My Nest

By BTSBunny02

897K 31.6K 11.9K

One accident can make the world a much better place and Jungkook is about to find that out for himself and a... More

Chapter One- The Incident
Chapter Two- Awakening
Chapter Three- Guilty
Chapter Four- Rules
Chapter Five - First Blood
Chapter Six - Ham and Cheese Tostie
Chapter Seven- The Tour
Chapter Eight - Surprises
Chapter Nine - The Struggles
Chapter Ten - The Little Trip
Chapter Eleven- Healing
Chapter Twelve- Nesting
Chapter Thirteen- The Talk
Chapter Fourteen - New Life
Chapter Fifteenth - He's Dead
Chapter Sixteen - A Crumbled Kookie
Chapter Seventeen - Becoming One's Self Again
Chapter Eighteen - Powers
Chapter Nineteen - Revenge
Chapter Twenty - Red Handed
Chapter Twenty One - Sleeplessness
Chapter Twenty Two- Velveteen Rabbit
Chapter Twenty Three - Breakfast
Chapter Twenty Four - Stuck In The Mud
Chapter Twenty Five - Hide and Seek Tag
Chapter Twenty Six - Picnic and Cuddles
Chapter Twenty Seven - The Nest Began With Us
Chapter Twenty Eight - Preparations
Chapter Twenty Nine - The Hunt
Chapter Thirty - Warning
Chapter Thirty One - Explanations
Chapter Thirty Two - Apologies
Chapter Thirty Three - Park Nest
Chapter Thirty Four - Possesive
Chaptet Thirty Five - Snap
Chapter Thirty Six - Too Much
Chapter Thirty Seven - The Gayageum Man
Chapter Thirty Eight - Scent
Chapter Thirty Nine - Steps
Q and A
Chapter Fourty - Comfort
Chapter Fourty One - Results
Chapter Fourty Two - Life
Chapter Forty Four - Training
Chapter Forty Five - A New Bond
Chapter Forty Six - Anger and Abandonment
Chapter Forty Seven - It Happens Sometimes
Chapter Forty Eight - Remedies
Chapter Forty Nine - Sorted
Chapter Fifty - Mate Day
Chapter Fifty One - The Process
Chapter Fifty Two - Animal Instincts
Chapter Fifty Three- The Final Processs
Chapter Fifty Four - Jung Hyun-Ki
Chapter Fifty Five - Talking isn't Easy
Chapter Fifty Six - Goodbye
Chapter Fifty Seven - Pain
Chapter Fifty Eight - Something New
Chapter Fifty Nine - Coming Together
Chapter Sixty - Starting To Plan
Chapter Sixty One- Find Me
Chapter Sixty Two - The Planning, The Losing and The Braking
Chaptet Sixty Three - Found You
Chapter Sixty Four - Held Close
Chapter Sixty Five - Let's Go
Chapter Sixty Six - Home Sw-.... Home.
Chapter Sixty Seven - Trying To Cope
Chapter Sixty Eight - Things Get Worse Before They Get Better
Chapter Sixty Nine - We Need To Sort This Out
Chapter Seventy - Healing Takes Time
Chapter Seventy One - Trying
Chapter Seventy Two - Time To Go
Chapter Seventy Three - Clean Up
Chapter Seventy Four - Building
Chapter Seventy Five - Freedom
Chapter Seventy Six- It Doesn't Hurt

Chapter Forty-Three - Agust D

8.8K 367 244
By BTSBunny02

Through his small peak Jungkook felt his fear double, maybe triple. He wasn’t even sure anymore. It wasn’t even fear that he was feeling now because he was miles past that point. His brain was clouding over and part of it screamed for him to run, even though his body wouldn’t cooperate with the plan. The other part was willing Yoongi to be there, saving him from not just this terrifying creature but the new animal that was now there.

Had he not been so worked up he would have been mesmerized by the beauty of this new being near him. They were as white as snow with stripes on it as black as coal, a complete contrast to itself, like Yin and Yang. The creature was tall as well, at least three foot ten inch on all four and it could easily be ten foot on its hind legs when it stood up, towering over all those around it, making this white tiger a very vicious opponent to all those in the forest at any time. The creature was strong as well, it was clear to see that it would be able to take anyone down without any effort at all. 

A white tiger.

They were beautiful, there was no denying that at all. They were majestic and surreal. Like any good predator in this world they drew you in with their unearthly looks, their complexion making you feel the need to be closer, to touch them and hold the being you can see, then once you were close enough to them they killed you. They took your life.

Like a siren.

This was no sirin though, this was a white tiger and it could be argued that they were more dangerous. At the very least this one was because they had a target and no one will get in the way of this hunter and their victim.

Jungkook just felt lucky that at this second he wasn’t the one that was on the receiving end of the animal. Of course that made sense though, who would go for the tiny bunny who would just roll over and die when you could have a fight with a savage wolf first. Have some fun food for a main meal then enjoy an easy dessert. At least that is what Jungkook thought the current situation was.

‘I have to run. I have to go!’ Jungkook thought, trying to make himself move and get away from here. He was beyond grateful that finally his body listened to the commands of his brain and he turned to run away from here.

It didn’t last long.

New arms were around his waist and holding tightly onto him so that he couldn’t move away. “Shhh, I’ve got you, calm down. You’re okay, Koo.” The voice said that was keeping him in place but he couldn’t calm down enough to even realise who it was or register that they knew his name. “Koo, it’s Rocky, you’re okay, you’re safe, I have you.” He promised him as he tried to keep Jungkook still. He knew he had to get the nestling to calm and he needed to do so quickly. “You are safe, me and Yoongi have you, we won’t let anything bad happen to you. Your mate is keeping you alive right now, just open your eyes and you will see, he won’t let that unbonded hurt you, not now, not ever.” Rocky said as he hoped to somehow calm Jungkook down.

Eunwoo was soon there and just in time as Jungkook got out of Rocky’s hold and was trying to get away. “Kookie, calm down.” He said, “Yoongi will be here soon.” Eunwoo said, not realising that he was already here because he wasn’t paying attention.

“He’s right there, Eunwoo, he’s the tiger but I can’t get Jungkook to calm down  enough to realise that.” Rocky said, panicking himself as he knew it was important to get the nestling to calm down or he could end off in a worse state then he already was.

Blood was still coming from the nestling's leg where they were caught by the claws of the unbonded and his arm was throbbing from where he fell on his arm. “Kookie, breath, look, Yoongi is right there protecting you.” Eunwoo said as he kept his hold on Jungkook and moved so Jungkook would easily see the tiger that now had the unbonded pinned and went in for the kill.

The tiger sunk its untouched claws into the unbonded and growled before biting into its neck and crushing the windpipe off the creature that dared to try and take their doe eyed love. No one tried to take any of his loves from him.

“See, that’s Yoongi. Like when he is in his Suga form, he is just a little bigger right now.” Rocky said as he tried to think of how to calm Jungkook down. He sighed a little as he saw realistation on Jungkook’s eyes but it wasn’t much of an improvement.

The tiger pulled the last of the life out of the unbonded and went straight over to Jungkook and turned for Eunwoo to put the nestling on his back. He wanted to be back with his mates and Jungkook needed them so much right now, they didn’t have time to spear.

Eunwoo picked Jungkook up and put him on the tiger's back before the animal when running off back to the house. He made sure Rocky was with him and caught up to the tiger, it wasn’t safe to be out here in a small group, where one unbonded was more probably were.

As they got closer to the home the tiger let out another lud roar to try and alert his mates of their approach. 

Jin smiled as he held Jimin closer to him, playing with his hair in the tranquil silence of their living room. Beside them was Namjoon, his legs crossed as he read a book. There was a comfortable and warm atmosphere around them. Everyone was just calm and enjoying their time.

Until the deafening roar was heard.

“What was that?” Jin side, suddenly alert with his arms tightening around Jimin instinctively to keep his Maknae safe as he looked to Namjoon, feeling like if anyone had an answer it would be him, if the animal that made the sound was close enough.

“I think that was Yoongi-Hyung.” Namjoon said, confused by it as he stood up and headed towards the kitchen’s back door but Jin stopped him.

“I’ll go first.” He said as he put Jimin down, “Go and find Tae and Hoseok, just in case this isn’t Yoongi.” He said, not wanting Jimin in harm's way. He would rather Namjoon wasn’t either but if another of his mates were in danger he didn’t think he could handle it on his own.

When they opened the back door and stepped out Namjoon was hit with Yoongi’s thoughts. “Hyung, Jungkook is hurt.” Namjoon said, running towards where the tiger was when he saw the animal with Jungkook on his back.

Jin was there first though, taking Jungkook into his arms as soon as he could and holding him as close as he could.

“Namjoon get some hot water, Eunwoo get some towels, Rocky get me some bandages and Yoongi, once you have changed back, get our mates, Jungkook needs them.” He said, already heading back inside with Jungkook. “Don’t worry baby, we have you. Nothing bad is going to happen. Just trust me.” Jin said.

Jungkook’s shock seemed to come to an end as they walked back into the house and everything that had happened hit him all at once. Like a tsunami crashing into a beach, the effects were devastating. The pain in his legs were the deep cuts lay were aganising and he felt the reality of how he had just almost lost all of his mates. He was almost taken from them.

Without his consent, tears began to fall from his eyes and a sob escaped him as he clung to Jin a lot like he had that morning after his nightmare. It had almost become real. Fear wrapped his chet in a tight hold and threatened to take all of his breath away from him. “T-they tried to take me.” He finally sobbed, the words almost coming out like a scream due to the hysteric state that he was in.

“I know baby, I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry my love.” He said as he cried Jungkook into his room and lay Jungkook down on his bed. The Park nest would end off coming in so he didn't want to go into Jungkook’s room because the last thing their precious nestling needed was the Park nest in his own private space right now.

Tae was the first to join them. He could feel the band that Jungkook felt around his chest, he could feel the fist that grabbed at his heart and threatened to make it pop, if such a thing were actually possible. “Hey, baby Koo, look who I brought with me.” Tae said as he approached his distraught maknae with Bora, it might not be much but he wasn’t sure what else he could bring to try and cheer Jungkook up.

Jungkook looked over to Tae as he passed Bora over to him but the light normally put in his eyes didn’t appear, just more tears as he held his arms out for Tae instead. As much as he loved his Bora, his mate was infinitely better than his sloth.

Tae moved and sat on the bed beside Jin and took Jungkook off of him. “I’ll be two minute, I promise I will be back quickly.” Jin said as he tried to move away but Jungkook had a tight hold on his shirt, almost like the nestling feared that if he let go of Jin right now he would lose him forever and he would never see him again. “Baby, I need to go and get you something and if you don’t let go of me I can’t help you.” He told him as he tried to get Jungkook’s grip off of him. He needed to get Jungkook some shorts because he couldn't treat the cuts on Jungkook’s legs when he was wearing jeans but he knew that Jungkook wouldn’t feel comfortable in just boxers since there was a chance of the Park nest walking in and out of the room, and the fact that Jungkook just preferred to be fully dressed.

“Come on, Kookie, you know he will come right back and I’m not going anywhere so you don’t need to worry about being on your own.” Tae said as he managed to help Jin get out of Jungkook’s hold.

Jimin came running into the room and all but threw himself at Jungkook. “Oh my baby. My poor, poor, little Koo.” He said as he pressed kissed all over Jungkook’s face and held him close as he tried to calm down from his shock over what had happened to Jungkook.

Jin used Jimin fussing over Jungkook to leave the room and go get some short for their nestling. He passed his other mates who all had what he had asked of them and even Eunwoo and Rocky. The whole house was filled with panic and worry over the youngest of them, wanting to do anything and everything they could to help the one in need. He grabbed the shorts for Jungkook and ran back to his room. Jungkook had calmed from the presence of his mates anf was now sitting in Hoseok’s lap with Jimin and Taehyung either side of them, Suga in his lap with Bora on top of him and Namjoon in front of him. He was nested in his nest.

Eunwoo and Rocky were there also, sat to the side of the bed. They had seen the state that Jungkook was in and either because Jungkook was so sweet and so young or his allure ability that was stronger now than ever, they had stayed so they could make sure the boy had calmed down and was okay. When Jin came back and Jungkook seemed somewhat settled they got up, “Feel better soon, Koo.” Rocky said with a smile as he left with his mate to join their own.

“Right, let’s get you sorted out little Doe.” Jin said with a smile as he took Namjoon’s previous sitting position and passed Suga to Taehyung so he could get at Jungkook’s legs. He took off the boy’s torn jeans and replaced them with shorts before looking at the cuts on his legs. They were pretty deep cuts since the nails of an unbonded vampire were as sharp as claws, yet another way in which they creature, some form of mutated beast. 

He began by applying a small amount of pressure to the torm area on the nestling’s leg, causing him to whimper and try to move away but Hoseok held him a little bit tighter and pressed kissed to his neck and back, any area he could reach, in a desperate hope to calm the boy and distract him for the pain he knew the action caused. “Shh, baby, it’s going to be okay, Jin-Hyung is going to make it all better and then you can boss us about all day until you feel better.” Hoseok said, even though they already did everything for Jungkook without him even asking them too.

“Namjoon, can you apply pressure to the other leg so we can try and get the bleeding stopped, I can’t do anything while he is bleeding.” Jin said, not wanting to ignore another cut and let it bleed while he dealt with one leg, he needed them both done.

Namjoon nodded and moved so he could apply a small amount of pressure to the other leg to help stop the bleeding, “Sorry, Bambi.” He said, not wanting to cause Jungkook any pain but what choice did he have? This was the only way to clean up Jungkook’s wounds.

After keeping the pressure up for five minutes Jin decided that it would be enough. “This is going to sting a little bit, Koo, but we have to clean them, okay?” He asked Jungkook with a sorrowful small smile. He got the small towels he had asked for and soaked one of them in the warm water and rang it out before he started to gently clean the area around the cut first since that wouldn’t hurt quite as much.

Jungkook whimpered the closer Jin got to his cuts and started to try and get closer to the cuts. “Kookie, I know it feels horrible and I’m so sorry baby but you have to stay still, I need to treat these cuts.” Jin said, his heart shattering into thousands of pieces as he saw the tears forming in Jungkook’s eyes and he had to accept the fact that he put them there.

“It is almost done Koo.” Jimin said as he whipped away a few of the boys tears as he watched Jungkook’s arm tighter around Bora more. “Then you can relax and just cuddle with Bora and all of us, does that sound good?” Jimin asked him with a smile as he ran a hand through his hair.

“He’s going to need some blood at some point as well, he didn't get a chance to hunt and he’s lost a lot of it.” Yoongi said, having changed back since he  couldn’t curl up on Jungkook’s lap to give him comfort. That’s what he did often when his mate was in pain but since Jungkook’s cuts were on the back of his calves there was no way to curl up on Jungkook’s lap.

“Could you give him some in a little bit? Your blood will be the freshest and it will be better for him.” Jin asked Yoongi as he finished cleaning one leg and moved on to the next one.

“Of course, I’m always more than happy to.” Yoongi said with a smile as wiped away a few tears from Jungkook’s face as the pain of the cuts being cleaned hurt him. “It’s almost done.” He told him as he rubbed his head up and down Jungkook’s back.

Once booth legs were cleaned up Jin put everything to the side, he put some bandages around Jungkook’s legs and kissed Jungkook lightly on his forehead. “Right, I’ll go and make a dressing to stop infections and help speed up the healing.” Seokjin said and pressed a gentle kiss on Kookie’s forehead. “Get some rest sweetheart.” He told Jungkook since he looked like he was tired.

Jungkook nodded with a small smile as he lay down properly and curled up a little bit, moving his legs a little as possible. He held Bora closer to his chest and sighed a little bit, he was so tired from everything that had happened and he wasn’t even sure if his brain had fully registered everything just yet. 

“Kookie, don’t sleep just yet, you need some blood in you.” Yoongi said as he very gently took Jungkook into his arms and pulled him into his lap, his neck on show for his mate to make it easy for him.

Jungkook lazily leaned up and wrapped his arms around Yoongi’s neck, bringing his mouth to Yoongi's neck and slowly sinking his teeth into his neck, slowly taking in the cherry flavoured blood. It was soothing to be drinking it not just because it normally was a comfort and a soothing experience for him but this time it was because it told him he was still with them. The Unbonded hadn’t taken him and his mate, along with Eunwoo and Rocky, had saved him and brought him back to his mates.

He was asleep before he had even drunk all that much blood, not that anyone was all that surprised. Yoongi gently moved Jungkook from his neck and put him in between himself and Hoseok. He lay down and pulled the sleeping nestling close to him while Hoseok did so on the other side of Jungkook after placing Bora in the bunny's arms.

“We’re going to have a lot to talk about later,” Jin said as he looked at Jungkook and Yoongi. There was so much that had just happened that they hadn’t even talked about the fact that Yoongi had some how running back in the form of a white tiger, “it can wait though, rest my loves.” He told them all as he stood up and left to make what he needed to.

Like the good mates they were, the rest of the nest cuddled up around each other, the stress and worry had knocked a lot of energy out of them all so they didn’t really feel up to doing anything else anyway.

When Jin came back he gently applied the cream to Jungkook’s legs, not wanting to wake the boy up from his sleeping state. He wanted nothing more than to cuddle up with his mates after that but he knew that the Park nest was worried about Jungkook so he went to see them, wanting to let them know that the nestling was fine. He also wanted to talk to MJ about something important and top secret.

“Is he okay?” Rocky asked as soon as he saw Jin. Sure Jungkook hadn’t been the most welcoming person when he first met him but that was because he was a confused and scared nestling who had been through a lot. Rocky knew that and understood it, plus Jungkook was doing so much better so he was determined to be Jungkook’s friend and he didn’t like his friends being even slightly hurt.

“He’s fine, a little shaken up but he’s fine. We have him sleeping right now and there is a lot we need to all talk about when he wakes up but there isn’t anything we need to worry about at this current moment.” Jin promised them all. He could see how much this nest had warmed up to the nestling and it filled his heart with warmth and a sense of security, it made him feel better because he knew that should anything happen for him to not know where Jungkook was here were six people who would help them find Jungkook or look after him should the need arise. “MJ, I need to talk to you,” Jin said.

MJ nodded and got up, he could tell that Jin ment in private so he followed him out of the room, “Is everything okay?” He asked.

“I’ve been thinking of the best way to protect our mates, both our nests, but it comes with a risk that I don’t want to put them through without knowing it will work.” Jin told him once the two of them were alone. His mates were asleep so he didn’t have to worry about them hearing and he knew Namjoon’s mind reading ability would be working so hard to pick up on any possible nightmare Jungkook might have that it wouldn’t pick up on his own thoughts. What he was doing was wrong, he knew that. He knew he shouldn’t be doing this but he had to make sure his mates were safe and he knew that they wouldn’t agree to it so he had to go behind their backs because if that had even a small chance of working then they needed to go for it.

“Seokjin-Hyung, you aren’t thinking what I think you are, are you?” MJ asked as he got a feeling that Jin was planning something that wasn’t all that safe. It would be effective but not always worth the risk.

“I am. I have to keep them safe and you have to keep you mates safe. I think this is the best way to do so and the risk is minimal now, we have Jungkook, he can enhance my healing skills so if it doesn’t work then Jungkook can help me.” Jin told him.

“With no disrespect to you mate, what makes you think he could enhance your healing abilities that much?” MJ asked him, “He’s just a nestling.”

“His abilities are far stronger than that of a nestling. If my suspicions are correct, I think it was Jungkook’s enhancement abilities that allowed Yoongi to become the white tiger.” Jin told him, “You know I would never risk the safety of anyone without a real reason to do so and only after I got the risk as low as possible.” Jin told him.

“I think we are taking a huge risk if we try this, Jin-Hyung, but if you think this is for the best then we can try. Just not today. My mates are worried and your mates need you.” MJ said.

“Thank you, MJ. I will test my theory on Jungkook’s abilities before we do anything.” He told him before they both parted to go back to their mates.

He walked into the room and tried to clear his mind. He knew that Namjoon wouldn’t like his plan so he pushed the thoughts of his plan to the very back of his brain and put all of his thoughts on his mates instead. 

He got onto the bed and cuddled into them, not sleeping, just laying with them.

When they started waking up about an hour later Yoongi and Jin got up to go and make everyone some snacks, picky food they could eat while they were all together and had a chance to talk to each other about everything that had just happened.

“You feeling better Koo?” Eunwoo asked once they had all settled in Jin’s room with the rest of his mate, they had decided to all talk in Jin’s room so that they didn’t have to move Jungkook around too much and so that it was a little more comfortable for everyone. This resulted in an almost pile on type of occurrence on the bed. At the top of the bed where the headboard was the Kim’s sat, Jungkook on Hoseok’s lap, Yoongi to the left with Jimin in his lap and Namjoon to the right with Taehyung in his lap while Jin sat beside Yoongi and Jimin. On the bottom half of the bed, now with loads of pillows and extra blankets so that they could be really comfortable was the Park nest, they were sat with Sanha cuddled up in MoonBin’s lap on one side of the bed, Rocky and Eunwoo's lap, clinging to him slightly as they sat in the middle. It seemed that the two of them were rather affected by today’s event as well, no surprise there. Finally on the other side of Eunwoo and Rocky was MJ who had JinJin on his lap, both of them on high alert.

No one in the room could settle right now given the events of the day and it was making the room rather suffocating for Tae. All he could feel was sorrow and anxiety coming in waves off of everyone. It wasn’t their fault and at this point he was getting really good at dealing with it but it wasn’t very pleasant and Namjoon tried his best to help Tae, giving him small kisses and holding him closer, rubbing his back in soothing motions and whispering things to him as a form of distraction to it all.

“I’m okay, sorry for how I acted. I should have tried harder to stay calm.” Jungkook mumbled. He probably made the whole situation harder for everyone involved simply because he didn’t stay calm like he should have.

“You don’t have to apologise to us, Kookie. That was really scary and I think most of up would have reacted that way to what happened.” Rocky said with a small smile, “I would have responded the same way if I went through what you did.” He tolf him.

Jungkook nodded with a small smile. He cuddled into Hoseok more, being careful of his right arm which was really sore. He tried not to think of it as he didn’t want to worry anyone about it and because he was sure it would just go.

Too late though, as he moved he became aware of a flash of pain in his arm, a small wince being noticed by everyone in the room and Namjoon zeroed in on Jungkook’s thoughts.

“Why didn’t you tell anyone your arm was sore?” Namjoon asked, he kept his voice gentle as to not scare Jungkook but he made sure that the tone was just ever so slightly clipped to while Jungkook would know he wasn’t in trouble he still shouldn’t have done what he had. He should have told someone.

“I thought it would get better on its own and there were bigger problems.” He mumbled as he looked down just a little. He knew he should have said something but everyone was so worried about other things and e he didn’t want to cause a fuss over nothing.

“Baby, you have to tell us when you are hurt.” Namjoon said with a small sigh as he kissed Jungkook lightly on the forehead. “We want to keep you safe, happy and healthy and we can’t do that if you don’t tell us when you are hurt.” He told him.

Jungkook nodded a little bit, he knew he should tell them and he also knew Namjoon wasn’t mad at him or anything over this but he felt a little bad, he always kept things from them and that caused them more worry, he needed to stop that. He was working on being more honest with them about everything but he wasn’t quite there yet. 

“Let me see your arm.” Jin said as he moved a little bit closer to Jungkook with a gentle smile. He was careful as he took the nestling's arm. “Can you do me a favour, Koo?” Jin asked as he ran a hand through the youngest’s hair. Once he received a nod he smiled moree, “I want you to think about me healing your arm, I don’t mean just taking the pain away though, I mean I want you to think of it being completely better.” He told him.

Jungkook looked at Jin, he was confused by the request but instead of protesting and asking why he decided to just wait and see what happend. He closed his eyes and thought of the pain in his arm before thinking of Jin taking that pain away and fixing what caused it.

Jin smiled as he felt his abilities getting stronger and just as he expected it was because of Jungkook’s enhancement abilities, the boy was able to make Jin’s power strong and intern Jin was able to heal him. A nestling wouldn’t typically have much control of their powers at this stage though and they definitely would be as strong as possible at this stage either but that probably just meant that Jungkook’s skills were only going to get stronger as they lived their eternity together.

“I knew Jungkook had the ability of enhancement but I never thought it would be this strong, how did you know it would be?” Taehyung asked, his eyes wide and amazed. “It shouldn't really be that possible.”

“I wasn’t really sure until I saw Yoongi today in the form of a white tiger. While that could have come on because his mate was in danger I didn’t think so because there was no signs of it happening so it had to be something else. Plus one unbonded isn’t that hard for Yoongi to be.” 

“Yeah, I guess.” Tae said with a small nod, “Does the tiger have a name?” Tae asked Yoongi, sure it sounded random and a little bit off context, they should be talking about the fact he was a tiger and Jungkook had caused it but he just really wanted to know. Maybe it was childish of him or something but there was a cool tiger and ve wanted to k ow more about that rather than the complexity that was understanding Jungkook’s gift.

“His name is Agust D.”


5048 Words!

So Kookie was okay, are people happy about that or would they rather he was taken away from his mates for the drama?

This is far from the end of the Unbonded, its just the beginning and Jin is ready to bring the fight to them. They're threatening his mates and they almost took one, he won't stand for that.

What is Jin actually planning though? Any ideas?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was a little iffy to me, like I thought some parents were okay but others I plan on revisiting and editing a little bit in the future.

So I kind of want to ask questions each week that aren't book related. I just kind of want to have more interactions with people who read this book because I love talking to you all.

Obviously you don't have to answer the questions if you don't want to. I will ask the question in this chapter and in the next chapter I will answer the same question I asked.

So for this first week I'm going to ask the most typical question I can that most ARMY have probably been asked 1000+ times:

Who is your bias?

I know a lot is going on all around the world and a lot of people are really struggling. If you ever need someone to talk to just send me a message and I'll help you all in anyway I can.

Please stay safe and stay healthy.

Love you all. 💜💜

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