awkward chuckle.

I nodded my head in agreement.

"Well anyways I've got to go." She said brushing her shoulder past me and giving me a weak smile.

I watched her walk away and all I could think about was how beautiful she was and how she was also part devil.

"What are you doing over here Malfoy." I heard Snape say behind me. I've realized the one time he isn't annoyed with students is right after he talks to Gemini, like just her presence calms him down.

"I- nothing." I said to him as I started to look at him.

He noticed Gemini walking along the hall and then faced me. He knew I was talking to her and by the looks of it he did not like it.

"If you hurt her I will kill you." He said to me threateningly.

I furrowed my eyebrows, there's no way for me to hurt her when we aren't even a thing.

"Don't look confused Malfoy. I saw the way you looked at her just now. My daughter is too independent to allow me to tell her who she can and can't talk to, which is why I will allow it but if you hurt her in anyway you will never see the light again." He said as he started to walk back to his bedroom.

"Oh and Malfoy, she is stubborn, petty, and doesn't not take stuff from anyone. So be careful with her, but once you get on her good side you will see she is an actual angel." He said and then disappointed back into his bedroom.

Angel huh? Didn't he just figure out she's part devil?

I walked back to the common room but his words wouldn't leave my mind. The way I looked at her? There is no special way I look at her, to me she is just some girl who is a quick fuck.

At least that's what I keep telling myself.


Geminis POV

It's been a week since I've found out I was part devil. I told Fred and George about everything that was in that book and they weren't terrified in fact it was the complete opposite of terrified.

"That is so cool!" Fred said intrigued.

"I can't believe our best friend is hot and a devil!" Fred said as he kept going on about it.

"You're so badass now!" George said.

"Guys this is serious. I could kill someone." I said to them getting annoyed that they thought it was cool.

They both ignored me and turned to one another. "Dude she could totally fight now." Fred said to George.

"Her powers are going to be so cool! No wand just using her thoughts to-" George used his finger as a knife on his throat indicating he meant kill. "Someone, isn't that so cool!" George said finishing his sentence.

I smile about it now because I do think it's cool but also very dangerous.

I've had training sessions with Dumbledore and my father every night since I found out and each time I can feel myself getting stronger and better control over everything.

I haven't had a vision all week and I'm happy about that.

Tonight was the night of the party and I was excited to get drunk and high and to get my mind off of things.

I was getting ready for the party as Fred and George were sitting on my bed and goofing around with their Weasley products.

I decided with my outfit that a low ponytail would look best. Since hair was already naturally pin straight I didn't have to straighten it before putting it back.

My makeup was finished and now so was my hair. I checked the clock and saw it was already 8:30pm. I grabbed the dress out of my closet and rushed to the bathroom to throw it on.

It was a gold sparkly dress that barely went past my thighs, it had a very deep v-neck and made my boobs look amazing.

I paired it with a few gold necklaces and I was all done getting ready. I looked at myself in the mirror and as badly as I wanted to say I looked hot my disorder would not allow me to. So I quickly turned away from the mirror and walked out.

"How do I look boys?" I said giving them a slow spin.

They both gulped and looked me up and down. "Wicked." They said together with big eyes.

(Geminis Outfit)

I laughed at their response and grabbed my gold heels that matched with it.

"Shouldn't you two be picking up your dates?" I said as I clasped my heel straps.

They both smirked and got up from my bed.

Fred asked Angelina and George asked a Hufflepuff named Lucy.

They came over and gave me a hug and walked out of the room.

A few more minutes passed and there was a knock on my door, I opened it up and Malfoy was standing there looking amazing.

He was wearing black dress pants with a buttoned up red,white and black striped shirt, the tops buttons were undone exposing some of his muscular chest. He had some gold necklaces on with a chain connected to his pants.

(Draco's outfit)

He eyed me up and down and slightly gulped.

"You have all night to stare Draco, come on let's go party." I said with a smirk enjoying how my outfit has made him giddy and nervous.

He met my eyes and instead of a mean cold stare, they were soft and also hungry.

He cleared his throat before grabbing my arm gently and leading my out of my dorm.

We walked quietly to the party but it wasn't awkward it was a peaceful quite.

Once we got to the room of requirement Malfoy walked in front of it three times and the wall opened.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and together we walked in.

The room of requirement is huge but it's so crowded that we still have to squeeze past people in order to walk. Strobe lights were everywhere in different colors, the DJ was blasting music and everyone was grinding up on each other on the dance floor.

"Want to get a drink?" Malfoy whispered into my ear.

I looked up at him and nodded with a smile.

We walked over to the table full of alcohol, I grabbed a shot glass and poured some tequila in there while Draco grabbed a beer.

I brought the shot glass up to my mouth and shot it to the back of my throat. I felt the burning sensation go down my throat and smiled.

I love alcohol.

Draco gave me a surprised face.

"What?" I asked with a laugh.

"It's just I've never seen a girl here who doesn't make a face when they take shots." He said surprised but still gave out a chuckle.

I shrugged my shoulders and started pouring another shot.

"Gemini!" Fred and George said walking up to me.

They both put their arms around my shoulders and Fred put something in the palm of my hand and smiled at me.

I opened up my hand to see a Molly in it. I smile at myself and then looked at Draco.

"Want one?" I asked showing him the Molly.

"You do drugs?" He asked surprised.

"There's a lot you don't know about me Malfoy, just because Snape is my father doesn't mean I'm innocent." I said as I popped the Molly in my mouth.

"She only does it in party settings, she's not a drug addict." George said finally speaking.

Malfoy nodded his head in response, I could tell he was uncomfortable that two Weasleys were talking to him but he didn't act like he hated them for my sake.

He sighed and then looked at Fred and George.

"I'll take one." Malfoy finally said.

Fred and George both smirked and then Fred pulled a tiny bag out of his pocket and dropped a Molly into Malfoys hand.

Malfoy inspected the pill probably thinking it was a Weasley product.

"It's fine Malfoy." I said reassuring him.

He looked me straight in the eye and then shot it in his mouth.

That was hot not going to lie.

He grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me away from my best friends.

"Let's dance." He said sternly.

I turned to the boys and waved my hand at them. Before he could pull me away too far I grabbed a bottle of vodka to bring to the dance floor.

Once we got to the dance floor I took a big swig of the vodka and Malfoy and I started grinding. I was surprisingly having fun with Malfoy.

"Let me see the bottle." Malfoy whispered into my ear.

I took another swig before handing it to him and he then grabbed my cheeks and made me look at him. He told me to open my mouth so I did. He brought the bottle up and started pouring it into my mouth.

That turned me on.

After a few songs we left the dance floor mostly because we were out of our alcohol.

I went back to the table to grab some more and Malfoy came with me.

Pansy walked over to us and gave me a disgusted look. I rolled my eyes and mumbled something under my breath.

"What did you say?" Malfoy whispered into my ear.

"Bitch." I said giving a slight chuckle.

Malfoy chuckled back. "Come on." He said grabbing my arm gently and bringing me out of the room of requirement.

"Where are we going?" I asked slightly slurring my words. My alcohol tolerance is really high but I've had so much to drink.

"You'll see." Malfoy said with a tiny smile.

We walked a little bit longer than my drunk self liked until we reached the roof of Hogwarts.

"I like to come up here sometimes." Malfoy said sitting on the ledge and pulling out a joint.

"Is this where you bring all the girls you've fucked?" I asked laughing.

"I guess you'll never know." Malfoy said sparking the joint.

I rolled my eyes as he handed me the joint to take the first hit.

I inhaled the smoke and let it coarse through my body, loving the sensation of the high.

"Why isn't anyone allowed to know who your real father is?" Malfoy asked me.

I snapped my head at him surprised that he asked me that.

I turned my head back to look at the sky.

"He doesn't want Voldemort to find me." I said to him.

I shouldn't be telling him this but I'm so drunk that lying is impossible.

He looked at me suspiciously.

"What would happen if he found you?" He asked me curiosity getting the best of him.

"I'll either be killed or become a death eater, and I would rather die than become one of his minions." I said scoffing at the end of my sentence.

Malfoy shifted awkwardly. His father is one along with his aunt and I know he agrees with me but that topic always makes him uncomfortable.

"Why would he want you?" He asked handing me the joint again.

I took a hit and then answered him. "I'm stronger than him, he wouldn't like someone against him when they are much stronger than him." I said to him.

Draco Malfoys POV

I don't know why I care to ask her these questions but I have wondered why no one can know about Snape having a daughter.

I look at her and grab the joint back. She slightly shivers from the wind and then laughs.

"What?" I ask her.

She shakes her head. "Nothing I'm just really fucking drunk." She says still slightly laughing.

She has such a beautiful laugh.

The truth is, I have never brought another girl up here. Gemini is just different. We still hate each other but I care for her and I think she cares for me too.

"It's beautiful up here." She said admiring the stars with a child like smile on her face.

I think this is the first time I've ever seen her smile without the Weasley twins around or her father around.

"Why do act like a bitch black bird?" I asked her. It's obviously a front she puts up, but so do I so I can't blame her.

She looked at me and awkwardly put her hair behind her ear.

"It's easier to be a bitch. No one can take advantage of you when they hate you." She said.

"You're nice to the twins?" I said to her.

She smiled thinking about them, although I hate them the smile they give her obviously means those two are the only people she truly loves.

"They are my best friends. My first year they made me be friends with them, they are the only ones who love me and care for me. I wouldn't trade them for the world." She said still smiling and observing the stars.

She then looked at me and her smile slightly faded. "Why are you a dick to everyone?" She asked me raising an eyebrow and grabbing the bottle sitting next to her and taking another swig.

I laughed. "Almost the same reason as you, it's easier. If you're nice then people want to be your friend but if you're a dick no one will ever bother you." I explained to her.

"Yeah you do really well at it." She said scoffing.

I chuckled lightly.

"Why did you ask me to come to the party if you hate me?" She asked looking at me.

I took a deep breath. "Maybe it's just the alcohol and drugs talking but I've never hated you." I told her.

She looked at me like I was stupid. "Malfoy you call me and the twins blood traitors all the time, you mention my dead mother, you've never said nice things to me until this year, and you call me ugly all the time and I know sure as hell you're going to blackmail me with my dad." She said all in one breath.

"I- okay well yes but-" I couldn't think of an excuse so instead I just sat there and grabbed the bottle out her hand and took a swig.

After a few moments I spoke again. "I don't hate you, I would never use that as blackmail, I definitely don't think you're ugly and honestly I think you're kind of a badass." I said to her.

She looked at me surprised. "A badass yeah?" She said chuckling.

I nodded my head. "You're the only girl here who stands up for herself and the only one I know who can hold her alcohol." I laughed.

She shrugged her shoulders. "Ya well I was raised by Severus Snape. He doesn't raise pussies." She said rolling her eyes but also a slight laugh to it.

"Can I tell you something Draco?" She said to me.

I hate when people call me by my first name but the way she says it is just so beautiful that I want her to say it over and over again.

I hummed telling her to tell me.

"You were better than Blaise." She said looking me straight in the eyes.

I smirked. "Of course I was black bird." I said to her.

She rolled her eyes in response.

I realized something sitting here and talking to her.

She is the first girl I've ever allowed myself to really smile around. Maybe it's the drugs and alcohol talking or she is just so much like me that I feel I can be myself around her.

Whatever it is, the fact that she can just make me smile by being her makes me want to be around her all the time.

Yet because I refuse to fall for any girl, I can't allow it to happen. I can't be around her all the time.

Having her hate me is much better than her liking me.

Deep down inside though, I know I can't do that to her.

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