Ignis // Leo Valdez

By Always_sane

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Ignis fatuus; noun, Latin ig·​nis fat·​u·​us | \ ˈig-nəs-ˈfa-chə-wəs , -ˈfach-wəs \ 1 : a light that someti... More

Welcome Children
The First Punch
I stopid
Social Butterfly
Campfires and Fire boys
A Little filler
Well this sucks.
Stop Being So Cute!
The Fire Elf & His Pet Dragon
New Friends: The Sequel
I Do Not Like Him!
Taco Date?
So I Guess We're Dating...?
Competitions With Crazy
I Hate Water
Worth It
Soft Spot
Pranking Percy >:D
My Dream Date
Various Scenes I Wanted to Add But Couldn't Pt. 1
The Devils Game
Last Day Of Summer
Potential Final Goodbyes
Monsters & Sacrifices
Am I Dead?
The World Is Cruel
I Don't Like My Dreams
I Loved You
Happy Birthday
Miss you
Deadly Revenge
You Are So Annoying
Wake Up
I'm Bored, Love Me
I'm a Great Actor
Parties & Speeches
Two Stupid Bisexuals Waltzing
Various Scenes I Wanted to Add But Couldn't Pt. 2
Acceptance Is Key
Boring Explanations
Old and New Memories
The End of Act 1
Ok so...
An Average Weekend
An Average Argument
Months PT. 2
Piece of Human Garbage
Uno Reverse Bitc-
For The Rest Of My Life
The Next Generation

Last Few Minutes

328 13 5
By Always_sane

Kyra's POV ^^^^

Pretty. That was the first thing I thought when I saw her. She was simply...perfect. In every way.

I remember that exact moment in Las Vegas when I was digging through a dumpster outside a buffet restaurant for food. Of course, no one saw me like usual. It had been a year since Baba died and I was homeless and starving. It had also been a year that no one had seen me since I just lived in the shadows. It was a suitable life for a filthy, pathetic, disgusting Nyx kid.

That was until they walked out of that infamous casino, accompanied by... well... I don't really remember. A monster, a fury maybe, in a black, crisp suit. The two small kids were about to get into the sleek, expensive car when they whipped their heads towards me like they knew, or felt, my presence. I remember the exact moment when their eyes locked onto mine, the first eyes I'd seen in a year. Gorgeous black eyes. And just like that I was hooked onto them.

I shadow traveled into the trunk of the car and followed them up to that cursed boarding school and stayed with them ever since. Half the time I was there they thought I was weird ghost but I explained I was demigod and they could've been too. I found out later I was right. I can still account the first time I spoke to her and she hit me upside the head with a book, hard, thinking I was a murderer. I think that was the moment I started having a crush on her. And then later, I had completely fallen for her.

I loved how when she smiled, a rare blessing, how her nose scrunched up or how her eyes shined when she was really happy. In all her grace and beauty, I was astonished when she secretly pecked my lips before she left on the quest with the Hunters of Artemis. The last time I would ever see her again. Alive, I mean.

"Wait for me, okay?" That was the last thing she said to me before the quest. We had promised when she got back I would officially join the hunters and I could shadow jump us both back to Nico when he needed us. That was the plan. Our plan.

And I waited. Even when Percy came back and told Nico she was dead. Even when she told me that I had to move on. Even when she was reincarnated. I waited.

I couldn't move on and I think I was the reason Nico couldn't move on. I forced him to grieve her with the constant reminder of her by me sticking around because I was too pathetic to leave him alone. Because that would mean I would be alone. I selfishly couldn't go back to isolation, not after finally getting attached.

A piece of my heart still belonged to her, I still missed her like hell, and it still hurt me not having her around but everyday it hurt a little less. I can live with that feeling. I got used to that feeling.

When I had finally let go of her, I met him. Gods, he's an idiot. A goofy, cute, smart, idiot. I hate him and I hate that he can me smile like an idiot. When I looked at him I realize I am not just some monster made from another monster or something that's only useful when I fix people but a person. A real person not some stupid curse to be around. He looks at me like I am the only person in the room. Just thinking about that stupid look he gives makes me want to cry, laugh, and scream in my pillow like a cliche hormonal girl. It's disgusting to think about.

And after all of that, after all I did to survive, I am dying from overuse of my powers. I can't catch a break, can I? I mean sure, I might be a blood thirsty monster but come on!

At least they wouldn't miss me. Elly and Jace have each other and their other friends. Piper has Jason, Hazel has Nico and Frank. Nico would probably be relieved to find out I had died, and Leo...he would move on, I'm sure. He could find a much prettier, smarter, livelier girl and be happy without me, probably happier. They all would. I had done my job the only way I could, to help entertain them as much as I could for the time being until I left. They were ready for me to leave.

But am I?

Gods, I had so much I wanted to do. I wanted to have another tea party with Hazel. I wanted to talk about movies with Piper, to get a hug from Nico when I returned after convincing him for an hour. I wanted to have another training session with Steph, talk about how the government sucks with Jace, and to talk about meaningless garbage with Elly underneath the shade of a tree. To have one more date with Leo and watch Godzilla Vs Kong with him while screaming about how I was right and how he plus his loser monkey were losers.

I just want one more day.

And I am going get that extra day even if I might be "unstable" or "a danger to society" as my therapist would put it.

I just needed to...

Wake up.

The first thing I wake up to is blood. Lots...and lots...and lots of blood. Deep red was splashed against the walls the back of the gas station, making the alleyway reek of copper. My eyes widened and slammed my hand over my mouth to keep myself from vomiting. I whipped around, taking in my horrid surrounding when I saw him. A lifeless corpse sitting against the building only a few feet away from me.

I screamed and scooted away from him, absolutely horrified. Tears blurred my vision as bile ran up my throat. I got a quickly started backing away from the scene but not getting too far before vomiting against a garbage can.

This can't be happening, this can't be happening. I didn't—I couldn't—

No it's not possible! I'm not...

I looked at my shaking hands, smeared with dried blood. I gulped as the impending fear settled in the pit of my stomach.

I guess I am my mother.

I took in a shaky breath and wiped my red eyes with my sleeve. I need to keep moving. The suns coming up and an employee might see me, gods know how they haven't already.

I slumped forward, my legs heaving out of the dark, bloody alleyway. When I had finally gotten out of that gods forsaken place the sun was peaking out of the trees, marking a new day. When I had passed out it was the middle of the afternoon. How long was I asleep?

I forced myself to continue walking as my stomach growled and my bones stabbed at my flesh in need of food. If my powers were back maybe I could shadow travel back to camp...

I slid under the shade of a tree and closed my eyes, concentrating on the image of camp in my mind and Leo's warm smile welcoming me back home. I opened my eyes, expecting all of that to be real. But it wasn't. I'm still here. I breathed in, kept it for a moment, and exhaled calmly, trying to contain my anger.

Then I punched the tree. Twice. Okay fine, I did it three times.

Apparently calmly breathing doesn't actually calm you.

After taking out my anger on the tree making my knuckles bleed I started walking west,  it knowing exactly where I was going.

I just needed to keep going.


After walking in a desolate forest for a while I reached a highway and followed it from there. I limped pathetically right next to it, bruises painted all over my skin and dried blood I couldn't get off still stuck to my forehead. How are mortals not calling the cops right about now. I mean, they'd probably shoot me before I would utter a word but still!

All of a sudden I got a strong sense of being watched. I reached for my tiny pocket knife, shocked it made it this far. Rustling could be heard far away as I felt the ground shake slightly under my feet. I got in my fighting stance, positioning my mini knife that is practically useless against monsters in my hand. I braced myself as I felt the monster come closer and closer towards me.

I heard growls come from the trees making the resting birds scatter in the air and then I saw them. Three huge dogs appeared before me, hungry and ready to pounce. One looked to the middle one, who I assume was the leader of the pack, and barked. Or, should've barked. Instead he spoke. With words.

"What do we do with her?" The right hellhound asked the middle one making my eyes nearly pop out of my skull.

"Oh my gods, I'm actually insane. I've been driven insane," I muttered as I ran my fingers through my dirty, unkempt hair. My mind raced, trying to find a reasonable explanation for why I could possibly be hearing hellhounds speak.

"Obviously eat her, idiot!" Now that alarmed me.

"Uh...you don't want to eat me! I'm salty...?" I responded, making my answer sound more like a question. All of there heads whipped towards me and the leader growled.

"You...understand us? How?"

"Um...I think it's because I'm the daughter of Nyx? I mean, I never thought I could understand hellhounds but I've never actually talked to them before," I reasoned. They stepped back cautiously from me, except the leader who stepped forward, trying to staring me down.

"You? The daughter of Nyx? Please, that's impossible! There hasn't been one in over a millennium."

"Well, I am. And if you need any more proof than the fact I'm talking to you, that's your problem." I stated, annoyed I was wasting time talking to them when I should be walking.

"Now if you excuse me..." I added trying to get away from them, slowly walking away from them.

"Wait, what are you even doing this far out here alone? I thought your kind stayed at that half-blood place." The left hellhound piped up, a feminine voice coming out, surprising me.

"It's a long story but let's just say my powers are gone and I need to get back to camp," I sighed, getting sucked into this conversation again.

"Oh that's horrible! Why don't we help you? You can ride with us and we can shadow jump you right outside the-"

"Melanie!" The leader snapped at Melanie, interrupting her.

"What, Cole? She's Nyx's daughter, she's like are half-sister! We have to help her," Melanie argued with Cole apparently. Before he could respond the left one added to her argument.

"Melanie's right, we have to help her. Remember Nyx said to always help and obey her children-"

"Kieran! Shut. Up!" Cole growled at Kieran but I had already heard what he said.

"Wait, wait, wait. You have to listen to me?"

"No! You are just some pathetic demigo-"

"I really wouldn't finish that sentence," I threatened.

"What? What will you do if I do, huh?"

"I can tell my mother what you said at the next family reunion we have every year," I threatened, shockingly telling the truth. Ugh, family reunions are the worst but at least it's good for getting monsters to listen to you.

I really needed their help, no matter how much I cringed at the thought. I could already feel the fatigue and starvation settling through my body. It wouldn't be long before I would completely pass out.

"...Fine, get on Melanie," he grumbled, cuing her to lower her body for me to reach. I hopped on Melanie not-so-gracefully, wrapping my arms around her neck awkwardly.

"Here we go, kid!" Melanie exclaimed enthusiastically, smiling proudly at Coles irritated face. They sprinted to the shade of a tree and ran through the shadow. I felt the familiar sensation of darkness swallow me whole and closed my eyes. When I opened them I was surrounded by familiar trees as Melanie stopped and laid down to rest. I carefully got off and pet her awkwardly.

"Thank you," I whispered but only received a growl in return from Cole. I walked through the woods, feeling like I've walked this trial a hundred times before. My eyes were becoming to feel heavy as my legs heaved themselves forward. My body was beginning to completely shut down. Great.

I still fought through it though, heading towards the direction of camp. Ringing started echoing in my ears as I started to feel dizzy as I heard distant shouting that I couldn't make out.

I, I just needed to go a little farther...

And then I passed out. Again. Yay...

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