
By Junie_Bee_Jones

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🚨DISCONTINUED🚨 i re-read this book and... well, comparing it to my latest works, it kinda sucks. the story... More

France, Yippee!
First Day of School. Don't Screw Up!
Stoneheart - Part One
Stoneheart - Part Two
The Bubbler
Lady Wifi
Dark Cupid
What A Day
Guitar Villain
I'm sorry, Adrien
The Guardian
The Collector
Riposte - Bonus
The Sapotis
Captain Hardrock
The Queen's Battle Pt 1
The Queen's Battle Pt 2
A/N - Sorry
Anansi... kinda

Party Crasher

103 5 0
By Junie_Bee_Jones

Mari is struggling with her tree so I step in to help her get the plant in the pot. She breathes heavily at the action. We are planting trees by the Seine because Mylene asked us to help her. I carry another tree to its pot with a bit of struggle, only stumbling when I yawn or my vision goes slightly blurry. I didn't get much sleep last night because I was on the phone with my friends from (hometown) all night. Life really was simpler back in (hometown), crazy how hectic my life got in the past few months. 

"Hey, weren't the guys supposed to be here?" Mari asks the group. I stuff my tree in the pot and barely catch myself from collapsing from exhaustion. 

Alya pulls out her phone. "Nino got a last-minute DJ-ing gig at his grandma's birthday party," she reads the text from Nino.

"Ivan suddenly got a toothache and rushed over to the dentist," Mylene adds. 

"Nathaneal's computer crashed and lost all the pages of the comic book he and Marc are doing," Alix reads her text. "Max and Markov are helping them fix it."

"Kim had to go to the pool for a mandatory swimming practice," Rose squeaks. "Although I'm not sure why he texted me that."

I giggle at Rose's sentence. Yeah, I'm not sure why Kim would send her that either. If anything, I would've expected him to text me if he had to cancel. I roll my eyes and step to get the next tree but my feet get tangled and I fall. Luckily Mari catches me. 

"Y/N, why are you so tired?" She asks. "Maybe you should get some rest."

"No, no," I tell her as I stand up. "I'm fine. Really."

Mari shakes her head and the other girls join her. "Seriously, girl," Alya says with care. "I know you want to help but just take a short nap. You can come back later, we'll be here all day." The others nod along with her. I sigh knowing they will force me into a bed if I don't comply.

"Okay, okay," I concede. I actually do need the sleep though. Not only did I stay up until 3 AM talking to my (hometown) friends but Akumas are taking a lot out of me. Bakerix was a doozie but the bread was good, Gamer showed again and I got quite a few bruises during that, and for some reason, Tom got akumatized into Weredad when he thought I stood Mari up for a dinner date - which I did not. Yeah, Weredad was a rough one, Tom really beat me up.

Anyway, I bid the girls farewell for an hour max and head home for some sleep. On the way, my vision gets really blurry so I start stumbling around. Melody has to fly out and try to keep me standing a few times. Jeez, I really need more caffeine. Or sleep, maybe sleep would be better.

"Y/N, be careful," Melody scolds softly. 

"I know, I know," I sigh. I look up and notice Adrien's house just down the street. "Y'know, I think I'll crash Adrien's house for a bit. I mean, I've done it before. I'm sure he won't mind."

"Okay," Melody agrees. "Be careful."

"Thanks, Mel." I find an alley and transform. I fly out of the alley and head straight for Adrien's window. 

I get there and perch myself on the window sill. All the boys seem to be throwing Adrien a party. Oh, so that's why they aren't planting trees. The boys stop what they're doing to stare in shock at me. 

"Perruche? What are you doing here?" Adrien asks. 

I open my mouth to answer but a yawn escapes me instead. "I'm here to protect you from a Hakuna Matata," I say tiredly. I look at my wrist, pretending there's a watch there. "But that's not for, like, another hour or so." I float in and hover over his bed. "Don't burn the place down," I say with a two-finger salute and then I collapse on Adrien's bed, completely blacked out.

Third Person POV

"Dude," Nino breathes. "Perruche just passed out on your bed." Everyone is staring in shock and confusion at the snoring superhero.

Adrien only gives her a glance before going back to playing the piano. "Yup," he agrees simply.

"Wha- How are you not freaking out?" Kim asks, still staring at the girl.

"Well, knowing her, I'm not surprised she's doing this," Adrien explains. 

"Why did she do that? Are you her friend?" Max asks.

Adrien only shrugs. "She's saved me a couple of times," he lies, kind of. "Quite the sense of humour." He turns back to Max who's admiring Adrien's videogame collection. "Let's get some music going. Believe me, once she's out, she's out."

Suddenly Nino gets a thought. "We could find out who she is," he suddenly realizes. "I mean, how does she know we won't take her Miraculous?"

Adrien tries to hide his smirk knowing exactly what will happen if they try. "Go ahead and try," he insists. "I dare you."

Kim suddenly becomes alert. "If it's a dare, I can't back down," he declares. He approaches the sleeping hero cautiously trying not to wake her. He reaches for her necklace but once his fingers are a few inches from the pendant her arm shoots out and nails the poor kid in the gut and sends him flying onto the couch. They stare in awe at the girl as she merely rolls over onto her back and starts snoring more.

Adrien is only chuckling at them. "Yeah, don't touch her. She's insane." They all nod and the party slowly gets started again as everyone recovers from the crazy feeling of having a sleeping superhero in the same room. 

The party goes on and Nathaneal and Marc join the five original boys. They also stare in awe at the hero. Nate draws a quick sketch of her sleeping and Marc is suddenly inspired to write a story about this. He secretly hopes she'll wake up because he has heard of her sense of humour.

Max, Nino and Adrien are looking at the music situation. "Wow, Adrien your house has enough power to be a nuclear power plant," Max observes. 

"My father always gets the biggest and the best," Adrien shrugs.

Nino smiles broadly. "Then gimme the biggest and the best!" Markov plugs himself into the computer and does some programming to make the music as loud as it can get. When they press play, a sudden sound wave blasts from Adrien's speakers making everyone cover their ears. 

"Are you sure it isn't too loud?!" Adrien shouts over the blaring music.

"Are you kidding?" Nino shouts back. "This is how it's supposed to be for guy time!" He pauses and looks over to the bed where Perruche hasn't moved a muscle and is still snoring. "Well, guy plus sleeping superhero time," he corrects. 

Suddenly a loud whistle is heard. They pause the music and Officer Roger is standing at the door. Max hands the bodyguard another Superhero figurine to keep him quiet about this to Adrien's father.

"What is the meaning of this?" Officer Roger asks. He suddenly realizes Perruche on the bed. "And what's she doing here?"

"Sorry officer," Adrien looks down sheepishly. "Perruche is just protecting us in case of an Akuma. And we were just-"

"Doing a school project!" Nino interrupts. "We're working on a school project."

"What's the project? Eardrum damage?" Roger asks sarcastically.

"No, uh..." Nino looks over at the foosball table. "Uh, foosball!" He says excitedly.

Roger looks to the foosball table and marches over. "You're doing it wrong! Lemme show you how it's done." He takes Ivan's place and starts moving the tiny men expertly. He scores a goal and everyone cheers. Looks like the party gained another member.

A few minutes later, Thomas Astruc, the movie director and Vincent, Adrien's photographer show up as well. They come in, question Perruche but when the boys brush it off they do too. They join Nate and Marc in photographing her for inspiration. Soon Kim joins them and asks for some funny photos of him with her. He poses beside her doing a shocked face, he picks her up bridal style to pretend he's saving her. Marc and Nate join the fun and they both kiss one of her cheeks, surprised that she even allowed them to do that. Kim tries to take it a step further and pretends she's sleeping beauty, posing as if he'll kiss her but she reacts and punches him to the second floor making everyone star in awe at the once again motionless hero then laugh at poor Kim. 

They continue taking photos of the boys having fun at the party, some others taking photos with Perruche but no one dared touch her again. 

A few minutes later, a helicopter flies to Adrien's window with Jagged Stone hanging out the side.

"Hey, Adrien!" He shouts through a megaphone. "Lovin' the tunes! Rock'n'roll!" He jumps from the helicopter into Adrien's room and joins the party. He sees Perruche and does the normal 'shock, acceptance, then party like she isn't there' routine like everyone else. 

More and more people show up. Luka, Jalil the Jackass, some trumpet player, D'Argencourt, Mayor Bourgeois, Andre the Ice Cream guy, the Pidgeon guy, Chloe's butler, a firefighter, a magician, Mr. Banana, Damocles as Night Owl, a construction worker, a Mexican man and some other random people as well. All of them going through the 'shock, acceptance, then party like she isn't there' routine when they notice Perruche. 

Max dumps a bucket of confetti over a fan so the tiny pieces of paper fly everywhere. Everyone is having an amazing time.

"Is hangout time always like this?" Adrien asks Nino. 

"No, but it should be!" Nino laughs. 

D'Argencourt picks up a record and recognizes it as the band StationNation.

"Oh, this takes me back to my youth," he sighs nostalgically.

Andre suddenly slides to his side. "We could do the Holiday-Camp dance!" He cheers. 

"No, we can't," the fireman sighs.

"Why not, Captain Hessenpy?" Officer Roger demands.

"Nothing dangerous about that," a janitor adds.

"No look," Captain Hessenpy points to the record case. "We've got the butler, the ice-cream man, the policeman, the janitor, and I can do the fireman, but we're missing..."

They all look at the final member. "The moustachioed biker," they all sigh. 

"Gentleman," Adrien speaks up. "I think you can do your dance after all." He pulls the Mexican man towards him. 

"The moustachioed biker!" They all cheer. 

Adrien puts the song on and they all start doing the dance. Everyone cheers at the performance while Perruche sleeps soundly. They dance for half the song before another person barges through Adrien's door. The sudden stop of the music and everyone's gasps makes Perruche groggily awaken.


My strange dream suddenly becomes black as everything becomes eerily quiet. My eyes flicker open and I notice that the party has increased from five guys to about thirty or so. And there's a man that looks like the embodiment of disco standing at the door. Ugh. I quickly text Mari that there is an Akuma at the Agreste mansion.

"So, Adrien," the disco man says. "Too busy for your main fan? Well, I'll make sure you never forget to invite me to one of your parties ever again!" Oh, this is probably Wayem.

People start laughing at him but he retaliates by zipping around and touching people with his disco ball hands. He also touches Markov. I groan loudly and everyone stops to look at me. The Akuma looks very confused as to why I'm here. Probably more confused as to why I'm not attacking him. 

"Ugh, I was joking when I said I was here for a Hakuna Matata," I yawn while cracking my neck loudly. "Can't a bird get some sleep around here?" I get out of bed and walk up to Adrien. "Dude, can you slap me? I need a wake-up call." He just stands there, very confused about my request. The disco man is also too confused to think properly and just stares at me. "Oh, my lord... Who's man enough to slap me?" I ask the crowd. Luka walks up to me and slaps me across the face.

Everyone gasps but I only start laughing. I meet Luka's eyes and he looks scared for a moment. I only place a friendly hand on his shoulder. "Good on you man," I compliment. "That took some balls." I finally face the Akuma, cracking my knuckling menacingly. "Okay, Disco Wannabe, let's dance!" I take to the sky and get a few good hits in before flying out the window hoping he'll follow me. He does. 

I lead him to the street where Chat and Ladybug meet me. "Fools!" He shouts. "All I need is to touch you and your Miraculous will be mine!" He starts attacking us and we dodge. I fly up while Ladybug swings away and Chat attacks. He runs, fakes the attack and jumps over the Disco man. However, Disco seemed to know exactly what Chat was going to do. Before Chat lands, he kicks the kitty to the ground. Disco tries to touch him but I swoop in and carry Chat to higher ground where Ladybug joins us.

"His power must be anticipating your moves," I observe. 

"We're gonna have to figure out how to surprise him," Ladybug adds. Before she can call up her Lucky Charm, Disco shoots a beam of silver-something at us so we all have to dodge. 

As we land, he captures Ladybug. Oh shit. I land too but Disco didn't seem to notice.

"Why are you so hard to read?" He asks me. He throws a few punches but I dodge and manage to kick him in the gut. He flies a few feet back looking at me strangely. "Why can't I anticipate your moves?"

"You don't know what I'm doing, because I don't even know what I'm doing," I quip. I continue to fight with him having trouble sensing where I'm going to go. CHat helps me but the guy it just too good.

He lands a kick on me so I go flying back. Shit, I need something to distract him so can get his glasses. That's it!

"Sorry Disco, but I need to take a raincheck on this fight," I say before floating into the air. "I need another nap. Chat, keep him busy!" I rocket into the sky leaving him in the dust. Thankfully, he can't anticipate my moves so I can escape. Hopefully, Chat can take him long enough

I fire across the sky to Master Fu. I crash through the window, startling him.

"Perruche! What's the matter?"

"I don't have much time," I pant. "I need the Monkey Miraculous."

"What? Why?"

"Because I need him for Uproar. It'll be able to distract this Akuma while I get the jump on him."

"Very well." He reveals the miraculous box from its gramophone and opens it. I quickly snatch the headband and fire back to the mansion. I definitely need Kim.

I fly into the bathroom where Kim is swimming in the jacuzzi. I pull him out and plop him on the floor.

"Perruche!" His eyes widen. "You're not mad are you?"

I tilt my head. Mad about what? "What? No, I need your help," I tell him. He stands before me very confused. "Lê Chiến Kim, this is the Miraculous of the Monkey. I need your help in defeating this Akuma with the power of disruption." He takes the box with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. "When the mission is over, you will return the Miraculous to me. Can I trust you?"

"You can trust me, Perruche," he nods firmly. He opens the box and Xuppu pops out. "Well, aren't you cute?"

"I'm not cute!" Xuppu growls. "My name is Xuppu, you nitwit!" She blows a raspberry at him. 

"I'm not a nitwit! My name's Kim!" He starts sticking his tongue out and making faces at her. 

Oh, good lord. "Guys! Focus!"

Kim flinches before putting the headband on. "Just say 'Showtime' already," Xuppu complains.

Kim says the word and transforms. "Okay, King Monkey," I say. "Use your Uproar to distract the Akuma. Xuppu will explain how."

As Xuppu is explaining in Kim's head, I lead them out to the front of the mansion. There, Chat is gone and Disco has created a helicopter with his disco ball hands.

"Hey!" I yell, grabbing his attention. "Ready for round two?"

"I'll crush you, birdbrain!" He insults. 

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, like I've never heard that one before. King, if you will please."

Kim nods and pulls up with Uproar which is the squeaky banana toy. He chucks it at Disco and I can't help but laugh at the reaction. At first, Akuma is really confused but then he jumps back in surprise at the sudden hallucinations I'm assuming he is having.

While he's distracted, I throw a knife at the helicopter which makes it explode and all the things and people trapped in it reappear. Once Ladybug and Chat are out I rush the Disco man. He tries to hit me but I dodge easily since his visions are still going and I steal his glasses. 

"Chat!" I throw the glasses to him and he Cataclysms them. 

Ladybug purifies the Akuma then conjures the Cure making everything go back to normal.

"What happened?" Both Ladybug and Chat ask me, looking curiously at King Monkey.

I shrug. "I had to get some help. Meet King Monkey," I present the new hero to them. "Now, I know you both have things to get back to and so do I..." I see Chat try to hide a smirk of amusement. "... So, King, let's go."

He bids the heroes goodbye and I take him back into the bathroom then lock the door. 

"Thank you for your help, Kim," I say as he removes the headband and hands it back.

"If you ever need me again, I'll be here," he smiles back.

"I'll keep that in mind," I smirk. "For now, you have a party to clean up."

"What? You were here too!"

"But I didn't party, did I?" I smirk. Before he can answer I float over to the window. "See ya!" I fly out with a two-finger salute. 

I fly out and return to the Seine where the girls are. I detransform before joining them.

"Y/N!" They all shout when they see me. 

"Did the guys show up yet?" I ask.

"Nope and they aren't answering their phones," Alya groans. 

I roll my eyes. "Lemma call Adrien." They crowd me as I dial his number.

It rings for a moment before he picks up. "Hello?"

"How was the party?" I ask deviously. He doesn't answer so I keep talking. "Put me on speaker please."

After a moment he says, "Okay, you're on speaker."

I sigh deeply and the girls back up in a reflex. "A little birdie told me that y'all had a good time," I say to the boys. "Make sure that house is clean before Mr. Agreste gets back."


"How did you know?" Nino asks. 

I chuckle. "Just clean the house and get down here. There are some pretty heavy trees that require big boy strength." The girls giggle at my teasing.

"What happened if we don't?" Kim's voice speaks.

"Well, the chance that Y/N will come here and drag us all to the Seine by our ears is one hundred percent," Max calculates. 

"Precisely," I say smirking. "Oh, And Luka? You're a fucking badass, dude! Anyway, time's a tickin' chop-chop." They hastily hang up after I hear sounds of scurrying and a crash. I laugh at their antics then look at the girls. "Give 'em ten minutes," I chuckle.

Not ten minutes later, all the boys, even Adrien, are racing towards us looking very sweaty.

I look at the girls with a smirk. "Told ya."



So, as I was watching this episode I realized that Viperion and Pegasus never actually are introduced until season 3 part 2 so Chat should have no idea who they are since this is season 3 part 1. So I just cut them out until their respective episodes. 

Anyway, hope you enjoyed and I'll you in the next one!


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